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Notice board


Dried Fruits Australia’s most recent field walks displayed Warren Lloyd and Ashley Johnstone’s mechanical winter pruning machines, while Rowena Smart hosted growers at an event to discuss the savings that can be made by using a latch for the Shaw swingarm trellis.

The Australian Table Grape Association recently hosted two half-day irrigation management workshops in the Swan Valley, presented by Agriculture Victoria irrigation specialist Jeremy Giddings. The practical workshops were well attended by Swan Valley producers and service providers.

Visit australiangrapes.com.au/ swan-valley-irrigation-managementworkshops/ to see more images.

Mark King (Chair) Producer, Pomona

Warren Lloyd (Deputy Chair) Producer, Irymple

Stephen Bennett Producer, Merbein

Ashley Johnstone Producer, Irymple

Ashley Chabrel Producer, Barmera

Rowena Smart Producer, Red Cliffs

Jeremey Boyd (Chair) Victoria

Rocky Mammone (Deputy Chair) Victoria

Dominic Sergi Victoria

Adrian Cordoma Victoria

Robert Nugan Victoria

Don Albanese Victoria

David Swain Sunbeam Foods

Steve Sinclair Sunbeam Foods

Craig Greenwood

Australian Premium Dried Fruits

Michael Scalzo

Australian Premium Dried Fruits

James Shopov Producer, Duxton

Joe Garreffa New South Wales

Anthony Cirillo New South Wales

Peter Nuich Western Australia

Zoe Dichiera Queensland

Bill Avery South Australia

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Copyright © Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited 2023. Copyright subsists in the Vine. Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation) owns the copyright, other than as permitted under the Copyright ACT 1968 (Cth). The Vine (in part or as a whole) cannot be reproduced, published, communicated or adapted without the prior written consent of Hort Innovation and both ATGA and DFA.

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