Renovate Workbook

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renovate when th e w a l l s c o m e d o wn a r o u n d yo u i t i s t i m e t o r e n o va te

renovate Small Group Workbook Edition 1.0

Copyright© 2015 Vineyard Church® Daily Devotions written and edited by Curt Bartlett, Beth Hay, Steve Jones, Mark Littleton, Kim Lisby, Eddie McKechnie, Marcy Nelson, Cassidy Perry, Kevin Phillips, Tim Rupp, Roger Sodsod, Melinda Sportsman, Kayla Stierwalt, Kevin Townsend, Tony Wilks, and Roger Wilson. Requests for information should be addressed to: Vineyard Church 12300 NW Arrowhead Trafficway Kansas City, Mo, 64165 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or in any means - by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without prior written permission. Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New Living Version®. Copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. All rights reserved. Designed by Dianne Dowler Printed and bound in the United States of America



The Foundation of Renovation | PRAYER

co ntents 8 13

The Pillars of Renovation | COMRADESHIP The Work of Renovation | MISSION The Challenge of Renovation | SETBACKS

25 35


The Blessing of Renovation | GENEROSITY The Inspiration of Renovation | SCRIPTURE

The Celebration of Renovation | WORSHIP



My Take Aways






Small Group Resources


renovate “Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” Colossians 3:10

The Book of Nehemiah tells of God’s people returning from exile to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. It is clear throughout that God is watching over His people. These are people to whom God has made promises—promises that reach back to the beginning of the biblical story. And promises that reach forward all the way to us today. Nehemiah points us forward to the One in whom we can draw near to God. Nehemiah points us right to Jesus. Additionally, Nehemiah teaches us that only with God’s help can we actually change and recover from the damage and ruin of the past. It tells of God’s people being renovated and rebuilt according to His Word. Over the next seven weeks, we will explore our daily prayer lives, the importance of teamwork for spiritual growth, our mission for making disciples, how to deal with trials and setbacks, confronting issues of injustice through generosity, the importance of God’s Word, and living a life of worship and celebration. True renovation in our lives, not surprisingly, requires hard work. The Bible says “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” (James 1:22). To help you apply what you are learning, we strongly encourage you to write down at least one Take-Away for each lesson. This will be your application of the lesson to your life that your group members will then ask you about in subsequent sessions. We have provided instructions in the Putting It Into Practice section of each session to help you come up with a Take-Away for the key area you are studying. Once you have written down your Take-Away, transfer that goal to the My TakeAways list in this study guide so that you can have them all in one place for easy reference. We have also included seven daily devotions that relate to each week’s topic. We encourage you to read those each day throughout the week between your group meetings. This, combined with daily prayer, will enhance your Renovate experience.


As you read each devotional, we want to challenge you to answer the following four questions: • • • •

What did you hear? What did God say to you as you read the devotion for the day? What do you think? What does it mean to you, how does it apply to your life, and what difference does it make to you? What will you do? What action step will you take? How will you think differently? How will you live differently? Now you pray… This is where you put your thoughts into a prayer. It could be a prayer of gratitude or praise. It could be a prayer of confession or a request for God’s help. It’s up to you. But take a minute each day to respond prayerfully to what you read in the devotion.

Are you ready to RENOVATE and grow spiritually? Then let’s begin.


some instructions for the host…

MY TAKE-AWAYS Each week you will write down at least one take-away from the lesson that you can apply to your life. Transfer each take-away to the My Take-Aways page so you can have them all in one place. WEEKEND SERMON NOTES You can use this page to take notes on that week’s sermon. The sermon outline is provided. SMALL GROUP STUDY • • • •

• • •

GETTING STARTED: Open each meeting by briefly discussing a question or two that will help focus everyone’s attention on the subject of the lesson. MEMORY VERSE: Each week you will find a key Bible verse for your group to memorize. VIDEO LESSON: There is a video lesson for the group to watch together each week. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Each video segment is complemented by several questions for group discussion. Please don’t feel pressured to discuss every single question. There is no reason to rush through the answers. Give everyone ample opportunity to share their thoughts. If you don’t get through all the discussion questions, that’s ok. PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE: Each week you will be challenged to come up with one Take-Away. Be sure to transfer these to the My Take-Aways page of this workbook. PRAYER: At the end of each session you will find suggestions for your group prayer time. Praying together is one of the greatest privileges of small group life. Please don’t take it for granted. DIVING DEEPER: This section includes suggestions for books, studies, and other resources for personal and group use.

DAILY DEVOTIONS There are seven daily devotions at the end of each session in this workbook. Use these for your daily quiet times throughout the week. SMALL GROUP RESOURCES There are additional small group resources, such as Group Guidelines, Help for Hosts, Prayer and Praise Reports, etc., in the back of this study guide.


A TIP FOR THE HOST The study guide material is meant to be your servant, not your master. The point is not to race through the sessions; the point is to take time to let God work in your lives. Nor is it necessary during the discussion questions to “go around the circle” before you move on to the next question. Give people the freedom to speak, but don’t insist on it. Your group will enjoy deeper, more open sharing and discussion if people don’t feel pressured to speak up.


MY TAKEAWAYS The Foundation of Renovation | PRAYER

The Pillars of Renovation | COMRADESHIP

The Work of Renovation | MISSION


The Challenge of Renovation | SETBACKS

The Blessing of Renovation | GENEROSITY

The Inspiration of Renovation | SCRIPTURE

The Celebration of Renovation | WORSHIP


s mall group pr ayer a n d p ra is e r e por t Write your weekly prayer requests and praise reports here‌

week 1 / date

week 2 / date

week 3 / date

week 5 / date

week 6 / date

week 7 / date

Weekend Sermon Notes

the foundation of renovation | prayer

SESSION 1 The foundation of renovation prayer Getting Started

1. If this is your first time meeting as a group, or if you have any new group members, be sure to introduce yourselves. 2. Before you begin this study, we recommend that you review the Small Group Guidelines at the end of this workbook as a group. 3. Share with the group what you hope to get out of this small group series.


Memory Verse Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

Watch the VIDEO now.


Discussion Questions

1. The life that is pleasing to God does not come by gritting our teeth, but by falling in love with Him. Prayer is not about techniques, definitions, or methods. It is about a hilarious, wonderful, head-over-heels love relationship that God longs to have with each of us. What is your reaction to that statement? 2. What are your greatest struggles or disappointments in prayer? 3. What has helped you to grow the most in your prayer life? 4. Review the ACTS model for prayer in the Putting It Into Practice Section below. The very heart of God is an open wound of love, desirous of an intimate relationship with each of us. And prayer is the primary way for us to have this intimate relationship with Him and to enjoy this “with-God” life. A common misconception about prayer is that it just involves asking for things from God. How is prayer so much more than asking for things? 5. To pray is to change. Have you experienced this in your own life? 6. What has your practice of prayer been teaching you about God? About yourself? About your relationships? 7. Prayer is one of the most loving things we can do for another person. Intercessory prayer occurs when we love people enough to desire far more for them than we have the power to give, and this desire leads us to pray for them. What has been your experience in interceding on the behalf of others in prayer? What have been some of your challenges and successes? 8. Talk about one way in which you would like to grow in your prayer life.


Putting It Into Practice

A.C.T.S. is an easy way to remember key elements of prayer. It’s simply prayer in four parts:

adoration | “Praise be to God.” (Psalms 68:35) Tell God how much you appreciate Him. Express your love for Him. Praise His power and majesty. This is a great way to begin your prayer time. Sometimes we watch the sun rise, and praise God for the beauty of His creation. You should never run out of praise. “How awesome are your deeds!” -Psalms 66:3

confession | “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (John 1:9)

Tell Him where you have fallen short. Be specific. I thank Him for the forgiveness I have in Christ, and ask for help and strength to turn away from future temptations.

thanksgiving | “Always glorify Him with thanksgiving” (Psalms 69:30)

You have plenty of reasons to be thankful. Thank God for His love, His faithfulness, His patience and a million other things. Express gratitude for what He’s doing in your life. Thank Jesus for dying on the cross for you. Thank the Holy Spirit for indwelling you, and never leaving. Thank Him for being your conscience, your counselor and that “still small voice.”

supplication | “Make your requests known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

Tell God what you want, no matter how small it seems to you. Do you really think any of your requests are big to God the Creator? Pray for others as well (this is called intercession.) Settle on one thing you will do to grow in the area of prayer. Write down this takeaway in the space below. MY TAKE-AWAY FOR PRAYER



One way we can show our love for one another is by committing to pray for one another. Take some time as a group to share your prayer requests. Be sure to record everyone’s requests on the Small Group Prayer and Praise Report in the back of the workbook.


Diving Deeper FOR YOU • Read the daily devotions for days 1--7 in your workbook. • Read the Memory Verse for this week every day this week as part of your quiet time. See if you can have it memorized before your next group meeting. FOR THE GROUP • Consider for your next group study, one of the following studies: • Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference by Philip Yancey (Book, DVD Series, 6 sessions) • Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets (Book, DVD Series, 8 sessions) • When God’s People Pray by Jim Cymbala (Book, DVD Series, 6 sessions) • The Sacred Echo: Why is Prayer so Mysterious by Margaret Feinberg (RightNowMedia, 6 sessions)


The Foundation of Renovation (Prayer) Day 1 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 An old adage states, “Worry is not preparation.” Worry about today and fear of tomorrow robs us of the present and adds not a day to our lives. It leads only to despair and frustration. The more we throw ourselves into matters out of our control, the more resentment we create when things don’t go our own way. We ask ourselves, “What more can I do?” “Why doesn’t this work?” “Can’t people see that I’m right and I know best?” And then the big fallacy of life, the one that gets in the way of our reliance upon God, “Things will be fine if I only manage well.” Philippians was written as a message of encouragement to a persecuted people in a troubled land. The strength and power of this great message comes not out of our own understanding, but out of a faith in something more. It’s not a message of a conquering hero who has triumphed against all odds, but of a true peace that is experienced by letting go. A peace to be found in the quiet of time spent with God. Turn worry into prayer. Tell God what you need with a thankful heart, and rely on His peace to enter your life. The serenity we find in Christ Jesus will guard us, guide us, and surely bless us if we take our troubles to him and surrender the struggle. Paul tells us that when Jesus appeared in human form, even He humbled himself in obedience to God, the Father. If we can model our lives in this way, with Jesus as our guide through a life of prayer and quiet devotion, we will experience God’s love for us and feel his peace as a true, living example of that which exceeds our own understanding.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Foundation of Renovation (Prayer) Day 2 Answer me when I call to you, O God who declares me innocent. Free me from my troubles. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1 David was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22). He loved the things God loved and hated what God hated. Even when his passions got the better of him, he repented of his sin after being confronted with it. But David was also a man after our own heart. He was not made from different material than any of us. He was flesh and blood. While he loved God and had tremendous faith in Him, David also had honest questions about where God was at times. He implores God to hear him when he prays, as though God may have forgotten him, or perhaps not listening. Is that not just like us? We pray and wonder if the words are getting past the room we occupy. Of course, the problem isn’t with God, but with us. “Does God really hear me?” Perhaps I should remind Him to pay attention. Charles Spurgeon says of this passage, “He instituted not...the art of praying, as a vain and insufficient thing, but endows it with wonderful efficacy for producing the greatest and happiest consequences. He would have it to be the key by which all the treasures of heaven should be opened.” “You have relieved me in my distress.” David remembers God’s faithfulness. He praises God for it. It is also a tacit request that God do it again: “God you have done it before, please do it again.” God does not keep us from distress. Some of us live a life seemingly filled with distress. Some distress seems common to all, while certain distresses seem unique to us. Tolstoy wrote in his novel, Anna Karenina, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” That is what distress, or depression feels like. No one has ever had such an experience as mine. God does not always bring us out of our trouble, but He will always carry us through it. God is always there even when we don’t see Him or feel His presence. He continues working behind the scenes “to cause everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God... 18

The Foundation of Renovation (Prayer) Day 3 But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. 1 John 1:9 This is one of those verses that can greatly encourage and empower us. It certainly is not a license to sin, but it does remind us that “nothing can separate us from God’s love” (Romans 8:38) – not even our own sin. What is this verse telling us? First, that we should “confess our sins” to God. What does it mean to “confess?” In the original Greek, the word means to “agree with God about what we’ve done wrong.” Many times, we may think God is not aware of what we’ve done, but He is. Or we may think it’s such a trivial thing we’ve done that we rationalize the act and convince ourselves that God wouldn’t be concerned about it at all, but He is. God is in the business of transforming us into the likeness and image of His son, Jesus. He made it possible for us to receive forgiveness, freedom from sin, and eternal life through what Jesus did for us on the cross. But because we continue to commit sin, it is necessary for us to keep agreeing with God that these things need forgiveness and repair. So hold nothing back when you confess your sin to God. What’s the promise? “If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” God has canceled the debt. We are made pure in His sight through grace.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Foundation of Renovation (Prayer) Day 4 I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! Psalm 116: 1-2 Have you ever been in a relationship with someone and wondered, “Why do they love me?” The truth is, our significant others may not see all the reasons we have for loving them. It’s difficult to express in words sometimes. We assume they know. And, “just because” isn’t very encouraging for them. If we are really honest, don’t we all like to hear the reasons someone has for loving us? It’s affirming, uplifting, and reassuring. God likes to hear it as well. The psalmist tells God not just that he loves Him, but gives specific reasons: “I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my prayer for mercy.” Don’t we all love to feel we are heard by others? David loved the LORD because the LORD heard him. We love Him because He first loved us. One of the ways God loves us is by listening to us. We feel loved when we are heard. David Augsburger, professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, writes, “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.” The psalmist gives specific reasons for loving God. God heard his cries for help. To be heard by the One who formed us, the Creator of the universe, is no small thing. That we have access to the very presence of God through prayer--that God actually hears, indeed listens to us, should make us all, like the psalmist, excited to be calling on Him as long as we live.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Foundation of Renovation (Prayer) Day 5 Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Colossians 4:2 There are many things to be diligent about according to the Bible: sharing your faith, loving others, giving of your resources, and drinking in God’s Word and truth. But prayer is something the Apostle Paul emphasized with special concern. It’s so easy to neglect, forget about, or just put aside prayer for “later.” Think about it. Why do we have to be told to do this? Because it’s so easy to put off until later or forget to do altogether. God wants us to be alert and diligent with everything around us, to all the people we meet and pass by, to all the situations we learn about in the news and from others, with everything in life. How can we be diligent like this? First, we need to set aside time for it – make it a priority. Make an appointment with God and keep it. It doesn’t matter where you pray. Some people like to pray in private, in a closed room, as Jesus told us. Others prefer to pray while walking, jogging, or even driving (but keep your eyes open!). Some like to pray in the great outdoors. It doesn’t matter to God. What matters is keeping that time with Him and practicing it with persistence. Paul says that we are to “keep alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.” This is important. This is where, as we pray, we are thankful for all the answers God has given us lately, but also thankful for all the ones he will give us in the future. God wants us to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). Of course, not all prayers get answered the way we want them to. To some requests He says, “Consider what you are asking,” to others, “in a while,” still to others, “first you have to do this,” and to a few a resounding “No.” But we can rest assured that God is always faithful and always does what is best for us.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Foundation of Renovation (Prayer) Day 6 And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong— you want only what will give you pleasure. James 4:3 Have you ever found yourself asking God for specific things to happen in your life and then are frustrated when they don’t happen the way you’d like? It’s easy to ask God for what we want and then grumble when He doesn’t give it to us. Jesus asks us to bring our requests to Him, but we shouldn’t treat Him like a genie, granting wishes. He desires a relationship with us - a dialogue. It’s difficult for us to see the big picture sometimes. We become impatient. We want instant gratification. God, however, does see the big picture. He can read our hearts better than we can ourselves. He always knows what is best for us. Yet, he never forces us to do His will. When it seems God isn’t answering our prayers, perhaps it is a sign to reflect on what we are praying for. Perhaps it doesn’t align with God’s will. God could be nudging us in another direction, a better alternative than what we are praying for. Or maybe He is protecting us from things we don’t see. Sometimes challenges or obstacles are actually God aligning us to the right answer – His answer. Richard Foster, author of The Celebration of Discipline wrote, “To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as a noticeable characteristic of our lives.” As we grow in our relationship with Christ, He will align our desires to His, not the other way around. Psalm 37:4 says to “delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires.” When we are in right relationship with Him, our desires become His desires.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Foundation of Renovation (Prayer) Day 7 Never stop praying. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

This is one of those verses we can easily memorize: “never stop praying.” Or you may have heard it in another translation as “pray without ceasing.” But how many of us can really do that, practice it regularly, and live it out? It requires, for one thing, cultivating a mindset of prayer. Anytime we see or hear something or someone with a need, we do our best to pray for them on the spot – either silently or asking them, “Hey, can I pray for you?” When we have a need or a challenge in our life, instead of first trusting in our own strength, we go to God first in prayer. As we go throughout our day walking around, doing our work, talking to others, issues will come to mind and we pray a quick little prayer as needs arise. Before long, we find ourselves in a running dialogue with God that carries on throughout our entire day. A man opens the newspaper in the morning and prays about issues as he reads about them. A mother will read the Bible asking God to make His Word come to reality in the life of her family. Another person tries to remain open and available to God’s promptings throughout their day. Charles Ryrie, in his commentary on I & II Thessalonians, refers to “praying without ceasing” as having a “hacking cough.” He writes, “Outside the New Testament the Greek word (for “without ceasing”) is used of a hacking cough… Just as a person with a hacking cough is not always audibly coughing, though the tendency to cough is always there, so the Christian who prays without ceasing is not always praying audibly and yet prayer is always the attitude of his heart and life.” We don’t let up. We pray about everything - big or small. It doesn’t matter. When we pray like this, we will see answers from God on a grand scale and be able to tell the awesome stories of His faithfulness. What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


Weekend Sermon Notes

the pillars of renovation | comradery

SESSION 2 The pillars of renovation comradery Getting Started

1. Which of the seven devotional readings this past week was the most meaningful to you? 2. What impact do you think your choice of friends has on your success and well-being?


Memory Verse


“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NLT)

Watch the VIDEO now.

Discussion Questions

1. What are the inherent dangers of isolating ourselves from Christian community? 2. Have you had certain people involved in your growth and maturity as a disciple of Jesus? What was it about who they were or what they did that helped you to grow? 3. In our memory verse this week, the writer of Hebrews ties meeting together with motivating one another to acts of love and good works. What is it about meeting together that creates such an environment of encouragement? 4. How have you been involved in encouraging or nurturing another Christian? What have you learned from these experiences? 5. How do you envision growing spiritually in the next year or two?

Putting It Into Practice

Christian community is directly tied to spiritual growth. We gather to make friends and have fun, of course, but also to help one another grow spiritually. If you haven’t done so already, take the Spiritual Growth Assessment at the end of this book. Use it to come up with some goals for your spiritual growth. The full assessment is at


Write some of your Take-Aways from this study or from the Spiritual Growth Assessment below. MY TAKE-AWAY FOR COMRADERY


Spend some time praying for the prayer requests you have been sharing with one another. Remember to record them on the Small Group Prayer and Praise Report in the back of the workbook. You may want to focus on some of the challenges or goals you have set in your study this week.


Diving Deeper FOR YOU ● Read the daily devotions for days 8--14 in your workbook. ● Read the Memory Verse for this week daily as part of your quiet time. See if you can have it memorized before your next group meeting. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman. FOR THE GROUP Consider for your next group study one of the following: ● The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren (Book, DVD Series, 6 sessions) ● Community: Starting Well in Your Small Group - Andy Stanley, (DVD Series, 8 sessions) ● 40 Days of Community - Rick Warren (DVD Series, 6 sessions) ● What’s So Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancey (Book, DVD Series, 10 sessions) ● The Life You’ve Always Wanted – John Ortberg (Book, DVD Series, 6 sessions)


The Pillars of Renovation (Comradery) Day 8 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near. Hebrews 10: 24, 25

Regularly meeting together with other followers of Jesus is a sure-fire way of growing to look more like Jesus. We gather in large groups on the weekend to worship God and hear God’s Word preached, and we gather in small groups throughout the week to “motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” It’s in small groups that we can practice the fifty-nine “one anothers” in Scripture (e.g. love one another, live in harmony with one another, instruct one another, stop passing judgment on one another, etc.) Andy Stanley said, “The primary activity of the church is one-anothering one another. When everyone is sitting in rows… you can’t do any one anothers.” The friends we make in small groups are the people who know us, love us, and build us up. We share God’s love with each other and with the rest of the world – expanding God’s Kingdom by sharing His love. These friends don’t point fingers or accuse us when we stumble, but gently and lovingly remind us of the truth – “speaking the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15). Let us consider how we “may encourage one another on toward love and good works.” God equips us with a new spiritual family to keep us grounded in our faith so we don’t drift from Him and so we grow to look more like Him. What are some ways this week that you can encourage those in your small group and grow deeper in relationship with them?

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Pillars of Renovation (Comradery) Day 9 But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 You were created to be part of God’s family and to have a relationship with Him. But brokenness separates us from Jesus and darkness clouds our view. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are made new and pure. A relationship with God is made possible again and we are invited to walk with Him. A relationship with God is more than a passing conversation or request, but life lived alongside Him. It means a daily commitment to depend entirely on God and follow His will for your life. Walking with Jesus allows you to find true freedom, to see your value and worth in Christ, and to experience the joy in knowing Him. The world is filled with darkness concealing dangers and controlling desires but you can choose to walk through life illuminated by Christ’s light. It is a commitment you must make every day. And every day will offer distractions and temptations but Jesus is always ready to help you back into the light. Make your relationship with Jesus a priority: Spend time in prayer, reading the scriptures, singing praise to Him, thinking on His promises and truths. God wants to bring you into a life of light and unabashed love.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Pillars of Renovation (Comradery) Day 10 Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all! Romans 12:16 The apostle Paul instructs us to imitate him as he imitates Christ. He also instructs us to esteem others more highly than we do ourselves. Jesus was accused, by the Pharisees, of keeping company with sinners. Jesus, God in the flesh, humbled Himself and became a servant, washing the feet of His disciples. God rebukes the proud; and He exalts the humble. It is God’s will that we entertain the same good opinion, or better, of others than of ourselves. What we think of ourselves, we should also think of others. What we wish for ourselves, we should also wish for others. It is our Christian duty to think of one another as equally interested in the love of God, as blessed with the same spiritual blessings in Christ, and called to the same hope. Disciples of Christ do not think of one another as one being richer or wiser than another, because we do not value ourselves upon the world’s standards.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Pillars of Renovation (Comradery) Day 11 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17

When iron blades are rubbed together, each blade becomes sharper and more effective. In the same way, when believers are involved in each other’s lives, we build one another up. God is a relational being. As we are made in God’s image, we too are relational. Humans were created for fellowship. “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4: 9, 10). But friendship goes farther, and is much deeper than this. We help each other when we fall, yes, but we also help each other to stand firm against the onslaught of the enemy and of the world: “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him – a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Two friends united form a strong bond, but two friends who are united in Christ form a “threefold cord” which becomes infinitely stronger still.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Pillars of Renovation (Comradery) Day 12 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 We’re all sinners in need of God’s grace. Warn those who are lazy. The Greek word used here for lazy means unruly or disorderly. One of the ways we love people is by speaking the truth, in love, that they need to hear. Encourage the timid. The word for timid is literally showing lack of courage. We can all become discouraged and lose our confidence. In those times we need someone to come along side and lift us up. We need someone to believe in us. Steven Covey defines leadership as “communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves.” Take care of the weak. It’s looking outside ourselves and seeing the needs of others. It’s putting aside our comfort for a time in order to help those who need it. That’s what love does. Be patient with everyone. Simply stated, “Love is patient.” That’s what Paul says. Perhaps the key word here is EVERYONE. We should strive to be patient with everyone, especially the ones who try our patience.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Pillars of Renovation (Comradery) Day 13 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. Colossians 3:16a We live in a time like any other. Man has not changed so much. Into this world comes the Word. All that we do, whether singing, preaching, warning, or exhorting, must be done as the living Word of Christ makes its home in us. Among small groups, worship teams, children’s ministries, outreach or recovery programs; the Word of Christ and the message of the Cross shall not be kept in the silo of the weekend sermon. How do we allow the Word of Christ “in all its richness, fill our lives?” It begins with hearing the Word. It begins with taking it in; it is completed as we live it out. As the Word makes its entrance, we must be willing to let it change the environment. We are filled with Christ when we say “YES” to the Word. Let it live among us richly. The same Greek word used here for richly (plousios) is used in 1 Timothy 6: 17 regarding those who are rich in this world. Paul warns them not to be arrogant or to set their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God. The Word of God is what we need to truly become rich. There is no uncertainty there. It lasts forever. It lasts through every era.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Pillars of Renovation (Comradery) Day 14 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10

When we hear the word gift, we often have an image of a large package perfectly wrapped in shimmering paper, tied up neatly with a big bow. Sometimes we think of people who have above-average intelligence, athleticism or artistic ability. People who do extraordinary things in the world, above the status quo. What we often fail to recognize is that some of the greatest gifts come in small packages, with plain paper from seemingly ordinary people. Mother Teresa once said when asked how to do great things for God, “We can’t; we can only do small things with great love.” We are all uniquely created with specific gifts. Those gifts are not given for us to keep to ourselves, but to be shared with the world. Our gifts may not seem big enough to make a difference, but they are. Making a difference in once person’s life is worth it. Some of us have gifts that are flashier than others; they might even seem bigger or more important. However, all of our gifts were uniquely woven together in the body of Christ to meet all needs. You may have a gift of serving, helps, mercy, or hospitality; use them to bless God and others. We don’t all have the gift of teaching, preaching, or administration. That’s on purpose. We are called to put our God-given gifts to work, regardless of how large or small they may seem. It will leave a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God when our gifts are being used. Why do you think He gave them to you? Unless we go out into the world as Jesus commanded, we will not experience the fullness of what God has intended for us. What is keeping you from sharing your gifts with others?

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


Weekend Sermon Notes

the work of renovation | mission

SESSION 3 The work of renovation Mission Getting Started

1. Which of the seven devotional readings this past week was the most meaningful to you? 2. What are some ways you have grown wiser over the years (or since you were a child)?


Memory Verse


Jesus came and told His disciples, “I have been given you all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT)

Watch the VIDEO now.

Discussion Questions

1. Consider the 5 marks of a disciple: exalting, evangelizing, encouraging, equipping, and empowering. Why do evangelism (showing God’s love and sharing the Good News) and encouraging (growing spiritually within a community) have special significance in light of eternity? 2. What is a disciple? (for some ideas check out Matt. 10:24-25; Luke 6:40, 9:23-25; John 8:31-32) What does it mean to “make disciples”? 3. What method did Jesus use in training the twelve? How could this method be followed in our context today? 4. Verse 19 could be translated “As you are going...make disciples.” How does this change the way we might interpret our memory verse this week - the “Great Commission”? 5. Jesus said, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” What are the implications of this promise?


Putting It Into Practice If you haven’t yet taken the Spiritual Growth Assessment in the back of this book, go ahead and do that. Also, it is in the Vineyard 201 class that you will take the S.H.A.P.E. assessment, where you’ll discover your Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences and how God has uniquely “shaped” you. If you haven’t taken Vineyard 101 and 201 yet, sign up for those this week at our website, Currently, we have eight Vineyard 101’s and four Vineyard 201’s a year. How has God spoken to you in this study? Write down below at least one way in which you feel God wants to use you to help someone either come to Christ or grow in their walk with Christ. Additionally, you can write down one way in which God is calling you to grow more spiritually. Now transfer your TAKE-AWAYS to the MY TAKE-AWAYS list in the front of the workbook. MY TAKE-AWAY FOR MISSION


In your prayer time this week, focus on the prayer requests from the Small Group Prayer and Praise Report. Also pray for the Take-Aways group members have written so far. You may want to break into groups of 2 or 3 this week for prayer.



Diving Deeper FOR YOU ● Read the daily devotions for days 15--21 in your workbook. ● Read the Memory Verse for this week every day this week as part of your quiet time. See if you can have it memorized before your next group meeting. FOR THE GROUP Consider for your next group study one of the following: ● Your Divine Design by Chip Ingram (Book, RightNowMedia, 8 sessions) ● Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman (Book, RightNowMedia, 6 sessions) ● Crazy Love by Francis Chan (Book, RightNowMedia, 10 sessions)


The Work of Renovation (Mission) Day 15 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:18-20 If someone on his deathbed were giving his final words, would you pay attention? Most likely. If someone wrote down her last wishes in a will, would you take the time to read it? Probably. In Matthew 28:18-20 we have Jesus’ final will and testament, so to speak, which is known as the Great Commission. Jesus told his disciples, “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18–20). This is the message of Christ to each of us as well. As the body of Christ, we are called to a) make disciples, b) baptize them, and c) teach them to obey Christ’s commandments. Keep in mind this can be a long process involving multiple people. Think about the number of people who were influential in your decision of coming to faith in Christ. Think about the number of people who have helped you grow in spiritual maturity. Probably many people have been involved. Likewise, we are called to practice incarnational love (read Philippians 2:1-11) and come alongside people no matter where they are on their journey. We are to come alongside them, match their pace, walk in their footsteps, put our arm around them and take baby steps with them toward Jesus. We may not walk the whole journey with them from combative nonbeliever to sold-out fool for Jesus, but we can meet them where they are and take baby steps towards Jesus with them. Who in your life can you do this with?

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Work of Renovation (Mission) Day 16 And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. 1 Peter 2:5

God is building His church, and with the resurrected Son of God as the chief cornerstone, it is a “living” church. As Christ followers, He calls us “living stones,” those who have been born again of His Spirit. We are part of the enduring family of believers who make up His spiritual temple, His holy dwelling place. Furthermore, God calls us His “holy priests.” What is the role of a priest in the bible? It is to minister before the Lord, to dwell in His presence, offering spiritual sacrifices to Him. And what is this spiritual sacrifice? It is worship. Our willful act of laying down our lives to Him, choosing to come into His presence through the daily offering (sacrifice) of worship. As we turn our meditations and songs of worship to Him, He responds by drawing near to us and inhabiting our praises. And just as in The Bible, His presence fills His temple. It literally embraces us, inhabits us, and empowers us to live out our daily lives for His glory, fulfilling His purposes on the earth. There is no greater calling than to be His church, living stones and holy priests, set aside for His glory, partnering with God and allowing Christ Jesus to live in us and through us, that we might bring His awesome presence and power into the lives of those around us!

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Work of Renovation (Mission) Day 17 Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 Some plants — like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and delphiniums — need extra support in order to thrive. Their flowers or fruits are usually too heavy for the plant to support, and sometimes that fruit can rot if it touches the soil or burn if it’s not protected by foliage. The solution to this is staking. A branch, a length of bamboo, or even a storebought stake will work. Gardeners simply take a thin strip of cloth and, at intervals, tie the plant to the stake. Whatever staking system is used, the function is the same: provide extra support to the plant when its blooms and fruit are more than the plant can bear. We can take the idea of staking out of the garden into our friendships. We can be the stake for the man who just lost his job, for the woman going through a divorce, for the woman whose child was arrested for drugs, or for the man who was just diagnosed with cancer. When we offer our time, our listening ear, and our prayers, we can help support those who are hurting. When we willingly bind ourselves to this person, their burdens will no longer be as heavy. In fact, those burdens become purposeful refining character, strengthening faith, and sometimes equipping them to minister to others going through the same thing. Who in your world needs staking today? Reach out to them; invite them to join you for coffee or lunch. And ask the Lord to equip you to be a strong stake for this person whose burdens are heavy.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Work of Renovation (Mission) Day 18 For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. Luke 19:10 “We will be out Friday morning between 8:00 and noon with your delivery,” the lady told me at the lumber yard. I was anxious to get the materials early Friday so I could spend the weekend working on the new addition, but when my phone rang at 6:30 am I was beside myself. The voice on the other end of the line said, “I realize I’m early, but I am a few minutes away and wanted to know if I could drop the materials off now.” I said ok, got out of bed, got dressed and grumbled on my way out to meet him. I felt like slapping the guy for making me get out of bed so early on my day off. As I waited at the end of my driveway on the damp, chilly morning, I just wanted to go back inside and crawl in bed. Remember now, I was expecting them to arrive at 11:59 am, since the delivery time was 8:00 - noon. So although getting the materials early was a blessing, I wanted no part of it. The driver introduced himself as “Ernie.” He got all the material off of the truck with this gadget and drove it back to the part of the property I had designated for the new structure. As we walked ever so slowly back to the front of the property, I realized this guy was the definition of a morning person. He talked my ear off and kept commenting on how beautiful my land was. I remember strategically trying not to say anything that would extend the conversation and time together with this man. I wanted to get back in bed on my day off. We got back to the truck and Ernie turned to gaze out over the field. I first thought he was pausing for effect and to get a few dollars for a tip. But, then I noticed his eyes filling up with tears and an actual tear rolling down his cheek. The only sentence I could muster up was a semi-sympathetic, “So, what’s up with that?” Ernie went on to explain that my property reminded him of the land he used to live on before he had “made some mistakes in life.” His failure led to the loss of his land, his wife, kids, and even his dog. He now lived in a small studio apartment by himself in the city. I’ll be honest, several things passed through my mind, both shoulders were talking to me if you will. I looked at Ernie, but not directly, patted him on the shoulder and thanked him for coming out early. I gave him a generous self-appeasing tip, went back and crawled in my warm bed. And there you have it, a true story about one of my proudest moments as a follower of God. Since that time, I have tried to reconnect with Ernie, with no luck. It’s like he never existed. The lumber yard said he left not long after that and they had no way of contacting him. I’m sure all of us have similar stories where we ignored God’s prompting as He taps our shoulder to interact with someone. I would also venture to say that those stories have a much happier ending when we respond to God’s prompting and take a step of faith. The church, you and me, is God’s “Plan A” in reaching a lost world. There is no “Plan B.” Pray that God will give you opportunities to interact with the lost world. Ask God for an opportunity this week, and ask that you will have the courage to respond to God’s prompting. What did you hear? What do you think? What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Work of Renovation (Mission) Day 19 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12

Equip: To supply with necessities such as tools or provisions. To furnish (someone) with the qualities necessary for performance; prepare. It was a typical Sunday morning – nearly an eternity ago. Our new small group had really started to gel. We were a rag-tag band of young adults, all dealing with work, family, and trying to be perfect first- time parents as we compared notes about what our babies did that week. Most of us were just “coming back” to church after spending years walking on our own. Our group leader was Lloyd - a 40-something, long-haired, energetic, pot-bellied recovering addict who had been “saved” at a weekend retreat called “Camino.” Lloyd’s motto was “The more you read, the more you know – and the more you know, the more you read.” He had a knack for asking questions that got people to “talk it out.” I learned a lot from everyone sharing their perspectives and ideas about what the Holy Spirit was doing and what God was saying through Scripture. We all thought Lloyd was a great teacher. And then one Sunday morning it happened. We finished our lesson, closed in prayer, and Lloyd announced he had to leave town for work and would be gone for the next several weeks. We all looked at each other and began discussing what we would do. Should we keep meeting? Should we skip until Lloyd gets back? We all wanted to keep meeting, but, no one was really sure who or how to lead our group. Lloyd interrupted the banter and told everyone in the group that he would be gone, but he wanted me to lead the group! My heart began racing and my stomach dropped to my knees. I turned to look at Lloyd and my face said, “What in the world are you doing?” I didn’t say a word – I didn’t have time to – everyone else in the group said, “Awesome.That sounds great! See you next weekend,” as they grabbed their diaper bags, Bibles, coats, and left the room to pick up the babies from the nursery. After everyone was gone, Lloyd looked at me and said, “I’ve watched you sitting in this group, taking things in, and when you talk – people listen. Here’s the deal, you don’t have to know everything about the Bible. You only need to be willing to let God work through you. Here’s my book. Look at the lessons and just stay a week ahead of the group. You’ll do great.” And that was it. End of story. Lloyd gathered his things and left.


The next three weekends were transformational for our group and for me. I discovered that in spite of my flaws and my lack of formal theological education, my willingness to lead (and fail) allowed our group to continue to meet, to study and to grow in our knowledge of Jesus. God did some amazing things in my life because Lloyd believed in me, pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me to lead. Lloyd equipped me, and God did the rest.

Is there anyone in your life that you know is a leader? Anyone you could speak words of encouragement to that would help them step out and lead? Or is there an area you feel passionate about, but have never felt adequate enough for the job? Step out in faith. God will bless your willingness and courage, and He will do amazing things in your life and the lives of others.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Work of Renovation (Mission) Day 20 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16a Bill was my neighbor. We exchanged cordialities whenever we were both working outside or leaving for work. We were neighborly, friendly, but not that close. And one day that changed. Bill stopped me as I was busy mowing the lawn. With sweat dripping off my face, I asked him, “What’s up, Bill?” “Well, I know you saw the police cars at our house a few days ago, and I wanted to come over and tell you about it.” He then proceeded to share with me some of the challenges and issues his family had been dealing with. And then he started to weep. “I feel ashamed about it, but, I’m just not sure what to do anymore,” he said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to break down like this” “Bill, I had no idea you were dealing those things. Is there anything I can do?” I asked. Bill replied, “I don’t think so. We’ll get by. I just wanted you to know what happened since we’re neighbors and all. Thanks for listening to me. I better let you get back to work.” “Bill, do you mind if I pray for you?” I asked. “Sure, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” Bill said as he shrugged his shoulders. And then he turned away to walk back home. “Wait a second, Bill. Is it ok if I pray for you right now?” I asked. Bill gave me a questioning look and slowly said, “Well…Okay.” So we stood at the end of the driveway in the July heat, and I prayed out loud to God for my neighbor Bill. As I stood there praying for reconciliation, peace, grace, mercy and love to fill Bill’s home & family, I noticed tears streaming down his cheek. The tears slid down his face until they mingled with the sweat running down his neck. I said, “Amen,” and we just stood there silently for a few seconds. Bill wiped his cheek, rearranged the glasses on his nose and looked up at me. “Thanks. Thank you, very much. Usually, when people say they are going to pray for me, they just think good thoughts every now and again. But that was good. I feel a whole lot better now. Thank you.”


Bill walked home and I finished mowing the grass. A few weeks later, Bill showed up at church. He committed his life to Jesus and began volunteering his time and serving many different people in our church. He was a blessing. A couple years went by and Bill stopped me one day as I was walking down the hallway. He said that he would never forget that day I prayed for him. He walked over feeling ashamed about his life, but walked away feeling loved and blessed. I think the Holy Spirit did something in Bill’s life that day because I was willing to pray for him‌not later, but with him, in that moment. God works in powerful ways when we pray. Go to him boldly and ask for his healing power in your life and the lives of others.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Work of Renovation (Mission) Day 21 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1 In one of the most amazing moments in Olympic history, a 26-year-old underdog ran a 10,000 meter race nearly a minute faster that he had ever run in his life. Since 1964, he is still the only American to capture the gold medal in this event. Billy Mills struggled early in life, growing up in stark poverty and was orphaned at the age of twelve. Many had written him off long before his Olympic triumph in the Tokyo Games. The book of Hebrews was written as a pastoral call to the needs of a struggling group of people. It speaks about people of faith running a race that God has laid down before us. A race free from the burden of sin. A race run not alone, but in witness to those among us who strive not to get tripped up along the way. Those who strive to obey God’s word in the face of uncertainty, persecution, and temptation. How do we run such a race? We look to Jesus, the supreme example of faithful endurance. Jesus guides us in how to forgive, how to extend a helping hand, and how to love our fellow man. We don’t run the race alone. We run it together. We encourage one another along the way. When we do this we are free to confess our own weight - our own sin - to our Father. He will take it and set us free. Free to run in great faith. Great faith is not based on the anticipation of reward for our own character, but in confident action in response to the character of God. When we are free of the extra weight, we might not run faster, like Billy Mills did, but we will run unencumbered, as though weights have been taken off our ankles. What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


Weekend Sermon Notes

the challenge of renovation | setbacks

SESSION 4 the challenge of renovation | setbacks Getting Started

1. Which of the seven devotional readings this past week was the most meaningful to you? 2. What are one or two setbacks you’ve had in your life? How did you overcome them?

Memory Verse


Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4 (NLT)

Watch the VIDEO now.


Discussion Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.

How does James tell his readers to respond to trials? What is God’s purpose for trials in the believer’s life? What does it mean that God tests your faith through these trials? What does Christ’s death and resurrection have to do with having joy in trials? 5. Look up the following verses and note what each teaches about trials or suffering: John 16:33; Romans 5:3-5; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Hebrews 12:11. What can you conclude from these verses? 6. Now read 1 Peter 1:6-7. How do trials prove our faith is genuine? 7. What are the trials and pressures you are currently facing? How are they affecting your faith?

Putting It Into Practice

If you are currently going through a trial or pressure, what is one thing you can do to turn it over to God and/or depend on fellow Christians for encouragement, prayer, and support? Write it below. MY TAKE-AWAY FOR SETBACKS


Now transfer your TAKE-AWAY to the MY TAKE-AWAYS list in the front of the workbook.


Spend some time praying for one another’s requests from the Small Group Prayer and Praise Report. If anyone shared a hurt or needs prayer, be sure to pray for those things during your prayer time. If you are short on time or your group members would feel more comfortable sharing with only one other person instead of a group, you might want to pair up and pray for each other.


Diving Deeper FOR YOU ● Read the daily devotions for days 22--28 in your workbook. ● Read the Memory Verse for this week daily as part of your quiet time. See if you can have it memorized before your next group meeting. FOR THE GROUP Consider for your next group one of the following studies: Starting Over by Andy Stanley (Video study, RightNowMedia, 4 sessions) Acts of God: Why Does God Allow So Much Pain? by Bob Russell (Book, RightNowMedia, 6 sessions) Rebuilding Your Broken World by Chip Ingram (Video Study, RightNowMedia, 8 sessions) Now What Do I Do: The Surprising Solution When Things Go Wrong by Dr. John Townsend (Book, RightNowMedia, 5 sessions)


The challenge of renovation (Setbacks) Day 22 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4

Most of us have heard the saying that “bad things come in threes.” Sometimes it feels that way. And how about this: “When it rains, it pours.” When trials come along, it’s easy to look at God and ask why He is allowing these things to happen. Sometimes it’s difficult to rest assured that through our suffering comes joy. Jesus suffered much during His time on earth, both through trials and temptations. Because He suffered much, He is able to comfort us during our times of suffering. We are not going through any of these trials alone. Through the loss of loved ones, heart breaks, and even lost dreams, God is there. The truth of the human condition is that we learn little from our victories; it is through defeat and hardship we learn the most. Growth is usually accompanied with pain; we experience “growing pains” during physical growth, and during emotional growth as well. And God has promised us that He works out everything for our good. And from that, instead of lamenting the trials that may come in threes, we can focus on the blessings that come in thousands. Ask God to reveal what He wants you to learn through each situation. In time, you will see how the trials you’ve endured has equipped you to help others in need. We cannot change the human condition. Imperfection is the result of sin in the world. We can, however, submit to God’s provision for our perfection and thereby become vessels through which God can bless the earth…which can be a source of joy in the end.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The challenge of renovation (Setbacks) Day 23 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 1 Peter 1:7 Peter uses the metaphor of a crucible into which gold or other precious metals are melted to be purified, or proven. The fire burns off the dross and impurities so the real stuff is all that’s left. This image is common in Scripture to illustrate trials that come our way. The testing--the crucible--reveals what a person is made of. The word used for testing may also be translated as proving. Your faith is shown, or proven by the testing. It is not necessarily made stronger by the test, rather, its genuineness is revealed. Some believe if we are walking with God everything in our life is going to be wonderful. We will have all the money we need; we will not suffer health issues; it’s the Health and Wealth gospel. It is difficult, however, to read the New Testament honestly and come away with such an understanding. The message of the New Testament, in fact, is the message of the Cross. We can sum up the Christian experience as, “Trouble now, glory later.” Peter, who wrote these words, was beaten, along with John, by the religious leaders in Jerusalem (Acts 5:40). His faith was found to be greater than gold (see Acts 5:41-42). Paul, the prominent author of the New Testament, was proven in the crucible. He was beaten, flogged, imprisoned, and suffered many other hardships for the sake of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 11:23-33). He preached Christ until he was beheaded. His faith was of much greater worth than gold. How about your faith? What will the fire find?

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...

The challenge of renovation (Setbacks) Day 24 51

The challenge of renovation (Setbacks) Day 24 Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 “Why do bad things happen to good people?” This is a question asked by most people at one time or another. It is often asked in a plaintive way as if there is no answer, and as proof there is no God--at least not a loving one. It is less often asked, “Why do good things happen to bad people?” We tend to think of ourselves as good. Bad things happen to me--not fair. So why DO bad things happen to good people? Jesus’ disciples asked Him about a young man who had been born blind (John 9:2). They wanted to know why this bad thing (blindness) happened to him. Somebody must have sinned. So they asked Jesus if it was him or his parents. “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” Jesus answered. “This was done that the works of God might be displayed in him” (vs. 3). Paul had a problem. We don’t know what it was. He called it a thorn in the flesh. Some scholars believe he had a serious eye condition. Whatever it was, Paul asked God three times to remove it from him. The Lord responded with, “My grace is sufficient.” The thorn came to Paul, not as a result of any bad thing he had done, but with a purpose. The purpose was that Paul would remain humble, and that God might receive all the glory for his incredible success at spreading the gospel in Asia Minor and Southern Europe. Instead of removing it, God did something better. He gave more grace. Paul’s weakness (the same Greek word is used for sickness or disease) would forever remind Paul that sufficiency came from Christ and not from his own power. Paul would not boast in his accomplishments. He boasted rather in his weakness. It is through our weakness that the power of God is best demonstrated. When we are weak, that is when we are strong. To boast in the flesh is folly. Boast rather in the power of Christ that works through our weakness. Sometimes bad things happen to good people so that good people stay mindful of their dependency on Christ and that Christ receive the full measure of glory. What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do?

Now talk to God... 52

The challenge of renovation (Setbacks) Day 25 Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

Christ warned His disciples of troubles and persecution. He did this not only so the troubles would not be a surprise, but also so they could confirm their faith. Jesus always deals fairly and faithfully with His disciples. He tells us the worst we can meet with in His service, and He would have us deal the same way with ourselves, in taking the time to count the cost. All who choose to live in Christ will suffer some kind of persecution, and we will enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations. And this is better, by far, than the alternative: forfeiting our soul to eternity in hell. In times of peril, disciples of Christ may go out of the way of danger, but they should not go out of the way of duty. No sinful means should be used to escape, because then it is not a door that God opened. The fear of man disturbs our peace and can draw us into sin, and therefore must be striven and prayed against. But tribulation, distress, and even persecution cannot take God’s love away from us. Therefore, we must fear God only, and nothing else, for only God is able to destroy both body and soul in hell. We should avoid turning to sin as a means to avoid affliction from the world. Our lives on earth are but a breath compared to the joy of eternity. What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The challenge of renovation (Setbacks) Day 26 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33 While Jesus walked the earth, He was both God and fully human. In order for Jesus to be the eternal atonement for sin, He had to experience the same temptations and sufferings common to all human beings. The Divine nature did not desert His human nature, but supported it, and comforted Christ during his suffering on earth. And we also, having God’s favorable presence, can be happy, and can also be at peace, though all the world might forsake us. Peace in Christ is the only true peace, and in Him alone believers have it. Through Jesus we have peace with God, which should also give us peace in our own minds. We can find encouragement in the fact that Christ has overcome the world before us. Trials and sorrows come in this fallen world, but we are never left to our own devices unless we choose to be. Only when we choose to face trials and sorrows alone are we left to ourselves, which gives the world opportunity to steal our peace. Only when we attempt to stand apart from Jesus and His help do we fall.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The challenge of renovation (Setbacks) Day 27 Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. Psalm 23:4

God stands beside us even when we feel distant from Him; He does not forsake those He loves. In the famous twenty third Psalm, we read “when,” not “if” “I walk through the darkest valley.” God’s Word shows that we will experience dark times. This darkness can be caused by our own choices, by the choices of others, or by our adversary, Satan. God promises to be close to us and protect and comfort us as we walk through the dark valley. Unfortunately the very world in which we live is filled with darkness. And until we enter Heaven’s gates, we will inevitably be affected by this darkness. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we can be assured that He will never leave our side and will always be there to comfort and protect us. He is only a prayer away.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The challenge of renovation (Setbacks) Day 28 Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights. Habakkuk 3:17-19 What does it mean to trust in the Lord in all His ways? What would our lives look like if we could do it? Really do it. Trust in God no matter what. To have an unshakable faith that God is in charge at all times and that he knows what is best for us. The truth is that life can sometimes be tough. The trials we go through and the losses we sometimes endure seem unbearable. We feel alone. Abandoned. Faith can seem far away when there is no hope. Strangely enough, it’s dark hours like these that people first find God. Grace lies not only in the dawn of the day but in the cry of the night. Sometimes we feel our own brokenness most just before the healing begins. All earthly rumblings fall silently to the side when we turn our eyes toward the redemptive power and healing words of scripture. Rest in the knowing that God is the source of our salvation. God’s hand is always just. His mercy, always complete. He will answer the cry in the night. Our desperation turns into faith. Our weakest moment turns into our greatest strength. God’s love for us is the one eternal truth that we can hold on to. The moral nature and character of God shines through Jesus as he calls us to him. We run as surefooted as the swiftest deer leaping over the earthly boundaries that we created in our pain. We find solace in His presence. He is our comforter and our redeemer. We can rest in the conviction that the sovereign Lord is our strength.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


Weekend Sermon Notes

the blessings of renovation | generosity

SESSION 5 the blessing of renovation | generosity Getting Started

1. Which of the seven devotional readings this past week was the most meaningful to you? 2. Who would you say were some of the most generous people in your life?


Memory Verse

No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24

Watch the VIDEO now.


Discussion Questions

1. Jesus talked more about money than he did about heaven and hell combined. Do you think this is significant? Why or why not? 2. Why is it impossible to serve both God and money? 3. How do you know when someone is serving money rather than serving God? What does their life look like? 4. What is the prevailing view of money in our culture? How important is money to most people when compared to family, relationships, job, spiritual activities or other areas of life? 5. We often hear the phrase, “The American Dream.” Talk about what that means to you and to those you know. Based on what Jesus said in Matthew 6, do you believe most people’s idea of The American Dream is biblical? 6. Is treasure in these verses limited to just our finances? What else might we treasure outside of Christ?

Putting It Into Practice

Think of ways in which you can increase your generosity—either through your finances, your time, your talents, your influence, your knowledge, etc. Write one way in which you will increase your generosity below. MY TAKE-AWAY FOR GENEROSITY


Now transfer your TAKE-AWAY to the MY TAKE-AWAYS list in the front of the workbook.

Prayer Do you have any friends who don’t know Jesus Christ? Pray for their salvation with your group. Do you know anyone who is going through a very difficult situation right now? Pray for them. Be sure to pray for the requests in the Small Group Prayer and Praise Report. Pray together about your take-aways from this study.


Diving Deeper FOR YOU ● Read the daily devotions for days 29--35 in your workbook. ● Read the Memory Verse for this week daily as part of your quiet time. See if you can have it memorized before your next group meeting. FOR THE GROUP Consider taking the class, Financial Peace University, together as a group at the church. Alternatively consider doing the study, The Treasure Principle Workshop by Randy Alcorn (6-weeks, video-driven, RightNowMedia).


The blessing of renovation (Generosity) Day 29 No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24 A new vehicle depreciates by 33% as soon as it is driven off the lot. Jesus spoke of how temporary earthly treasures are in Matthew 6, telling us to build up eternal treasure in Heaven rather than collect temporal things here on earth. But then He takes it a step further. Jesus tells us that we can only dedicate our lives to one thing. Money has a way of slowly weaving itself into the fabric of our motives and desires. We begin depending on finances to bring us security, give us self-worth, or power. Instead of being a tool, money has become a demanding and fickle slave driver. Jesus gives us an alternative: a life dedicated to Him. Life spent serving God doesn’t necessarily mean you have to work in a church (unless God has called you to it), and it doesn’t mean God won’t bless your finances. Following Jesus means letting Him take over and call the shots. It means making everyday decisions based on His Word and example. It is a full-time, all-encompassing job. Test your heart. What occupies your thoughts during quiet moments? Where is your treasure? Money, when in it occupies the correct place in our hearts, can be used to show God’s generous love to others. Jesus is after your heart. Just as much as you have to choose the left or the right at a fork in the road, you must choose to follow something with your whole heart.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The blessing of renovation (Generosity) Day 30 If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord — and he will repay you! Proverbs 19:17

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. A sure thing, a guarantee, a zero-risk endeavor… Who wouldn’t jump at an opportunity that came with a guarantee? That is exactly what God has promised us in Proverbs 19:17. When we are kind to someone, we are making a loan to the Lord and He always repays. It is a mistake to see life as a bucket filled with water. God does not fill our buckets with time, talents, and treasure, and then ask us to scoop them out and give them away. Generosity is not a depletion of our own gifts from God. The Bible teaches the principle of openhanded generosity; life as a garden hose. Water flows through the hose and overflows in the continual process. God blesses us so that we can bless others. When we are kind to the poor, or the down trodden, God promises to reward us. Holding on tight to the things God gives leads to greed and fear of losing the gift. Instead we must pass God’s gifts on to others and allow God to fill our lives with more blessings to share. We live in a broken world. A world longing for kindness and God’s love. God has chosen us to be His hands in order to touch lives, and guarantees us He will reward us when we do.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The blessing of renovation (Generosity) Day 31 Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:19-21 God’s kingdom offers us a completely different value system—one based on the eternal. As believers, we’ve been transferred into this divine economy. Paul tells us that the world as we know it will pass away. What is ultimately eternal? God’s Word. Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” The most valuable commodity, in reality, is the Word of God. Jesus himself says that, “man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4: 4). Whether we’re aware of it or not, we make daily choices about our treasure. Our wealth is either passing away or it is eternal. There’s no middle ground—where we choose to invest our time and passion counts. We can learn from David and ask the Lord to change our heart, give us a new perspective and different desires… “Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you” (Psalm 86:11).

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The blessing of renovation (Generosity) Day 32 Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38

God blesses the world through the generosity of His faithful servants. If God is willing to bless others through us, how much more is He willing to bless us for being faithful to Him? As we give to others, God supplies us all that we need and more. God is generous to us when we are giving to others, whether it is love, forgiveness, money, time or talents. We can live aggressively generous lives knowing that God is supplying us from His unending reserve. Do you want to be blessed? Be a blessing to others and allow God to be the one who repays. He never fails to honor His promissory notes.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The blessing of renovation (Generosity) Day 33 You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Giving to God out of obligation is never what He wants. No one wants a gift from someone whose arm has been twisted and guilt-tripped into giving. God calls us to give cheerfully and freely—not because we feel guilty for not giving enough. God cares about our heart. He is molding us to be more like Him and is more concerned with the reason behind your gift than its size. Jesus, when at the temple, watched a widow put in two small copper coins into the offering and said she had given more than all of the others. God does not “need” our gifts but examines the motivations behind our gifts. God did not look favorably on Cain’s gift, because Cain brought his gift begrudgingly, out of a sense of obligation. Abel brought his gift freely and with thanksgiving, acknowledging that it is from God that all good things come. We serve a God who gives generously and finds delight in doing so. He asks us to find the same joy. Talk with God and decide in your heart what to give—not because you are supposed to but because you want to. Give in a way that flows out of love and joy—not guilt and obligation.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do?

Now talk to God...


The blessing of renovation (Generosity) Day 34 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! Malachi 3:10

Where do our talents, aptitudes, very breath and life come from? God, who has given us everything, asks us to trust Him enough to honor Him with our money. Money is a product of our abilities, skills, and time. Giving money generously to Kingdom work acknowledges that everything we have comes from God. Paul wrote, “For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory” (Romans 11:36). God instituted tithing under the old covenant. However, Jesus said “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved” (Matt 5:17-18). The law didn’t cease to exist when Jesus showed up on earth. He fulfilled the law and it is written on the hearts of all who follow Him. The covenant is about a love relationship between God and His children. We give from a heart of gratitude because we are unconditionally loved and so we may honor the “Maker of heaven and earth.” God challenges us to trust Him with our finances. So what do we have to lose? Maybe the better question is what do we stand to gain by trusting God? Even better, what are we missing out on by NOT trusting God?

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do?

Now talk to God...


The blessing of renovation (Generosity) Day 35 No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people. Isaiah 58:6 As we grow in our relationship with God, the understanding of generosity takes on a whole new meaning. Usually, we link generosity with tithing, the giving of time and talents. These are the ways we typically look at giving. To experience a deeper meaning of generosity, look at the life of Jesus. He calls us to be generous with mercy, grace, forgiveness, and understanding of others. We are to work on setting ourselves and others free from the things that keep us in chains. God created us to glorify Him and live a life of abundance, not oppression… Go to those who have suffered an injustice and give them help… Offer grace to those who have destructive behaviors that keep them stuck... Forgive those who have wronged you. There is no guarantee that when we give - whether it is money, time, or forgiveness - that it will be accepted the way we hope. That didn’t stop Jesus from giving freely to others and ultimately giving His life for us all. We are called to be generous givers, with no strings attached. Many times when we make the decision to live generously, it not only sows seeds of healing in others, but in ourselves too. “By doing this they will be storing up their treasures as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life” 1 Timothy 6:19.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


Weekend Sermon Notes

the inspiration of renovation | scripture

SESSION 6 the inspiration of renovation | scripture Getting Started

1. Which of the seven devotional readings this past week was the most meaningful to you? 2. What stood out to you in this week’s message?


Memory Verse

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:1-3


Watch the VIDEO now.

Discussion Questions

1. What does it mean to delight in the law of the Lord? 2. The blessed person is first defined by what they do not do. What is the blessed person to avoid? 3. Read 2 Timothy 3:1-17. What stands out to you in this scripture? 4. How does Scripture equip us to do every good work? 5. Studying Scripture can simply increase our information. How do we move from information to transformation? 6. Read the section below “Putting It Into Practice.” What can you apply from the Word Hand illustration to your own life?


Putting It Into Practice

The Word of God is more than simply a set of guidelines or recommendations. It gives us the foundation for how we live, move, and shape every aspect of our lives. The Word Hand Illustration below is a simple way to break down the taking in of God’s Word. HEARING (Romans 10:17): We gain spiritual insights by listening to the reading of the Word. It can be at church, in small group, or listening to an audio Bible on the YouVersion app on your phone. READING (Revelation 1:3): Reading exposes us to all of God’s Word. A daily reading program, systematically working through the Bible is an essential discipline. STUDYING (Acts 17:11): Studying the Bible personally or in a group helps us dig deeper into God’s truths. Writing down insights helps to remember them. MEMORIZING (Psalm 119:9, 11): Memorizing the Word is the most powerful way to change our thinking and give us the mind of Christ. It helps us resist Satan and conquer temptations, and gives us ways to share Christ and encourage others. MEDITATING (Psalm 1:2-3): Meditation/reflection connects with the others, like the thumb touches each of the fingers. Taking time to ponder what you’ve read, heard, studied, and memorized will cause spiritual transformation. APPLYING (James 1:22): Putting the Word into practice is crucial. Knowledge acquisition isn’t the goal, application is, when dealing with God’s Word. Write one take-away from this week’s study below that you will apply to your life.


Write your take-aways in the space below. MY TAKE-AWAY FROM SCRIPTURE


Now transfer your TAKE-AWAY to the MY TAKE-AWAYS list in the front of the workbook.


Pray for your group’s prayer requests. Be sure to pray for their requests on the Small Group Prayer and Praise Report.


Diving Deeper FOR YOU ● Read the daily devotions for days 36--42 in your workbook. ● Read the Memory Verse for this week daily as part of your quiet time. See if you can have it memorized before your next group meeting. FOR THE GROUP Consider taking the class, Alpha, together as a group at the church. Alternatively, consider doing the study, 40 Days in the Word by Rick Warren (Book, DVD study, 6 sessions).


The Inspiration of Renovation (Scripture) Day 36 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:1-3 In this opening Psalm, David describes a two-step blueprint for building a firm foundation in God. First, we must not allow the world’s ways to supersede God’s ways in our thinking. Second, we need to fill our mind with scripture on a regular basis. David compares those who follow this process to a deeply–rooted tree that not only stays green year-round but is able to bear fruit. Fruit requires specific growing conditions and a great deal of nutrients. First, it requires a well-developed root system. And in most cases, the root system of a tree is much larger than its canopy. Root systems don’t happen overnight. Developing a foundation in God requires that we meditate on scripture. God’s voice must replace the voice of the ungodly in our life; not just once in a while but day and night. In Hebrew, the word “meditate” basically means to speak or to mutter. Christian meditation is the act of reflecting and thinking about a particular scripture and how it applies to life, until it becomes deeply embedded in our heart where it has transformational power. Speaking a scripture out loud and committing it to memory is an excellent place to start. The rewards are great because the person who delights in God’s Word will become… Fruitful: able to build up and encourage others and to be a blessing in relationships. Resilient: able to withstand the challenges of life because their nourishment comes from an unchanging source—the Word of God. Prosperous: able to live a life that is God-honoring and to partner with Him for eternal purposes. What kind of root system do you desire?

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Inspiration of Renovation (Scripture) Day 37 So faith comes from hearing; that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. Romans 10:17

Life is a battleground, and our faith needs to be continually built up. One effective way to combat the daily assault on our faith is through listening to the Gospel being taught and preached. Hearing the Bible taught by godly pastors and teachers can offer new insight and understanding. When we do this, we put ourselves in a position where God can speak into our life. Faith does not remain static. Hearing fresh insight stimulates an appetite for the truth and keeps our mind focused on the things of God. The Holy Spirit uses the truth we hear to draw us into a deeper relationship with God. In Greek culture, the practice of hearing was more than merely listening. It included processing and also acting on what was heard. Hearing required a response. Jesus said that “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock” (Matthew 7:23-24). In this, the information age, vast amounts of teaching is available to us. Going to church regularly is a good start. Throughout the week, there are many ways to hear the Word preached—YouTube, TV, radio, downloadable podcasts, and more. Take time to discover which method is easiest for you to incorporate into your life. Begin to feed on the teaching of Christ daily and “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you…” (Colossians 3:16).

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Inspiration of Renovation (Scripture) Day 38 “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16 It’s easy in the world we live in to turn immediately to Google, or the closest search engine, when we need answers. We have access to endless amounts of information at our finger tips. When life brings tough circumstances in our relationships or we need to know how to get ourselves out of a financial crisis, we tend to turn to the resource that can provide information to us the fastest. As you browse through the self-improvement section at Barnes & Noble, you will notice that they’ve left out the most valuable self-help book anyone will ever need: The Bible. We have the wisdom and words of the living God available to us at any given moment. Sometimes we pray and wonder why God doesn’t respond to us or speak to us when we need direction in our life. But the important thing to remember is that he already has. Scripture is God-breathed and spoken directly from his heart to ours. The Bible says that His word is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training. It is the road map God has given us so that we may navigate the curves, bumps and hills that we travel during our time on earth. Do not make the mistake of leaving the only book that is living yesterday, today and forever on your shelf.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Inspiration of Renovation (Scripture) Day 39 Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. Joshua 1:8 “Where you look is where you go.” Olympic medalist Noelle Pikus-Pace described a skeleton race where she took her eyes off the track to glance at the wood railing and started to worry. “I was looking right at that wood, and although I did not want to hit it, I was looking there and I said, ‘Don’t hit the wood! Don’t hit the wood!’ And I hit the wood.” What you are focusing on in day-to-day life will impact your life’s trajectory. You may have a goal or worry that circles around in your mind, weighing in on decisions and guiding your overall mood. God tells us to switch our focus to Him. God promises blessings to those who focus on His words and meditate on Him throughout the day. When your thoughts are continually directed back to God, your focus slowly shifts away from stress at work, to-do lists at home, and the chaos of life and towards God’s will for your life. He leads you through His plan for your life as you center your mind on Him. Begin learning to meditate on Scripture and to bring you focus back to God throughout the day. You can start with a verse on a 3x5 card hung by your mirror. Repeat the verse every time you see it and really start to digest what God is saying with those words. Or start to use time spend stopped at red lights to think back on Scriptures you’ve been reading during quiet time with God. Take time to slow down and process what God has said in His word.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Inspiration of Renovation (Scripture) Day 40 So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it. Hebrews 2:1 Listen to Jesus. Christ is supreme over all creation. He is far above any great world leader or historical figure. We are called to listen to Him closely and apply all that He has taught us from His Word. If we are not careful listeners of His truth it could result in drifting away, and in doing so we could miss out on His best for our lives. There is also a cost to disobedience, because missing His truth, His voice, and His Word means that we miss Him and the opportunities that He offers through His call on our lives. When we do not hear Him and pay attention, or when we let good knowledge slip away, it is the same as wasting a precious treasure. Stop. Look. Listen. As followers of Christ we should be careful not to become indifferent to His words and commands. God’s message, through Christ, is true and good. It has withstood the test of time and remains true even under scrutiny. The truth of Christ is verified through the very presence of God by His Holy Spirit. “For His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children” (Romans 8:16). His truth is that we are God’s children, to whom he has extended salvation. His salvation is so great because of the greatness of the Savior who provides it. So, we must carefully listen to Jesus. He is the anchor for our souls and His message brings truth.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Inspiration of Renovation (Scripture) Day 41 I will never forget your commandments, for by them you give me life. Psalm 119:93

God’s Word provides encouragement. God knows exactly what we are experiencing right now. Even if what we are experiencing is painful, challenging, or difficult, He understands. He does not waste these circumstances, but uses them to form us into who He wants us to be. God’s Word provides us with a message of encouragement and guidance through His promises to us. God’s Word gives life to us. The gift of God’s Word is an advantage to us. We are not left to wonder whether there is hope with a purpose for the future. The message of scripture assures us of His plan to offer us meaningful life. Through every experience and circumstance, God is directly influencing our lives, and the world at large, for the good. This hope gives us energy to lean in to uncertainty and doubt with courage. God’s Word assures us that He is near to us. When we feel stuck by circumstances that seem impossible, the promises of God’s Word leads us to believe that God holds an endless supply of possibility; we just need to listen and obey. Jesus replied, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them. – John 14:23 Our obedience to His commandments and teaching demonstrates our love for Him, and He promises to come to us and make His home with us. He is near, because His home is with us.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The Inspiration of Renovation (Scripture) Day 42 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Deuteronomy 6:7 There’s a window of time when children are like sponges, hanging on their parents’ every word. It’s a time of golden opportunity to instill in them a love for God and a thirst for the things of God. Don’t miss it! While going to church is important, spiritual training involves so much more. As parents, we aren’t simply looking for external compliance; we want to impact the heart. When training the next generation, kids need to see an active faith lived out on a daily basis. Training the heart takes time and commitment. Modeling biblical principles and allowing those truths to be a part of everyday conversation is commonplace in the Jewish tradition. The Hebrew model of parenting still works today. Children begin to understand that God wants to be involved on an intimate, daily basis in their everyday lives. When teachable moments come along, take advantage of them… Is there someone your child is concerned about? Stop and pray about that situation or person. Is your child fearful about something? Talk about God, who is all-knowing and all-powerful, and recount a time when God came through for you. Have you wounded your child with impatience or sharp words? Humble yourself and ask them to forgive you. Our children are under our roofs for such a short time. A wise person put it this way: “The days can seem long, but the years fly by.” When your children see you exercising a teachable and humble spirit, it speaks volumes. Be vulnerable and share from your heart. Have compassion and love unconditionally. God will richly reward your efforts, and your children will rise up and call you blessed. What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do?

Now talk to God... 77

Weekend Sermon Notes

the celebration of renovation | worship

SESSION 7 the celebration of renovation | worship Getting Started

1. Which of the seven devotional readings this past week was the most meaningful to you? 2. Share three things that you can give God praise for.


Memory Verse


And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give

your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:1-2

Watch the VIDEO now.

Discussion Questions

1. Think about some of the common tasks you do throughout the day. How could you start doing them as if you were directly doing them for Jesus? 2. One aspect of worship is trust. Since God knows what is best for you, in what areas of your life do you need to trust Him most? 3. What can you do to remind yourself to think about God and talk to Him more often throughout the day? 4. How can sacrifice lead to transformation?

5. Celebration in the Christian life is... - An intentional choice to look for God in joy and gladness. - Choosing to look for the goodness of God, to respond to it, and proclaim it to others. - Joy and celebration rise out of the inner condition of our heart that knows and loves God for all He has done for us, and rejoices in His amazing love expressed for us. It then passes through us to all we are in contact with (Phil. 4:4). - It demonstrates the difference between a God-focused life and a selffocused life; in the world we will have troubles, but we can express God’s grace into difficult circumstances. How can you incorporate this kind of joy and celebration into your life?


Putting It Into Practice

Write one take-away from this study below. You might consider having an end-ofstudy celebration with your small group in the coming weeks. Write your celebration take-away in the space below. MY TAKE-AWAY FOR WORSHIP

Now transfer your TAKE-AWAY to the MY TAKE-AWAYS list in the front of the workbook.


Pray for your group’s prayer requests. Be sure to pray for their requests on the Small Group Prayer and Praise Report.



Diving Deeper FOR YOU ● Read the daily devotions for days 43--49 in your workbook. ● Read the Memory Verse for this week daily as part of your quiet time. See if you can have it memorized before your next group meeting. FOR THE GROUP Consider for your next group study The Way of a Worshiper by Buddy Owens (Book, DVD study, 4 sessions)


The celebration of renovation (Worship) Day 43 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:1, 2 Authentic worship is a way of life. True worship involves our whole being. God asks for total, not partial, devotion: spirit, soul, and body. It’s been said the problem with a living sacrifice is that it can crawl off of the altar at any time. How true! Surrender is a daily, sometimes hourly, choice. Real surrender comes with a decision to swim upstream, so to speak, from the world’s ways that rejects God and his wisdom. And, each new morning asks for a fresh commitment. Transformation occurs as we replace our worldly ways of thinking with God’s truth. The Spirit helps us to identify any thoughts that aren’t of God. What we know in our spirits to be true forms conviction in our hearts. What we know in our hearts to be true forms conviction in our minds, which then fuels our actions. As our minds are renewed, we begin walking as the new person we’ve become in Christ. By the Spirit’s help, we can choose to act and react differently. “Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes” (Ephesians 4:21-23). Practice a lifestyle of worship by surrendering daily to God, dedicating yourself to God’s purposes and partnering with the Holy Spirit in order to change your thinking.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The celebration of renovation (Worship) Day 44 For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:24

It has been said that above all else, the greatest desire of the Apostle John was for his followers to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Intimately familiar with Jesus’ life on earth, John had seen, heard, and touched the Word of Life. John’s deep conviction to love others as his master Jesus had loved, remained with him until his last days on earth. As John tells the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, we hear our Lord’s words telling us how we are to worship, “in spirit and in truth”. When we glorify God in true worship, we acknowledge that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light. The Spirit of God touches our spirit, our souls, and we come to know and feel our Lord in a deep and meaningful way. Worship becomes not only a glorification of our conviction to Christ, but a transcending elevation of our lives as we are drawn to Him and His great love. Jesus spoke of drinking a living water. A gift of eternal life. A life free of worry or burden. A life unchained. A life in the presence of Christ our King. We must go to Him in prayer and in praise. We must go to Him and worship, in spirit and in truth. We ask God for the renewal of life that only He can give us. Through Jesus we feel God’s touch upon us. By grace. By faith. For God, the one true Spirit Everlasting, calls his people to Him. As we worship in spirit, He is there, and His great truth of life will surely set us free.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The celebration of renovation (Worship) Day 45 Then I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30 When I was younger I went to church with a friend of mine. People were lifting their hands, holding Bibles in the air, singing, dancing and speaking in tongues. It was not what I was used to. Several years later, I was on a mission trip in Africa, in a hut, where the ground was shaking with the stamping of feet and raising of hands. The joyful sounds of worship echoed through the valley. I learned a lot from these experiences about how different cultures and people worship God. I realized there is not one correct way to praise God; what is important is that we give him praise and glory! Each day arise with words of praise. “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” We do not know what the day will bring, but we can give a shout of thanks for life this day and what it will behold. Praising God when things are going well is easy, it’s praising him during the struggles that is difficult. Praise God under all circumstances, for God is good at all times. He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all. How shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Praise Him for no other reason than He created you in His image and loves you above all His creation.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The celebration of renovation (Worship) Day 46 Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. Hebrews 13:15 Is your glass half full or half empty? Thanksgiving is a powerful tool. When we thank God for the blessings, instead of dwelling on the negative, we’re coming before him in humility and dependence. Thankfulness blesses God. When someone we love expresses heartfelt gratitude to us for who we are and what we do for them, it impacts our heart. God is touched deeply when his children do the same. It’s very easy to find ourselves grumbling or complaining when we believe we “should” be in a different circumstance. Let us examine our hearts. Those “should” feelings are often because of pride and desiring things to go our own way. Let us not lose perspective. Let us turn our attitude around and offer thanksgiving to God for the blessings in our lives so that peace and contentment might come. Let us place our trust in the One who knows us best. Praise declares that God is good. We’re recognizing his provision in our lives. David practiced praise, and the Psalms are full of his conclusions on the subject. “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8) Sometimes, life throws us curve balls. In those situations, it’s a true sacrifice to offer praise. That kind of sacrifice speaks volumes about our trust in God—we have put our reliance on Him and not on ourselves. Even in the midst of difficult situations, we can discover peace.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The celebration of renovation (Worship) Day 47 Honor the Lord for the glory of his name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. Psalm 29:2 Glory and splendor are all around us! Glory is found in the first leaves of spring as they began to unfurl, in two fawns that bound across the field, and in the dazzling, icy white after a winter snow. The majesty of God is everywhere, including our own backyard. Nature itself is a foreshadowing of heaven—a taste of the invisible reality. Scripture tells us “…that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen” (Hebrews 11:3). How would you like a front row seat in the throne room of the living God? Close your eyes and imagine this scene from the book of Revelation.... “The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow. Twenty-four thrones surrounded him, and twenty-four elders sat on them. They were all clothed in white and had gold crowns on their heads. From the throne came flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder. And in front of the throne were seven torches with burning flames. This is the sevenfold Spirit of God. In front of the throne was a shiny sea of glass, sparkling like crystal” (Revelation 4:3-6). When we begin to get a glimpse into the unseen world through the Spirit and holy imagination, we will join in with the angels as they proclaim day and night, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty—the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come” (Revelation 4:8). So the next time you’re singing during a church service, picture yourself joining the multitude in heaven around the very throne of God. Guaranteed, worship will take on a whole new meaning.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The celebration of renovation (Worship) Day 48 That is why I can never stop praising you; I declare your glory all day long. Psalm 71:8 Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Let our hearts be affected with the goodness of God. The excellence of His nature, the glory of His majesty, the honor due to Him should never leave our consciousness. Praising God can be employed throughout the entire day. As often as prayer is made to God, praise, honor and glory should be given to Him as well, since His mercies are new every morning and they continue all the day long. His goodness endures forever. It is fitting, therefore, that we praise Him morning, noon, and night. Our praise is a pleasing aroma to God. Let us, therefore, send a sweet fragrance continually, pleasing Him as He blesses the earth through our praise.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


The celebration of renovation (Worship) Day 49 And every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:11 This passage of scripture reminds me that everything and everyone from everywhere through every time known to man will one day proclaim that Jesus is Lord. Some of us know this already and declare it through our worship and our words. Some of us believe it in our hearts, but for whatever reason – we can’t bring it to our lips to speak out when we hear people questioning faith in Jesus. And among us today, there are some people who will spend their whole lives refusing to declare the lordship that belongs to Jesus. The bible doesn’t say that these beings will be coerced into saying that Jesus is Lord– but it does say that eventually, every being will acknowledge it and declare it. C.S. Lewis did a great job of explaining the sovereignty of Jesus in his book “Mere Christianity”. As Lewis puts it, you have 3 mutually exclusive choices when it comes to Jesus and his declarations about being God in the flesh. Either Jesus was a “liar” when He proclaimed himself as the “Son of God” ; or Jesus was a “lunatic” – a mentally unstable man living life with a “god-complex” delusion; or, Jesus was truly, in fact, “Lord”. When someone takes the time and studies Jesus: his life, his teachings, his actions, the many miracles he performed, and even his proclamations about being “I AM” – it is challenging to look upon the totality of Jesus and come to any conclusion other than “Lord”. But even this happens through the gift of faith. For us, today, let’s live our lives in humility and love – just as Jesus asked us toand acknowledge our dependence upon Jesus’ amazing grace. Let’s declare with our voices that Jesus Christ is Lord.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do? Now talk to God...


small group resources

HELPS FOR HOSTS top ten ideas for new hosts Congratulations! As the host of your small group, you have responded to the call to help shepherd Jesus’ flock. Few other tasks in the family of God surpass the contribution you will be making. As you prepare to facilitate your group, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind. Remember you are not alone. God knows everything about you, and He knew you would be asked to facilitate your group. Even though you may not feel ready, this is common for all good hosts. God promises, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you” (Hebrews 13:5). Whether you are facilitating for one evening, several weeks, or a lifetime, you will be blessed as you serve. 1. Don’t try to do it alone. Others are there to help you. Pray right now for God to help you build a healthy team. If you can enlist a co-host to help you with the group, you will find your experience much richer. This is your chance to involve as many people as you can in building a healthy group. All you have to do is ask people to help. You’ll be surprised at the response. 2. Be friendly and be yourself. God wants to use your unique gifts and temperament. Be sure to greet people at the door with a big smile. This can set the mood for the whole gathering. Remember, they are taking as big a step to show up! Don’t try to do things exactly like another host; do them in a way that fits you. Admit when you don’t have an answer and apologize when you make a mistake. Your group will love you for it and you’ll sleep better at night. 3. Prepare for your meeting ahead of time. Review the sessions. Write down your responses to each question. Pay special attention to exercises that ask group members to do something other than engage in discussion. These exercises will help your group live what the Bible teaches, not just talk about it. Be sure you understand how an exercise works. 4. Pray for your group members by name. Before your group arrives, take a few moments and pray for each member by name. You may want to review the prayer requests from your group at least once a week. Ask God to use your time together to touch the heart of every person in your group. Expect God to lead you to whomever he wants you to encourage or challenge in a special way. If you listen, God will surely lead. 5. When you ask a question, be patient. Someone will eventually respond. Sometimes people need a moment or two of silence to think about the question. If silence doesn’t bother you, it won’t bother any-


one else. After someone responds, affirm the response with a simple “thanks” or “great answer.” Then ask, “How about somebody else?” or “Would someone who hasn’t shared like to add anything?” Be sensitive to new people or reluctant members who aren’t ready to say, pray, or do anything. If you give them a safe setting, they will blossom over time. If someone in your group is a “wallflower” who sits silently through every session, that’s okay. Don’t force them to talk. Later on in the group you might consider talking to them privately and encouraging them to participate. Let them know how important they are to you — that they are loved and appreciated, and that the group would value their input. Remember, still water often runs deep. 6. Provide transitions between questions. Ask if anyone would like to read the paragraph or Bible passage. Don’t call on anyone, but ask for a volunteer, and then be patient until someone begins. Be sure to thank the person who reads aloud. 7. Break into smaller groups occasionally. With a greater opportunity to talk in a small circle, people will connect more with the study, apply more quickly what they’re learning, and ultimately get more out of their small group experience. A small circle also encourages a quiet person to participate and tends to minimize the effects of a more vocal or dominant member. Small circles are also helpful during prayer time. People who are unaccustomed to praying aloud will feel more comfortable trying it with just two or three others. Also, prayer requests won’t take as much time, so circles will have more time to actually pray. It’s okay if prayer requests are shared in the smaller group that don’t get shared in the larger group. Often people will share more within the smaller group. The other great aspect of sub-grouping is that it fosters leadership development. As you ask people in the group to facilitate discussion or to lead a prayer circle, it gives them a small leadership step that can build their confidence. 8. Rotate facilitators occasionally. You may be perfectly capable of hosting each time, but you will help others grow in their faith and gifts if you give them opportunities to host the group. You also will prevent any one person from burning out if you share leadership with the group. 9. One final challenge. Before your first opportunity to lead, look up each of the passages listed below. Read each one as a devotional exercise to help prepare your heart. Matthew 9:36-38, John 10:14-15, 1 Peter 5:2-4, Philippians 2:1-5, Hebrews 10:23-25, 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, 11-12


frequently asked questions HOW LONG WILL THIS GROUP MEET? This study is 7 sessions long. In addition to your main meetings, we encourage you to also get together for a social event--perhaps a celebration event at the conclusion of this study. In your last couple sessions, each group member may decide if he or she desires to continue on for another study. At that time you may also want to do some informal evaluation (e.g. how did the group go, what changes should we make, etc.), discuss your Small Group Guidelines, and decide which study you want to do next. We recommend you contact Roger Sodsod at to get some more ideas for small group studies. WHO IS THE HOST? The host is the person who coordinates and facilitates your group meetings. In addition to a host, we encourage you to select a few others from the group to facilitate your group discussions. Several other responsibilities can be rotated, including snacks, prayer requests, worship, planning fun events/outreaches, or keeping up with those who missed a meeting. Shared ownership in the group helps everybody grow. WHERE DO WE FIND NEW GROUP MEMBERS? Recruiting new members can be a challenge for groups, especially new groups with just a few people, or existing groups that lose a few people along the way. We encourage you to use the following acronym to brainstorm ideas for people to invite. F.R.A.N.K. (Who are my FRANKs?) Friends Relatives (family members) Associates (work, school) Neighbors Kids (other parents you know from your kids’ schools, sport teams, etc.) Follow this Simple Three-Step Process: 1. Have each person in the group list one to two people for each letter 2. Prayerfully select one person or couple from your list and tell your group about them. 3. Give them a call and invite them to your next meeting. Over fifty percent of those invited to a small group say, “Yes!” As you come up with lists, pray for the people on each member’s list. Allow each member to invite several people from their list. Some groups fear that new-


comers will interrupt the intimacy that members have built over time. However, groups that welcome newcomers generally gain strength with the infusion of new blood. Remember, the next person you add just might become a friend for eternity. If your group starts to become too large for easy, face-to-face conversations, you can subgroup, forming a second discussion group in another room. It’s common too that group members may leave to start their own new group. This is actually a good thing! HOW DO WE HANDLE THE CHILDCARE NEEDS IN OUR GROUP? Childcare needs must be handled very carefully. This is a sensitive issue. We suggest you seek creative solutions as a group. One common solution is to have adults meet in the living room and share the cost of a babysitter (or two) who can be with the kids in another part of the house. Another popular option is to have one home for the kids (with a babysitter or two there) and a second home (close by) for the adults. If desired, the adults could rotate the responsibility of providing a lesson for the kids. This last option is great with school-age kids and can be a huge blessing to families.


small group guidelines It’s a good idea for every group to put words to their shared values, expectations, and commitments. Such guidelines will help you avoid unspoken agendas and unmet expectations. We recommend you discuss your guidelines during Session 1 in order to lay the foundation for a healthy group experience. Feel free to modify anything that does not work for your group. WE AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING VALUES: CLEAR PURPOSE: To grow healthy spiritual lives by building a healthy small group community. GROUP ATTENDANCE: To give priority to the group meeting (email or call if I am absent or late) SAFE ENVIRONMENT: To create a safe place where people can be heard and feel loved (no quick answers, snap judgments, or simple fixes) BE CONFIDENTIAL: To keep anything that is shared strictly confidential within the group CONFLICT RESOLUTION: To avoid gossip and to immediately resolve any concerns by following the principles of Matthew 18:15-17 SPIRITUAL HEALTH: To give group members permission to speak into my life and help me live a healthy, balanced spiritual life that is pleasing to God WELCOME NEWCOMERS: To invite friends who might benefit from this study and warmly welcome newcomers BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS: To get to know the other members of the group and pray for them regularly OTHER:


We have also discussed and agree on the following items: CHILDCARE: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME:

If you haven’t already done so, take a few minutes to fill out the Small Group Calendar on the next page.


small group calendar Healthy groups share responsibilities and group ownership. It might take some time for this to develop. Shared ownership ensures that responsibility for the group doesn’t fall to one person. Use the calendar to keep track of social events, outreach events, birthdays, or days off. Complete this calendar at your first or second meeting. Planning ahead will increase attendance and shared ownership.


LESSON Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7





spiritual growth assessment

spiritual growth assessment Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups . . . Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it. 2 Corinthians 13:5 (The Message)

All of us are in process...none of us have arrived...but most of us want to be all that God wants us to be. For our spiritual growth though, we need to regularly assess the five E’s that reflect a fully devoted disciple of Jesus:

Personal-life Discipleship Journey


Church Purpose Journey

Loving God: putting Him first


Planned to praise and worship God

Sharing that Jesus loves us


Made to tell others God’s good news

Growing through small groups


Formed to be part of God’s family

Maturing through serving and giving


Shaped to be like Jesus

Loving others through prayer and care


Created to give God’s love and power

The Spiritual Growth Assessment measures where you are in your journey to become a fully devoted disciple of Jesus. It is not a tool to see how you measure up against other people; nor is it a tool to see how close you are to perfection. We all know we’ll never be perfect this side of heaven. Rather, this is a tool that will help you evaluate your spiritual growth, and give you direction for developing a plan to become a fully devoted disciple of Jesus.


spiritual growth assessment 1





Does not apply to me at all

Applies to me sometimes

I am neutral in this area

Applies to me most of the time

Applies to me completely

exalting ____ How I live my life shows that God is my highest priority ____ I am dependent on God for every aspect of my life ____ There is nothing in my life that I have not surrendered to (kept back from God) ____ I regularly meditate on God’s Word and invite Him into my everyday activities ____ I have a deep desire to spend time in God’s presence ____ I am the same person in public that I am in private ____ I have an overwhelming sense of God’s awesomeness even when I don’t feel His presence ____ Exalting Total

evangelizing ____ I feel personal responsibility to share my faith with those who don’t know Jesus ____ I look for opportunities to build relationships with those who don’t know Jesus ____ I regularly pray for those who don’t know Jesus ____ I am confident in my ability to share my faith ____ My heart is full of passion to show God’s love in a practical way to those who don’t know Jesus. ____ I find that my relationship with Jesus comes up frequently in my conversations with those who don’t know Him ____ I am open to going anywhere God calls me, in whatever capacity, to share my faith ____ Evangelizing Total

encouraging ____ I have a deep and meaningful connection with others in the church ____ I gather regularly with a group of Christians for community and accountability ____ I am quick to confess anything in my character that does not look like Christ


____ I allow God’s Word to guide my thoughts and change my actions ____ I find I am making better choices to do what is right when I am tempted to do wrong ____ I have an easy time receiving advice, encouragement, and correction from others ____ I am consistent in pursuing habits that are helping me model my life after Jesus ____ Encouraging Total

equipping ____ I regularly use my time to serve God ____ I am currently serving God with the gifts and passions He has given me ____ I regularly reflect on how my life can have an impact on the Kingdom of God ____ I often think about ways to use my God-given gifts and abilities to please God ____ Those closest to me would say my life is a reflection of giving more than receiving ____ A review of how I use my finances shows that I think more about God and others than I do about myself ____ I see my painful experiences as opportunities to minister to others ____ Equipping Total

empowering ____ I turn to God in spontaneous prayer throughout the day ____ I have found that prayer has changed how I view and interact with the world ____ I regularly practice the habit of praying for others ____ When faced with a difficult situation, my first response is to turn to God in prayer ____ I regularly use my time and resources to care for the needs of others ____ When an acquaintance shares a concern or need, I am comfortable praying “on the spot” with that person ____ I regularly seek God’s direction for my choices in life ____ Empowering Total Transfer your scores to the Spiritual Growth Plan on the next page. In addition, have a close Christian friend who knows you well fill this out for you (changing “I” to he/she), and transfer their scores to the next page as well.


SPIRITUAL GROWTH PLAN FOR ____________________________________ I will share my plan with _____________________________________________ who will be my spiritual partner to help me grow in each of the five E areas of discipleship. FIVE E’s




Which “E” is out of balance?

What do I need to do?

How will my spiritual partner help me in this “E”?

What progress have I made?

EXALTING How I scored myself: How my friend scored me: EVANGELIZING How I scored myself: How my friend scored me: ENCOURAGING How I scored myself: How my friend scored me: EQUIPPING How I scored myself: How my friend scored me: EMPOWERING How I scored myself: How my friend scored me:

Note: For a list of suggested practices, including books and other resources to grow in each of the five E’s, please contact Roger Sodsod at


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