Hong Kong’s Finest Italian Wine Auction

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Hong Kong’s Finest Italian Wine Auction (Lots 807-854)

May 25th 2013 JW Marriott Hotel, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway (Ballroom)

你好, 一直致力向全球推展意大利名酒的Vinitaly International歡迎各位收藏家蒞臨我們於香港首辦的 意大利名酒拍賣會。這次拍賣會為大家帶來了市面罕見的意大利名酒,有些更是首度登陸亞洲市 場,醉心於意國葡萄酒的各位一定不能錯過。 這場拍賣會搜羅了大量收藏精品,無論來源、狀態都堪稱絕佳,而且是由酒莊直接移送到港, 確保名酒原來的風味。覆蓋的著名酒莊和名釀酒師多不勝數,包括Marchesi Antinori、Tentuta San Guido - Sassicaia、Franco Biondi Santi的晚期作品、Marchesi di Frescobaldi、Tenuta dell’Ornellaia、Marchesi Di Barolo、Cantina Argiano、2013年最佳歐洲酒廠得主 Arnaldo Caprai、Poderi Luigi Einaudi、Masciarelli、Carpineto、Castello Di Ama、Tenuta Di Biserno、Tenuta Borgogno、Livio Felluga、Fèlsina、Allegrini Estates、Castello Banfi、Ferrari F.lli Lunelli、Poderi Einaudi和Zenato。 香港已超越紐約和倫敦,成為世界最大的佳釀交易市場;而隨著波爾多葡萄酒的價格下降,現在 正是亞洲區收藏家將視線集中在意大利名酒身上。中國消費者對名酒的知識日漸增長,即使意大 利葡萄酒在內地的資訊不多,但他們對意大利名酒的豐厚和深度有著日漸增長的興趣。因此是次 拍賣會是接觸意大利頂級佳釀、著名釀酒師的大好時機,讓各位能深入認識來自意大利的世界級 名酒。希望各位都能成功投得心頭好。 Vinitaly International 行政總監 Stevie Kim Benvenuti and 你好, Vinitaly International, the Ambassador of Italian wine is excited to welcome collectors to the first edition of Hong Kong’s “Finest Italian Wine Auction”. This day is offering Italian wine lovers the chance to snap up some rare Italian wine gems, which are often for the very first time on the Asian market. The auction list features stellar wine collectables with great provenance and condition directly from the the likes of Marchesi Antinori, Tentuta San Guido - Sassicaia, the late Franco Biondi Santi, Marchesi di Frescobaldi, Tenuta dell’Ornellaia, Marchesi Di Barolo, Cantina Argiano, European winery of 2013 Arnaldo Caprai, Poderi Luigi Einaudi, Masciarelli, Carpineto, Castello Di Ama, Tenuta Di Biserno, Tenuta Borgogno, Livio Felluga, Fèlsina, Allegrini Estates, Castello Banfi, Ferrari F.lli Lunelli, Poderi Einaudi, and Zenato. As Hong Kong surpassed New York and London as the world’s largest wine market and the prices for Bordeaux dropped, the time is right for Italian wines in Asia. Chinese consumers are learning quick, are inquisitive and become increasingly interested in the richness and breaths of Italian wine, alas still little known in Mainland China. This initiative is therefore a great possibility to give more visibility to our iconic Italian producers and getting to know the exquisite wines that are amongst the best in the world. We wish you a successful bidding day.

Stevie Kim, Managing Director of Vinitaly International

意式風情 特選意大利佳釀 由當地最高級的酒莊直接運到 包裝:大部份原裝包裝 來源:直接從酒莊釋出 九十年 代將要結束時,我還是一個在倫敦為葡萄酒大師Michael Broadbent工作的新丁,那時候我對意大 利葡萄酒懷著極大興趣,因緣際會 下我有幸品嚐過陳年的Spanna、Franciacorta、Sagrantino 以至Primitivo等等多種意大利極品名釀。事實上,意大利葡萄酒的豐富多姿可說 是世界之最,當地 釀酒業使用的葡萄品種眾多,呈現出來的風格也非常多樣,就像法國的芝士一樣。 數年前我移居香港,在極短的時間內,我已經見證了這裡的愛酒族群在不斷擴大,而且對葡萄酒的知 識也持續增長。而在最近,開始受到 本地品酒圈子注意的,毫無疑問是意大利葡萄酒。所以,當意大 利名酒展協會Vinltaly的代表聯絡我、問我有沒有興趣在拍賣會加入一小部 份意大利佳釀時,我當 然表示歡迎! 除了呼籲大家踴躍競投和盡情品嚐這些意大利佳釀,我還有兩點另外的建議:一、親身飛往意大利, 在當地人簡樸的家裡享用美酒和美 食。我敢預言你一定會愛上意大利、愛上他們的美酒和熱情的 釀酒人。二、盡可能品嚐不同的葡萄酒,愈多愈好,當地實在有海量的名 酒,在等待你的青睞。 雖然意國是個歷史悠久的釀酒國度,可是國內最頂級的釀酒師們卻從未約定俗成,他們不斷努力作 出新嘗試,不斷強化意大利酒的風格和 質量。 與釀酒師相約在萬豪 大部份將在拍賣會上拍賣的名酒,現場都會提供試品機會;更難得的是,其中幾位釀酒師將遠渡而來, 跟各位見面並暢談他們的作品。 到時候見! 魏達維 施氏亞洲行政總監

VIVA ITALIA! From my earliest days in the wine business when I was working for Michael Broadbent MW in London in the late 1990s I have been a very big fan of Italy’s finest wines. From old Spanna to Franciacorta, from Sagrantino to Primitivo I was fortunate to taste and learn about the enormous variety of wines available. In fact Italy offers wines made from more varieties and probably more styles than any other country on the planet. A bit like France with cheese. Following my move to Hong Kong a couple of years back, even in this short time, I have seen the tastes and palates of Hong Kong’s wine loving community grow. One area that is just beginning to get some major traction is of course Italy. So when the folks of VinItaly (Italy’s version of VinExpo) approached me to see if I would be interested in putting a small selection of Italian wines into one of our auctions, the answer was a resounding yes! Aside from bidding on and enjoying these wines I urge everyone to do two things. Go to Italy and enjoy the wines and food in their natural home. I guarantee you will fall in love with these wines and the people who make them, not mention the country itself. The second is to try as many wines as you can, Italy has a lot to offer. Whilst Italy is an ancient wine producing nation, its top producers have never been bound by convention and continue to push the boundaries of both styles and quality. We will have wines from almost all producers open for tasting at the auction. Better yet we will have a number of the producers there for you to meet and discuss their wines with. See you at the Marriott! David Wainwright

ALLEGRINI 它是一家历史悠久的酒庄,它的起源在Valpolicella地区可以追溯到16世纪。 ALLEGRINI酒庄 在Valpolicella Classica地区的中心: 它的产业拥有100公顷。 世界上它也是一个最有名的酒 庄之一。 The Allegrini family has played a leading role in the history of Valpolicella since the 16th century. Nowaday owning some 100 hectares in the Valpolicella Classico area is one of the most acclaimed italian winemaking realities in the world.

LA POJA 1993 「1993年的La Poja散發著深邃的李子色,和引人入勝的黑櫻桃、泥土、胡椒以及香料氣味。中 度的酒體、充滿肉感得來層次分明、基調穩 健、濃厚的酸度、適中的單寧……」WA 10/98 “The 1993 La Poja displays a dark plum color, and an intriguing nose of sweet black cherries, earth, pepper, and spice. Medium-bodied, fleshy, muscular, layered, with good underlying, tangy acidity, and moderate tannin…” WA 10/98.

LA GROLA 1995 「……它是款偉大的單一葡萄園瓦波里切拉,酒色為深紅/紫色,充滿黑櫻桃和黑莓果實的香氣, 伴隨著底層的礦物基調。在口腔裡它呈現 出中至濃郁的酒體、層次豐富、絲絨般的口感、出色的 濃縮純度,帶出了頗堪玩味的和諧感,餘韻長達25-30秒。值得一提的是,此酒的 平衡感堪稱一 流……」WA 6/98 “…A spectacular single-vineyard Valpolicella, exhibiting a deep ruby/purple color, and a knock-out nose of black cherries and blackberry fruit, along with underlying mineral scents. In the mouth, it is a medium to full-bodied, layered wine, with a velvety texture, outstanding concentration and purity, admirable harmony, and a finish that lasts 25-30 seconds. Additionally, the wine’s equilibrium is superb…” WA 6/98.

Allegrini 4cm, 6-pack original wood case • La Poja 1993 bin-soiled and glue-stained label, original wood case • La Grola 1995 bin-soiled label 807

above 1 double magnum (3L) & one 9 liter (9L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

9 liter (1)

double magnum (1) per lot HK$800012,000 US$1000-1500

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

MARCHESI ANTINORI 家族經營的MarchesiAntinori酒莊在托斯卡尼的歷史長達幾個世紀,酒莊一直由Antinori家族管 理營運,藉著他們對名酒的熱情、天賦和傳統手藝,令酒莊成為意大利國內的龍頭酒莊之一。 Marchesi Antinori is a family-owned wine producer in Tuscany. Over the centuries the Antinori family has always managed the business. Passion, instinct and tradition have made Marchesi Antinori one of the leading Italian producers of fine quality wines.

SOLAIA Solaia是從Solaia葡萄園中選取最上好的赤霞珠、品麗珠和桑 嬌維賽葡萄釀造而成,此酒在橡木 桶中陳釀一年後,會再於瓶 中陳化12個月才推出市場。 Solaia is made fom the best selections of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Sangiovese grown in the Solaia vineyard. The wine is aged in barriques for about 12 months for a further 12 months in bottle.

Solaia Antinori 4cm, 6-pack original wood case • 1997 original carton • 2001 original carton • 2004 original wood case 808

above 18 bottles

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

(6) (6) (6) per lot HK$24,000-36,000 US$3000-4600

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

TENUTA SANTA MARIA ALLA PIEVE (BERTANI) Acinatico 1928:舌尖上的歷史 「Acinatico」源於拉丁文「Acinaticum」,意指「葡 萄」或「葡萄石」,是維羅納佳釀Recioto的古代名字。1928年的酒由Corvina、Corv inone、Rondinella、Molinara和桑嬌維賽等多種葡萄混釀而成,其後於Valpolicella-Valpantena DOC的Bertani家族酒窖內經歷了一段極長 時間的乾燥期。資深的窖主Piero Venturi栩栩如 生地回憶1928年那種特異的氣候條件:炎熱、氣溫高於平均溫度、降雨少,緊接而來卻是 寒冷而 乾燥的冬天──簡而言之,對釀製Recioto來說是非常理想的環境。據Venturi先生所說,葡萄皮 暴露於特別長的成熟環境,會大大提 高酒體所含的糖份。 1928 Acinatico儲存於600公升的橡木桶內,經過10年陳化,被裝 進來自維羅納的手製酒瓶內。這種特製酒瓶,當時只會用來盛載最頂級的 葡萄酒,例如 Recioto、Marsala和Port等。二次大戰爆發後不久的1940年,入侵當地的德軍所駐紮的建築 物,正好與Bertani家族酒窖相鄰;自知酒窖難以逃離被渴極的士兵搶劫一空 的命運,Bertani家 族決定拼死保留窖裡最好的佳釀。他們小心地將Acinatico移送至家族位於Saccole的農場,而 且密封於牆壁之內。此後的 40年,這批Acinatico完完全全從歷史上消失無蹤。重見天日的時刻 發生在1984年,正在動工的建築工人意外地發現了這批被遺忘的名酒。共有7,500瓶的原裝木箱 Acinatico其後被小心翼翼 地移出,重返它們原來的「家」──Bertani家族酒窖,成為該家族的 傳家之寶。經過品嚐後,此酒展示出獨特的釀造條件和絕佳的狀態(酒精濃度17.8%、酸度0.33% ),這需要歸功於一流的儲存環境。發現這批舊酒 後不久,家族成員決定這酒不會出售、只會留 作家族專用,目前大約有2,500瓶Acinatico仍沉睡於Gaetano Bertani的酒窖內。能擁有這難 能 可貴的歷史名酒,機會千載難逢! Acinatico derives from the Latin, Acinaticum, signifying grape or grape stone, and is the ancient name for Veronese Recioto wines. With the 1928 vintage the blend of grapes, comprising Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, Molinara and Sangiovese, was exposed to an unusually extended drying period at the Bertani family cellars in the Valpolicella-Valpantena DOC. Piero Venturi,a long-time cellar master, vividly recalled the singular conditions of the 1928 vintage: hot, above-average temperatures and little precipitation, followed by an exceptionally cold, dry winter – in short, ideal conditions from which to

produce a Recioto of truly outstanding quality. According to Venturi, the grape skins were exposed to a particularly long maturation, favoring an especially high sugar content. The 1928 Acinatico was aged in a 60-hectoliter oak barrel which exists to this day. In 1938, after about 10 years of barrel aging, the wine was bottled in specially purchased handmade bottles bought from a supplier in Verona. Such bottles were reserved exclusively for use with the finest wines of the period, such as Recioto, Marsala and Port.

ACINATICO 1928 The auction offers 2 lots of each 3 bottles of Acinatico 1928, an ancient Veronese Recioto from the family cellar of the high-end Amarone producer, Gaetano Bertani. The wine has an illustrious history since soon after the outbreak of the Second World War in 1940, German soldiers were billeted in a villa adjacent to the Bertani family’s cellar. Faced with loss of their entire stocks to the German troops, the family determined to preserve at least their very best wines. The Acinatico was thus carefully walled in to remain lost from sight for the next 40 years. The wines were re-discovered by chance in 1984 when labourers carried out construction work uncovering wooden cases containing 7,500 bottles of the precious, perfectly preserved wines. Only once, on January 12, 2001, four bottles were put on auction by Christie’s New York and sold to a single buyer for US$9,200. This is only the second time that this wine is on auction.

Acinatico Bertani 1928 - Special Family Reserve Valpolicella Classico - original packaging bottom neck or better 809

3 bottles

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

per lot HK$60,000-95,000 US$7500-12,000

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

FRANCO BIONDI SANTI - TENUTA IL GREPPO 1990年代,Brunello發明者的繼承人Jacopo Biondi Santi先生購入了位於Maremma區的Castello di Montepo莊園。他的收購目的是希望實 踐一個個人計劃:釀造出一種帶著傳統氣息、而 又更貼近市場口味的葡萄酒。該園地的土壤和微氣候類型,加上比鄰海邊,令它非常適合 出產表 現了Maremma區偉大潛力的優質葡萄酒。 The story of Il Greppo dates back to 1800, when Clemente Santi and his grand-son Ferruccio Biondi Santi, began making wine using 100% Sangiovese in the cellar of Tenuta Il Greppo, belonging to their family. In 1888 Ferruccio produced the first bottle of Brunello. His son Tancredi, a wine maker with a remarkable reputation, set the guidelines for the regulation of Brunello production. Franco Biondi Santi, Tancredi’s son, still follows the same philosophy, without making changes, relying on the testimony and the extraordinary collection of Riserves, of which the 1888 is still the most historic one. Jacopo Biondi Santi, the last generation of the family that invented Brunello, bought the Castello di Montepò, situated in Maremma district, in the 1990s. His aim was to pursue a very personal project: producing wines that are closer to the needs of the market, but without coming into conflict with the tradition. The composition of the soil types, the range of microclimates, and the proximity of the sea make the estate suited for producing very high-level wines, which fully express the great winemaking potential of the Maremma district.

SCHIDIONE ORO 1997 為了迎接第二個千禧年,我們選擇了上世紀其中一款最佳的年份酒。這酒具有無與倫比的結構和 陳年能力,故此我們為它配製了一個23K 純金酒標,以示其獨特不凡。酒液帶著鮮明的紅寶石和 石榴色調,襯托出優雅、複雜的氣味,味道則以香料和香草為主調。

For the beginning of the new Millenium, we have selected one of the best vintages of the century; a wine of incredible structure and unsurpassed longevity that we have honored with a solid 23 karat gold label. An intense ruby red with garnet shades and an elegant and complex nose, with notes of spices and vanilla. Sassoalloro 2009 A new, fresh, round and dynamic Sangiovese from the great Biondi Santi tradition. Sassoalloro is the name of a gigantic erratic rock of volcanic origin which for centuries has given rise to many legends. A brilliant ruby red wine with violet tones and a fruity, fresh, intense, bouquet of sweet violet.

SASSOALLORO 2009 承傳自Biondi Santi的偉大傳統,這款桑嬌維賽葡萄酒散發著新鮮、活潑而又全面的特 。Sassoalloro是一種巨大而不穩定的火山岩的名 字,這種土壤歷年來已孕育出眾多傳奇。迷人的紅寶石帶 紫色色調,酒液展示著果香、新鮮、緊密和甜紫羅蘭的氣息。 A new, fresh, round and dynamic Sangiovese from the great Biondi Santi tradition. Sassoalloro is the name of a gigantic erratic rock of volcanic origin which for centuries has given rise to many legends. A brilliant ruby red wine with violet tones and a fruity, fresh, intense, predominant of sweet violet bouquet.

Biondi Santi • Schidione III Millennio 1997 original wood case • Sassoalloro 2009 damaged original wood case 810

above 1 magnum (1.5L) & one 5 liter (5L)

magnum (1) 5 liter (1) per lot HK$12,000-19,000 US$1500-2400

Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Biondi Santi bottom neck or better • 1985 • 1988 • 1990 • 1995 • 1997 • 1998 811

above 6 bottles

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$2000-3000

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

ARNALDO CAPRAI AraldoCaprai酒莊以生產頂級SagrantinodiMontefalco名酒而聞名,此酒以100%的Sagrantino葡萄釀製,在Montefalco地區已有超過400年的種植歷史。 Arnaldo Caprai is the widely renowned leader in the production of top quality Sagrantino di Montefalco, a wine produced totally from grapes of Sagrantino, the variety that has been growing in the region of Montefalco for more than four hundred years. 25 Anni is the result of much research on Sagrantino grapes. This jubilee wine was produced the first time in 1993 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the winery. Since then it as kept this name together with its unique character, power and elegance.

SAGRANTINO DI MONTEFALCO 25 ANNI CAPRAI 這款25Anni正是酒莊對Sagrantino多年來的研究心血:酒莊在1993年時為了慶祝成立25周年而特別 釀製了25Anni,而自此之後同款作品便保留了這名字,當然也不失其獨特的優雅個性和強大力量。 25 Anni is the result of a big research on Sagrantino grapes This jubilee wine was produced the first time in 1993 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the winery Since then it has kept this name together with its unique character, power and elegance.

Sagrantino di Montefalco 25 Anni Caprai one bottle of each in two 6-pack original wood Cases • 2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 • 2008 812

(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)

above 12 bottles

per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$1800-2600

Sagrantino di Montefalco 25 Anni Caprai 2000 Montefalco - original wood case

“...room-filling aromas of sweet berry fruit and perfectly integrated oak and a mouth-coating cascade of ripe fruit, powerful, dense, and sensual tannins in a swelling flow of unrelieved pleasure...97.” Robert M. Parker, Jr.’s The Wine Advocate 4/04. 813

1 double magnum (3L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

per lot HK$5000-8000 US$650-1000

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

CARPINETO 成立於1967年的Carpineto酒莊,其擁有的葡萄園發展至今,面積已達424公頃,分佈於 ChiantiClassico、AltoValdarno、VinoNobile和Maremma等地。其得獎名酒作品包括 Dogajolo、Farnito及Appodiati,目前已出口至全球超過70個國家。以下這批垂直年份的名酒 正是來自Carpineto的酒窖珍藏──1994年IWSC年度釀酒師和2003年意大利最佳釀酒師得主 Giovanni Carlo Sacchet的傾力之作,全部皆為五星級的優質年份。 Carpineto, founded in 1967, farms sustainably 424 hectares amongst 4 estates located in Chianti Classico, Alto Valdarno, Vino Nobile and Maremma. Award winning wines include Dogajolo, Farnito and the Appodiati, exported to 70 countries. These lots are a fabulous vertical selection of 5 star vintages from a classic style winemaker, Giovanni Carlo Sacchet, awarded IWSC Winemaker of the year 1994 and Best Italian Wine Producer in 2003. The wines are a library release from the cellars of Carpineto.

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva Carpineto four 6-pack original wood cases - bottom neck or better • 1988 • 1990 814

above 48 bottles

(24) (24) per lot HK$22,000-32,000 US$2800-4200

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva Carpineto four 6-pack original wood cases • 1995 • 1997 815

(24) (24)

bove 48 bottles

per lot HK$22,000-32,000 US$2800-4200

Chianti Classico Riserva Carpineto four 6-pack original wood cases bottom neck or better • 1988 • 1990 816

(24) (24)

above 48 bottles

per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$2000-3200

Chianti Classico Riserva Carpineto four 6-pack original wood cases bottom neck or better • 1995 • 1997 817

(24) (24)

above 48 bottles

per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$2000-3200

Farnito Cabernet Sauvignon Carpineto 1995 lot 818: four 6-pack original wood cases lots 819-821: individual original wood cases lot 821: four chipped wax capsules 818

24 bottles

per lot HK$9500-15,000 US$1200-1900


12 magnums (1.5L)

per lot HK$9500-15,000 US$1200-1900


6 double magnums (3L)

per lot HK$10,000-16,000 US$1300-2000


821 6 double magnums (3L)

per lot HK$10,000-16,000 US$1300-2000

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

CASTELLO BANFI Castello Banfi酒庄是意大利品酒协会成员,曾获得中意葡萄酒国家奖,被评为最佳意大利酒厂, 距离锡耶纳70公里;Castello Banfi酒庄占地2900公顷,三分之一为葡萄园,还有橄榄树、小 麦、松露,李子等作物,其中还遍布有许多鹿、野鸡、野猪,纯正的托斯卡纳田园风光,异常迷 人;酒庄一直专注于葡萄酒的酿造工艺,及葡萄品种的研究,这里曾创造了文艺复兴时期最富盛 名的Brunello和“超级托斯卡纳”葡萄酒;Brunello红葡萄酒被称为意大利葡萄酒里的法拉利, 甚至是意大利葡萄酒的灵魂。由特定在锡耶纳的 Montalcino镇出产的桑娇维塞Sangiovese葡萄 (当地称为Brunello)所酿成。它是有着几百年历史并享誉世界的意大利托丝卡纳大区名酒。 Castello Banfi, located in Montalcino, Tuscany, was founded in 1978 by the Mariani family, inspired by the region’s history for excellence in winemaking. Worldwide celebrated for its Brunello di Montalcino, since then it is a beacon for hospitality.

POGGIO ALL’ORO BRUNELLO DI MONTALCINO RISERVA 這款美酒是酒莊選取其Poggio all’Oro葡萄園選取上佳果實而製作,而且只在園內的桑嬌維賽 能享受到完美氣候、土壤和陽光的最好年份才 釀造。此酒共經過5年陳化,當中最少有兩年置於 法國橡木桶內,呈現了特殊的深度、獨特的個性和極佳的陳年潛力。 Poggio All’oro is estate-bottled in limited quantities only in exceptional years from our finest “Poggio all’Oro” vineyard, wherein near perfect conditions of climate, soil and sun the celebrated Sangiovese grape achieves greatness. Aged for a total of five years, including a minimum of two years in French oak barriques, this wine emerges with exceptional depth, character and aging potential.

Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Poggio All’Oro Banfi • 1995 original wood case • 1997 original wood case • 1999 • 2004 original wood case • 2006 original wood case 822

above 30 bottles

(6) (6) (6) (6) (6) per lot HK$19,000-28,000 US$2400-3600

823/ No Lot 824

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

CASTELLO DI AMA 錫耶納省Chianti區Gaiole市內,有一家位處眾多平緩小山之間、名為Castello di Ama的酒莊, 莊內約海拔500米一帶的土地,是Chianti Classico傳統的心臟地帶。該處的葡萄、橄欖和林木 彼此交錯種植,編織出錯綜複雜的美麗圖案。酒莊於1972年由來自羅馬的四個家庭於 海拔480米 上開設,目前佔地約250公頃,當中90公頃栽培葡萄、40公頃種植橄欖。年產量約為300,000至 350,000瓶(或每公頃3,500至 4,000瓶)。他們的以Castello di Ama為名的作品,採用由莊內 最優秀的田所出產、經過嚴格挑選的桑嬌維賽釀製而成。我於進入葡萄酒 事業的早期,已開始密 切留意此酒。酒體為濃厚型,但果實感同時精彩、豐富。它經過很出色的陳化,是種非常出色的 酒。我最近嚐過的 1988年Vigna l’Apparita極為優秀,狀態處於頂峰,但我深信它還有非常長 遠的陳化前景。 Ama is small hamlet nestled among gentle hills, in the commune of Gaiole in Chianti, in the province of Siena. At some 500 metres’ elevation, it lies in the heart of the Chianti Classico storico zone, where vineyards and olive groves and woods weave intricate intersecting patterns among themselves. The winery, begun in 1972 as a result of the love of four families from Rome, currently comprises some 250 hectares, of which 90 are in vines and 40 in olives trees, growing at an average altitude of 480 metres. Annual production, exclusively from our estate vineyards, amounts to about 300-350,000 bottles, or some 3,500-4,000 bottles per hectare. The winery standard-bearer is “Castello di Ama,” a wine produced by a rigorous selection of sangiovese grapes from the most outstanding vineyard parcels. Castello di Ama is another estate I have keenly followed since my earliest days in the wine business. The wines are full-bodied, yet possess a wonderful abundance of fruit. These are super serious wines and age wonderfully. A 1988 Vigna l’Apparita enjoyed recently was wonderful, at its peak, yet with plenty of time in hand.

Vigna L’Apparita Castello di Ama 2004 Tuscany - two 3-pack original wood cases “The 2004 L’Apparita is a decidedly more structured, mineraldriven expression of Merlot. This superb wine is packed with the essence of blackberry liqueur, chocolate, minerals and sweet toasted oak. Made in a superripe style it nevertheless possesses much vibrancy as well as balance...94.” Robert M. 825

6 magnums (1.5L)

per lot HK$12,000-19,000 US$1500-2400

Vigna L’Apparita Castello di Ama 2005 Tuscany - original wood case “...boasts surprising balance and harmony in a more accessible style than the blockbuster 2006. Silky tannins frame a perfumed core of dark fruit in this delicate, feminine Apparita...93.” Robert M. Parker, Jr.’s The Wine Advocate 8/09. 826

one 9 liter (9L)

per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$1800-2600

827/ 828/ No Lot 829

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

FATTORIA FÈLSINA 這裡曾是托斯卡尼大公爵所有的土地,主要種植橄欖樹,只得寥寥幾公頃 的土地分配給葡萄藤。 原來的酒窖很小,不過卻早在1900年已經開始生 產葡萄酒,其時的釀造,都是由來自佛羅倫斯 的貴族Busatti負責,他們也 為這片土地上的莊園、教堂等建築物賦與滿有18世紀風格的外貌。 Fèlsina位於Chianti Classico法定產區的東南邊埵、Chianti山的最後一個支 脈的Ombrone峽 谷上。整個酒莊佔地588.299公頃,其中的94.0106公頃 用以種植葡萄。從地質學角而言,這裡 屬於連接Chianti Classico和Crete Senesi之間、面朝Montalcino的「邊界地區」。 園地帶有 Chianti地區常見的岩石石灰性土壤和泥灰岩夾層特質,配合在 Chianti其他地區常有發現的、 帶有淤泥和黏土、飽含海洋沉積物的砂岩 層,這個土壤組合迸發出獨特得來不失一致的風土特 質,令酒莊的出品具 有特強的表達力。 如我們要在Chianti和托斯卡尼一帶實施波爾多的列級 制度,Fèlsina必然會成為一級酒莊的有力候選者。 他們的作品,由有超級托斯卡尼IGT之稱的 Fontalloro、Chianti的代表作Vigneto Rancia、以至有人認為是意大利酒王的Vin Santo,說他 們 是區內最頂級的酒莊,相信沒人會提出異議。 以下出自Fèlsina的作品,絕對需要一嚐。 Once the farm of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany, Fèlsina was mostly olive groves, with just a few hectares dedicated to viticulture. The original wine cellar was small, but in early 1900 had already begun bottling, under the direction of a noble Florentine family Busatti, who gave the current eighteenth-century appearance to the villa, the church and other buildings of the court. Fèlsina is located on the southeast edge of the Chianti Classico appellation, between the last spurs of the Chianti hills and the beginning of the Ombrone valley. The entire Fèlsina estate covers 588.2990 hectares, of which 94.0106 is planted with vines. From a geological viewpoint, Fèlsina is a “frontier land” nestled between the Chianti Classico and Crete Senesi areas, in the direction of Montalcino.Essentially rocky calcareous soil, with a preponderance of laminated marl, are common characteristics in Chianti, along with layers of sandstone with silt and clay, with marine sediments rich in minerals found in other Chianti areas. The effects are incredibly uniform and yield cha-

racteristics, which are specific expressions of the terrain and Fèlsina’s wines. If we are going to list the “first growths” of Chianti and Tuscany, Fèlsina would surely be a contender. From the super Tuscan IGT of Fontalloro to the iconic Chianti of Vigneto Rancia and what many consider Italy’s finest Vin Santo, it’s safe to say that Fèlsina sit right at the top of fine wine production in the region. These are wines that are not to be missed.

FONTALLORO 100%的桑娇维塞葡萄。葡萄种植葡萄园横跨古典基安蒂和基安蒂碰撞Senesi的称谓之间的边 界。三种不同的土壤成分赋予酒独特的复杂性。长生大帝。 100% Sangiovese. Grapes are grown in vineyards straddling the borders between Chianti Classico and Chianti Colli Senesi appellations. Three different soil compositions bestow the wine a unique complexity. Great longevity. 1st vintage1983.

CHIANTI CLASSICO RANCIA 结果选定的从葡萄园Rancia的,这归功于它的名字一个中世纪的本笃会修道院的财产仍然存在 100%的桑娇维塞葡萄酿造。味丰富的中腭酒。长生大帝。 The result of vinification of 100% Sangiovese grapes selected from the vineyard Rancia, which owes its name to a medieval Benedictine monastery still present on the property. Flavour-rich mid-palate wine. Great longevity. First vintage 1983.

Fèlsina original wood case - bottom neck or better • Chianti Classico Rancia Riserva Berardenga 1990 • Chianti Classico Rancia Riserva Berardenga 1993 • Chianti Classico Rancia Riserva Berardenga 1999 • Fontalloro 1990 • Fontalloro 1993 • Fontalloro 1999 830

above 6 double magnums (3L)


No Lot

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

double magnum (1) double magnum (1) double magnum (1) double magnum (1) double magnum (1) double magnum (1) per lot HK$20,000-30,000 US$2600-3800

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

CANTINE FERRARI F.LLI LUNELLI 酒庄的名字与知名跑车品牌相同,其实是个巧合,只因为酒庄的创始人为朱里奥法拉利(Giulio Ferrari)。1879年出生的朱里奥法拉利先生,在法国学习酿酒,深受香槟区的影响,希望在意大利 也酿出留名青史的起泡酒;他认定特伦蒂诺(Trentino)的风土与香槟区最相近,也最适合霞多利 (chardonnay)葡萄的生长,在1902年坚决地开始了自己的小酒庄,也是意大利第一个开始以传 统法酿造起泡酒的酒庄,并很快地在1906年就获得了当时酒评的认可。持续地专注让朱里奥无暇 於酿酒以外事务,包括成家,这也成了他心头的一块大石。 Established more than a century ago, Cantine Ferrari has earned worldwide recognition as the premier producer of luxury metodo classico sparkling wines. As a symbol of the Italian art of living, it is the quintessential toast at Italy’s most significant lifestyle events. Giulio Ferrari Riserva del Fondatore is the most iconic and awarded Italian sparkling wine, made from 100% Chardonnay grapes aged for at least 10 years on its yeast. Ferrari Riserva del 150 is a tribute to the 2012 Italian Republic Anniversary.

GIULIO FERRARI 朱利奥·法拉利葡萄酒,是获奖最多的和标志性的意大利起泡酒,100%霞多丽 葡萄酵母年龄至少10岁。这种酒,86年,93年,94年和99年代表年份罚款收缴 A star wine that goes beyond all one’s expectations. Made exclusively from Chardonnay, it is spellbinding, satisfying and seductive. This Cru from the Maso Pianizza vineyard is a wine of extraordinary longevity. Giulio Ferrari is the most iconic and awarded Italian sparkling wine, 100% Chardonnay grape aged for at least 10 years on its yeast. Vintages ‘86, ‘93, ‘94, and ‘99 represent a fine collection of this special wine.

Giulio Ferrari all 93s & 94s in 6-pack original wood case • Riserva del Fondatore 1986 bottom neck, original wood case • Riserva del Fondatore 1993 • Riserva del Fondatore 1994 • Ferrari Riserva del 150 1999 individual original wood cases 832

9 bottles & 1 magnum (1.5L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

(1) (3) (3) (3) per lot HK$19,00028,000 US$2400-3600

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

BORGOGNO Borgogno是Langa和Piemonte地區最古老的造酒者,祖宗Bartolomeo Borgogno早於1761 年已開始在此地區建立釀酒事業。此後,這酒莊的故事與意大利的命運緊緊地交織在一起。例如 當意大利在1861年統一之時,酒莊的出品Barolo di Borgogno便成為慶祝午 宴上的專供餐酒。 在近代,酒莊最具代表的人物非Cesare Borgogno莫屬。作為五兄弟中的老么,他於1920年接 掌酒莊,有著突出的非凡魅力的他,迅即投 入極大的熱情,為酒莊作出重大改革。他的天賦為 酒莊帶來了一種傳統,這傳統在今天看來可能有點愚昧:他決定保留部份最佳年份的作 品,把 它們置放於完全黑暗的地方長達20年之久!此舉創造了一系列上佳的Barolo。出於他這直覺般的 決定,這種運作至今已成為酒莊的 必然動作。時至今日,這批酒仍然代表著Langa地區史上罕 有的時刻。1950年代末葉,酒窖的翻新工程完成,酒莊也在1967年易名為現時 的「Giacomo Borgogno & Figli」。隨著Cesare Borgogno於1968年過世,酒莊由其孫女Ida和未婚夫Franco Boschis承繼,兩人都積極參與 酒莊事務,其後更讓兒子Cesare和Giorgio傳承祖傳業務。2008 年是Borgogno的另一個重要里程碑:酒莊被Farinetti家族收購。 接下來的數年間,酒莊完成了 大型的翻新工程──將主建築復修為原來的舊貌。為保留傳統,沒有對1761年的古老酒窖作出絲 毫改 動。2012年,完成釀酒學課程的Andrea Farinetti先生成為酒莊的掌舵人。 The name Borgogno has always been linked to one of the oldest wine producing houses in Langa and Piemonte. It all began in 1761 when Bartolomeo Borgogno established the cellar. In the years that followed, the stories of the company and our country often intertwined. In 1861, for instance, when the Unity of Italy came about, the Barolo di Borgogno was the wine chosen to accompany the celebration lunch of Italy’s official unity. The absolute leading figure of the new century was Cesare Borgogno. The youngest of the five siblings, he took over management in 1920. A striking and charismatic figure, he immediately conveyed a sense of enthusiasm and brought about substantial innovations. The genius of Cesare gave rise to a tradition that today would seem utterly foolish: a portion of the wines of the best years are set aside and coveted away in the dark canteens for almost twenty years. And so began the collection of the best millennium of Barolo. Thanks to this intuition, this has become par for the course. Even today the cellars repre-

sent a rare moment in Langa’s history. In the second half of the 1950s, the refurbishment of the cellars was completed and the company took on the current name of “Giacomo Borgogno & Figli” in 1967. Upon the death of Cesare Borgogno in 1968, the running of the company passed to his granddaughter Ida and her future husband, Franco Boschis, who had both been closely involved in the operation, and then to their children Cesare and Giorgio. 2008 marks another significant step in the history of Borgogno: the company is taken over by the Farinetti family. The following years saw the completion of the major renovation of the main building that returns it to its original look; in keeping with tradition, no changes are made to the 1761 historical cellars. In 2012 Andrea Farinetti, having completed oenology studies, is at the helm of the company.

BAROLO DOCG RISERVA 酒莊擁有含豐富石灰岩和泥灰岩的百年老土壤,他們採用平均30天的發酵方法,酒液最少存放於 橡木桶內達5年之久,確保作品的陳年能力、平衡感、豐富的層次和表現力。 Century-old soil, rich in limestone, grey-brown marlstone.Average 30 days fermentation, min 5/years ageing in large oak. Longevity, balance, layers of bouquet, emotional.

Barolo Giacomo Borgogno • Riserva 1967 2.5cm or better, original wood case • Cannubi 2008 individual original wood cases • Fossati 2008 magnums (3) individual original wood cases 833

above 3 bottles & 6 magnums (1.5L)


magnums (3) magnums (3) per lot HK$10,00015,000 US$1300-1900

Barolo Riserva Giacomo Borgogno original wood case 2,5cm or better • 1978 • 1982 • 1988 834

above 18 bottles

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

(6) (6) (6) per lot HK$20,00030,000 US$2600-3800

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

PODERI LUIGI EINAUDI 19世紀末於Dogliani創立的Poderi Luigi Einaudi,今天之所以 能聞名於世,很大程度需要歸 功於其創辦人Luigi Einaudi。Luigi Einaudi是意大利戰後著名的政治領袖,功績包括令意國 的 金融業重回正軌。酒莊現時依然位於Dogliani,以經過精挑 細選的優質葡萄田來生產皮埃蒙 特區內最優秀的葡萄酒。持續 的業務擴展體現於1997年,他們購下了著名的Cannubi葡萄園 內、2.25公頃的葡萄藤,此舉可謂精明之至。 我在1990年末期入行不久後,便有幸能一嚐這 酒莊的傑出作 品。他們於1993年全面重建釀酒區,引入多種現代化設備,所 釀出的作品卻仍 能保留傳統風格。有趣的地方,在於整個釀酒 設備全設在地窖,令酒液能在完美無瑕的環境下 製造、熟成。 因此我能保證,Poderi Luigi Einaudi的作品不會讓你失望;而 下次你到訪意大 利時,請務必到他們的酒窖一遊。 Founded in the late nineteenth century in Dogliani, Poderi Luigi Einaudi owes much of what is has today to its very famous founder, Luigi Einaudi. Luigi was one of Italy’s leading politicians in the post war era and helped bring Italy back to financial stability. The estate in Dogliani today produces some of Piedmont’s finest wines, with a fine selection of holdings. It continues to grow with a fine purchase of 2.25 hectares of vines in the famous Cannubi vineyard in 1997. I was very fortunate to taste the wines from this wonderful estate not long after I started in the wine business in the late 1990s. The wines are a traditional in style, yet they make use of today’s modern conveniences in the winery, which was completely rebuilt in 1993. Interestingly the facility is almost entirely underground, perfect conditions for making and maturing fine wines. I promise you, you will not be disappointed with the wines from Poderi Luigi Einaudi, and if you go to visit Italy, a trip to their cellars is a must.

BAROLO CANNUBI EINAUDI CruCannubi葡萄園位處海拔200米,面向東南偏南方向。所產葡萄酒極為優質,出色的石榴紅 色,陳年後略呈琥珀色調;水果和香料的清香伴隨飽滿和柔滑,帶有悠長的瀝青、香料餘韻。最 佳年份的作品具有上佳的陳年能力。 Cru Cannubi vineyards, SouthSouth-East exposed, at 220 m.Wine of great class, brilliant garnet red, slightly amber with time; fragrance of fruit and spices, full, velvety, long final taste of goudron and spices. Long life in bottle in best vintages.

Barolo Cannubi Einaudi original wood case • 1998 • 2000 • 2000 • 2001 835

836/ 837/ 838/ 839

above 12 bottles & 6 magnums (1.5L)

magnums (3) magnums (3) (6) (6) per lot HK$11,000-17,000 US$1400-2200

No Lot

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

MARCHESI DI BAROLO Marchesi di Barolo是巴羅洛地區其中一家最具規模、歷史最悠 久的酒莊,有人認為這酒莊正是 巴羅洛酒的誕生地,於19世紀 由貴族Falletti家族在此首先釀造。年產量超過300,000瓶(包 括區 內6個不同級別葡萄田的葡萄),他們的作品是進入經典 巴羅洛世界的重要門檻,為飲家提供品 穩定的巴羅洛酒。摘自 Marchesi di Barolo Marchesi di Barolo is one of the Barolo zone’s largest and most historic estates. Some believe it is the birthplace of the wine, which is said to have been first made here by the noble Falletti family in the nineteenth century. With upwards of 300,000 bottles a year in production – including six different cru Barolos from the commune of Barolo – this is a readily available brand that offers consistent quality and a good introduction to classic Barolo.

BAROLO RISERVA 1958, 1964, 1971 这是一款勘称“王者之酒”的世界顶级红酒,带有橙色光泽的石榴红色,富含黑色浆果、紫罗兰 和甘草的香气众多植物精华。优雅柔软的口感、余味中略带巧克力甜香与奇花异卉辛辣的完美 结合,让人回味无穷。这款经过悉心照料可保存15-20年的干红,非常适合搭配红肉、素菜等美 食,但容易被辣食破坏口味。 All three vintage wines are the result of dry and warm summers and autumns with grapes harvested very early as in the case of this 1958 BAROLO RISERVA. The 1964 BAROLO RISERVA also greatly benefitted from dry and ventilated weather. The 1971 BAROLO RISERVA is another matter: in spite of a cold winter followed by a cool and wet spring which

delayed germination, the summer months were favorably warm and dry. Autumn experienced a considerable temperature range between day and night resulting in an early maturation of perfumes and tannins. The result is a wine that is mellow and pleasant but at the same time firm with a great structure.

Barolo Marchesi di Barolo 6-pack original wood case • 1958 2.5cm • 1964 2cm or better, bin-soiled labels, one lightly torn label • 1971 one 3cm, one 4cm, one bin-soiled label, one lightly binsoiled label 840

6 bottles

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

(2) (2)


per lot HK$12,000-19,000 US$1500-2400

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

LIVIO FELLUGA Livio Felluga是釀製具現代風格的Friulian酒的先驅……清脆、 澄明、使用溫度監控發酵法使葡萄 得以發揮品種最大的表現力 等,都是Felluga白酒的獨特風格,這風味幾十年來被廣泛模 仿,但 Felluga家族始終堅持自己的標準:他們的「Terre Alte」 (以tocai pinot和比安科赤霞珠混釀) 是Fruilian白酒中的佼佼 者,這種芳香滿溢、結構嚴謹的美酒,竟全是以不鏽鋼桶釀 製。近年, 酒莊也專注於紅酒的開發,以來自Rosazzo葡萄園 的葡萄製作(主要品種為Sosso梅洛)。 摘自 Regarded as the Patriarch of viticulture and winemaking, Livio Felluga in 1956 set up his cellar and bought the first vineyards in Rosazzo. The company estate yields great wines with instantly recognisable fragrances and aromas. The trademark Felluga style – crisp, clean, varietally expressive white made using controlled-temperature fermentation – has been widely imitated over the last several decades, but the Felluga family continues to set standards: The estate’s “Terre Alte” (tocai-pinot bianco-sauvignon) is one of the best-known Friulian whites, an aromatic and wellstructured wine made entirely in stainless steel. In recent years the estate has focused considerable attention on reds from their vineyards in Rosazzo (predominantly the “Sossó” Merlot).

SOSSÓ RISERVA Sossó由梅洛、Refosco dal Peduncolo和Pignolo混釀,有著香氣異常複雜、結構良好的特質。 Sossó is a supremely complex and well-structured cru made of Merlot, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso and Pignolo. Terre Alte is one of Italy’s most prestigious white wines: a superbly elegant wine with a profusion of intense fruit and flower aromas.

TERRE ALTE Terre Alte是意大利最負盛名的白葡萄酒,帶著難以抵擋的強烈果香和花香,是檔次不凡的優 雅作品。 Terre Alte is one of Italy’s most prestigious white wines: a superbly elegant wine with a profusion of intense fruit and flower aromas.

Livio Felluga • Sossó Riserva 1993 • Sossó Riserva 1994 • Sossó Riserva 1996 individual original wood cases • Sossó Riserva 1997 individual original wood cases • Sossó Riserva 1998 individual original wood cases • Sossó Riserva 1999 individual original wood cases • Terre Alte 1999 individual original wood cases • Terre Alte 2002 individual original wood cases • Terre Alte 2006 individual original wood cases • Terre Alte 2007 individual original wood cases • Terre Alte 2008 individual original wood cases • Terre Alte 2009 individual original wood cases 841

above 24 magnums (1.5L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) magnums (2) per lot HK$14,00020,000 US$1800-2600

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

CANTINA ARGIANO Arigano是個歷史悠久的地方,傳說,古代的智者正是在這裡尋找羅馬古神雅努斯的祭壇Ara Jani。 在Montalcino西南面的山上,雄踞著 「Argiano別墅」,這座古老建築由來自錫耶納的貴族Peccis 於文藝復興時期興建。經過多年擴建,別墅已發展至佔地超100公頃,周圍被 葡萄藤、橄欖樹、 地中海灌木叢和草地包圍。 別墅東南方的遠處有一座Amiata山峰,這山峰扮演著天然的屏障,為 Montalcino山對抗豪雨、冰雹等險惡天氣;加上適中的海拔和通風 道,使得這片山坡盡享來自Maremma那邊的溫暖微風,由此形成了一個溫和的微型氣候,在整個栽植期中有許多日照,有利於葡 萄藤的健 康成長。 從公元1500年開始,Peccis家族已從這片葡萄園中採摘果實用以釀酒,如此美 酒當然只供他們自己享用。事實上,許多國際獎項(有些甚 至可追溯至1934年)早已認定Argiano 葡萄的過人品質。而在過去幾十年,Argiano持續出產上等佳釀,令這區域的名聲得到更大提升。 現時的葡萄園已擴大至48公頃(120畝),朝南而植的葡萄,在全年每一天的中午都能享受到溫暖 陽光。園中的土壤源自始新世時期,混 合著石灰岩和一部份黏土。 此地在遠古時期原為海床,故此 土壤蘊含大量礦物,為葡萄藤提供足夠養份。結合了土壤和氣候的種種優勢,園裡經常出產最優質 的葡 萄。由於他們只使用單一莊園的葡萄,加上近年刻意減產,導致所釀的酒具有極高度濃縮、豐 富花青素和優雅單寧的特性。而且,所有葡 萄都是經由人手採摘進小籃子裡,過程極為小心謹慎。 Argiano is thought to be an ancient place, full of history, where wise men searched for Ara Jani, the legendary altar of the roman god Janus. At the summit of a wonderful hill, south-west of Montalcino, the magnificent Villa of Argiano was built in the Renaissance by the Peccis, a noble family from Siena. The estate of Argiano expands over 100 hectares in a fantastic rural environment, where rows of vines alternate with olive groves and meadows, surrounded by luxuriant Mediterranean maquis. Since 1500, the noble families produced wines from these vineyards, that were aimed only to their own consumption. Many international awards - some dating back to the far 1934 - proof the superb virtues of the agricultural production of Argiano. The excellent quality has further been consolidated in the last decades thanks to the production of prestigious wines of international fame. The vineyards extend over 48 hectares (120 acres) with perfect year-round south exposure during midday.

BRUNELLO DI MONTALCINO DOCG 打從1888年起,Montalcino地區最好的桑嬌維賽葡萄都用來釀造世上其中一種最知名的紅酒 ──Brunello di Montalcino。為了這種舉世佳 釀,Argiano在最好的葡萄園中選擇最好的葡 萄,而且將酒液儲存於兩種木桶內:首一年存於225公升的法國橡木桶內,以加強酒體的固有 結 構;然後轉至斯洛文尼亞橡木桶(稱為botti)裡最少一年半,以確保酒液在入瓶時、濃縮的果香 會開始軟化。Argiano的釀酒師在謹慎控 制的溫度下,讓發酵熟成程度和葡萄的濃縮度得以完美 組合,加上灌進特選的各種橡木桶小心陳化,令Brunello di Montalcino獲得其聞名 於世的超長 陳年潛力,同時不失充滿動感、可隨時品嚐、容易與食物匹配的特色。 Brunellos Riserva 1978-79-80 are part of the history of our estate. Some of the best vintages ever made at Argiano that have been completely checked, restaured and recorked in 2002. Plus 3 double magnum of Solengo 2004 one of the best wines ever made.

SOLENGO IGT 與以桑嬌維賽葡萄為主的紅酒有別,Argiano這款獨特的紅酒展現了他們的種植潛力。「Solengo」在托斯卡尼語中意指「孤獨的野豬」, 特色之處是在托斯卡尼的土壤上種植法國葡萄:赤 霞珠、小維鐸、梅洛和西拉。這奇妙的想法來自Argiano的老臣子Adriano Bambagioni 與世界 知名的釀酒混酒大師Hans Vinding-Diers。雖然他們致力於保留Solengo的獨特風格,卻也賦與 它更高水準的純度、平衡感和深 度。Hans Vingind-Diers於2004年首次混成此酒,而「Solengo」實則是由前輩釀酒大師Giacomo Tachis所創造的傑作。 This unique red wine is a rather newly expression of Argiano’s winegrowing potential compared to its Sangiovese-based reds. ‘Solengo’, a Tuscan word meaning ‘lone wild boar’, marries Tuscan soil with French grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, Merlot and Syrah. It is the result of a team effort between Adriano Bambagioni, Argiano’s long-serving cellarmaster and Hans Vinding-Diers, a master winemaker and blender with worldwide experience.

Argiano bottom neck or better • Brunello di Montalcino 1978 • Brunello di Montalcino 1979 • Brunello di Montalcino 1980 • Solengo Argiano 2004 individual original wood cases 842

above 18 bottles & 3 double magnums (3L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

(6) (6) (6) double magnums (3) per lot HK $19,000-28,000 US$2400-3600

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

TENUTA DELL’ORNELLAIA Ornellaia是意大利的「一級莊」之一,得天獨厚的葡萄園讓作品得以成為特釀級佳釀。他們的篩 選過程堪稱苛刻,成就了絕優的品種風格和品質, 難怪能擠身成為意國最好酒莊之列。各位有機 會品嚐的包括2007年的3公升裝和2010年的普通裝Ornellaia,都印有獨立編號,而2010年年份 酒將於 今年5月面世,能夠購入這款稀有佳釀,機會實屬難得。 Ornellaia, one of Italy’s “first growths”, is a remarkable cuvee crafted from vineyards grown on the exceptional terroirs of the Estate. With an extremely selective production, Ornellaia embodies a unique quality pedigree and style, renowned as one of the finest wineries of Italy. The double magnums of 2007 and 2010 offered here are individually numbered, and as the 2010 vintage will enter the market in May 2013 this is a great opportunity to purchase this rare bottling.

ORNELLAIA 2001 2001年年份酒 - 65% 赤霞珠 - 30% 梅洛 - 5% 品麗珠 混合成熟程度良好的黑莓和紅莓香氣,加上謹 慎而平衡的單寧,柔和得如絲絨一般,再配上酒莊獨特的結構風格,令得此年份的Ornellaia酒體 超 凡,具有彷彿會持續至永恒的餘韻。 2001 - 65% Cabernet Sauvignon - 30% Merlot - 5% Cabernet Franc Fragrances of well-ripened dark and red berry fruit, together with judiciously balanced tannins, supple and silky smooth, marry together with the other components of Ornellaia’s structure to create a wine with superb body and a finish that seems to continue forever.

ORNELLAIA 2007 2007年年份酒 - 55% 赤霞珠 - 27% 梅洛 - 14% 品麗珠 - 4% 小維鐸 2007年的Ornellaia受到天氣環境 的左右,年紀輕輕便呈現出優雅的一面,而且香氣多樣,也承傳了傳統的強烈深紅色。瀰漫四周的 香氣包括全熟的 果實、清脆利落的深色野莓、香料以及香醋栗。入口後的第一印象充滿光澤,伴隨 幼滑的單寧和強烈的果實與香料氣息,使體積龐大的而又頗具深 度的它達到了整體的和諧。注入了 果香、香醋栗香氣和優質單寧的餘韻更加是錦上添花,保證了酒體悠長而正面的陳年潛力。

2007 - 55% Cabernet Sauvignon - 27% Merlot - 14% Cabernet Franc - 4% Petit Verdot Weather conditions in 2007 encouraged the development of an Ornellaia which shows elegance and the emergence of richly-faceted aromatics, with its classic dark, intense ruby color. Full ripened fruit pervades the nose, with crisply delineated dark wild berry fruit and spice, with balsamic notes. On the palate, exceptionally glossy, velvety smooth tannins immediately impress, along with intense notes of fruit and spice.

ORNELLAIA 2010 2010年年份酒 - 53% 赤霞珠 - 39% 梅洛 - 4% 品麗珠 - 4%小維鐸 2010年是近年天氣最冷、葡萄最遲 熟的一年,讓此酒表現出Ornellaia最優雅的一面。深沉的紅寶石色調配上複雜豐富的香氣,釋出 令人興奮的黑野 莓、刺激香料和柔和的煙斗煙草味道。出類拔萃的細膩口感、柔滑的單寧以及明 亮清晰的果香,最後以鮮活的單寧作結,令人印象深刻。 此酒是Ornellaia慶祝25周年紀念之作, 酒莊方面特別設計了一個以金和象牙白為主的絲印紀念酒標,令每一瓶2010年年份酒都更顯獨特。 2010 - 53% Cabernet Sauvignon - 39% Merlot - 4% Cabernet Franc - 4% Petit Verdot The 2010 vintage was among the coolest and latest-ripening in recent years and yielded one of the most elegant expressions of Ornellaia. A deep ruby hue announces remarkable complexity on the nose, releasing heady fragrances of dark wild berry, pungent spice, and smooth pipe tobacco. The palate is finesse par excellence, with silky tannins and bright, clean-edged fruit, crowned with a finish boasting impressively racy tannins. The 2010 vintage marks Ornellaia’s 25th anniversary. A celebratory logo, silkscreened in gold and ivory, gives a unique distinction to each bottle of Ornellaia 2010.

Ornellaia original wood case


• 2001

double magnum (1)

• 2007

double magnum (1)

above 2 double magnums (3L)

per lot HK$8000-12,000 US$1000-1500

Ornellaia 2010 Tuscany banded original wood case 844

1 double magnum (3L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

per lot HK$5000-8000 US$650-1000

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com


Frescobaldi在托斯卡尼是種具有過千年歷史的貴族酒,酒莊釀造這種酒的歷史也幾乎有一千 年, 但直至20世紀60年 ,Vittorio、Ferdinando和Leonardo幾位兄弟才將之改變成為現代化企 業。 時至今日,Frescobaldi的帝國版圖已延伸至9個村莊,覆蓋多於1,800畝葡萄園。 摘 Frescobaldi is a noble Tuscan family with roots going back more than 1,000 years. The family’s winemaking history goes back almost as far, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that brothers Vittorio, Ferdinando, and Leonardo really modernized the business. Today, the Frescobaldi empire spans nine estates covering more than 1,800 acres of vineyard land.


Luce是Montalcino區首款以桑嬌維賽和梅洛混釀的酒,集前者的嚴謹結構與優雅、和後者的圓 潤與柔和於一身。它是傳統跟創新的完美融合,充滿和諧的對比力。 Luce was the first wine ever created in Montalcino by blending the structure and elegance of Sangiovese with the roundness and softness of Merlot. Luce is a harmony of contrasts, a fusion between tradition and innovation.


此款美酒呈现浓郁的紫色,桂皮和丁香的辛辣味使黑浆果的果味更加集中,以烟草味、巧克力 味、皮革味的混合香气作为收结,令人印象深刻。柔滑的单宁使酒体饱满,优雅。 This is the great wine of the Castello di Nipozzano - from the vineyard of the same name planted in 1976. The first vintage was from the 1983 harvest, and since then has been produced only in the most favourable years.


庄园的象征,佳奇红庄园(Tenuta di Castiglioni)葡萄酒口感饱满,佳奇红葡萄酒(Castiglioni Chianti) 是芬芳的果味葡萄酒,佳奇玫瑰红葡萄酒(Castiglioni Rosat)则具有果实风格,年轻 而有活力;基洛蒙特红葡萄酒(Giramonte),是此庄园最独家,最稀有的单一葡萄园原产地葡 萄酒,产量有限。 97 points Wine Spectator: “Black in color, with superripe and intense aromas of crushed berries, espresso and blackberry. Full-bodied, with velvety tannins and a rich finish. Massive yet balanced. This has everything going for it. Merlot and Sangiovese. Best after 2012. 1,100 cases made.”


饱满的红宝石色,呈现出多层次的香味。有着黑莓与干李子的混合香气,同时矿石的味道带出了淡淡 的烟草味,香味完整,平衡。丰富的n 果味与良好的丹宁相结合,相辅相成,收结悠长,充满芳香。 From the highest vineyard of the CastelGiocondo Estate, a Reserva produced in limited quantities and only in the best years.

Luce Frescobaldi original wood case • 1999 • 2001 • 2006 845 above three 6 Liters (6L)

6 liter (1) 6 liter (1) 6 liter (1) per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$1800-2600

Mormoreto Frescobaldi 2007 Tuscany - original wood case “A Bordeaux style, elegant and cedary, with black currant and cherry flavors joined by a hint of sage. Strikes a nice balance between ripe fruit and a sense of place... 90.” Wine Spectator 9/11. 846 one 18 liter (18L) per lot HK$12,000-19,000 US$1500-2400

Giramonte Frescobaldi original wood case • 2006 • 2007 chipped wax capsule • 2008 847 above three 6 Liters (6L)

6 liter (1) 6 liter (1) 6 liter (1) per lot HK$12,000-19,000 US$1500-2400

Brunello di Montalcino Castelgiocondo Riserva Frescobaldi original wood case • 1997 • 1999 signs of old seepage • 2001 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 848 above 6 double magnums (3L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

double magnum (1) double magnum (1) double magnum (1) double magnum (1) double magnum (1) double magnum (1) per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$1800-2600

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

TENUTA DI BISERNO Tenute di Biserno酒莊佔地35公頃,位於托斯卡尼UpperMaremme地區的Bibbona山巒之間。 這片美地最先由Lodovico Antinori慧眼所識,也是他決定栽種法國品種葡萄的所在地。 The Biserno estate lies among the hills of Bibbona, an area that borders the Bolgheri, made famous of course by Sassicaia. Lodovico learned about this parcel of land from Dante Scanavino, his then-General Manager at Ornellaia. Lodovico surveyed the land and was struck by the similarities between this terroir and that of Masseto. But beyond that, what Lodovico recognized here were other elements in the soil that immediately inspired him to plant Cabernet Franc. He “bet” that this varietal would thrive in this terroir. Also, the panorama of the property was breathtaking, with views down to the Tyrrhenian Sea all the way to Corsica. The ninety hectares of the Biserno estate are composed of a complex soil consisting of silt, alluvial sand, and in certain parts a high percentage of clay, combined with Bolgheri conglomerate (the geological name for the soil indigenous to the Bolgheri-Bibbona area).

BISERNO 酒莊的同名酒Biserno,充份反映了UpperMaremma那卓越的風土地質和微氣候特色,風味引發 無限沉思。另一款出色的作品Lodovico產量稀少,只能在幾家獨家發售的酒商手上找到。 Biserno is our eponymous wine. A thought-provoking wine which reflects the excellent terroir and micro-climate of the Upper Maremma. Lodovico is a rare, extraordinary assemblage available in extremely small quantities through exclusive wine merchants.

Biserno Bibbona Tenuta di Biserno 2006 Italy - original wood case “Displays blackberry on the nose, with hints of toasty oak, chocolate and licorice. Full-bodied, with silky, polished tannins and a long finish. Refined and beautiful...93.” Wine Spectator 10/09. 849

3 magnums (1.5L)

per lot HK$5000-8000 US$650-1000

Biserno Bibbona Tenuta di Biserno 2008 Italy - individual original wood cases “Layers of espresso, mocha, blackberry jam and spices take shape in the glass. The 2008 shows remarkable depth and polish all the way through to the finish. The Lodovico is another big, persistent wine endowed with tons of Maremma warmth and personality...95.” Robert M. Parker, Jr.’s The Wine Advocate 6/12. 850

3 double magnums (3L)

per lot HK$12,000-19,000 US$1500-2400

Tenuta di Biserno Lodovico 2007 Italy - original wood case “...layers of seamless dark fruit. Leather, licorice and sweet French oak add considerable depth and complexity in this dark, structured wine. This shows fabulous intensity through to the intense, powerful finish...93.” Robert M. Parker, Jr.’s The Wine Advocate 10/11. 851

3 magnums (1.5L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

per lot HK$12,000-19,000 US$1500-2400

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

MASCIARELLI Azienda Agricola Masciarelli由Gianni Masciarelli女士於1981年在阿布魯佐區的San Martino sulla Marrucina市開設,現時的Masciarelli酒 莊主要生產葡萄酒和初榨橄欖油,而被Castello di Semivicoli收購、經過仔細的修復工程後,也致力於發展葡萄酒旅遊事業。 1987年Gianni遇 上了Marina Cvetic,後者將她的個人性格完全投射於酒莊的釀酒事務上,今天Marina已成為 酒莊的主要發言人。酒莊由最 初的2.5公頃葡萄園起家,至現在已於阿布魯佐區內四個省份合共 擁有約320公頃園地。規模雖然不斷擴展,她們始終堅持的,是採用當地 的Montepulciano和 Trebbiano葡萄,認為它們才最能代表當地的風土人情。 Azienda Agricola Masciarelli was established in 1981 in San Martino sulla Marrucina, Abruzzo, by Gianni Masciarelli. Today the Masciarelli winery is active in producing wine and Extra virgin Olive Oil, and it is also dedicated to wine tourism thanks to the purchase and careful restoration of Castello di Semivicoli. In 1987 Gianni met Marina Cvetic, who imprinted her personality upon the winery. Today Marina Cvetic is the main representative of the winery. From the 2.5 initial hectares, the Masciarelli winery has expanded to around 320 hectares scattered in the four Abruzzo provinces. Since the very beginning, Masciarelli has focused on the potential of the native wine varietals speaking the language of his people: Montepulciano and Trebbiano.

Montepulciano D’Abruzzo Villa Gemma Masciarelli • 1992 • 1993 • 1994 • 1995 • 1998 • 1999 • 1999 original wood case • 2000 • 2000 original wood case • 2000 original wood case • 2001 • 2001 original wood case • 2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 852

above 12 bottles, 2 magnums (1.5L) & 2 double magnums (3L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) double magnum (1) (1) magnum (1) double magnum (1) (1) magnum (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$1300-1900

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

TENUTA SAN GUIDO - SASSICAIA 二次大戰後不久,Mario Incisa della Rocchetta侯爵在他家族位於托斯卡尼、面向地中海的酒 莊Tenuta San Guido裡做著一個驚人實驗:在 意大利土地上栽培波爾多葡萄。因為他跟與他同 輩的意大利貴族一樣,都認為波爾多葡萄酒是世上最好的葡萄酒。 侯爵期望能在托斯卡尼釀造出 波爾多風格的酒,他在一小塊田上種植赤霞珠和品麗珠並以之釀酒。1948至1960年間,其莊園的 作品都只用 來自用或宴請鄰里,可惜他的作品風評欠佳,理由是年輕的波爾多風格葡萄酒大都稜 角崢嶸,尤其與當地傳統所產的柔性葡萄酒相比,更 輕易地被比下去。不過,侯爵每年都會保留 幾箱美酒以作陳年,經過時日洗禮,這些重見天日的舊酒為窖主帶來莫大驚喜,當年被評為有 缺 憾的新酒,一一變成個性複雜的陳年佳釀。1965年起,侯爵的酒莊新增了兩片葡萄園,釀酒方法 亦持續現代化。酒窖升級了溫度監控系統、發酵用的大木桶被不鏽鋼桶取代、陳年用 的法國橡木 桶,新桶的使用比例也大大提高。1968年,酒莊首次以Sassicaia之名作商業化發售,獲得的巨 大成功引來一眾模仿者;而在今 天,Sassicaia和Tenuta San Guido已是「超級托斯卡尼鼻祖」 的代名詞。Tenuta San Guido的繼承人Niccolo Incisa della Rocchetta侯爵並不追求只有力量 的酒體,製作出饒富深度和複雜性的優質美酒才是他的目 標。現時的Sassicaia只以低產量葡萄 園所產的葡萄釀造,年產量大約為15,000箱。經過垂直品飲後,可見Sassicaia的非凡陳年潛力, 當地 的風土特質也清楚地描繪在酒液之中。 Experimentation with Bordelaise grape varietals in Italy began in the years following World War II by Marchese Mario Incisa della Rocchetta at his family estate, Tenuta San Guido, on the Mediterranean Coast in Tuscany. Like much of the Italian aristocracy of his generation he deferred to the wines of Bordeaux as being the world’s best. Yet the Marchese sought to create a wine that imitated the great Bordeaux chateaux at his estate in Tuscany. He planted a small parcel of vines to Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc varietals. From 1948-1960 the wine produced was all consumed locally and was largely misunderstood because of the roughly hewn edges that a Cabernet based wine displays

in youth, especially when compared to the softer wines traditionally made in the region. Despite this, the several cases of these wines laid down each year turned out to pleasantly surprise the proprietors as time passed and the perceived flaws developed into complex virtues. In 1965 two more vineyards were planted at the estate and wine making practices continued to modernize. The cellars were upgraded with temperature control, large wooden fermentation vats were replaced with stainless steel, and the use of new French oak barriques proliferated. 1968 was the first commercial vintage of the wine now known as Sassicaia, and while it’s resounding success has attracted many imitators, Sassicaia and Tenuto San Guido today tower over the region as the progenitors of the SuperTuscan concept. Dedication to quality and the aim of making a wine of complexity and finesse rather than sheer power has continued under Tenuta San Guido’s heir Marchese Niccolo Incisa della Rocchetta. Today about 15,000 cases of Sassicaia are produced annually from the low-yielding vines. Vertical tastings of Sassicaia show the longevity of the wines produced there as well as the clear presence of the terrior in the final product.

DOC BOLGHERI SASSICAIA Sassicaia在推出市場前,先後經過24個月法國橡木桶陳年以及6個月裝瓶微調。酒液風格強烈、 濃縮、呈深紅寶石色;具有紅色果實的複雜香氣,盡現優雅口感。 Sassicaia is aged in French oak barriques for 24 months and it is refined for six months in bottle before release. Sassicaia has an intense, concentrated, and deep ruby colour. The scent is complex, with aromas of red fruit and great elegance.

Sassicaia Tenuta San Guido • 2007 magnums (2) individual banded original wood cases • 2007 double magnum (1) original wood case • 2007 6 liter (1) 853

above 2 magnums (1.5L), 1 double magnum (3L) & one 6 liter (6L)

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com

per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$2000-3000

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

ZENATO 由父親處遺傳而來的對美酒和品質的執著,Sergio Zenato在1960年以自己之名創立酒莊。憑藉 對佳釀 的不懈追求,多年以來他嘗試了新的系統和方法,讓葡萄園的發展更臻完善。 正正是他, 將Trebbiano di Lugana這個品種的葡萄發揚光大,將它釀製成偉大的Lugana白酒。 隨後,他 將實驗的眼界擴大至瓦波里切拉(Valpolicella),他那設在Costalunga、海拔300米高、35 公 頃大的莊園,種植著Corvina、Rondinella、Oseleta等葡萄,孕育出極具名望的傳統名酒── 阿瑪 諾尼。 還有這款Ripassa──這款Valpolicella DOC Superiore用上意大利傳統的方法,讓 最頂級的瓦波里切 拉酒液、在已用來製作過阿瑪諾尼的葡萄渣上流過而釀成。 With the great love of wine and dedication to quality passed on to him by his father, in 1960 Sergio Zenato started up the company that today bears his name. With his total unflagging commitment to wine, over the years he tried out new systems, developing and improving the vineyards. It was Sergio Zenato who brought out the full potential of the Trebbiano di Lugana cultivar, transforming it into a great white by the same name: Lugana. Expanding his horizons into Valpolicella, Zenato was able to continue his work of experimentation. At Costalunga, a thirty-five hectare estate 300 meters above sea level, the Corvina, Rondinella, and Oseleta varietals led to the creation of a wine of great tradition and fame: Amarone. Here too, Ripassa also came into being. This Valpolicella DOC Superiore comes from a selection of the finest Valpolicella “re-passed” on the pomace of Amarone.

AMARONE DOC RISERVA SERGIO ZENATO Zenato酒莊只會在最佳年份,才從最古老的葡萄園裡摘取Corvina和Rondinella葡萄以釀造旗 艦名酒。他們的力作極為長壽,陳年期可長達20年,向世人展現酒莊的豐富經驗和釀酒傳統。 it is made only in the finest years. corvina and rondinella are selected from the oldest vineyards. it is our signature wine, representing our experience and tradition throughout the world, a special wine that can be enjoyed even after 20 year.

Amarone Classico Riserva Sergio Zenato 4cm, 6-pack original wood case • 1980 bin-soiled labels, one gluestained label • 1985 • 1990 one lightly bin-soiled label and one bin-soiled label, one protruding cork 854

above 6 bottles

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com


(2) (2)

per lot HK$8000-12,000 US$1000-1500

ZACHYS auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

VINITALY INTERNATIONAL: tel +39 045 8101447 • fax +39 045 8102290 • asta@vinitalytour.com • vinitalytour.com ZACHYS: tel +852.2530.1971 / +1.914.448.3026 • fax +852.3014.3838 • auction@zachys.com • zachys.com

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