Oundle school prospectus 2017 low res

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Rigorous intellectual intellectual activity activity lies lies at at the the heart heart of of Oundle’s Oundle’s Rigorous purpose. While Whileacademic academicsuccess successisisan anaim aimfor forevery everypupil, pupil, the School’s culture makes it a place where staff and pupils co-exist harmoniously and where pupils are carefully nurtured up to and through adolescence into adulthood. We recognise that everyone has different capabilities and try to ensure that every individual’s achievement is celebrated.

The town town of of Oundle Oundle shares shares and and shapes shapes our our destiny, destiny, and and the The the School’s size makes possible a diverse range of activities School’s size makes possible a diverse range of activities and and opportunities. House Housearrangements, arrangements,with withcommunity communitydining dining opportunities. and aa strong strong pastoral pastoral structure, structure, create create an an environment environment in in and which all all feel feel secure, secure, recognised recognised and and supported. supported. which Oundelians are are noted noted for for their their friendliness friendliness and and the the success success of Oundelians of their ventures. Whether on expedition, on the games pitch their ventures. Whether on expedition, on the games pitch or on on CCF CCF camp, camp, much much is is expected expected and and much much achieved. achieved. or The energy energy of of our our House boarding culture enhances teamwork The culture enhances teamwork and provides provides time time to to practise practise newly newly learned learned skills, skills, to to and develop initiatives and to make lifelong friendships. develop initiatives and to make lifelong friendships. Equally, it it strengthens strengthens the the bonds bonds with with home home through through Equally, the development of con dent adults who are secure in the development of confident adults who are secure in themselves and their capabilities. themselves and their capabilities.



A hundred years ago the educational reformer Frederick William Sanderson was Headmaster, and the creative ethos founded in his workshops and nurtured in his laboratories has motivated many former pupils to shape the scientific and commercial landscape of the last century. Old OldOundelians Oundelians respect his legacy, and the Chapel, at the heart of the School, commemorates him as well as the fallen of the First World War. Today, Today,SciTec SciTecand andthe ThePatrick PatrickEngineering EngineeringCentre Centreinspire inspire pupils to be creative and innovative through a vision that embraces science, mathematics, design, engineering design, science and technology: preparing and each technology: each generation goworld. out and play its generation topreparing go out and play its part intothe part in the world. Dating from the seventeenth century, the School buildings are dispersed throughout thecentury, market town encouraging a are Dating from the seventeenth the School buildings co-existence that benefits School local community. dispersed throughout the both market townand encouraging a The School’sthat history datesboth fromSchool 1556 when Sir William co-existence benefits and local community. Laxton, Master of the Worshipful Company of Grocers The School’s history dates from 1556 when Sir William and Lord Mayorofofthe London, endowed and re-founded Laxton, Master Worshipful Company of Grocers the original Oundle Grammar School, of which he was a and Lord Mayor of London, endowed and re-founded former pupil. In 1876, the Grocers’ Company the original Oundle Grammar School, of whichdivided he wasthe a School into two Laxton Grammar School, mainly former pupil. In parts: 1876, the Grocers’ Company divided the for the into offspring of theLaxton local townspeople, and Oundle School two parts: Grammar School, mainly School, mainly for from further afield. mark the for the offspring ofpupils the local townspeople, andTo Oundle Millennium, thefor two schools were reunited. School, mainly pupils from further afield.In To1990, markOundle the became the co-educational community that flourishes today. Millennium, the two schools were reunited. In 1990, Oundle became the co-educational community that flourishes today.


Four and a half centuries after its foundation, the School offers educational possibilities an educational provisionto tomeet meetcontemporary contemporaryneeds: co-educational boarding or day education, with Laxton needs: co-educational, boarding or day education. There is Junior as aday 4 – 11 day school, Houses and Oundle formal School entry into and boarding at 11,School 13 and 16 predominantly a boardinginschool years old, with flexibility some with otherentry years.at 11, 13 and 16. The House community fosters a sense of purpose that leads individuals towards conďƒž dence in the larger community of confidence the School. Oundle Oundlehas hasthirteen thirteensenior seniorboarding boardingHouses, Houses, each designed to accommodate at least sixty pupils. A There also a mixed These smalleris mixed 11 - 13 junior House: House, The Berrystead. Berrystead, is home Houses are scattered theyears townatand each retains to boarding pupils in throughout their first two Oundle. From an individuality fashioned its pupils, location 2018 11 - 13 day pupils willby enter a mixeditsjunior dayand House its architecture. adjacent to The Berrystead.

In their third year, or for 13+ entry, pupils join the day House, Laxton or one of the senior boarding Houses which are scattered throughout the town. Each House retains an individuality fashioned by its pupils, its location and its architecture.



As they progress through the School, pupils are assured a measure of privacy appropriate to the growing academic demands placed upon them. All All Sixth Sixth formers formers live live in in bedsits bedsits and all Upper Sixth formers have single bedsits, enjoying flexibility greater ďƒ&#x; exibility in preparation for life at university. Each Each House has recreation areas, kitchens, a TV room and a library. Communication Communication and and academic academic study study are are aided aided by by each desk having a connection by Thin Client to the School’s Intranet. Great Great communal communal strength strength comes comes from from each each House House having its own dining room where members sit down together for all three meals of the day. The School organises a wide range of inter-House competitions, from team sports, debating and chess to the annual singing competition in which almost all pupils take part. In addition, Houses put on ownown concerts, charity take part. In addition, Houses puttheir on their concerts, events plays, of which signiďƒžacant contribution charityand events andall plays, all ofmake whicha make significant to extra-curricular life. contribution to extra-curricular life.



Each Housemaster Housemistress heads a team Tutors Each Housemaster oror Housemistress heads a team of of Tutors responsible providing pastoral and academic guidance. responsible forfor providing pastoral and academic guidance. AllAll members members of of thethe academic academic staff staff areare attached attached to to one one of of thethe Houses, Houses, and and help help to to identify, identify, broaden broaden and and develop develop their their tutees’ talents and interests, and advise about academic tutees’ talents and interests, and advise about academic matters. Parents Parents areare encouraged encouraged toconsult to consult consult with with Tutors Tutors and and matters. Parents are encouraged to with Tutors and Housemaster Housemistress, and become conversant Housemaster oror Housemistress, and to to become conversant with School and House which their son with thethe lifelife of of thethe School and thethe House to to which their son daughter belongs. oror daughter belongs.

Oundle’s day pupils make approximately afth fth Oundle’s day pupils make upup approximately a fifth of of thethe School’s total number, with both sexes almost equal School’s total number, with both sexes in in almost equal proportion. Laxton’s Laxton’s buildings buildings occupy occupy thethe attractive attractive proportion. Laxton’s buildings occupy the attractive churchyard site original Guild School, which churchyard site of of thethe original Guild School, which SirSir William William Laxton Laxton attended. attended. The The Head Head of of Laxton Laxton is is responsible responsible The pastoral system in the day forfor thethe admission admission of day day pupils pupils thethe administration administration House is similar toofthat found inand aand boarding House withof of their their curriculum, curriculum, and, and, with with a Deputy, a Deputy, leads leads a a team of of Tutors. Tutors. each pupil belonging to a small Tutor group. team The The pastoral pastoral system system extends extends to to thethe Prefects, Prefects, who who have have signi signi cant cant responsibility responsibility forfor thethe smooth smooth running running of of Laxton Laxton and and who who look look after after speci speci c age c age groups groups soso that that each each pupil pupil can can identify identify with with a senior a senior member member of of thethe House. House.

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At the heart of the School’s educational philosophy is the life of the mind and an understanding of how the individual pupil learns best. Pupils’ Pupils’ social, social, intellectual, intellectual, spiritual spiritual and emotional needs determine the educational agenda. The curriculum is organised by intellectual content rather than by assessment, and equips pupils to have a broader understanding of the world and to think for themselves. It is sufficiently flexible to give everyone the opportunity to excel. Courses Courses are are designed designed to to inspire inspire pupils pupils of of all all ages ages and abilities, to enhance individual strengths, and to ensure coherence in the curriculum from point of entry through to the Upper Sixth. The curriculum consists of two distinct but complementary strands. Within Withinthe theexamined examined curriculum, curriculum, efficiency efficiencyin in preparing pupils for public examinations is important and success in external tests is held to be a worthwhile educational aim. However, However,pupils pupils are are taught taught well well beyond beyond the constraints imposed by syllabus specifications, and their intellectual horizons are broadened through non-examined courses. Parents Parentsare arefully fullyinformed informed and and discussion discussion isis welcomed at every stage; Heads of Department and the Deputy Head Academic are always available to give advice. The Educational Support Department offers help help to to aa range range of of department offers pupils (including those for whom English is not their first language) and liaises closely with mainstream teachers and Tutors. Pupils Pupilsacross acrossthe thefull full ability ability spectrum spectrum use use the the department for Department for advice advice and and support. support. All members of the Upper Sixth follow a weekly lecture and discussion programme on issues of social, political, ethical, scientificc and cultural interest, led by a distinguished list of speakers that includes Nobel laureates, politicians, academics and sports personalities.



Oundleaims wasto put firmly on the mapposition of leading English SciTec maintain Oundle’s at the cutting publicofschools itstechnology most famous headmaster, W edge scienceby and education, sinceFinstruction Sanderson, who established Oundle’s reputation as one of through experimental work is one of the most enjoyable the great Science and Engineering schools, a reputation and effective ways to promote pupil learning. SciTec hasstill renowned today. become much more than a building for teaching Science. Pupils develop enthusiasm through individual Sixth Form The award-winning design of SciTec, completed in projects, which allow them to develop skills of independent 2015, brings together Science, Mathematics, Design, research, as well as to foster a love for the experimental side Engineering and Technology under one roof and aims to of the subject. Junior pupils enjoy a range of science-based maintain Oundle’s position at the cutting edge of science activities to capture their imagination. In keeping with the and technology in education. SciTec enables pupils to SciTec philosophy, the building has a specically ‘green’ approach their learning holistically. Pupils are able to work theme. The sedum roof acts as a rain lter for water supplies, seamlessly, drawing from scientific fundamentals, their while photovoltaic panels and solar collectors emphasise application, design and testing through to manufacture. energy efciency.



resource –– the the collection collection The Cripps Library is a well-used resource subscriptions to to comprises over 22,000 volumes with subscriptions well as as aa range range of of daily newspapers and magazines as well online resources. The The collection collection is is catalogued catalogued online, online, and and via the the School’s School’s intranet. intranet. is searchable from any computer via The Library is happy to purchase any book that a pupil requires either for academic reading or for pleasure. ItIt is is staffed throughout the School day and is open for research, independent work and reading as well as for group work, for which two separate rooms provide class and meeting space. Each new pupil is introduced to the use of the Library’s facilities, and Third Form pupils bene benefitt from a fortnight of library-based research. The The Library Library organises organises an an annual annual week of author visits and workshops and is actively involved with the Oundle Festival of Literature. Rare and valuable books are housed in the Muniments Room, and include a 1541 Cranmer Bible and a  fteenth-century fifteenth-century Book of Hours. Other Other collections collections include include an an autographed autographed manuscript and  rst editions by the Northamptonshire poet first John Clare, private press books and a growing John Piper archive. Many Many of of these these rare rare books books are are used used to to introduce introduce pupils across the age range to the history of the early printed book – as sources that illustrate changing political and intellectual trends, and as opportunities for special study relevant to a variety of subjects. The The School SchoolArchive Archive collects, digitises and catalogues the vast number of first documents relating to School life, including the  rst School Register of 1641.



The Chapel, where the School meets as a community, links past and present and bears witness in its worship and its art to the values of the Christian faith. The The building building was was consecrated in 1923, and contains some of the most important stained glass in the country. This This includes includes Hugh Hugh Easton’s Easton’s Seven Ages of Man series (1949) and the windows in the apse, which were designed by John Piper and made by Patrick Reyntiens (1955–6), and show the Son of God in figures nine roles, the human  gures being based upon sculptures from Chartres and paintings by Picasso. To To mark mark the the Millennium, the School commissioned Mark Angus to create a series of thirty-six windows illustrating Old and New Testament themes. The Chapel is a Church of England foundation with Chaplains who lead worship, provide pastoral care, and prepare candidates for con rmation. The The Chapel Chapel Choir Choir confirmation. provides music of the highest standard and there are two organs to lead congregational singing. There There is is aa weekly weekly Catholic mass, and almost all pupils attend Chapel as part of the Oundle community. Special Special provision provision is is made made for for celebrating particular religious festivals.


department is The emphasis in the Art Department is on on Fine Fine Art, Art, with with aa particular focus on analytical drawing, and the Sixth Form the History of Art and life classes. Annual curriculum includes Art and life classes. Annual visits to European cultural centres are well supported, as are Sunday visits to London galleries. There Thereare arefour fourlarge, large,light light studios with excellent facilities for painting, printmaking, sculpture, pottery, photography and fabric design. Specialist Specialist teachers staff the studios throughout the week and at weekends so that pupils may visit whenever they wish and embark on ambitious, large-scale pieces. Oundle Oundlehas hasaa tradition of Artists in Residence. The TheYarrow, Yarrow,aasmall smallbut but very attractive art gallery situated within the Chapel gardens, department. The is also part of the Art Department. Theannual annualprogramme programme includes four or five School-sponsored exhibitions by professional artists and the main exhibition of pupils’ work at the end of the Summer Term.



The Stahl Theatre was opened in January 1980 by Her Royal Highness, Princess Alice. This Thisconverted converted265-seat 265-seatchapel chapelisis acknowledged to be one of the ďƒž nest small theatres in the finest country. ItIthouses housesnot notonly onlySchool Schoolproductions, productions,but butalso also those of visiting professional companies. All Allperformances performances are open to the public. School Schoolproductions, productions,which whichnumber number between seven and ten per year, vary from musicals and classics to the latest in contemporary drama, House plays of all types, and small-cast, physical theatre pieces. Theatre Theatre staff have a training or background in the theatre and the Stahl is run on professional lines. ItIthas hasaalarge, large,wellwellequipped workshop which is used to construct sets, and is well supplied with the latest technical equipment in lighting, sound and backstage areas. Many Manypupils pupilsare areinvolved; involved;they they provide the crews for all School productions and operate lighting and sound for visiting companies. They Theyalso alsoact actas as ushers at all performances. A Agrowing growingnumber numberof ofpupils pupils enter the theatrical profession, both as actors and technicians.



department occupies a Georgian rectory – an The Music Department attractive and well-equipped environment. ItIt aspires aspires to to excellence in both performance and academic work, with a programme extending into every area of musicianship. In In nearly oneone hundred Music Scholars andand addition to the nearly hundred Music Scholars Exhibitioners, more than 600 pupils learn a musical instrument. Fifty full-time and visiting instrumental staff form an experienced and dedicated team, sharing their expertise through individual and ensemble coaching. Participation in instrumental and choral ensembles inspires loyalty, teamwork, confidence and an appreciation of excellence. The The Symphony, Symphony, Chamber Chamber and and String String Orchestras, Orchestras, Oundle Brass, the Concert Band, the Symphonic Wind Orchestra and Big Bands offer opportunities to perform in a wide variety of styles, and the Chapel Choir and Schola Cantorum maintain Oundle’s strong choral tradition. Musicals are staged in the Stahl Theatre, while instrumental ensembles perform regularly in competitions and concerts both inside and outside the School. Pupils Pupils appear appear as as soloists soloists in Masterclasses, and public concerts by eminent musicians are a regular feature of the Music Diary. RocSoc RocSoc events events cater for popular styles. In In recent recent years years concerts concerts have have been been held in St John’s Smith Square, St Martin-in-the-Fields and Symphony Hall, Birmingham. Orchestras Orchestras and and choirs choirs have have toured the Far East, Italy, Austria and Barbados. Pupils, Pupils, many of whom gain organ or choral scholarships at university, study composition in the Music Technology Laboratory and recording studios that place Oundle at the forefront of this field.




Sport is an integral feature of life at Oundle. Appropriate Appropriate sport for sport forand all ages andisabilities is provided, with expert to assist all ages abilities provided, with expert coaching coaching to assist development; opportunities to individual play in development; opportunities to play in team and games team and individual games paramount. School sport are paramount. School sportare offers the development of specialist offers the development of helps specialist skills and teamwork, skills and teamwork, and pupils to learn how to win and and helps pupils to learn how to win and lose graciously. lose graciously. It also promotes, through the demands made on It also promotes, throughcommitments, the demands fitness, made on pupils pupils by their sporting self-discipline, and by their sporting commitments, ďƒžtness, a generosity of spirit that enriches everyself-discipline, aspect of their education. and a generosity of spirit that enriches every aspect of The School has a strong sporting tradition, especially in athletics, their education. cricket, football, hockey, netball, rowing, rugby and tennis. As The School strong sporting tradition, especially pupils movehas upathe School, the programme of optionsinwidens athletics, cricket, football, hockey, rowing, rugby to and and, whatever their aptitude, theynetball, have the opportunity tennis. pupils move the School, the programme of and involveAs themselves in anup activity that they find rewarding options and, whatever theirofaptitude, they have the at whichwidens they can have a measure success. Oundle produces opportunity involve themselves in an activity that they and a number of to county champions, Midlands representatives ďƒž nd rewardingbut andeveryone at which is they can have to a measure internationals, encouraged representofthe School success. Oundle produces a number of county champions, and parents are always welcome to come and support. Midlands representatives and internationals, but everyone is encouraged to represent the School and parents are always welcome to come and support.


There are are excellent facilities for for traditional team games andand a There excellent facilities traditional team games multitude of other sports. In addition to extensive playing fields, a multitude of other sports. In addition to extensive playing the Sports Centre for indoor such climbing, elds, there arecaters two Sports Hallssports catering forasindoor sports basketball, fencing, volleyball, football and cricket, such as climbing, basketball,indoor fencing, volleyball, indoorand there is a well-equipped fitness suite. There are also suite. five squash football and cricket, and a well-equipped tness There courts, fourRugby Fives courts, four floodlit Astroturf are also ve squash courts, four Rugby Fives courts,pitches, two twelve outdoor netball courtstwelve (also used as tennis courts during oodlit Astroturf pitches, outdoor netball courts (also the used summer), and courts an indoor long-course, deck-level as tennis during the summer), and answimming indoor pool. There are School boathouses beside theThere Northare Bridge over long-course, deck-level swimming pool. School the boathouses River Nenebeside and at the Tansor, where theover riverthe hasRiver an almost North Bridge Nene and straight mile ideal purposes. Sailing takes place on a at Tansor, wherefor thetraining river has an almost straight mile ideal nearby lake. There is an indoor small-bore shooting range in the for training purposes. Sailing takes place on a nearby lake. School grounds and ansmall-bore outdoor full-bore yard locally. There is an indoor shooting500 range inrange the School grounds and an outdoor full-bore range locally. The School has recently embarked on a significant capital

There are three games afternoons week when pupils development project that will ensure each an optimum learning participateand in traditional games. addition, a wide environment sports facilities forIn each pupil. Due for variety ofbyother is offered at different ages,a including completion 2020,sports the Sport MasterPlan includes new multibadminton, cross country ves,hall, golf, purpose Sports canoeing, Centre housing an eightrunning, court sports dance riding, rowing, sailing, and squash. range of studios, a fitness suite and shooting a 50m swimming pool.This Externally options pupils the best chance of hard nding the sporting there will begives a new athletics track, twenty tennis courts (in activities that they will enjoy and that available will suit them best. addition to the twenty-four tennis courts on the Astro pitches) and twelve netball courts alongside an already completed and award winning Cricket Pavilion.

There are three games afternoons each week when pupils participate in traditional games. In addition, a wide variety of other sports are offered at different ages, including badminton, canoeing, cross country running, fives, golf, riding, rowing, sailing, shooting and squash. This range of options gives pupils the best chance of finding the sporting activities that they will enjoy and that will suit them best.



It is expected that leisure time will be used constructively, and pupils are encouraged to engage in an extra-curricular programme that will give them experience of leadership, adventure, service, and creative and cultural activities. Some are compulsory, but it is generally the responsibility of individuals in consultation with Tutors to commit themselves to a personal programme that will enable them not only to meet the School’s expectations, but to develop their own interests. The CCF aims to promote a sense of self-discipline, cooperation and service. In Inthe theFourth FourthForm Formall allpupils pupilsjoin join a section of the CCF for one year, during which time they proficiency undertake basic training which leads to a pro ciency examination. Thereafter, Thereafter,cadets cadetsmay mayopt optout outto totake takepart partin in another activity, opt for training in the Non-Commissioned Officer Of cer Cadres or join one of the specialist units: Adventure Training, Fire and Rescue, or Advanced Infantry. In Inthe theSixth Sixth Form they can go on to become NCO instructors, responsible for others in serious, carefully-organised activities where benefits they reap the bene ts of leadership training. In Inaddition additionto to Field Weekends, camps and courses take place during the holidays: these include Alpine skiing, Adventure Training, diving, and power-boating. Oundle offers all levels of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The scheme is voluntary and most pupils  nd that its find requirements re ect their existing interests. All Allare areoffered offered reflect a challenge, and initiative and organisation are developed. At any one time almost half the School is involved in the scheme, making Oundle’s Award group one of the largest in the country.



The School’s Community Action programme enables pupils to to bene the local the wider community to assist thet local and and the wider community and and aimsaims to cultivate spirit of service and an awareness of needs. society’s acultivate spirit ofaservice and an awareness of society’s It has needs. It has an extraordinary with an extraordinary diversity, withdiversity, more than 300more Fifththan and Sixth 300 Fifthactively and Sixth formers engaged on a weekly formers engaged onactively a weekly basis seven days of the basis. Involvement Involvement with with local local pensioners pensioners takes takes the the form form of of week. visiting their homes or hosting events in the Sixth Form Club. A large contingent of pupils assists with nursery groups, in Somepupils pupilsare primary schools and in special needs schools. Some are involved disabled groups; others work a local or involved withwith disabled groups; others, learn signatlanguage hospital, learn sign language or develop equipment for local give ICT lessons in the community. Conservation, environmental disabled or inrm people. environmental and gardening activities areConservation, popular, and regular help is offered and gardening activities are events popular, and regular help is to homeless people. Annual include the Pensioners’ offered to homeless people. Annual events include Christmas Concert; the sponsored sleep-out to raise the funds for Pensioners’ Christmas Concert; sponsored sleep-out St Basil’s residential facilities forthe homeless young people;toand raise funds for St Basil’s for homeless youngofpeople; Have-A-Go-Days, when Hostel the School hosts a variety activities for adults children with physical disabilities and/or work withand disadvantaged youngsters in conjunction withlearning difficulties adults. summer, current and former pupils spend a Franciscan HouseEach in Birmingham; and Have-A-Go-Day, awhen weekthe helping a residential run atfor the School for Schoolathosts a varietyholiday of activities mentally and young mentally handicapped children. physically handicapped adults. Each summer, current and former pupils spend a week helping at a residential holiday run at the School for young mentally handicapped children. This programme requires extensive charity fund-raising, which is a feature of the Community Action year.




The Societies Fair at the start of each academic year Academic rundiscover societieswhat at junior encouragesdepartments new pupils to is on and offersenior – levels, and meetingstowelcome distinguished speakers, from Dressmaking Model United Nations.guest Academic adepartments, particular feature of English, the Law,History Historyand andScience, Science run Societies. such as Inter-House competitions take place year. The societies withDebating regular evening meetings, often each pupil-led Societies Fair at the start of each academic yearInter-house encourages and welcoming distinguished guest speakers. new pupils to discover what is on each offer year – from Green and Team to Debating competitions take place at junior War Games. pupils can attendin Open House, a weekly senior levels. New Pupils can participate a range of activities forum Christian or write for Open the Oundle such asfor OSCAR, thefellowship, School’s radio station, House, Chronicle, the town’s newspaper. They can a a weekly forum for Christian Fellowship andeven the host Oundle show on the pupil-run radio station, OSCAR. Chronicle, anSchool’s award-winning town newspaper. After schoolare on many Tuesdays and Thursdays activities There opportunities for pupils withincluding dedicated Arabic, Astronomy, Dance, Reading, Rock Climbing ‘Voluntaries’ periods, underPlay informal supervision in the andStudios, Shootingthe take place across the campus in the Armoury, Art Theatre, the Music School, the Patrick the Art Studios, thethe Music School, the Sports facilities, the Centre, SciTec and Observatory. Activities range from Adamson Building, the Stahl Theatre, the Observatory and Astronomy to an Amnesty Support Group and from Circus the Patrick Skills to CarEngineering Building. Centre.


There are plenty of opportunities for pupils to experience the political, social and cultural diversity of the national and international community in which they will live as adults. There is a strong international agenda and contact with the wider world is made through the many guests invited to share their expertise and experience. Artists Artistsand andmusicians, musicians, management consultants and entrepreneurs, judges and film ďƒžlm directors are among the many visitors who help to broaden horizons. Regular Regularstudy studyvisits visitsand andacademic academicexpeditions expeditionsare are arranged in the UK and abroad. Second SecondForm FormLatin Latinpupils pupils go to Verulamium to see the Roman remains and Third Form groups visit Prague to explore aspects of European History at first ďƒžrst hand. For Forover overtwenty-five twenty-ďƒžveyears, years,the theHistory History department Department has has arranged arranged aa study study visit visit to to Berlin Berlin for for Fifth Fifth formers. Sixth SixthForm Formtrips tripsto toMoscow Moscowand andSt StPetersburg, Petersburg, and to Vienna and Budapest provide opportunities to visit cities of historical importance and interest, and trips to Paris, Florence and New York enhance the study of Art and Literature.




Exchange programmes with overseas schools, as well as study trips, are an integral part of Modern Language teaching. In Inaddition, addition,Sixth SixthForm Formlinguists linguistscan canparticipate participate in ventures designed to expand their cultural understanding and linguistic horizons: these include stays in ‘twin’ schools and work experience abroad. Further Furtherhelping helpingto todefine denethe the possibilities beyond Oundle, the Careers Department advises department advises on Higher Education (including Oxbridge). The Sanderson Fellow introduces pupils pupils to to the the challenge challenge of industry by arranging initiatives, and and the the Careers Careers Department encourages them to gain work experience. Many Many department encourages Oundelians take a gap year, some engaging in challenging, engaging in challenging, often independently organised programmes programmes of of service service in in farfar ung parts of the world. Recent Recent School School trips trips have have included included flung expeditions to the Galapagos Islands, Borneo, Borneo, Hawaii, Hawaii, Syria, Syria, Alaska and Antarctica. Ongoing Ongoing projects projects assist assist communities communities in Kenya and Mozambique. Sports Sports tours tours have have ventured ventured to to Australasia, South Africa and South America, America, and and musicians musicians have been to Rome, Malta and New York. There is is nothing nothing York. There better than personal experience of other other cultures cultures to to widen widen horizons and build an international perspective. perspective.


The Oundle Oundle Society Society was seeksinaugurated to bring together Old Oundelians, The in September 2003 to parents, and all constituencies members of thethat Oundle community in link the various comprise the Oundle support and Members celebration of the pupils, School. staff, Together with the community. include parents, Old Oundelian it administers, it hostsinmore Governors, and Club, otherswhich who have a strong interest the than fifty events each in the UKcommunicate and across the world, School. The role of theyear Society is to news to including social and networking opportunities, its members, andactivities to provide social opportunities to return to formal dinners, and cultural and sporting Oundle and reconnect with others. To thisevents. end, it hosts more than ďƒžfty events each year. Among these are national and The Society also raises funds for the Oundle School international gatherings of Old Oundelians, parent and staff Foundation. The Foundation was established twenty social activities, and cultural and musical events at Oundle years ago, and has a growing endowment thanks to a and elsewhere. strong culture of giving. It is on such giving that recent The Society incorporates Oundelian Club, which the developments including the Old refurbished Cripps Library, serves the interests ofModern former pupils, and the Adamson Centre for Languages, andSchool’s SciTec have charitable responsible for funding depended.and Thefund-raising Foundation arm, also supports dozens of Bursary future This includes increasing the awardsdevelopment at the Schoolplans. each year. endowment for scholarships and bursaries, administering an Annual Fund for smaller projects achievable within a year, and running the capital campaign for SciTec and other ventures.



Oundle been associated with the best Only by School visitinghas thelong School can you appreciate thevery warmth modern independent education, especially of the welcome and the purposeful attitude ofboarding this vibrant education. The child is is central to ourand vision. community. Atindividual Oundle everyone important everyone We are fortunate ourhope location at the heart a beautiful has a part to play.inWe the challenge to of succeed and the market town, not least because for over 450 years, the School stimulation that inspires success will energise life beyond and town been part the same community. school. Wehave anticipate thatoflearning a multitude of Our skillspupils and take their place this community, fromour it. developing bothwithin stamina and resilience not willisolated ensure that pupils embrace opportunities with enthusiasm. Oundle’s The challenges our pupils will face in the world beyond roots in Sir William Laxton’s School 1556, but since Schoolmay willlie require of them adaptability andof emotional then, and particularly in the last twenty years, development intelligence, as well as the best academic qualifications of has been dramatic. Our We resolve As the which they are capable. take remains seriouslystrong. our responsibility world changes, will thecan focus of education, but we remain to our pupils so so that they emerge as decent, opencommitted to the high ideals of academic achievement, minded adults who are ambitious about what they can go on service, teamwork, culturalyet and artistic development, to achieve and contribute, never arrogant. humility and humanity that make for a well-balanced and I hope that youOundelian. will be inspired by the glimpse offered in well-rounded this prospectus to visit us in person. Charles Bush Sarah Kerr-Dineen Headmaster Head of Oundle School




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