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Committee Chatter for Topical Torque

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Events Calendar

Events Calendar

Hello Folks

Our annual End of Rego run up the Mountain held at the end of June had a very good turnout of fi�y odd members with everybody enjoying the social ou�ng and meal that was organized by the staff at the Stra�ord Mountain House. Many thanks to member John Muter for his organizing of the booking of this yearly popular event. It is a chance to give our vehicles a good run up the Mountain Road causing a bit of water to be added in some cars. The views on the way down were awesome stretching way across the eastern plains of Taranaki to see Mount Ruapahu in the distance.

The front gateway to the club rooms is looking a lot beter with all the agapanthus plants now removed and dispersed with.

Thank you to members who gave us sugges�ons for the Cancer Daffodil promo�on that the club supports on a na�onal basis. The commitee have decided to support this with a Posh Picnic event to be held in January at the grassed area of the New Plymouth Wind Wand opposite Puke Ariki Museum. This will give the public a chance to see our cars and our members dressed for the occasion with the Cancer Soc giving their full support. January has a beter climate for this sort of promo�on rather than the weather that we get in August. This venue has to be confirmed and full details will be available closer to January. Keep the 21st of January 2024 booked in your diary for this event.

The Rubber Duckie Motorcycle Rally is all underway and the entry forms are now available. Thanks to Bruce Davidson and his team in organizing this event. Members have answered our call for assistance in helping run these events which we really appreciate.

We welcome these new members Steve George who owns a 1966 Rambler 770, Philip Brown who owns a beau�ful 1935 Plymouth roadster and Brent Scot. A warm welcome to these new members.

Our guest speaker for July Noggin and Nater at our clubrooms is Paul Gunderson who will be speaking on his deployment to Opera�on Deep Freeze in Antarc�ca. This will be a very interes�ng topic and of interest to lots of members.

I hope that despite the colder weather that members are s�ll able to enjoy their restora�ons or maintenance upkeep on vehicles as I am constantly amazed at the projects that I hear about that are tucked away behind the garage doors that we hope to see back on the roads again.

So, Keep the Passion...........Stay Safe..............See you at a club event.

Cheers, Chairman Colin.

On July 20, our club night, we will be entertained by guest Paul Gundersen, who will be telling us of his experiences while deployed to the Antarctic during his Army service

At our August club night, Les Bognuda and Mike Williams will be giving us the latest information on what’s required when applying for a V I C for your restoration.

For our Brick Run on July 30, please remember to bring a plate for our afternoon tea at the clubrooms.

Our Rubber Duckie Rally 2023 planning is well under way, for the weekend of September 1617.

Planning is in progress for our Breakfast Run on the 24 th of September, put a ring around this date on your calendar.

The rally number holders have now arrived and can be obtained for $15 from your secretary.

It is proposed that all members that are registered club members bring their completed ballot papers in the sealed envelope supplied that you all should have received, to our club night so that our secretary can send them off as a bulk posting to National office as a cost saving measure.

From The Editor

Hello Folks, not a lot to report from me this month, as coughs and colds seem to be my lot. Events coming up are club night this week which see’s an interesting speaker telling us of his experiences in Antarctica.

With the Rubber Duckie Rally coming in September, we will be running a raffle so don’t forget your dollars in support of this on club night.

Then, on the 30th we are having the Brick Run, kindly organised by John Muter. That will be a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon, ending at our clubrooms for afternoon tea. Thank you Malcom for your welcome report on the July Midweek, and the photos. That’s it from me for now, keep safe on your winter travels.

Jim Logan

Other Branch Events


SEPTEMBER 10 – PV, PW, P60 & P80 Rally, Auckland/ 30 – Swap Meet, Manawatu

20-23 October National Commercial Rally

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