Workshops and workers
Fresh from the nimble industry development team
Based on the feedback you provided
agtech exhibitors will introduce
in our introductory visits, we're
themselves in initial two-minute
The team has been busy during the
facilitating some online maturity
speed presentations, with growers
workshops in August for growers in
able to further investigate individual
Emerald, Mundubbera and St George.
exhibitors, of specific interest to them,
past few months dodging Covid-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions to connect with growers in four different
Plant health workshops are also
planned for Western Australia and
Introductory one-on-one visits as
September and October respectively,
well as get togethers in the growing regions of Emerald, Mundubbera and St George in Queensland, and the
Queensland (Covid-19 permitting), in covering current pest and disease issues.
during the remainder of the event. Behind the scenes The team has also had input into the new edition of the Biosecurity Manual for Viticulture to ensure relevance to the table grape industry, the
Additionally, in conjunction with
next five-year Strategic Investment
Western Australia were completed
Citrus Australia, Dried Fruits
Plan (SIP) for Hort Innovation, and
during April and May. On both trips
Australia and SuniTAFE, we organised
is currently investigating chemical
we tried to see as many growers as
a “Frost, Farm Technology & Fruit
possible – however, we missed some
Fly” workshop for 31 August 2021.
and would love to catch up with you on
Industry speakers will present on
our next visits interstate. The more
frost mapping, return on investment
Growers Australia.
local visits to Sunraysia, Euston and
and control basics as well as fruit fly
As seasonal worker issues are not
Robinvale growers are continuing after
updates on predatory wasps, trapping,
going to go away, we are working
our stop/starts throughout June, July
spraying and monitoring. A number of
on some fact sheet material to help
and August.
innovative business and production
growers untangle some of the issues
Swan Valley and Carnarvon areas of
application timing scenarios through an Agriculture Victoria project with Summerfruit Australia and Cherry