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Whale Watching
Humpbacks stay and play in Hervey Bay
From late July until the end of October, there is no place like Hervey Bay on Australia’s east coast for breathtaking, up close and personal encounters with majestic humpback whales.
The stunning intimacy of a rendezvous with these gentle giants will leave you with amazing memories you won’t capture anywhere else.
Ex-HMAS Tobruk Dive Site
Burrum Heads
BURRUM HEADS RD Urangan Harbour


River Heads Rooney Point
Platypus Bay Sandy Cape
Marloo Bay
Whale Watch Area
Great Sandy National Park
Moon Point
Kingfisher Bay


Central Station
Have a close encounter
When it comes to experiencing awe-inspiring interactions with humpbacks, the best advice we can give is – don’t just take our word for it. Come, pay us a visit and find out firsthand why whale watching in Hervey Bay is so special it draws visitors back day after day and year after year.
The difference here is that the whales pause their migration journey when they reach Fraser Coast waters.
Each year thousands of these 40-tonne mammals purposefully head to our marine backyard, breaking their journey from the breeding grounds in the tropics to the feeding grounds in Antarctica, to relax, play and socialise in the sheltered waters in the lee of Fraser Island’s western coast. Here the waters are warmer, shallower and predator free.
Twenty years of scientific research has proven that Hervey Bay is the only genuine stopover in what is one of the longest mammal migration journeys on the planet – a 10,000km round trip from the southern ocean to the tropics and back again.
In all other whale watching locations in the open ocean on Australia’s east coast, the whales are travelling either north or south – a difference which enables Hervey Bay operators to offer a premium whale watching experience. Marvel at the humpback nursery
Studies have shown that humpback whales spend up to 10 days in Hervey Bay waters each year and they’re just as inquisitive about the boats and the people as we are about them. On many occasions, the whales come right up to the vessels which is why we can guarantee a whale watching experience with the Fraser Coast fleet will be like few other places in the world.
September is the month when increasing numbers of mothers and calves glide into the region. Mums take the time to nurture and train their young, including teaching them to breach which is a sight to see!

Hervey Bay was the first centre in Australia to offer commercial whale watching from boats in 1986. Now, more than 30 years later, you will benefit from the knowledge and experience of expertly-trained crews working on the region’s safe, highly-professional whale watching fleet.
Vessels offer decks with 360-degree views, underwater viewing rooms, underwater cameras and hydrophones to listen to the whales sing.

And a word about the whale orchestra: Only mature whales sing and since most of the older whales arrive in the Bay in September, that’s the best month to visit if listening to whale songs is your passion. Swim with the whales
If you want to get even closer to the whales, early in the season before the calves arrive (late July and August), some boats offer a totally immersive experience. You can swim with the magnificent mammals tethered to a ‘mermaid line’ or sit on a duckboard platform that’s lowered into the water – either way, whales will be likely to approach you – almost within arm’s reach.
There are rules that must be observed when interacting with whales in the water, including the numbers allowed and the distance whales need to be away from the boat before swimmers can enter the water and your tour operator will brief you on these. Fines can apply to those not following instructions.
Many people tell us that a close encounter with these amazing creatures is spiritual and at times even lifechanging. Certainly you will go home with lifelong memories and even better photos. Start planning your Hervey Bay whale adventure today.
Last weekend in July – Whale Festival, Hervey Bay
Blessing of the Fleet Whale Parade and Family Day Creating Waves Concert Paddle Out for Whales
Second Saturday in August – Seafood Festival, Hervey Bay
*Subject to change, for updates visit: visitfrasercoast.com/events

Join our experienced team for a fun, informative Whale Watch Cruise aboard Quick Cat II, a purpose built vessel for Whale Watching. With 3 di erent levels & spacious, unobstructed decks you’ll be sure to get a good view & capture that perfect shot! Experience close encounters with the Humpbacks, watch them breach, tail & pec slap and spy hop. • Family owned and operated for over 30 years • Eco accredited • Courtesy bus transfers to/from local accommodation Marina Berth A1 (below the Red Harpoon) Freecall 1800 671 977 | whales@bigpond.net.au www.herveybaywhalewatch.com.au
A ‘Gold Standard’ Whale Heritage Site
Hervey Bay’s well established reputation as one of the best whale watching destinations on the planet was given an international tick of approval in 2019 when the region was selected as the first Whale Heritage Site declared by the World Cetacean Alliance.
The accreditation scheme for whale watching destinations was initiated by the London-based Alliance in 2016, to recognise the best global destinations for responsible whale and dolphin watching.
The selection process was rigorous, with Hervey Bay competing with candidate sites from around the world, including Vancouver Island, Canada; Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand; Mosaic Jurubatuba, Brazil; Durban, South Africa and Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.
As well as ensuring respectful human interactions with visiting humpbacks, to qualify as a Whale Heritage Site a region has to show active engagement by their communities and tourists with marine life through art, music, science, education and celebratory events.
Hervey Bay’s selection was announced at the 2019 World Whale Conference on the Fraser Coast, attended by more than 100 conservationists, scientists and whale watch operators from around the globe. Bluff, in Durban, South Africa, was the second successful World Heritage Site, also announced at the conference.
WHS accreditation means that visitors who take tours with the Hervey Bay fleet in the coming season can be assured they are supporting sustainable whale watching practices judged amongst the best in the world.
In paying tribute to Hervey Bay’s selection, World Cetacean Alliance honorary president, Jean-Michel Cousteau, said Whale Heritage Sites would become the gold standard for responsible whale watching destinations worldwide “as they have so much more to offer, by interweaving natural and cultural elements and placing communities at their very heart. These sites will become places where people respect, celebrate and protect cetaceans and their habitats long into the future.”
WHS status for Hervey Bay is proof positive for tourists and travellers, that when they make the decision to take a whale watching tour in local waters, they are supporting practices in the best interest of the long term survival of the planet.
The honour recognises the work of local whale watch operators who played a key role in 1989, working with scientists, conservationists and the then National Parks and Wildlife Service, to set up the Hervey Bay Marine Park and establish a whale watching Code of Practice that set Hervey Bay on a path to its current status.