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Who’s this enjoying the mud splash? at the Rosco Sporting Trials held in Reefton

This months contents

Front cover - Griffin Tucker in the mud at Rosco Trials

Until we meet again, forth coming events,” Keep the wheels rolling”and From the Editor Report on West Coast Trials held at Roscos, Reefton 18th June 2023

The Fair (Es)sex - Honeymoon experience – by Iris Lawrence and Pineapple Brandy recipe VCC members discounts Committee members

Until we meet again

1st Thursday month – Committee meeting at Clubrooms at Shantytown 3rdh Aug 7.30pmat last ZOOM is working

3rd Tuesday month – Morning tea at Shantytown 18th July at 10.00am

4th Sunday month – Lunch gathering Club Run 23 July 2023

Don’t forget you are welcome to attend any of our events in your modern vehicle if you are unable to use your vintage one, it is just good to have your company.

Local Calendar Of Events At A Glance

16 July 2023 * Nelson Club invite Snow Run to Lake Rotoiti

23 July 2023 ** Lunch gathering 12pm Moana Hotel, Moana

20 August 2023*** 9am * Daffodil Day Anzac Park Greymouth early Sep 2023 **** Club run TBA

23-24 Sep 2023**** Biennial Rally Murchison

* We have been invited by the Nelson branch to join up with Marlborough and meet up on their Snow Run to Lake Rotoiti Community Hall. Nelson will be leaving their club Rooms at 10am on Sunday 16th July. Bring you own lunch. Tea and Coffee will be provided. Nelson contact Jenny Conlon 02733227 or our Club Captain – Bruce. We plan to go with the Vanguard leaving Reefton at 9.15am. Join us if you wish

** Club Run lunch gathering at Moana Hotel. Greymouth members leaving REPCO at 11am. Hokitika and Westport please organise your own meeting point and time. Travel to Lake Brunner for lunch at the hotel. To assist publican, numbers appreciated before hand. Cheers Bruce

*** Daffodil Day plan Sunday 20th August 2023

9am – gather Hot Rod Club Anzac Park Greymouth for the public display of vehicles, 10am leave in convoy and travel to Westport (its a shorter public display to allow our older vehicles to get to Westport)

11.30 – arrive Victoria Park Oval park up for another public display of vehicles

I would like to thank Buller District Council for allowing us use of Victoria Park, Hot Rod Club for use of the Hot Rod club grounds, Cancer Society for arranging a food caravan at the Hot Rod Club and at Victoria Park Westport, Greymouth Rodders, Buller Rodders, our Westcoast Branch and many others who will support.

Tuesday 22nd August 2023June & David Campbell plus their helpers will be delivering daffodils to various businesses in Greymouth as per previous years. Thank you June and Dave for organising this and to the helpers for giving their time.

National office have been given our plan for the day and will be producing adverts for us to have (I hope) so please advertise this event as much as you can.

Keep the wheels rolling...

**** “Kick start run” I am planning to run with this early September, due to the biennial rally on the 23/24 Sep, which some of our members are going to. It will only be a short run as the weather may not be advantageous for the Kick starters brr. I look forward to as many of you who have kick start bikes to come along. Also as will be the only club run (unless someone would like to arrange one?) in September I feel we should encourage wives of kick starters and other club members to join us. So get fixing, wofing and registering and lets see the old girls (2 wheeled variety)

I would like to thank Keith in Hokitika for assisting in the organising of runs/events down the Hokitika end and welcome feedback and assistance for future runs and events from anyone else including offers of shed and garden visits! Overnighters have been mentioned either to join with other branches or do our own. SO PLEASE if you hear of events planned ie car show or similar in other areas let me know and maybe an overnighter can be arranged. I am also keen to meet up with our other West Coast car clubs ie Greymouth and Buller Rodders on breakfast runs or similar. Thoughts on this please?

For those interested in joining the biennial rally the information is as follows...


Hi everyone,

Just to be different, and because our organizers live in MURCHISON, the Nelson Branch has decided to base the 2023 Rally in Murchison!

As this is very Central to all our 3 TOP of the SOUTH Branches, we are hoping for a great crowd to come, either for the day..... or better still to make a weekend of it!

[ List of local accommodation houses for you below.]

The program is not totally set in mud yet.... but here is the outline... with confirmation of the final plans in August.

The registration forms will also be sent then, with the closing date for applications and payments to be Friday 8th Sept.


Friday 22nd Sept. 6 – 8pm Registration and Noggin and Natter. BYO, snacks. Venue in Murchison TBA.

Saturday 23rd. Registration and Assembly 10.30am, Lake ROTOROA water front. BYO M/Tea

11.15am Head up the Braeburn Saddle. Road is gravel but in reasonable condition.

Three shallow fords but OK for average clearance vehicles. Tail end Charlie following.

It is hoped to visit a developing, new, agricultural property during this trip. BYO lunch which we will have at their facilities. [TBA.]

Arrive though in Murchison by 3.30 pm, settle into your accommodation.

HAMPDEN Hotel opens at 4pm, if you want to settle the dust before dinner.

6 pm, gather at the MSRCC [Rec Park] for BYO drink before dinner.

6.30pm Catered Dinner by Club Murch, followed by presentation of Rally winner.

8.30 ish.... feet up and night cap...ready for the Sunday run!

Sunday 24th. Day two, non competitive.

10 am. Assemble at the MSRCC car park for 10.30 rally start. BYO lunch.

10.30am Today we travel up the Matukituki, with a couple of stops and over the Maruia Saddle. [Note toilets are limited once we leave Murchison... about 2 hours, road stops are possible.... come prepared! ]

Aprox Midday, emerge on the Christchurch side of the Shenandoah Saddle. Your choice now, returning to Murchison and home... travelling to Springs Jnct. And over the Rahu Saddle to Reefton and home... or stay another night...Over to you!!

Accommodations recommended in MURCHISON.

HAMPDEN HOTEL. O3 523 9008. PENMAN MOTELS. 03 523 9278.

MATAKI MOTELS. 03 523 9088 RIVERSIDE HOLIDAY PARK, Cabins. 03 523 9591.

GRAND SUITES 0800 854 551.

ORGANIZER; Rex Smith, 021 250 3307. Mike Bryan, 027 753 2038. rootesgpnz@gmail.comt

Well that’s all for now folks catch at coffee morning or on a run! Cheers Bruce. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From the editor.

I am sure you are all with me on wishing Allan and Maria good luck, good health and enjoyment in their “new stage” of life as Allan has closed the “North Shore” famous lawn mower business, which is going to be sadly missed. Never mind onward and upwards to you both I am sure you have a”plan”. This fits in nicely to our wishes to you both for a fantastic holiday in the USA (make sure you take some vehicle photos please?)

Also I know you are with me in wishing Marianna all the very best as she is caring for her Dad over in Christchurch. Our thoughts and wishes are with you it is not easy especially as Marianne is also working from “home”. Take care.

Reefton car show will be reported on in the August newsletter as I have no space in this one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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