On track for transformation MU RRAY R I V ER O R G A N I C S
Murray River Organics’ recent announcement to sell their Mourquong-based processing facility is a move away from their core roots as a grower and processor, but an impactful step towards a bright future for their growing branded retail range.
national presence in all major retailers across multiple categories.
Australia’s leading organic group, Murray River Organics (MRO), recently announced the sale of their dried vine fruit processing facility to be finalised by the end of the 2020-21 financial year.
“This strategic partnership and consolidation forms part of rationalising our processing cost base as we reduce our own farming footprint and increase our focus on our high value-added and organic food products,” he said.
The sale is in line with MRO’s turnaround strategy to shift away from being a grower and processor and concentrate on building the profile of its organic and Better for You branded retail range. Since its launch 18 months ago, the MRO retail brand has grown from strength to strength, securing a
The timing is all too perfect with the $2 billion a year organic industry seeing consistent growth and adoption among consumers. The intention to concentrate the company’s efforts on what has been identified as their biggest opportunity for growth was further cemented by MRO’s chief executive officer, Birol Akdogan.
Though their eyes are set on the future of their retail brand, Murray River Organics is still a firm supporter and advocate for dried vine fruit in Australia. Importantly, the processing facility sale included securing a binding 10year processing agreement for MRO’s
own and third party-grown fruit. “We are fortunate to be supported by a number of growers in Mildura, and we commit to building on these partnerships while outsourcing the processing of dried vine fruit,” Birol said. It is expected that Murray River Organics will announce further asset sales during the 2021-22 financial year, as the group narrows its focus on the growth of its retail brands in the fast-moving consumer goods space. This comes as the company confirms it is actively pursuing valueaccretive organic and Better for You opportunities in order to complement its existing brand and accelerate their return to profitability.v If you are interested in hearing more about the sale, or anything else Murray River Organics-related, you are welcome to reach out to Birol Akdogan at bakdogan@ or visit