Journey Guide a guide to getting connected at vineyard
Table of Contents At-A-Glance
Semester Small Groups
Ongoing Small Groups
Common-Interest Groups
Discipleship Classes
Support Ministries
Servant Evangelism Ministries 31 Childcare Guidelines
Children’s Ministries
Youth Ministries
Sign-up Form
33 37
Ministry Index 39
SIGN UP TODAY FOR A SPRING 2013 SMALL GROUP, CLASS, OR MINISTRY! Hurry and sign up today: Spring Groups begin the week of February 11th and will fill up fast! Small Groups are Vineyard Church groups of 12-15 people who get together each week in a convenient Northland location to learn about the Bible, and to grow and have fun together. Small Groups are a great way to meet new people while growing in your faith. We will have several new groups, classes, and ministries this Spring. Sign up today! To sign up for one of these groups you can: 1. Sign up online at vineyardkcnorth.com. 2. Sign up on the back of the Journey Guide, tear it off, and drop it in the offering basket/box. 3. Sign up at the Small Group table in the lobby the weekends of Jan. 19/20 and Jan. 26/27.
God bless,
Roger Sodsod Executive Pastor of Adult Ministries 816.734.8100 rsodsod@vineyardkcnorth.com
At-A-Glance • See Key Code on page 5. • •
Please refer to www.vineyardkcnorth.com for complete information. Dates and times are subject to change.
Worship Celebrations: North Campus, 9 & 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Brighton Campus, 10 a.m.
SSG: “Too Small to Ignore” Women’s SSG: Champion/Bland, 6:30 p.m, page 8 Women’s SSG: Walker, 7 p.m, page 8 Mixed SSG: Emig/Long, 6:30 p.m, page 9 Mixed SSG: Munroe, 6:30 p.m, page 9 Couple’s SSG: Martin, 6:30 p.m, page 12
SSG: “Too Small to Ignore” Mixed SSG: Cowger, 3 p.m, page 8 Mixed SSG: Zehr, 6 p.m, page 8 Mixed SSG: Parsley, 6:30 p.m, page 9 Couple’s SSG: Warren, 5:30 p.m, page 12 OSG: Mixed OSG: Paul Jones, 5 p.m, page 15 Mixed OSG: Jim & Dede Moll, 6:30 p.m, page 14 Discipleship, Support & Ministries: Vineyard 201: 1 p.m, page 20 Baptism Class: 9 & 11 a.m. & 5 p.m, page 21 The Spiritual Disciplines, 9 a.m, page 21 Anxiety & Panic: Kunkel, page 28, By appt. KOTV-Kids On The Vine: North Campus, 9 & 11 a.m. & 5 p.m, page 34 KOTV-Kids On The Vine: Brighton Campus, 10 a.m, page 34 H20: North Campus, 9 & 11 a.m, page 35 H20: Brighton Campus, 10 a.m, page 35 The Rock: 5-6:15 p.m, page 35
CIG: iPad’s Users CIG: Johnson, 7 p.m, page 17 (first Monday of month) Seniors CIG: Dorothy Petroff, 10 a.m, page 17 (first Monday of month) Vineyard Firearms CIG: Stanley, 6:30 p.m, page 18 (first Monday of month) Yoga CIG: Woodford, 6:30 p.m, page 19 (Visit page 16 for other CIG) Discipleship, Support & Ministries: Sharing Christ: Townsend, 6:30 p.m, page 21 Boundaries: 6:30 p.m, page 24 Oaks Of Righteousness: 6:30 p.m, (Mondays & Thursdays) page 25 Computer Repair: Johnson/Noon, 5:30 p.m, page 29 (2nd & 4th Mondays of month) Food Pantry: 9-11:30 a.m, page 31 VBS: 5:30 p.m, page 34
Types of Groups (Key Code)
Tuesday SSG: “Too Small to Ignore” Women’s SSG: Mabry-McWhirter, 10 a.m, page 8 Mixed SSG: Bourn, 6 p.m, page 9 Mixed SSG: Rabbe, 6:50 p.m, page 9 Mixed SSG: Harding, 7 p.m, page 10 Couple’s SSG: Cardwell, 7:30 p.m, page 12 Couple’s SSG: Berezoski, 6 p.m, page 13 Young Adults SSG: Bowden, 7 p.m, page 13 Young Adults SSG: Cole, 7 p.m, page 13 SSG: Other Studies Mixed SSG: Cottrell, 1 p.m, page 9 Mixed SSG: Tubbs, 7 p.m, page Mixed SSG: Fugate 7 p.m, page 10 OSG: Women’s OSG: Bononi/Place, 9:30 a.m, page 14 Women’s OSG: Molina/Bruce, 7 p.m, page 14 Men’s OSG: Tim Dykes, 6 a.m, page 14 CIG: Bass I CIG: Toole, 6:30 p.m, page 16 Guitar I CIG: Toole, 7:30 p.m, page 16 Sewing CIG: Bland, 9 a.m, page 17 (Visit page 16 for other CIG) Discipleship, Support & Ministries: Vineyard 201: 6:30 p.m, page 20 Vineyard 301: 6:30 p.m, page 20 Alpha: Key/Reese, 6:30 p.m, page 20 Disciple I Bible Study: 6:30 p.m, page 22 Disciple III Bible Study: 6:30 p.m, page 22 Life Coaching 101: 6:30 p.m, page 24 VBS: 5:30 p.m, page 34
Semester Small Groups (SSG) are Vineyard Church’s groups of 12 or so people who get together each week for a semester to learn about the Bible, grow, and have fun together. It’s a great way to meet new people while growing in your faith. Ongoing Small Groups (OSG) are groups that have decided to stick together after the semester has ended. You can join one of these groups at any time, however contact the leader before you visit. Common Interest Groups (CIG) are groups like our car group, motorcycle group, softball, firearms, yoga, etc. These groups exist to reach those people that wouldn’t normally come to a weekend service or Bible study. Discipleship Classes are larger groups that typically meet at our North Campus. Heavier in content, these groups seek not only to inform you, but transform you. Support Ministries are groups of various sizes that provide specialized care and encouragement for life’s emotional, spiritual and physical challenges. Women’s Ministries are represented by this logo
At-A-Glance • See Key Code on page 5. • •
Please refer to www.vineyardkcnorth.com for complete information. Dates and times are subject to change.
SSG: “Too Small to Ignore” Women’s SSG: Johnson/Holder, 7 p.m, page 8 Mixed SSG: Park, 6 p.m, page 10 Mixed SSG: Borchers/Miller, 7 p.m, page 10 Mixed SSG: Jones, 7 p.m, page 10 Young Adult SSG: Toole/Crouse, 7 p.m, page 13
SSG: “Too Small to Ignore” Mixed SSG: Whalen, 6:30 p.m, page 11 Mixed SSG: Ratkewicz, 6:30 p.m, page 11 Mixed SSG: Benjamin, 6:30 p.m, page 11 Mixed SSG: Zupan/Batten, 6:30 p.m, page 11 Mixed SSG: Lindsay, 7 p.m, page 11 Couple’s SSG: Crawford, 7 p.m, page 13
OSG: Women’s OSG: Holicky, 10 a.m, page 14 Women’s OSG: Porter/Claypool, 7 p.m, page 14 Women’s OSG: Bononi/Place, 9:30 a.m, page 14 Mixed OSG: Guess, 6:30 p.m, page 15
SSG: Other Studies Couple’s SSG: Cotton, 7 p.m, page 13
CIG: Peddlers-Cycling CIG: Graybill, 6 p.m, page 18 (Visit page 16 for other CIG)
OSG: Men’s OSG: Tom Turner, 6:30 p.m, page 15 Mixed OSG: Tina MacDowell, 6 p.m, page 15 CIG: Hands & Hearts CIG: Johnson, 7 p.m, page 16 (last Thursday of month) (Visit page 16 for other CIG)
Discipleship, Support & Ministries: Discipleship, Support & Ministries: Vineyard 101: 6:30 p.m, page 20 Vineyard 301: 6:30 p.m, page 20 Disciple II Bible Study: 6:30 p.m, page 22 Oaks Of Righteousness: 9 a.m. Financial Peace University: 6:30 p.m, page 22 (Wednesdays & Fridays) page 24 Empowering Workshop: 6:30 p.m, page 24 Healing Hearts: Uthe, page 27, By appt. Life Coaching 201: 6:30 p.m, page 24 English Language Outreach: Stewart/Abbott, page 29 Oaks Of Righteousness: 6:30 p.m, (Mondays & Thursdays) page 25 Food Pantry: 9-11:30 a.m, page 31 VBS: 5:30 p.m, page 34 Awana: 6:30 p.m, page 33 Connect Wednesdays: 6:30 p.m, page 35 VBS: 5:30 p.m, page 34
OSG: Mixed OSG: Krahenbill/Leasure, 6:30 p.m, page 11
Worship Celebrations: North Campus, 5 p.m.
CIG: MOMS CIG: Fay, page 16 (Various Friday events) (Visit page 16 for other CIG) Discipleship, Support & Ministries: Oaks Of Righteousness: 9 a.m, (Wednesdays & Fridays), page 25 How We Love Seminar: (Friday & Saturday), page 27 How We Love Our Kid’s Seminar: (Friday & Saturday), page 27 The Prism Weight Loss Program: page 29 VBS: 5:30 p.m, page 34
OSG: Mixed OSG: Kennell, 6:45 p.m, page 12 Men’s OSG: Tom Turner, 8 a.m, page 15 Men’s OSG: Tim Lanzone, 8 p.m, page 13 CIG: Guitar II CIG: Toole, 10 a.m, page 16 Vineyard Joggers CIG: Jason Key, 10:30 a.m, page 18 (Visit page 16 for other CIG) Discipleship, Support & Ministries: Vineyard 101: 9:30 a.m, page 20 Baptism Class: 5 p.m, page 21 Divorce Care: 5 p.m, page 26 How We Love Seminar: (Friday & Saturday), page 27 How We Love Our Kid’s Seminar: (Friday & Saturday), page 27 Who Am I? Who Are You?: 9 a.m, page 28 Missions 101 Class: 8:30 a.m, page 30 Food Pantry: 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m, page 31 Harvester’s Outreach: page 31 (Fourth Saturday of the month) Joy Ministry: Jones, page 33 (For children with special needs) KOTV-Kids On The Vine: 5 p.m, page 34 H20: 5 p.m, page 35
Small Groups
Semester Small Groups Women Mondays starting February 11 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG01 Location: Kansas City North Area This women’s group meets for fellowship, food, encouragement, prayer and study each week. Join us as we participate in the church-wide sermon on book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Judy Champion, 816.590.8299 or championj@sbcglobal.net; Carol Bland, 816.695.6338 or carolb300@hotmail.com Mondays starting February 11 7-8:30 a.m. Group ID: SSG02 Location: Platte City This 7-week women’s group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leader: Deb Walker, 816.645.4605 or dwalke93r@kc.rr.com
Tuesday starting February 12 10-11:30 a.m. Group ID: SSG03 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week women’s group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leader: Nancy Mabry-McWhirter, 660.334.0132 or njcouch@hotmail.com
Wednesdays starting February 13 7-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG04 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week women’s group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leader: Lori Johnson, 816.529.4001 or denali@kc.rr.com
Mixed Sundays starting February 10 3-4:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG05 Location: North Campus This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leader: Michelle Cowger, 816.286.6996 or cowgerm@gmail.com Sundays starting February 10 6-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG06 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is available. Leader: Nate Zehr, 816.935.0412 or nz4mv@yahoo.com
Tuesdays starting February 12 1-3 p.m. Group ID: SSG10 Location: North Campus This 10-week mixed adult group will be studying “God’s Grace” on a video conducted by Philip Yancy with group discussions following the studies. Childcare is not available. Leader: Larry Cottrell, 819.935.9172 or lcfishin@att.net
Mondays starting February 11 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG08 Location: North Campus This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Jake Emig, 816.699.8287 or jemig245@gmail.com; Barbara Long, 816.808.7599 or gran1030@yahoo.com
Tuesdays starting February 12 6-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG11 Location: North Campus This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is available. Leaders: Dana & Jeff Bourn, 816.505.1033 or dbourn@live.com
Mondays starting February 11 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG09 Location: North Campus This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is available. Leader: Becca Munroe, 816.872.7832 or rmunroe@dstsystems.com
Small Groups
Sundays starting February 10 6:30-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG07 Location: Smithville Area This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Kirk & Donna Parsley, 816.582.8145 or parsleykd@gmail.com
Tuesdays starting February 12 6:50-8:15 p.m. Group ID: SSG12 Location: North Campus This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Leader: Lisa Rabbe, 402.490.8807 or ilove2dance2@hotmail.com
Small Groups
Tuesdays starting February 12 7-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG13 Location: Liberty Area This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying “Bait of Satan” by John Bevere. Childcare is not available. Leader: Staci Tubbs, 816.806.2337 or mom23greatkids@gmail.com Tuesdays starting February 12 7-9 p.m. Group ID: SSG14 Location: Kansas City North Area This 12-week mixed adult group will be studying “Let Prayer Change Your Life” by Becky Tirabassi. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Steve & Laurie Fugate, 816.916.8483 or freedomkansascity@gmail.com Tuesdays starting February 12 7-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG15 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Leaders: Kirk & Lori Harding, 819.718.3346 or kirk.j.harding@gmail. com
Wednesdays starting February 13 6-7:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG16 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Gary & Mary Park, 816.883.8230 or garypark58@att.net Wednesdays starting February 13 7-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG17 Location: Lee’s Summit Area This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is available. Leaders: Laird & Amanda Borchers, 508.733.8989 or laird. borchers@gmail.com; Steve & Jan Miller, 816.582.6222 or smiller39@gmail.com Wednesdays starting February 13 7-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG18 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leader: Leah Jones, 816.965.3471 or btrfliz_r_free@yahoo.com
Thursdays starting February 14 6:30-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG20 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is available. Leader: Michal Ratkewicz, 816.835.0659 or mratkewicz@kc.rr. com Thursdays, starting February 14 6:30-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG21 Location: Smithville Area Students and graduates of Financial Peace University. We will be following the church-wide sermon study on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. While also providing moral support and accountability as we continue on our journeys toward financial peace. Leaders: John & Kyla Benjamin, 816.588.5102 or john.s.benjamin@us.army.mil; kyla.benjamin@us.army.mil
Thursdays, starting February 14 6:30-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG22 Location: Kansas City North Area This is a group of parents of teenagers meeting every other week studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Zach & Ginger Zupan, 816. 507.9771 or gzup@sbcglobal.net; Mike & Danna Batten, 816.519.1859 or truthislite@yahoo.com
Small Groups
Thursdays starting February 14 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG19 Location: North Campus This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Contact leader for childcare. Leader: Meghan Whalen, 308.520.8023 or meghanmwhalen@ gmail.com
Thursdays starting February 14 7-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG23 Location: North Campus This 7-week mixed adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leader: Jennifer Lindsay, 816.806.0670 or jlindsay5561@yahoo. com Fridays starting February 22 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG24 Location: North Campus This 6-week mixed adult group will be studying the Power of the Spoken Word. Childcare is not provided. Leaders: Ann Krahenbill, 816.820.5512 or godsannabell@gmail.com; Dorothy Leasure, 816.277.8234
Small Groups
Saturdays, starting February 16 6:45-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG25 Location: North Campus The Real Me. This 3-week group will be focusing on understanding how God sees me, not how I see myself. Childcare is not available. Leader: Lisa Kennell, 816.564.0667 or lkennell@vineyardkcnorth.com Saturdays, starting March 9 6:45-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG26 Location: North Campus Practicing the Presence. This 3-week group will be working on moving into a more intimate relationship with Christ. How to feel His presence everyday. Childcare is not available. Leader: Lisa Kennell, 816.564.0667 or lkennell@vineyardkcnorth.com Saturdays, starting March 30 6:45-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG27 Location: North Campus The Power of the Blood. This 3-week group will be discussing ‘What did the shedding of Jesus’ blood do for me?’ Childcare is not available. Leader: Lisa Kennell, 816.564.0667 or lkennell@vineyardkcnorth.com
Couples Sundays starting February 10 5:30-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG28 Location: Smithville Area This 7-week couples group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is available. Leader: Laura Warren, 816.506.0696 or laurabeewarren@yahoo.com Mondays, starting February 11 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG29 Location: Brighton Campus Area This 7-week Brighton Campus couples group will be studying the churchwide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Kevin & Dara Martin, 816.935.8115 or kmartin@harvesters. org Tuesdays starting February 12 7:30-9 p.m. Group ID: SSG30 Location: Platte City Area This 7-week adult couples group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Chad and Tasha Cardwell, 903.258.0508 or chadcardwell@gmail. com
Thursdays starting February 14 7-9 p.m. Group ID: SSG32 Location: Gladstone Area This 10-week couples group will be studying and discussing “The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears” by Mark Batterson. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Andrew and Rachel Cotton 816.248.9477 or andrewdouglascotton@gmail.com Thursdays starting February 14 7-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG33 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week Brighton Campus couples group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Tyler & Amy Crawford, 816.752.1188 or amyjean35@gmail.com
Young Adults Tuesdays starting February 12 7-9 p.m. Group ID: SSG34 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week mixed young adult group will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leader: Clark Bowden, 515.710.6813 or clark.bowden@gmail.com
Small Groups
Tuesdays starting February 26 6-8 p.m. Group ID: SSG31 Location: Kansas City North Area This 7-week couples group will be studying the church-wide sermon study on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is available. Leaders: Daniel and Becky Berezoski, 832.451.5150 or dski2340@gmail.com
Tuesdays starting February 12 6:30-8:30 p.m. Group ID: SSG35 Location: Brighton Campus Area This 12-week Brighton Campus young adults group will be studying the book “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Matt & Crystal Cole, 816.729.0238 or crystalcole13@gmail. com Wednesdays starting February 13 7-9 p.m. Group ID: SSG36 Location: Brighton Campus Area This Brighton Campus young adults group (18-35), single or married, will be studying the church-wide sermon on the book “Too Small to Ignore” by Wess Stafford. Childcare is not available. Leaders: Jeremiah Toole, 816.522.3861 or jeremiahtoole@gmail.com; Tyler Crouse, 816.617.5070 or tycrouse@yahoo.com
Small Groups
Ongoing Small Groups Note: These small groups are ongoing but you can “jump-in” at any time.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Group ID: OSG01 Location: Kansas City North Area A play-date group for moms and their children that meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays each month in different homes, parks, and locations throughout the Kansas City area. The 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month we will meet at the North Campus for Bible studies. Childcare will be provided by volunteers. Leader: Dawn Bononi, 816.294.0856 or faithbasedplaydates@gmail.com Wed.Discussion Leader: Leah Place, 816.746.9344 or leah@electrotap.com Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. Group ID: OSG02 Location: Staley Farms Area Join us as we enjoy various Bible studies on topics of interest to the group. Leaders: Judy Molina, 816.415.0043 or judy.molina@sbcglobal.net; Jan Bruce, 816.436.6022 or jnjbruce@gmail.com
Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Group ID: OSG03 Location: North Campus We are sisters in Christ that love God and each other. Challenging, growing, praying, encouraging, and serving. Sharing our lives with each other as we pursue our Lord. Join us as we enjoy various studies from Elizabeth George on topics of interest to the group. Leader: Michelle Holicky, 816.509.7082 or mholicky@yahoo.com Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. Group ID: OSG04 Location: Kansas City North Area This is a group for women who love their husbands but feel their marriages are missing that shared connection in Christ. We are reading “When He Doesn’t Believe” by Nancy Kennedy. Join us on the 1st Wednesday of every month to pray for our husbands, discuss topics related to this issue, and support each other. Childcare not provided. Leaders: Julie Porter, 816.916.6877 or jlawp@aol.com; Jen Claypool, 816.429.5778 or 4jen8@inbox.com
Men Tuesdays, 6-7 a.m. Group ID: OSG05 Location: North Campus This is a men’s small group to help us draw closer to God through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Leader: Tim Dykes, 913.269.3434 or tdykes@vineyardkcnorth.com
Saturdays, 8-9:30 a.m. Group ID: OSG07 Location: North Campus Join us for basic Bible study, discussion and sharing of life issues, an opportunity for fellowship, and an opportunity to know God better. Coffee and snacks provided each morning. We also conduct outreaches on occassion. Leader: Tom Turner, 816.896.5261 or tomnant@gmail.com
Mixed Sundays starting January 20 5-7 p.m. Group ID: SSG08 Location: North Campus This 16-week adult semester group will be studying “Revelation”. Newcomers are welcome at anytime. Leader: Paul Jones, 816.805.5882 or paul2128@att.net
Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: OSG09 Location: Platte City Join us as we grow closer as a community and to God! This group is currently at capacity for childcare. Only sign up if you don’t require childcare. Leaders: Paul & Lisa Guess, 816.516.1278, pguess71@aol.com
Small Groups
Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: OSG06 Men at Work in the Word Location: North Campus This is an ongoing men’s group dedicated to Bible study and outreach. Leader: Tom Turner, 816.896.5261 or tomnant@gmail.com
Thursdays, 6-8 p.m. Group ID: OSG010 A Deeper Walk With Jesus Location: North Campus Join us for an intimate and committed relationship with Jesus with in-depth study into The New Testament. Newcomers are welcome at anytime. Leader: Tina MacDowell, 816.256.0909 Sundays, 6:30-8 p.m. Group ID: OSG11 Location: Kansas City North Area We are a small group of believers who have a passion for God’s Word and sharing life with one another. We meet weekly for study, prayer, and encouragement. Leaders: Jim & Dede Moll, 816.741.7839 or jim@sacmidwest.com
Common-Interest Groups
Common-Interest Groups BASS I Group ID: CIG01 Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Dates: February 12-March 19 Location: North Campus Bass I is a 6-week course for beginning bassists. The course will cover the basics of playing the bass in a contemporary setting as well as the corresponding music theory. Cost: $70.00. Childcare is not provided. Required supplies: Bass guitar, tuner, metronome. Contact: Cody Callahan, 816.734.8100 or jtoole@vineyardkcnorth.com GUITAR I Group ID: CIG02 Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Dates: February 12-April 30 Location: North Campus Saturdays, 9-10 a.m. Dates: February 16-May 4 Location: North Campus Guitar I is a 12-week course for beginners and intermediate guitarists who would like to play worship songs. The course will cover basic chords, strumming, as well as the corresponding music theory. Cost: $70.00. Childcare is not provided. Required supplies: Acoustic guitar, tuner, metronome, capo. Contact: Cody Callahan, 816.734.8100 or jtoole@vineyardkcnorth.com
GUITAR II Group ID: CIG03 Saturdays, 10-11 a.m. Dates: February 16-March 23 Location: North Campus Guitar II is a 6-week course for intermediate guitarists who would like to play guitar hooks or beginner leads. The course focuses on music theory, playing of major and minor scales as well as advanced strumming. Cost $70.00. Childcare is not provided. Prerequisite: Guitar I or a successful entrance exam. Required supplies: Acoustic guitar, tuner, metronome, capo. Contact: Cody Callahan, 816.734.8100 or jtoole@vineyardkcnorth.com
HANDS AND HEARTS Group ID: CIG04 Last Thursday monthly 7-8:30 p.m. Location: North Campus This group is for anyone interested in different types of handiwork; knitting, crocheting, tatting, cross stitch, etc. Share materials, talents and experience over a cup of coffee and fellowship with each other. Leader: Lori Johnson, 816.529.4001 or denali@kc.rr.com
MOMS Group ID: CIG06 Mothers Offering Mothers Support One Friday monthly, 7-10 p.m. Location: North Campus MOMS is a great group of mothers supporting one another to parent children in following Jesus. Moms of all ages are encouraged to attend. Childcare is provided from 6:30-9:30 p.m. only. Leader: Cheryl Fay, 816.210.5096 or i.love.kc.moms@gmail.com MUG MOB-Senior Coffee Hour Group ID: CIG07 1st Monday monthly,10-11 a.m. Location: North Campus Coffee, conversation, and rolls! Seniors bring your own mug and join us for a relaxing hour visiting over tea or coffee. Leader: Dorothy Petroff, 816.429.6052 or dpetroff@kc.rr.com
RECREATIONAL SPORTS GROUP Group ID: CIG08 Day & Time: Varies Location: Varies We have an exciting time enjoying sports, and varied recreational activities. Call or e-mail year round to find out what is happening next. We enjoy basketball, volleyball, softball, and other activities. Leader: Carla Deason, 816.679.4821 or crdeason@yahoo.com Sewing little dresses Group ID: CIG09 2nd & 4th Tuesday monthly, 9-11 a.m. Location: North Campus Ongoing group open to anyone with sewing experience and preferably has a sewing machine to sew pillowcase dresses for little girls in our mission’s villages. Leader: Carol Bland, 816.695.6338 or carolb300@hotmail.com Single’s Social & Game Night Group ID: CIG010 Day & Time: Varies Location: Varies We are a group of singles with the BEST goal of “Bringing Everyone Single Together” for Jesus. All ages are welcome. Activities and events planned periodically for fellowship, service, and spiritual growth. Leaders: Shelia Hodges, 816.812.3604 or sheliahodges1201@yahoo.com; Shelly Hammer, 816.769.3186 or shellham11@att.net
Common-Interest Groups
iPad USERS GROUP Group ID: CIG05 1st Monday monthly, 7-8:30 p.m. Location: North Campus Whether you own one or are thinking of buying one, the iPad Users Group is the place for you. You’ll learn all sorts of things your iPad can do! We’ll explore new apps and discuss ways of using them for work, fun, games, and education. Join us! Leader: Mark Johnson, 816.456.4722 or strider47@mac.com
Common-Interest Groups
VINEYARD CAR ENTHUSIASTS Group ID: CIG011 Day & Time: Varies Location: North Campus This group provides Vineyard car and truck enthusiasts a place to get involved. We get together to enjoy fellowship and to serve as the host facility for one of the largest free car and truck shows in the Midwest. Please contact the leader for more details. Leaders: Joe Huffman 816.590.8844, or littleperson@mac.com; Mark Wamboldt 816.868.0738 VINEYARD FIREARMS GROUP Group ID: CIG012 1st Monday monthly, 6:30-8 p.m. Location: North Campus This group is for people interested in firearms. Ownership is not required. Those interested in personal defense, target shooting, hunting, or collecting ---from experts to beginners—all can find a place here. Safety, learning, and fun are the aims of the group. NOTE: No ammunition is allowed on church property. Leaders: Richard & Beverly Stanley, 816.454.4387 or richard@richardstanley.com
VINEYARD JOGGERS (The VJs) Group ID: CIG013 Every other Saturday, starting April 6 10:30-11:30 a.m. Location: North Campus Parking Lot We are a small group of mixed adults that meets every other Saturday morning in the church parking lot. We will be jogging/walking the outer road of the church. Routes of 2.5, 3, and 3.5 miles have been mapped out for you. Leader: Jason Key, 816.419.9196 or jasonkey25@hotmail.com
VINEYARD MOTORCYCLE RIDERS Group ID: CIG014 Day & Time Varies Dates: March 1-October 15 Location: Varies This group gives Vineyard Church motorcycle enthusiasts a place to get involved in organized rides and fellowship. Contact the leader for more detailed information. A ride schedule is available at www.vineyardkcnorth.com. Leaders: James & Josie Coleman, 816.429.6135 or jcoleman@vineyardkcnorth.com
VINEYARD PEDDLERS-CYCLING Group ID: CIG015 Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m. Dates: April-summer months Location: North Campus Parking Lot Recreational ride for all fitness levels. Beginners are welcome. Helmets required. Leader: Shawn Graybill, 816.392.2672 or Shawn_Graybill@hotmail.com
YOGA Group ID: CIG017 Mondays, 6:30-7:45 p.m. Location: North Campus All men, women and youth, ages 16 and up, are welcome! This class focuses on the basics of vinyasa flow and is appropriate for beginners. Yoga uses movement linked with breath to build strength, stamina and flexibilty. Please bring a yoga mat. We also use 2 yoga blocks and a strap, available for purchase from the teacher for $30 or bring your own. You may borrow blocks/strap on your first class. This is an ongoing class. Join us anytime. Childcare is available with 2 weeks advance registration. To read a position paper on our view of yoga please visit: www.vineyardkcnorth. com/htm/positionpapers.html.
Common-Interest Groups
VINEYARD WOMEN RIDERS Group ID: CIG016 Day & Time Varies Dates: Weather permitting Location: Varies This group gives women motorcycle enthusiasts a place to get involved in organized rides and fellowship. Contact the leader for more detailed information. Leader: Carol Gish, 816.896.8328 or vineyardwomenriders@kc.rr.com
Leader: Beth Woodford, 816.820.3695 or woodford.beth@gmail.com
Discipleship Classes
Discipleship Classes VINEYARD 101 Group ID: DC001 Connecting With The Vineyard Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (one-session class) Januray 19 or April 13 Location: N Campus E Auditorium Thursday, 6:30-8:15 p.m. (two-session class) January 17 & 24 or April 9 & 16 Location: N Campus E Auditorium This class is the basic introduction to our church vision, goals, pastoral staff, and church membership. Snacks provided. Childcare is available for a small fee. Leaders: All Vineyard Pastors Contact: Krystal Ragone, 816.734.8100 or kragone@vineyardkcnorth.com VINEYARD 201 Group ID: DC002 GROWING IN The Vineyard Sundays, 1-2:30 p.m. February 10-March 17 S.H.A.P.E. March 24, 1-4 p.m. Location: N Campus E Auditorium
Tuesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. April 23-May 28 S.H.A.P.E. June 2, 1-4 p.m. Location: N Campus E Auditorium This is a follow-up to Vineyard 101. This 7-session relational group experience, led by our pastoral team, shares our Vineyard goals, values, and ministries in an informal setting. The S.H.A.P.E. session is 3 hours on Sunday with a spiritual gift and personality evaluation
to help you understand how “you’re wired.” Childcare is available for a small fee. Contact: Krystal Ragone, 816.734.8100 or kragone@vineyardkcnorth.com VINEYARD 301 Group ID: DC003 LEADING IN The Vineyard Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. March 19, 26, & April 2 Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. May 29, June 12 & 19 Location: North Campus Room 130 This 3-session class will prepare you with the basic foundation of leadership in the church (including spiritual issues and authority structure). This class is required for anyone interested in becoming a small group leader, teacher, or ministry leader. A $6 fee for a background check will be payable at the first class. If interested in this class, please contact your small group or ministry leader. Childcare is available for a small fee. Contact: Krystal Ragone, 816.734.8100 or kragone@vineyardkcnorth.com ALPHA Group ID: DC004 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. February 12-April 23 ALPHA weekend April 19, 6:30-9 p.m. & April 20, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Location: North Campus Room 131 This 11-week course is specially designed for you to explore the
BAPTISM CLASS Group ID: DC005 At all Saturday & Sunday service times 3rd full weekend of every month Location: North Campus Room 133 We encourage all adults, youth, and children in Vineyard Church who have made a commitment to follow Jesus to be baptized. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward heart change and an act of obedience to Jesus. We offer baptism the second full weekend of every month (except June and July) at all weekend services at the North Campus. Registration is not required, just attend one of the baptism classes offered the third full weekend of every month. Leader: Tim Dykes, 816.734.8100 or tdykes@vineyardkcnorth.com
SHARING CHRIST Group ID: DC006 Mondays, 6:30-8 p.m. February 25, March 11 & 25 Location: North Campus West Lobby Have you ever wanted to share your faith with someone but for some reason felt uncertain of how to do so? This class will give you the knowledge, experience, confidence, and passion for sharing Christ with others. Leader: Kevin Townsend, ktownsend@vineyardkcnorth.com THE SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES Group ID: DC007 Sundays, 9-10:30 a.m. February 10-March 24 Location: North Campus Room 130 In this 7-week class, we will study and practice the spiritual disciplines as laid out by Richard Foster in his classic book, “Celebration of Discipline”. These disciplines include meditation, prayer, fasting, study, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship, guidance, and celebration. The book may be purchased from Josie Coleman for $15. Childcare is not available. Leader: Eddie McKechnie, 816.914.2065 or themacks22@yahoo.com Contact: Josie Coleman, 816.734.8100 or jcoleman@vineyardkcnorth.com
Discipleship Classes
Christian faith and find out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Alpha is a safe place to probe for answers to life’s tough questions in a relaxed, nonthreatening, no-pressure environment. At each meeting we will share a meal, watch a brief video, and then have the opportunity to meet in small discussion groups. Alpha is for all ages from high school and beyond and all are welcome. The course manual can be purchased for $5. The meal is provided at no cost. Childcare is available for a small fee. Leaders: Brian Key, 816.805.0375 or briantkey@me.com; Jennifer Reese, 816.838.8966 or ereese@kc.rr.com
Discipleship Classes
DISCIPLE I BIBLE STUDY Group ID: DC008 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:20 p.m Begins August 28 Location: North Campus Room 113 This is a 34-week in-depth survey of the Old and New Testaments and is highly encouraged for those who are open to a life-changing experience that will bring them into a new and fuller commitment as followers of Jesus. This class is an intensive study that will require preparation, presence, and participation. Part of the power of Disciple Bible Study is exploring God’s Word in community. This class will require 40 minutes of study six days a week. The class manual may be purchased from Josie Coleman, 816.734.8100 or jcoleman@vineyardkcnorth.com. Leader: Jim Riegel, 816.854.0905 or jimriegel@kc.rr.com DISCIPLE II BIBLE STUDY Group ID: DC009 Thursdays, 6:30-8:20 p.m Begins August 30 Location: North Campus Room 113 Move deeper into the Word of God with this 32-week study of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts. Study themes of pride, hospitality, patience, and humility as we consider how we are called into ministry in the world around us. Leader: Jim Riegel, 816.854.0905 or jimriegel@kc.rr.com
DISCIPLE III BIBLE STUDY Group ID: DC010 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:20 p.m Begins Tuesday, August 28 Location: North Campus West Lobby Participants in this 32-week study will read the major and minor Old Testament prophets, with the exception of Daniel, and will read the 13 books from the New Testament traditionally attributed to Paul. Leader: Jim Riegel, 816.854.0905 or jimriegel@kc.rr.com FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Group ID: DC011 Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m February 14-April 11 Location: North Campus Room 131 A 9-week video curriculum, taught by financial expert Dave Ramsey, incorporates small group discussions to encourage accountability and discipleship. Pre-registration is required. There is a $25 class fee PLUS participants also need to purchase a Financial Peace membership kit ($100 per married couple or single person). Class fee and member kits MUST be paid for at least 2 weeks prior to the first class. Register online at www.vineyardkcnorth.com. Childcare is available for a small fee. Leader: Mike Boultinghouse Contact: Josie Coleman, 816.734.8100 or jcoleman@vineyardkcnorth.com
Discipleship Classes
PASTORAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Group ID: DC012 Designed to train those who are called to plant or pastor a church with our values and philosophies of ministry. Interns will be mentored by our professional pastoral staff and trained in ministry and theology. They will be expected to serve and lead various ministries in Vineyard Church. A regular internship lasts two years and is 15-20 hours a week. In addition, interns will be expected to complete training in the Vineyard Leadership Institute (VLI). Contact: Josie Coleman, 816.734.8100 or jcoleman@vineyardkcnorth.com Vineyard leadership institute Group ID: DC013 Vineyard Leadership Institute (VLI) is a two-year program for discipleship and ministry training that prepares students practically, spiritually, and academically for ministry in the local church. Students receive excellent biblical and theological instruction, hands-on ministry training, and have the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship with members of the pastoral staff. Contact: Josie Coleman 816.734.8100 or jcoleman@vineyardkcnorth.com
Support Ministries
Support Ministries
boundaries Group ID: SM001 Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. February 11-April 1 Location: North Campus Room 115 Boundaries define who we are and who we are not. This class will help you learn how to set reasonable boundaries in order to follow the true path of Christianity. We will be using the video series “Boundaries” developed by Townsend and Cloud. Book is required and available in the Bookstore. Childcare is available for a small fee. Leader: Jamie Schwarz Contact: Connie Mueller, 816.734.8100 or cmueller@vineyardkcnorth.com EMPOWERING WORKSHOP Healing and Prayer Ministry Group ID: SM002 Thursdays, 6:30-9 p.m. February 21-April 25 Location: North Campus Room 130 Fridays, 9:30 a.m-12 p.m. April 19-June 7 Location: North Campus Room 113 This workshop is designed to assist you in becoming an effective helper in Healing and Prayer Ministry. The training will equip you with tools to identify root issues and how to apply the redemptive power of the cross to those issues. Class fee is $20. Childcare is available for a small fee for the morning classes but will not be available for the evening class. Leaders: Gary & Carla Heese Contact: Connie Mueller, 816.734.8100 or cmueller@vineyardkcnorth.com
Life coaching 101 Group ID: SM003 Tuesdays, 6:30-9 p.m. January 29-March 12 Location: North Campus Room 130 Anyone can be a Life Coach. This class will give you structure and skills to lead others through a time of personal growth. Christian coaches help people discover God’s calling on their life and how to live out that call. Certification is optional. Leader: Duane Cilke Contact: Connie Mueller, 816.734.8100 or cmueller@vineyardkcnorth.com Life coaching 201 Group ID: SM004 Thursdays, 6:30-9 p.m. March 28-May 2 Location: North Campus Room 121 Professional Life Coaching 201 is the next step after Life Coaching 101. This course provides interactive training sessions that will rapidly guide you through the process of building a “coaching toolbox” of resources and techniques. Topics include: Christian Coaching Models, Skills and Roleplays, Blind-spots and Breakthroughs, Coaching Men and Women, and Finding Your Niche and Purpose as a Coach. Certification is optional. Life Coaching 101 is a prerequisite for this class. Leader: Marcia Whetsel Contact: Connie Mueller, 816.734.8100 or cmueller@vineyardkcnorth.com
OAKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Freedom from past wounds or sins
Morning Class: Group ID: SM006 Wednesdays & Fridays, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. February 13-April 12 Location: North Campus Room 113 Leader: Marcia Whetsel This intense discipleship program is designed to minister to those who struggle with wounds or regrets of the past. Through the process of inner healing, you will grow in your relationship with God and others. It is recommended that you limit your responsibilities while taking this course. This class is also recommended to those who want to be trained to minister to others. Cost is $50 per individual. Childcare is available for a small fee for the morning classes but will not be available for the evening class. Contact: Connie Mueller, 816.734.8100 or cmueller@vineyardkcnorth.com PERSONAL MINISTRY Group ID: SM007 Contact Gary to make an appointment God has seen fit to work with and through us in moving people toward Christ-centered wholeness. Each prayer session will be focused on helping you make spiritual progress. Prayer ministry sessions include you and a ministry helper of the same gender. We work with adults, teens, and children.
Restore Ministry Healing prayer Group ID: SM008 This prayer ministry allows the power of the Holy Spirit to restore people spiritually, emotionally, and physically to the person God created them to be. Please contact Judy Ragone to set up your ministry time. Contact: Judy Ragone, 816.898.6901 or judyragone@gmail.com
Support Ministries
Evening Class: Group ID: SM005 Mondays & Thursdays, 6:30-9:30 p.m. February 21-April 29 Location: N Campus E Auditorium Leader: Fred Schwab
Contact: Gary Heese, 816.734.8100 or gheese@vineyardkcnorth.com
PASTORAL CARE MINISTRIES CARE AND SHARE MINISTRY Group ID: SM009 This ministry can help connect people in need with others who are willing to donate gently used tangible items. If you would like to donate or are in need of donated items, or want to sign up to receive the monthly newsletter, please contact the leader. Leader: Derk Hanna, 816.734.8100 or dhanna@vineyardkcnorth.com MEALs MINISTRY Group ID: SM0010 We are looking for those who like to cook or simply have a heart to serve those in need of assistance due to a recent illness, surgery, death, or the birth of a new baby. If you are willing to prepare and/or deliver a meal, please contact Cyndi Wolfe. Contact: Cyndi Wolfe, 816.858.2233 or cyndiw@kc.rr.com
Support Ministries
PERSONAL CARE MINISTRY Hospital visitations Group ID: SM011 Do you have an interest in being an ambassador of Christ by visiting our sick and hurting church members in the hospital? It is at times like these that people need to be comforted and loved. If one of your gifts is having a heart for pastoral care and you have completed Vineyard 201, please contact the leader. Leader: Derk Hanna, 816.734.8100 or dhanna@vineyardkcnorth.com PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY E-mail prayer chain Group ID: SM012 Are you willing to call out to God on behalf of the needs of others? Many people are requesting prayer each week and we need people to help us bring these prayer needs to Jesus via the e-mail prayer chain. Contact: Jenny Siercks, 816.734.8100 or jsiercks@vineyardkcnorth.com PRAYER TEAM MINISTRY Group ID: SM013 Would you like to be part of our weekend prayer ministry team for those who come forward at the end of our worship services? Requirements: Learning to Minister Like Jesus or Empowering Workshop. Let us know if you are interested in committing to this ministry as a regular attendee at a specific service. Contact: Gary Heese, 816.734.8100 or gheese@vineyardkcnorth.com
RELATIONSHIP GROWTH DIVORCE CARE Group ID: SM014 Saturdays, 5-6:30 p.m. February 16-May 11 Location: North Campus Room 130 This is a 13-week divorce care support group led by those who have experienced divorce. Topics include: kids’ care, finances, depression, anger, and forgiveness. Couples, counselors, and others who have a passion for those hurting from a divorce are also welcome. This is an open group and individuals are welcome anytime. There is required workbook available in the bookstore. No childcare available. Leader: Nancy Mabry-McWhirter, 660.334.0132 or njcouch@hotmail. com Love & Respect For women Group ID: SM015 Dates & Times TBD This 5-week class will be an opportunity for women to come together and share their marriage experiences with other women. It is a way women can learn about what’s important to a man: respect; what’s important to a woman: love. There are three cycles couples go through: the crazy cycle, the energizing cycle and the rewarding cycle. Come join us and learn ways to renew your marriage and take it to the next level. Class includes watching the video series. Leader: Linda Altis, 816.853.1214 or daltis@sbcglobal.net
HOW WE LOVE OUR KIDS SEMINAR Group ID: SM017 Fridays 6:30-9 p.m. & Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. February 15, 16 & 22 Location: North Campus Room 131 Having problems with your kids? What if you are the problem and you just can’t see it? How We Love Our Kids offers a unique approach to help you as a parent transform your kids by making specific changes in how you love. Identify which of the five love styles you have. Discover the surprising dynamics that shape your parenting. Get rid of your ‘buttons’ so your kids can’t push them. Create a close connection with your kids that will last a lifetime. Learn the seven gifts every child needs. Leader: Nancy Mabry-McWhirter, 660.334.0132 or njcouch@hotmail.com
RECOVERY MINISTRIES aNXIETY & PANIC ATTACKs Group ID: SM018 Dates: By Appointment Only Times: TBD This support group is for anyone and any age who has experienced anxiety and panic attacks. Leader: Lisa Kunkel, 816.517.9158 or lkunkel@vineyardkcnorth.com
Support Ministries
HOW WE LOVE SEMINAR Group ID: SM016 Friday 6:30-9 p.m. & Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. February 1-2 & February 8- 9 Location: North Campus Room 131 “How We Love” is a two weekend videodriven seminar that helps you discover the root of your relationship problems. Our early life experiences, for better or worse, teach us how to love. Using attachment theory, experts Milan and Kay Yerovich have created the tools to take your relationships to the next level. Childcare is available for a small fee. Leaders: Steve & Shay Freeman, 816.868.3640 or shayfreeman2@gmail.com
FREEDOM KC Group ID: SM019 Day & Time: Varies Dates: Ongoing Location: Varies Freedom KC is a group of men who are serious about breaking free from sexual addictions. This group uses a Christian 12-step program for sex addicts developed by Dr. Doug Weiss (sexaddict. com) of Colorado Springs. We meet at various places and times and offer confidentiality within accountability. See the website FreedomKC.net for more information. Leader: Steve Fugate, 816.746.5795 or freedomkansascity@gmail.com Healing hearts MINISTRY Loss of a Child Group ID: SM020 2nd Wednesday monthly Location: TBD This support group is for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child and needs prayer and healing. Leader: Dawn Uthe, 816.866.4298 or dawnandles1@yahoo.com
Support Ministries
HOPE MINISTRY Domestic Violence Group ID: SM021 Have you ever been hit, kicked, punched, strangled, threatened, or otherwise hurt by a partner or spouse? Do you feel unsafe? You are not alone. Our hope is that you will be healed through prayer, overcome the abuse, prepare for survival, and be empowered through support. When you are ready, we are here to listen. This support ministry for victims of domestic violence provides resources for safe havens. Leader: Joy, 816.779.6349
MArriage Mentoring
Group ID: SM022 Couples helping couples is what this program is all about. If you are an engaged or married couple and would like to be proactive in seeking the Lord’s wisdom for your relationship, then Marriage Mentoring will benefit you. Marriage Mentors: Shay & Steve Freeman, 816.868.3640; shayfreeman2@gmail.com Pre-marital Mentors: Mark & Rhonda Edmonds, mjedmonds@yahoo.com
RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT Post-Abortion Healing Group ID: SM023 Dates: February 22-February 24 Cost: $175 This offers an opportunity for healing for any man or woman who has struggled with emotional or spiritual pain after the choice of an abortion.
The retreat gives you a chance, in a non-judgmental environment, to begin healing and experience God’s love and compassion. Married couples are encouraged to attend. Participation is strictly confidental. The cost is $175 for meals, private room and all retreat materials. Financial assistance is available. Leaders: Dan & Kathy Hawk, 816.401.4594 or rv.north.kc@gmail.com Veterans support Group ID:SM024 This group offers prayer, understanding and support for those who are struggling with the effects of war-related traumas. Assistance is also given to those who need help filling out VA claims. For more information please contact Ernie. Leader: Ernie Toigo, 816.536.2446 or merico3212@aol.com WHO AM I? WHO ARE YOU? Group ID: SM025 Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. March 9 Location: East Auditorium Take the Myers-Briggs personality assessment and learn how knowing yourself will provide vital information regarding your career path, parenting style, and understanding relationships with family, coworkers, and your spouse. Cost is $10. Leader: Richard Stanley Contact: Connie Mueller, 816.734.8100 or cmueller@vineyardkcnorth.com
COMPUTER REPAIR MINISTRY Group ID: M002 By Appointment 2nd & 4th Monday monthly 5:30-9 p.m. Dates: Ongoing Location: North Campus Room 133 This ministry provides computer assistance in the form of hardware repair, removing viruses, increasing memory, help and advice regarding what computer to purchase for your needs, data recovery for crashed hard drives, and general assistance with peripherals such as digital cameras and printers. Leaders: Mark Johnson & Tom Noon: 615.601.1226 (local call) or vineyard@computerrepairministry.org enGLISH LANGUAGE OUTREACH Group ID: M003 Wednesdays, 3-6 p.m. Starting in April English as a second language is an after school program for the international and refugee students in the Park Hill School District at Northland Baptist Church on Waukomis Dr. Our focus is to get to know
tHE PRISM WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM Group ID: M004 Starting March 1, 7-9 p.m. Location: North Campus The Prism Weight Loss Program is designed to help overweight adults (18 and above) break food addictions and achieve their ideal weight through changing their eating behaviors. Prism is a very strict diet program and requires participants to sign an “Agreement of Resolution”. The group will meet weekly for 24 weeks to support each other during our journey. Each session we will review DVDs, review dietary journal entries with accountability partners, and discuss insights from the Prism Bible Study. Cost: $55.00 per participant for 6 weeks. Or $220 for the full 24 weeks. Leaders: Dan & Kathy Hawk, 816.866.5101or hawk.family.dfc@gmail. com women’s ministries Group ID: M004 Various events throughout the year LOVE: Women’s Ministry is alive and well at Vineyard Church! The Ladies of Vineyard are active throughout the year doing His work through small groups, classes, ministries and special events. Find out more on our Facebook page (Ladies of Vineyard). Leader: Cheryl Adam, 816.206.7713 or ladiesofvineyard@gmail.com
BEAUTY FOR ASHES Group ID: M001 We are an outreach ministry serving the homeless and incarcerated. It is our mission to bring truth, love, and hope to the self-imprisoned, so they may find true freedom. We invite you to come be the hands and feet of Jesus to the homeless and incarcerated. Leaders: Derk & Gina Hanna, 816.721.2803 or gina.hanna@bfaministry.com
each student on an individual basis in order to form friendships and mentor. Please contact the leaders. Leaders: Lasha Stewart & Lisa Abbott, 770.906.3425 or asapeslgroup@ outlook.com
Missions In Mark 16 the Bible says, “And he (Jesus) told them, Go into all of the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” It is our goal to share the truth of the Bible and Jesus Christ as savior to a lost world. We are currently working in three countries: Ecuador, Haiti, and Ethiopia. We are also pursuing Palestine/West Bank for mission activities. We conduct our mission work by partnering with Vineyard churches locally and in specific countries to start and support a Vineyard church planting movement. We have annual mission trips to each of the countries where we are working. If you are interested in helping with missions or going on a mission trip, please contact Tim Dykes at 816.734.8100 or tdykes@vineyardkcnorth.com.
Missions 101 Class Date: Saturday May 18 Time: 8:30-11:30 a.m. Location: North Campus Room 131 The Missions 101 Discipleship Class will provide you with a basic foundation of world missions. This class is designed to help you learn about missions through different views including the Bible, history, culture, strategy, and Vineyard’s missions plan. Join us in exploring your role in the ‘Great Commission’ as commanded by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20. For more information, please contact Tim Dykes at 816.734.8100 or tdykes@vineyardkcnorth.com.
FOOD PANTRY Group ID: SE001 Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday 9-11:30 a.m. Dates: Ongoing Location: North Campus Food Pantry Contact: Tempest Linn, tempest.linn@gmail.com Harvester’s outreach Group ID: SE002 One Saturday per month, 8-10 a.m. Dates: Ongoing Location: North Campus Harvester’s Community Food Network partners with Vineyard Church to provide free food to families in our community who are in need. Harvesters will deliver a semi-truck full of food every month to the North Campus parking lot for distribution. Please be sure to tell your friends, family, or neighbors who would benefit from this outreach. Plastic grocery bag donations are welcome and may be dropped at the Information Center. Contact: Mary McGhee, marymcgheel@yahoo.com
ISI (International Students Incorporated) Group ID: SE003 ISI an opportunity for individuals to be a missionary in their own backyard as
friends and supporters to international students at local colleges. Reaching the world for Christ by sharing and showing love to them right here in Kansas City area. Contact: Carol Bland, 816.695.6338 carolb300@hotmail.com
Servant Evangelism
Part of the DNA of our church is to show God’s love in a practical way—no strings attached—through various acts of service and kindness (e.g. giving away free sodas or bottled water, free light bulbs, free candy, etc.).
opportunities to serve Group ID: SE004 There are many opportunites to volunteer available through the Servant Evangelism Ministry. There are large events several times a year where 75-150 volunteers are needed and service projects where 10-20 volunteers are needed. Ministries such as the Food Pantry, Kindness-To-Go, and other annual events show God’s love in practical ways. Servant Evangelism opportunites include: Food Pantry Harvester’s Outreach Shoebox Gifts Outreach Back-to-School Backpacks Christmas Meal’s Outreach Thanksgiving Meal’s Outreach Contact Kevin Townsend, ktownsend@vineyardkcnorth.com Kindness-To-Go City Union Mission Family Fun Night Contact Jenifer Burch, vineyardsp@gmail.com
Childcare Guidelines
Vineyard childcare Children are an important part of our church family; we are committed to providing responsible, nurturing care for children in a safe environment. Childcare may be provided for small groups/classes meeting on campus Monday through Thursday or other pre-arranged days. Childcare is a best-efforts service and is not guaranteed for any event, small group, class, or meeting. Childcare is for ages 3 months-grade 5. All small groups, classes, and ministries (including Vineyard 101, 201 and 301) MUST sign up for childcare services at least two weeks prior to the start date of the small group, class, or meeting and provide names and ages for children needing care. Group leaders will facilitate sign up and any group or ministry communications regarding childcare. Cost for childcare is as follows: Groups meeting for 2 hours: $2 per child per hour with a $10 cap for families with several children. Groups meeting for longer than 2 hours: $2 per child per hour with a $20 cap for families with several children. Children are not allowed to be in a room unsupervised. It is our policy that there always be at least two Vineyard-approved and trained workers in a room caring for children. If you have individuals in your group that would like to be approved and trained for childcare, or need childcare, please contact Amanda Young. Contact: Amanda Young, ayoung@vineyardkcnorth.com
Children’s Ministries
BABY/CHILD DEDICATIONS Group ID: CM002 January, April, July, & October Location: North Campus Auditorium Watch bulletin for quarterly child/baby dedications. A parent’s orientation class is required. Leader: Roger Wilson Contact: Lisa Kunkel, 816.734.8100 or lkunkel@vineyardkcnorth.com chILD BaPTISMS Group ID: CM003 2nd full weekend of most months Location: North Campus We encourage all children who have made a commitment to follow Jesus to be baptized. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward heart change and an act of obedience to Jesus. A class specifically designed for children is offered several times a year. Leader: Roger Wilson
Contact: Lisa Kunkel, 816.734.8100 or lkunkel@vineyardkcnorth.com ChILDren’s summer camp (Grades 4-5) Group ID: CM004 June 24-28, 2013 Location: Heartland Center Parkville, MO It’s at camp that many kids make their first commitment to Christ and take their walk with God to the next level. Leader: Roger Wilson Contact: Lisa Kunkel, 816.734.8100 or lkunkel@vineyardkcnorth.com
Children’s Ministries
AWANA (3 years-Grade 5) Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 Group ID: CM001 Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. August 22, 2012-April 17, 2013 Location: North Campus AWANA teaches kids that God is real and that He loves them. The goal of AWANA is to reach boys and girls with the good news about Jesus and train them to serve Him. Leader: Sabrina Rancudo Contact: Lisa Kunkel, 816.734.8100 or lkunkel@vineyardkcnorth.com
JOY MINISTRY- For children with Special Needs Group ID: CM005 Saturdays, 5 p.m. Location: North Campus Room 116 This group of volunteers serve as buddies for children with special needs to aid them in participating in KOTV every weekend. Leader: Beth Jones, 816.805.2178 or paul2128@att.net KOTV - KIDS ON THE VINE (3 months-Grade 5) Group ID: CM006 Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays, 9 & 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Location: North Campus Sundays, 10 a.m. Location: Brighton Campus Children’s Ministry during weekend Worship Celebrations where we show
Children’s Ministries
kids the love of Jesus. Our nurseries (3 months to 2 years) are safe, clean, and personal. The 3-4 year old class and 5-6 year old class have Bible story time, games, and snacks. Grade 1-5 students have group worship, singing, and age-appropriate teaching. For more information contact Lisa Kunkel. Leader: Roger Wilson Contact: Lisa Kunkel, 816.734.8100 or lkunkel@vineyardkcnorth.com Sports clinics Group ID: CM007 Dates: August 3, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Location: North Campus Soccer or cheerleading. Leader: Roger Wilson Contact: Lisa Kunkel, 816.734.8100 or lkunkel@vineyardkcnorth.com vacation bible school Group ID: CM008 July 15-19, 2013, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Location: North Campus At Kingdom Rock VBS, kids experience God’s Word in fun and unforgettable ways! Each day, leaders reinforce one simple Bible truth which makes it super easy for kids to remember and apply to real life! Leader: Roger Wilson Contact: Lisa Kunkel, 816.734.8100 or lkunkel@vineyardkcnorth.com
Youth Ministries
girls for god (Grades 6-12) Group ID: YM002 Day & Time: Varies Dates: Varies Location: Varies Girls for God meet throughout the year for Bible study, relationship building, and fun. Activities include pedicure, movie nights, community outreach, service projects, special events, and more. Leaders strive to serve and equip teen girls with strong Christian values and interpersonal skills. Leader (Grades 6-8): Carol Engleman, 816.547.6109 Leader (Grades 9-12): Kendra Harris, 816.507.8573
Youth Ministries
CONNECT WEDNESDAYS (Grades 6-12) Group ID: YM001 Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. August 22, 2012-April 17, 2013 Location: North Campus Room 131 Youth meet weekly during the school year for worship and teaching followed by discipleship and small groups. January 16-30: Celebration of Discipline. Encouraging spiritual growth through inward disciplines, outward disciplines, and corporate disciplines. February 11: We will be following the 7-week church-wide sermon study on the book “Too Small to Ignore� by Wess Stafford. Leader: Mark Duncan, 816.734.8100 or mduncan@vineyardkcnorth.com
H20 (Grades 6-8) North Campus & Brighton Campus Group ID: YM003 Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays, 9 & 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. North Campus Room 130 Sundays, 10 a.m. Brighton Campus Teens meet for worship and interactive teaching. Lessons are fun and growthoriented. Leader: Mark Duncan, mduncan@vineyardkcnorth.com Contact: Denise Bearce, 816.734.8100 or dbearce@vineyardkcnorth.com ThE ROCK (Grades 9-12) Group ID: YM004 Sundays, 5-6:15 p.m. North Campus East Auditorium The ROCK exists to TRAIN teens to REACH non-believing students, OFFER themselves to God, CONNECT with one another, and extend the KINGDOM of God! Youth meet for worship, fun, games, and creative relevant teaching. Leader: Brady Testorff, 816.734.8100 or btestorff@vineyardkcnorth.com SR. HIGH SMALL GROUPS (Grades 9-12) Group ID: YM005 Day & time varies Dates: Varies Location: Varies Sr. High students meet weekly at various home locations for worship and interactive small group studies through the school year. Leader: Brady Testorff, 816.734.8100 or btestorff@vineyardkcnorth.com
Youth Ministries
YOUTH WINTER CAMP(Grades 7-12) Group ID: YM006 February 15-18, 2013 Cost: $370 per person due Jan. 27 White Out Youth Winter Camp, Frontier Ranch, Buena Vista, CO. Youth and their friends have an opportunity to go deeper in their faith during this special retreat. Transportation by charter bus, first rate camp facility, scheduled activities, small group time, awesome worship and more! Cost $370 per person and $60 to ski or snowboard (optional). Register online at www.vineyardkcnorth. com by January 27. Contact: Denise Bearce, 816.734.8100 or dbearce@vineyardkcnorth.com
Spring Small Groups begin the week of February 11th and will fill up fast!
Tear Here & Place in Offering basket/box
Name: E-mail address: Best contact phone#: Group id or name of group/class/ministry: (located in the group description) Do you need childcare? (please refer to page 32 if applicable) Names and ages of children that require childcare:
_____ yes _____ no
Ministry Index MEDIA MINISTRY Austin McKahan, 816.734.8100, amckahan@vineyardkcnorth.com
ANNOUNCEMENTS Ron Peterson, 816.210.6296, rpeterson@fujifilmgs.com
MEN’S MINISTRY Tom Turner, 816.896.5261, tomnant@gmail.com
AUDIO/VIDEO MINISTRY Austin McKahan, 816.734.8100, amckahan@vineyardkcnorth.com
OFFICE ASSISTANCE MINISTRY Susie Schroeder, 816.734.8100, sschroeder@vineyardkcnorth.com
BOOKSTORE MINISTRY Curt Bartlett, 816.734.8100, cbartlett@vineyardkcnorth.com
Parking Lot Ministry Nathan Pare, 816.734.9291, npare@kc.rr.com
CAFE/ESPRESSO BAR MINISTRY Curt Bartlett, 816.734.8100, cbartlett@vineyardkcnorth.com
Seniors ministry Dorothy Petroff, 816.509.8364, dpetroff@kc.rr.com
COMMUNION MINISTRY Karla Morris, 816.419.9594, liquidpower59@yahoo.com
Usher ministry Danny Schroeder, 816.786.6872, mailmandan@kc.rr.com
DESIGN & DECOR Curt Bartlett, 816.734.8100, cbartlett@vineyardkcnorth.com
Welcome center ministry Barry and Joyce Ballenger, 816.781.4130, barry.ballenger@hughes.net
EMERGENCY RESPONSE MINISTRY Lori Johnson 816.529.4001, denali@kc.rr.com
welcome ministries Tim Dykes, 816.734.8100, tdykes@vineyardkcnorth.com
FACILITIES MINISTRY Mark Duncan, 816.734.8100, mduncan@vineyardkcnorth.com
WOMEN’S MINISTRY Cheryl Adam 816.206.7713 ladiesofvineyard@gmail.com
GREETER MINISTRY Jim Mitchell, 816.734.4444, Karen May, 816.415.9506
young adult MINISTRY Brady Testorff, 816.734.8100 btestorff@vineyardkcnorth.com
Ministry Index
AED/CPR TRAINING Tim Dykes, 816.734.8100, tdykes@vineyardkcnorth.com
12300 NW Arrowhead Trafficway Kansas City, Missouri 64165 816.734.8100
Hwy 152 & N. Brighton (Northglen 14 Theatres) 816.734.8100