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National Executive Meeting 4/3/2023 continued 5/3/2023

Matters arising from August 2022 Executive meeting:

There was considerable debate on the amended notice of motion about the club and branch names. It was unclear if we were voting on the motion or simply accepting that it was constitutional and allowing it to go out for consultation.

Apparently, it is constitutional and has since been circulated to members. (Editor; see next section.)

There have been nominations received from both Nelson and Hastings to host the next International Rally.

The online membership application form now defines what “suppression” means for both individuals and vehicles.

President’s Report:

• A breakdown of members’ ages shows almost 55% over 70. We still have some way to go attracting younger members.

• There will be several vacancies on the National Management Committee this year with the President, both Club Captains, the Speed Stewart and Tony Bartlett not standing for re-election. Also the Secretary/Treasurer position is already vacant. This is a loss of a lot of experience at one time highlighting the need for longer terms with some sort of overlap, hopefully this will be addressed in the new constitution.

• Progress is still being made with NZTA. on 12-month WOFs. The transport Minister has advised that the best way to achieve this as an exemption under existing legislation. NZTA have asked the Federation of Motoring Clubs how they could achieve oversight/monitor monitoring. FOMC are looking at our VIC system and the Hot Rod Association’s Certification system as two possible ways to achieve this.

National Office:

• Overall the online membership system is still working well but there have been problems getting branch approvals back. National Office will now process VICs etc. for new and transferring members if no reply is received within a reasonable time.

• There is now increased access for Branch Secretaries to branch data via the online branch portal. There will be a mail out shortly to check members data.


• An updated Technical Code will be released shortly, it will be clearer as to what is required and considerably shorter as a lot of repetition had crept in over the years.

• Included will be links to the NZTA requirements, lapsed vehicle process a check list.

• Training sessions will be provided and VICs will then go online. Note: sign-off will still come from local signatories.

Other items:

• Biofuels mandate has been scrapped (at least for now) so I guess we won’t be seeing ethanol in our fuel for a while.

• The Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association are reappointing their certifiers. Their aim is to have certifiers that take a more realistic approach to what is required for old vehicles.

• Given the variety of feedback on the make-up of the National Committee/Board under the new constitution a discussion refined paper (with fewer options) will be produced. The new constitution does not have to be in place until December 2025.

• There was some discussion about the Club’s national day. Including a shift from the August date, how much recognition we get and a change of beneficiary. It was decided to leave it as is and continue to develop the relationship with the Cancer Society, both locally and at a national level.

• The Federation of Motoring Clubs will be conducting a survey of member clubs and some individual members of those clubs to get some idea of the impact of their membership on the country’s economy. This data will be useful when lobbying Government on issues affecting members.

• The VCC’s strategic plan was presented and this has been circulated to members. Contact a member of the branch committee if you have any feedback and if necessary we can discuss at a club night.

• After a long discussion on the Length of Membership awards it was decided to essentially maintain the status quo but to investigate national office carrying the whole cost.

• Hawkes Bay branch entered the local heritage awards under the “group” category highlighting the Driving our History tag line. While they didn’t win they were highly placed and gained some excellent exposure for the club.

Noel Hassed Delegate

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