1 minute read

Profile Sultana Sisters

While most kids were going off to kindergarten, Katerina and Ivana Blekic were “running amuck” among the grapevines, learning skills that would set them up for future success.

The Mildura sisters continued to work on their family’s dried fruit and wine grape block throughout their school and university studies before starting full-time jobs away from the farm for the first time in their lives.

But when farming is in your blood, it’s almost impossible to stay away. Whenever they’re not working, Katerina and Ivana are spending time building their own business – The Sultana Sisters.

The young entrepreneurs launched their brand in 2018, delivering naturally dried sultanas, which they also package themselves, to a local and online market.

Together they are on a mission to deliver a quality product that promotes the Australian industry, empower consumers to understand how food is produced, and showcase young people in agriculture.

Read more in the November 2020 edition of the Vine magazine.

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