3 minute read


Paul Fahey dominated saloon car racing in NZ for a decade between 1965 and 1975. During that time he had more wins at Pukekohe, Levin, Bay Park and Wigram than any other driver.

Formerly of Auckland and Pauanui, Paul is now a Tauranga resident. He will do a 20 min question and answer session with Donn White, who had a fair bit to do with Paul over the past 55 years and Donn will source some of his old photos. They are also sourcing some of his posters for him to sign and give away.

We are sure that they will find plenty of interesting things to chat about! Paul attended our recent Daffodil Run For Cancer promotion and was given a warm reception by our members.

We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members—

Paul and Sharlene Martin - email pesrmartin@gmail.com

70 Jensen Road, Tauranga 3171 . Phone - 0754 33923

Paul and Sharlene have a 1957 Morris Minor Coupe.

PleasecontactourChairmanifyouhavenotreceivedyournamebadgeby ournextmeeting

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

Rodger Ian Dudding (born 21 December 1937) is a British business magnate in the selfstorage industry. Nicknamed "Mr Lock Up" by customers and "RD" by staff, Dudding owns more than 12,000 garages and as of February 2015 was worth an estimated £162 million, making him "the largest private owner of garages" in the United Kingdom.

Dudding founded Lonsto International Limited in 1970, a queue management system manufacturer and installer. He continues to manage Lonsto, which accounts for 30% of his group's revenues.[3]

Self-storage - Dudding entered the self-storage industry in the early 1970s, when he purchased ten lock-up units from his landlord, a "wealthy property owner and friend". These first units were located near Croydon in south London. Dudding says he was at first "unenthused by the deal", but his opinion changed as he began to receive rental income from the garages. To expand his holdings, Dudding began visiting garage blocks and, under the pretense of being "interested in renting another unit on the block", asked tenants stopping by their units who they rented from. Using this information, he would contact the owners and offer to buy units for 20% more than they were selling for. He later founded Dudrich (Holdings) Ltd. in London which as of October 2013 earns $12 million in annual revenues. Today, Dudding owns properties throughout England.

Car collection and Studio 434 - Dudding is a car collector and owns more than 420 cars, including 24 Aston Martin Lagonda’s and 200 classic cars. The collection was covered by British car television show Top Gear in 2011.[ With over 400 cars, Dudding believes it is Europe's largest private collection of classic cars. To make the collection pay for its upkeep, he created Studio 434 Ltd in Potters Bar, which both stores and maintains all of the vehicles, and arrange the rental of cars to the film and television industry.


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21st National Veteran Rally

24-26 February 2023



As members will know from previous notices in the Bulletin, the Auckland branch is hosting the 21 st National Veteran Rally in 2023. Most of you will be on our email list, and have received newsletters and the entry form. This is a Final Reminder that entries close on 15 December 2022. Please get your entries in now. Late entries will be considered but a late fee will apply. We hope that as many as possible of Auckland veteran enthusiasts participate in the 3-day rally.

Rallyentryformenclosed.Pleasecompleteandreturn.(Email blc.strong@gmail.com for an entry form)


This event also occurs in 2023. The Jubilee Run will be celebrated as part of the National Rally on Saturday 24 February with a run to Port Waikato, followed by a display of veteran vehicles at LaValla, and a special afternoon tea to celebrate. If you are unable to participate in the full 3 days, there are TWO opportunities for to be involved. A separate entry form has been prepared especially for those not participating in the rally but who want to be involved in the event on Saturday.

[1] You can join rally participants in the full day event including the run and be part of the display of veteran vehicles. (As this is a VCC national event, a VIC ID is required to participate in the run.)

[2] For veteran enthusiasts whose vehicle does not have a VIC or who don’t motor their veterans: You are very welcome to trailer your vehicle to LaValla to be part of the display of veteran vehicles, enjoy socialising with other veteran owners from around New Zealand, and enjoy the celebratory afternoon tea.

Please contact the organisers for further information and if you would like us to send you the Saturday-only entry form:

Barry Birchall (Rally Director): barrybirchall@xtra.co.nz

Nicola North (Rally Secretary): nicolahnorth@gmail.com

Our landline: (09) 8188755 Mobile: 0277225225 (Nicola’s phone)

And yet a few more cartoons for intellectuals!

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