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Food Retailers
Balamara Bakery
Elderslie Street Eftpos available P: 4657 1242 E: balamarabakery@bigpond.com PO Box 62 Summer Hours: Monday – Friday 6am–2pm Saturday 6am–1 pm; Sunday closed Winter Hours: Monday – Friday 6am–2pm Saturday 6am–1 pm, Sunday 7am–12pm
Diamantina Deli & Meats
P: 4657 0530 E: admin@wintonbutchery.com.au Delicatessen and Butchery, country orders and private kills, providing home butchery equipment and the finer items for cooking such as herbs spices, marinades, glazes etc. Salads, cheeses & dips included.
Orlando Orchards
15 Oondooroo Street Eftpos available P: 4657 1398 E: orlandoorchards@bigpond.com PO Box 206 Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm; Saturday 8am to 5pm; Sunday 9am to 2pm. Closed on Sundays November to March.
› Fresh fruit and vegetable delivery twice a week › Antipasto and fruit platters › Bulk salads › Specialty yoghurt and cheeses › Freshly squeezed orange juice
Shoprite Winton
60 Manuka Street Eftpos available M: 0408 726 295 E: gilshaw@bigpond.net.au PO Box 302 Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 6am - 7pm Saturday & Sunday 7am–7pm › Home deliveries › Telephone orders › Hot pies and sausage rolls › ATM available during opening hours › Ice › Gas Swap & Go › Groceries › Weekly specials
Spar Supermarket
37 Vindex Street Eftpos available P: 4657 1254 F: 4657 1202 Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 8am to 7pm Sunday 8am to 1pm
› ATM available during opening hours › Ice › Telephone accessories › Weekly specials › Gourmet platters › Fresh fruit and vegetables every Wednesday
Winton Butchers
Cnr Oondooroo & Cork Streets Eftpos available PO Box 283 P: 4657 1351 F: 4657 1599 Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 8am–5pm Saturday 8am–12pm
› Locally owned and operated › Country orders welcome › Private kills available › Smallgoods › Meat packs › Paddock to plate service › Locally sourced lamb & beef