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Waimate Vintage Car Club Minutes
Dated 20th July 2023
Welcome Owen Duthie
Present As Per Attached
Apologies Jonathan, Jill, Owen, Sandra
Moved be accepted Steve seconded Bill carried
Minutes Minutes of the June 2023 meeting have been
Circulated taken as read and confirmed moved John Seconded Suzanne Carried
Correspondence Inwards
Update FOMC Survey
Head office proposed budget and subs increase
May Management meeting minutes
Hi guys.
What a great day we had for the Henry Ford day. Approx 13 to 14 Ford cars and 1 Vauxhall great odds a he. Thanks to Peter and those who helped to organize the day. It's a shame the weather cancelled the Waimate promotions day but it is still a great idea to be involved in this type of function. Thanks to those members that we're prepared to take the cars down to support the day. Don't forget Ashburton garage raid is on the 12th of August. Assemble it 9 a.m. at the club rooms for a cuppa 9.30 start $10 entry per head. Daffodil day is looming we will need a few helpers on Sunday the 20th for the Nifty 50 day. BBQ cooks for example. Well got to go catch you on the next meeting 17th of August 7. 30.
Outwards: Nil
Club Rooms Convenor: Suzanne
Nothing to report.
Financial: Robert Todd as per attached
Moved the report be adopted and accounts be paid John
Seconded Keith Carried
Cheers Owen
Hi everyone
.the whole 10 of you that bother to read the newsletter!!
WE have had a couple of events this month with the car show at the poultry show being well attended .
On the Wednesday previous we 8-10 members turn up to assemble cages which took most of the day to earn the club $500
The rock an Roll Nite is best described as a failure with only 9 people turning up. Won’t make that mistake again. Thank you to those who helped out on the Nite.
I personally think the club is in danger of collapse. There is a few of us doing a lot of work for the club but really it is for us as no one else bothers to turn up.
Numbers are down at club meetings and runs, the only time we get more people is car shows and free food,
If I only wanted to look at my car and talk about it I would leave it in the garage too. Cars are meant to be driven.
I find lately that too much time is involved in club events as everyday there seems to be another thing to do. Despite the rumor I actually have other things to do with my life.
So as I am getting more and more disillusioned with the club and before I say what I really think, You need to find a new club captain. As Johnny Paycheck said in the country song “ Take this job and shove it I ain’t working here no more.