Canterbury VCC February 2017

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February 2017


Official magazine of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (inc.) 1

Mt Thomas Station taken on the Homestead Run in November. photo by Carolyn Elcock.

THE HUB Newsletter of: The Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ INC


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004


Main Committee


Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

342 9110


John Coomber (Christine)

03 310 7056


Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)

365 1938

Club Captain

Greg Lamb (Gail)

960 3077

Vintage Convenor

Paul Seaton (Margaret)

021 205 9101

359 7600

Veteran Convenor

Tim Palmer (Barbara)

021 338 692

03 313 3952

Assistant Club Captain Rod Thrower (Lynda) P Group Convenor

George R Kear (Jorden)

Commercial Convenor Mark Drury

338 2320 027 221 4332

347 0315 342 9297

Cover photo: Chris Dyer and Rosemary Falls outside Mt Thomas Station on the Homestead Run—photo taken by Carolyn Elcock.


2016-2017 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor

Les Freeman (Margaret)

027 339 0962

Spare Part Shed Rep

Des Fowler (Janet)

342 9974

9-90's Co-ordinator:

John Kuipers

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333

Maintenance/ Clubrooms

Mike Foster

359 8260

Bar Managers

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

389 7066

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

327 5743

Noggin Displays

Don Muller (Marlene)

385 6850


Owen Genet

358 2514

Assistant Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

Swap Meet Chair

Colin Hey (Jenny)

Swap Meet sites

Kevin Clarkson (Shona)

Barn bookings/ Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

027 407 5344

03 312 7255

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

027 446 6964

421 2426

North Canty Noggin

Jeff Rogers

022 131 7235

03 313 8432

027 424 2670

352 6266

027 279 9195

358 4549

352 5217 359 8737 385 9821

Hub Editor Cindy Hey (Peter) Hub Com. Advertising


WHAT WE ARE DOING FEBRUARY Sun Wed Wed Sat/Sun Wed Sat Sat Sat

5 8 8 11 15 18 25 25

Maintenance Committee Work Day 9-90s Outing - page 12 Motorcycle Noggin - page 9 Annual Rally Commercial Noggin Boot Fair Commercial Annual Rally - page 11 Fish and Chip Run - page 9


2 4 5 5 8 8 11

Noggin and Natter Moped and Clip On - page 15 Rear Wheel Brake Rally - pages 34/35 Maintenance Committee Work Day 9-90s Outing - page 12 Motorcycle Noggin - page 9 Back Country Run - Please note this

Wed Sat/Sun Sat

15 18/19 25

Commercial Noggin Jim Toohey Motorcycle Run - 9 and 16 Fish and Chip Motorcycle Run

Sat Sun Thurs Sat/Sun Sat

1 2 6 22/23 29 29

MARCH Thurs Sat Sun Wed


event has been cancelled.

Winchester Swap Meet P Group Annual Rally Noggin and Natter Autumn Two Day Run Scooter and Motorcycles Run Fish and Chip Run


Chairman’s Report Happy New Year to you all. 2016 was a very special one for the branch when we celebrated 60 years since the meeting of members of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) was held to form the Canterbury Branch. The final anniversary event for the year of celebration was the Grand Ball, a formal/semi formal occasion that brought back to many of us memories from the past. This was a great success, enjoyed by all who attended. Although this year will seem low key compared to last year, there is still a full calendar of events for us to enjoy. On that note, are the branch committee members organising the type of events YOU enjoy? They would be interested to hear your feedback and thoughts, be they bouquets or brickbats. After all, it is YOUR branch and it is no use planning events that do not suit you. During the holidays, some of our family members enjoyed a holiday in Hanmer and Tony and I joined them for a couple of days. While driving (in our modern) on the northern motorway, we noticed an ambulance that had been following us quite a way back, turned on its lights and siren. As it got closer, we pulled over to the far left of the left lane, but it was interesting to see that it was some time before many other motorists did likewise, with a couple appearing to be quite oblivious to the ambulance right behind them for what we thought to be an unacceptable amount of time. It reinforced to us that we as “vintage” motorists/motorcyclists should never be in a position that we are not aware of what is behind us. Rear mirror monitoring is an integral part of our driving requirements and we should be always aware of what is following us. All the best for another great year of motoring in 2017. Leigh

Canterbury Branch Web Site 6

SECRETARY’S REPORT I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas break and managed to have some quality vintage motoring. The National Executive Meeting will be held in Auckland on Saturday 11 March 2017 and I will represent the branch as delegate. This is the six monthly meeting between the national AGM’s so, if there is anything that you would like raised at this meeting, please contact me or speak to me at the March Noggin. John Coomber Secretary.

INSURANCE Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


Club Captain’s Report Happy New Year to you all. Another up and coming busy social and motoring year is ahead of us. Probably not up to the standard of last year’s major events organised by the experienced Jubilee Committee but we will do our best. We thank them for their extra efforts in making it a memorable year of motoring. The Boxing Day Picnic had a good turn out again as did the Picnic Run with good weather for both. Thank you, Rod for organising the Picnic Run. Thank you also Dave Inwood for the work you have put into the Back Country Run which has been cancelled due to earthquake damage. Club vehicles are available to members for rallies. They are there to be used and fun to drive. Contact Mark Drury as Vehicle Convener for details. As the Annual Rally is upon us just a reminder to be courteous to other road users by leaving passing room between cars and pull over where possible. Our organisations reputation is at stake. Happy Motoring Greg.

CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Ian Barnes Ian had been a member of the club since January 1960.




Motorcycle Report

Hi All, The first Motorcycle Report for 2017, so here goes… Past Events. 14 December – EOY Noggin, a catered BBQ at The Barn. By the time this was on, some 54 people had registered for this event. Very well run, and a screaming success food wise, as well as the social factor. Many thanks to Alan and June Bland for this very successful event. 31 December – EOY Fish and Chip Run. The Scribe managed a rare guest appearance, and along with about ten others took a circuitous route to the Leithfield Pub for lunch. Those who followed Harry obviously did not know his reputation for going anywhere via Dunsandel as he led the unwary off course through Amberley… 2nd January – New Year’s Run. 12 bikes fronted up for a run to Diamond Harbour via Tai Tapu and Gebbes Pass. The homeward run went around the bays, though the Lyttelton Tunnel, then dispersed for home. Cool overcast day, though. There being no Noggin or Fish and Chip Run during January, that is the lot. Future Events. 8th February – Motorcycle Noggin, at the Barn, from 7.30 pm. 11-12 February – Canterbury Branch’s Annual Rally. Not just for cars, there are trophies for motorcyclists as well. Here is an opportunity for a shake-down run before the National! Entry form was in December Hub. 17 – 24 February – VCC National Motorcycle Rally, Waitomo. Several of the Canterbury Branch motorcyclists are making the trip north, leaving Christchurch 13th February, and returning 2nd March. 25th February – Fish & Chip Run, the first for the year. Meet PMH, 10.30 am, riders decide on destination… 4th March – Moped Run. More info on page 15. 8th March – Monthly Noggin. Meeting at Lone Star, Bush Inn Centre at 7.15 pm, for a secret destination, more info in the next Hub. 18-19 March – Jim Toohey Run Unless something else pops up, that is about the lot. Cheers, CML 9

Commercial Report Approximately 30 members attended December’s Noggin and BBQ held at Lyndsey and Myra Saunders’ property in Halswell. VCC members from the Ashburton Branch were a very welcome group that also attended. Once again, mystery items were produced and annoyed and frustrated those present. Special mention here of the winner of the big prize for guessing the most number of items correctly was a lady from Ashburton who is visually impaired and made her assumptions by feeling the objects with her hands. A very popular winner. Thanks again Lyndsey and Myra for a great night out.

In January, Peter and Lyndall Monro hosted the Commercial Group to their residence in Old Tai Tapu Rd. A repair job on the centre pivot of a huge Caterpillar Tree Farmer being undertaken by Peter’s sons was explained in detail by Peter and impressed those present. A lot of heavy work for those involved. A pleasant evening among like minded folks made for another great get together. The next Commercial Noggin is to be hosted by, Don and Judy Bennett on 15 February, 2017 at 714 Hills Road. Mark Drury


Tony Becker Phone 421-2426 10

2017 VCC Commercial Rally Update Please return your entries smartly. A slightly different rally format is being tried this year with visits to interesting museums and private collections. These will be of interest to members being incorporated into the rally. Some, a large number of members may not of visited before. The competitive side of the rally will still be undertaken as the Club’s Cups, Trophies and Awards still have to be awarded to the winners of the various categories. Lunch will be in Oxford Township and a BBQ Tea will be held in the clubs Garden BBQ area next to the main club rooms. Please note that the VCC club bar will not be open to serve drinks. A considerable amount of sealed roads will be uncounted on this rally with a small amount of shingle to be negotiated to view some items of special interest. (The shingle section can be by passed if required). VCC Commercial Rally 25th Feb 2017 RALLY START 95 Ohoka Meadows Drive Mandeville ( Off Mandeville Road almost opposite Domain) First vehicle away at 10am.

Would lasts years lucky winners of Trophies and Cups please return them to Mark Drury as soon as possible.


Hi to Everyone

9 - 90s

Well, about 80 people came to our Christmas lunch at Sequoia 88 Restaurant, which was the biggest turnout for lunch we have ever had. The atmosphere was good and we had our usual raffle. With the leftover money from our other raffles, I was able to give 18 people a $20 note and every couple received a little gift on their way out. I still have enough left over to start the 2017 raffles so we are off to a good start already. We are looking forward to 2017 and hoping it will be as good as 2016 has been. If you think that you would like to organise one outing after August 2017 please let me know. So far, I have two volunteers for that time so you can pick your month if you are quick. 2017 February 8 Tony Becker is in charge. We are going to Daniel Smith’s in Rangiora. Meet at The Peg Car Park, Belfast at 10am. March 8 Organiser Bryan McSaveney. Meet at The Peg Car Park, Belfast at 10am. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon. J K and the Team


Open Hours Monday to Friday 8.00-5.00 Saturday 8.00-12.00

96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630


Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events Canterbury Branch Annual Rally Saturday 11 February, 2017 This year the rally will be a one day event. Rally Programme: 10.00am Commences at Cutler Park where the concourse will be judged and field tests held. BYO lunch and afternoon tea.

Tea, coffee will be available for morning tea and lunch. There will be time after the rally to go home to freshen up. Dinner Cutler Park 5.30pm Bar opens 6.30pm Dinner and prize giving Full details on Entry Form in December Hub. BOOT FAIR Saturday 18 February Open to any club member Start from 7.30am. Vehicle Parts Only Parts Shed will be open from 9.30am and will be running a Sausage Sizzle 14

Annual Commercial Rally Saturday 25, February

Back Country Run Cancelled

See December Hub for Entry Form.

Owing to the shaky earth in North Canterbury, this year's Back Country Run has been cancelled. - Dave Inwood

Closing Date 10 February Moped and Clip-on Run 4 March 2017

Hanmer Springs Two or four day Autumn Run Entries close 22nd February 2017 Send to G Sword, 69 Otaki Street, Kaiapoi. 7630 Entry in December Hub

The start and finish will be opposite The Princess Margaret Hospital. Meet at 10.00am for 10.30am start. This run will be about 90-100 km. Backup vehicle and spare fuel will be available. Please dress to be seen! Contacts: Gary 021 03 74 299 Kurt 021 04 33 707

19th Rear Wheel Brake Rally Sunday 5 March Meet at 9am at Blackheath in Wordsworth Street. Peter is looking for more helpers on the day so if you wish to help with this event contact him on: 358 5956 Full details on pages 34 and 35. 15

Jim Toohey Motorcycle Run to Kaikoura March 18-19 I have secured the accommodation in Kaikoura for the Jim Toohey Run. We are staying at the Canterbury Underwater Clubrooms. If people wish to confirm their accommodation and or are attending the Jim Toohey, they can contact me on They can send me a cheque made out to VCC Canterbury. Send to 59 White Street, Rangiora, 7400. Or direct banking to 03 0802 0099727 00, (please remember to put your name and Toohey as a reference). The accommodation is for the use of sleeping bags. Bring your own blankets and sheets if you wish. There is plenty of room in the back-up for bags. I have looked it up on their web site and it looks very clean and tidy place. Cost: Bed = $26 + Rally Cost $20, Total $46p/p, Any surplus funds after the Rally will be donated to a Kaikoura charity for the Earthquake Relief Fund. The Underwater Club Rooms are at 96 Torquay Street, Kaikoura. Near where the “New Commercial Hotel” was/is. If anyone is wanting a motel, they are available at Norfolk Pine Motels on the Esplanade, Ph Ron on 03 319 5120 or e-mail . Departure date and time is set at. Saturday 18 March 2017, from the Belfast Hotel (The Peg) at 10.00am for a 10.30 am (sharp) departure. Please, let’s have a good turnout for Jan Toohey who is attending the run for the first time. Contact details Home Ph = 03 313 8432, Mobile = 022 131 7235, e-mail = ,


Jim Toohey This year we have Jan Toohey coming along for the week-end. This will be her first Jim Toohey Run, Jan is Jim’s widow. Please look to see if you can come on the run as it would be nice if we can get a good turnout for Jan, and also to support the people of Kaikoura after the earthquake. If you have a motorcycle with sidecar and are thinking of using it for the run, please let me know as I am looking for a motorcycle with a sidecar to give Jan a ride. Thanks Jeff


OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4.30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7.00pm.


LIBRARY REPORT 2017 Just a short report to note, first, that we have passed the 6000 mark for books in the library. A big milestone considering that the majority of these books have been donated by members, or the family of a member who has passed away. We are always extremely grateful for these donations, and they are much appreciated. We had some large collections of magazines and books donated last year and we are finally coming to the end of cataloguing them all, although there are still some magazines to sort. We have also been given large amounts of Beaded Wheels and we are gradually sorting these out – as can be seen on the floor of the library at present! Also donated were some old and unusual rally plaques. Graeme made a new board on which they have been mounted, in memory of Alan Fox and Stan Sampson. Again thanks to Trevor Lightfoot for covering for us, when we were unable to be at the November Noggin. Good job Trevor. We look forward to another busy year and again our thanks for all the donations. Owen Genet and Kay Shaskey


December Noggin Display. At this Noggin there was an impressive display of a variety of makes and models of Motor Cycle Winners from the recent Motor Cycle Annual Rally. Altogether there were 19 , with 15 in the main hall and four in the foyer. It was a Grand Finale Display, for our 60th Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Thank you to all the owners who displayed their motor cycles. Special thanks to Alan Bland who went to a great effort to organise the event. Future Noggin Displays. March. Winners of the Annual Rally. April. P Rally Winners.


Picnic Run Sunday 8 January There were 18 cars lined up at Te Hapu Centre’s Car Park at 10am on 8th January 2017 for the first run for the year. The temperature was 22 degrees and looked like a good day ahead. We travelled in our 1962 Vauxhall. We went down Rhodes Road with Otahuna Lodge on the right, onto a small amount of shingle and then we did a circle through beautiful country side and ended up on Cossars Road. We travelled through Lincoln, past the university, through Leeston. At Springston we turned into Powells Road and onto Days Road. Left into Pannetts Road and then drove through a group of trees that formed an arch. We wend down Ridges Road and over a one way bridge into Ducks Road and into Waihora Park Domain.

It was a beautiful day to do the first run of the New Year. Thank you Rodney and Lynda for a delightful run Annette Meikle


Homestead Run 2016

Above interesting things you can find in the Stewart’s garden, Above right and below Mt Thomas Station.


The Finale to the 60th Anniversary Celebrations. The Grand Ball

Left Annette and Tony Meikle and above Leigh Craythorne cutting the cake.

Above Bruce Miles and partner, Left Margaret and Paul Seaton.


Rod and Lynda Thrower and their friends Bill and Cara Goodhew. Below Nancy and Bryan McSaveney

Below Stephanie and Steven Exton


Homestead Run

Above photos taken at Coldstream, photo above taken by Carolyn Elcock. Below Millstream Gardens - Ohoka


Homestead Run Report This year was our clubs 60th anniversary and The Homestead Run was identified as a run that was of special importance. In the book Vintage Gold written by club member Colin Ray to celebrate 50 years of our branch, the earliest recorded homestead event I could find was held in 1967. It was recorded there were 63 cars and one motorcycle. Fast forward to 2016 and 160 vehicles entered. The run started at club member John Stewart's home with the entrants able to view his lovely garden. I heard a few good comments about John's garden art, thanks John for allowing us to start our run at your home. Our club made a donation to the Kaikoura Volunteer Fire Brigade in appreciation of visiting the Stewart’s garden. The brigade were very much involved in the clean up after the Kaikoura earthquake. From there we wound our way out through Marshlands, Rangiora and out to Loburn where we went to Mt Thomas Homestead, a home currently owned by Ian and Deb Riach. To thank them for our visit our club made a gift towards their charity - Bright Hope World. They allowed club members to view the grounds and homestead before having lunch on the lawn, a beautiful day for sitting outside under trees. A brief history - John Thomas Brown by January 1858 had taken three runs (73,75 & 234) to form Mt Thomas, the name being taken from Mt Thomas which is nearby. Brown had arrived in New Zealand in 1851 and he started Mt Thomas as a cattle station. He was also the owner of the Albion Brewery in Christchurch. In the 1870’s the station carried 13000 sheep but in the 1890’s the run was reduced in size. The homestead was built in 1857, with weatherboards and clay blocks, sundried and plastered over. A son of John Brown – Herbert Brown, who lived at Mt Thomas until his death in 1928 put a lot of energy into the gardens which was protected by massive plantations of almost every forest tree available. The rose garden was his special pride with its great double storied cob house being a show place. They would visit nurseries returning home laden down with new species of rose. On one visit they purchased 12 dozen roses.


After lunch we adjourned to Rangiora where we visited a property named Coldstream, currently in the ownership of Rupert and Fiona Ward. A family home with a rambling garden behind large trees which shelters the home and garden from all wind. To thank the Wards for having us our club made a donation towards an azalea area Rupert is developing. Parking was a bit tight here but we managed, thanks for everyone’s patience. John McFarlane, a Scotsman built Coldstream in the 1870’s and retired there having sold Loburn Run. The original house was a single story timber building with rusticated kauri boards and kauri stone quoins. His son Malcolm took over the property when John died. He added a second story and a veranda that matched that of the ground floor. Inside he had ornate fire surrounds, pressed tin panelling, polished kauri floors and a magnificent kauri staircase. Malcolm sold Coldstream in 1907 and had a succession of owners before Rupert and Fiona Ward purchased the home in 2001. Rupert Ward is the great grandson of Sir Joseph Ward, who as Prime Minister declared New Zealand an independent Dominion in 1906. Our day wasn’t finished, we headed off to Ohoka village where entrants parked on the Ohoka domain before walking a short distance to Millstream Gardens where our hosts were Elaine and John Lynn. Over the past 25 years they have developed this wonderful garden to a point where it has been photographed for garden magazines in New Zealand. A beautiful garden to walk about and enjoy the many rooms within the garden. I know some parts of the garden were pointed out to husbands and the comment was made “we could do that” or “why don’t you do something like this”. If he did something like that then he would not have time for much else I’d say. Our club once again made a gift towards our visit to the Lynn’s. The day ended with some entrants sitting about the domain having a late afternoon tea and chatting in the sun out of the wind, a great way to end it. Thanks to all the entrants who came to enjoy our last 60th Anniversary run for 2016. Mike Glenday


Cadillac Owners - Can you help? Akaroa Motor Show Saturday March 18 Akaroa Recreation Ground Akaroa Motor Show are wanting a Cadillac for their event. The motor show is being organised to raise funds for the planned new Akaroa Health Centre which will incorporate the cottage hospital, The event is being held at the Akaroa Recreation Ground and limited to 140 vehicles, veteran through to new, they are trying to cover all cars from all eras. Entries close on 16 February 2017. Pam Beatson is the entries coordinator email


VELOSOLEX OWNERS GROUP (VOG’s) DECEMBER RUN The “Beach Hop” We know how much all our avid readers missed our article in the December Hub with a report on the November run, you may have even thought that the VOG’s had died a natural death!! I can assure you that this is not the case - VOG 1 was gallivanting around the North Island once again. A very admirable run was organised by one of our competent VOGger’s Rhys Jones. He had organised an amazing trip around a couple of interesting collections in the Maddison’s Rd area. Rhys has an eclectic collection in his home sheds of “you name it, he has it”. Those that attended the run were blown away with the variety of collectables he has. Blow, I’m so disappointed that I missed this run. Our run for December was centred around Kaiapoi with a trip around some of the areas that were so badly devastated in the 2010 earthquakes. Courtenay Drive being one of these streets, where there were once nice new homes and now just empty sites. Lots of grass and very bumpy roads, not good on a ‘Solex with skinny tyres and no suspension! From here it was cruise up the main street, through the CBD, where the public once again gazed in wonderment at this fine looking team of Hi-viz vest wearing bikies “hooning” down Williams St. This then lead us onto the bike trail on Beach Rd where we headed to Kairaki Beach. I had suggested that we take a look at the beach down there and this was literally what we did. Dave Backhouse, being of an adventurous nature, headed off down the spit where all the fishing is done. We all decided to follow in hot pursuit. The going was great until we came to the soft sand. This slowed us down hugely and progress was hard going with feet on the ground to help paddle us along. Lyall Hurst even had the unfortunate experience of canning off, with a massive rear wheel slide in the soft sand. All was okay though just hurt his pride! After the thrill and suspense of this “Beach Hop,” we headed off for a quick flick around one of the newer subdivisions of Sovereign Palms and then back into the Kaiapoi CBD for lunch and refreshments at a café bar in Hilton St.


For the afternoon’s jaunt, it was a visit to Patience & Nicholson (Suttons) and a guided tour around the factory. What an amazing industry that is. All those drill bits manufactured here in Canterbury. The numbers produced just blew us away. It’s hard to remember the statistics, but it was in the millions per year. One interesting fact we learnt was that the most popular bit manufactured was the 1/8th size. We were told it has many applications and is very popular for the panel beaters and those that do a lot of pop riveting. Unfortunately, there were no free samples available – damn I’m always blunting my bits and have never quite mastered the art of sharpening them. Well that’s it, the year that was. A big thanks to all my keen VOGger’s that supported my crazy idea and turned up religiously for all the runs during 2016. We’ll do it again this year. Royce (VOG 1)



February 6 18 March 19

Rangiora RSA Vintage Run Nelson Branch Swap Meet North Canterbury Classic Tour

VINTAGE RSA RUN MONDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2017 Start time: 10am (Tractors 9am) Registrations start 1 hour before start time RSA Car Park, Victoria Street, Rangiora This event is open to all vehicles over 30 years old Motorcycles, cars, trucks, tractors All vehicles are to be road legal and this is the responsibility of the owner Choice of routes (long, short, tractor) LUNCH A sausage sizzle and cake stall with hot drinks will be available at the Loburn Domain Cost $5 per tractor; $10 all other vehicles For further information please contact: TRACTORS: Denny Dunlop 03 3128871 OTHER VEHICLES: Pat Youngman 03 3138809


SWAP MEET - 18 February 2017 Nelson Branch VCC NZ Site sales contact; Ruth Mercer • Phone 03 548 6338 Pit Gate, Speedway Assn Grounds, Lansdowne Road, Richmond Sites $20 each • Site Size 6m x 5m Entry non-site holders $2

North Canterbury Classic Tour. Sunday 19 March, 2017 15th annual North Canterbury Classic Tour is to be held on Sunday 19 March 2017, as a fundraiser for replacement of earthquake wrecked Waiau School community pool. The tour is over sealed back country roads, to lunch at the Waiau Primary School grounds. Open to all vintage, classic, exotic, rare and unique vehicles, saloons, campers, convertibles, utes, trucks, vans and retro campers and caravans. Departs from The Woodlands Café, Ashworths Beach Road, Leithfield, North Canterbury. (Corner SH1). Report from 9.15am to 10.30am. $15 per vehicle. (Or more if you wish to donate). Find us on Facebook. North Canterbury Classic Tour. Organised by Trevor Stanley-Joblin Email ph (03) 314-8628

Hub Editor email: 31

Rearview Mirror A high speed Bullnose Morris Cowley? Surely we jest. But no, there were such beasts! A Southland story records one such Bentley-beater developed from a humble 1926 two-seat Morris Cowley Bullnose with just 3000 miles on the clock. When an argument with a tramcar wrote both vehicles off in Invercargill's Dee Street, a Mr Bert Godward won what was left of the Morris for 25 quid. Bert Godward sold the first Morris Bullnose cars for Invercargill's Watts & Grieve Motors from 1914, resuming after the war to 1926 when flatnose Cowleys and Oxfords replaced the Bullnose. Morris Motors supplied Bert with broken replacements from England and a new locally made lightweight tourer body was fitted to the straightened chassis. After a nine months rebuild and the motor reworked from standard 22 hp to 45 hp, Oreti Beach beckoned. At the 1928 beach races, the Bullnose proved to be the fastest car there with a top speed of 85 mph! A 20 mile run to Winton in 1929 was completed in 20 minutes and the 40 miles to Gore, in 40 minutes. Morris agents were impressed. For the record, a modified Morris Motors owned 1922 Cowley reached 93.7 mph in 1924, while another lapped Brooklands at 78.3 mph. On yet another occasion, an R.A.Cobserved 387 mile run averaged 64.58 mph, all with original side-valve motors. This was much faster than factory OHV MGs at the time! The original OHV MG FC7900 built by Cecil Kimber managed just 82 mph in 1928. Perhaps this influenced William Morris to persist with low stress, high reliability side-valve production right up to 1954 and notably, as did much of the American market. Tony Becker



The Rear Wheel Brake Rally is open to early cars, motorcycles, and commercials without drum brakes on the front axle. The event comprises non-competitive runs with start & lunch stops at places of historic interest. The day concludes with an early meal that leaves plenty of time to be home before dark. Three routes are offered. These include a short route on mainly sealed roads that is also suitable for all one and two cylinder vehicles. A second short route is offered that travels over sealed and gravel roads. The third route is longer and also travels over mixed road surfaces. Please select your route based on the type of road conditions you wish to motor and the average distance you can motor in an hour. The day's programme is: 9.00am Meet at Blackheath in Christchurch. Carpark entry is off Wordsworth Street. 10.00am

First vehicles depart on the run.


Arrive at Waireka Homestead near Homebush. Please bring your own lunch for a picnic in the grounds. If wet we will have lunch nearby and visit the homestead in the afternoon.


Depart on the afternoon run.


Arrive at Joes Garage at Church corner for an evening meal. There will be time for a drink first.


A light meal will be served. A few bottles of wine will be given away and the summer evening will allow plenty of time for vehicles to return home before dark.

We would be pleased to have you join us for this event. Please phone me if you would like to join in by assisting on theday. Your help will be appreciated. Please direct inquiries to Peter Barnett, phone 358-5956. 34



ADDRESS ................................................................................. PHONE ................................................................................. VEHICLE ................................................................................. YEAR


RALLY ROUTES - Please tick one: Short mostly sealed route for vehicles that average 20 miles/hour. This has 1 km of gravel on the final road to the homestead. .....…….. Short route over mixed road surfaces for vehicles that average 20 miles/hour ...…..….. Long route over mixed road surfaces for vehicles that average 30 miles/hour ...…..….. Entry including rally entry, badge and evening meal for one. Additional evening meals at $30.00 / adult or $18.00 / child 10 years or younger

$ 49.00 ............... ________

Total (One entry and two meals is $79.00):


Please make all cheques payable to VCC Canterbury. Entries must be with the organiser by Sunday 19th February. No late entries accepted. Please send to: Peter Barnett 8 Nepal Place, Christchurch 8053 35

FOR SALE 1969 Ford Cortina MkII, good original unrestored condition. Current warrant and registration. Ph Carl Chch 960 6572 Mobile 021 168 9265 email *************************************************************************** 1939 Ford V-8 Standard Black Good reliable car. Still with 85hp flathead engine, cross ply tyres and 6volt electric system. Always well maintained and garaged. Well known VCC Canterbury car. After 17 years ownership we feel the time is right to pass this car on to a lucky new owner and purchase something more modern to drive in future club events. $28000. Contact Lyndsey Saunders 03 3228565 *************************************************************************** Cast iron portable or fixed stand for a double ended grinder $40 Machine stand for a drill press or similar workshop machinery. Made of pressed- steel adjustable legs- 2 wheeled to move around $30. Magazine holder to hold 12 months or more issues .Slide or dropin- Holder will stand horizontal or vertical $2 each Ph Trevor 3854 200 or *************************************************************************** Puch Maxi, a project but seems to be all there. Contact Mike 03 3440425.


Dodge 1920-23 back axle and drive shaft assembly. Yours to take away. Phone Philip 3899-089 ************************************************************************* 1950 Standard Vanguard, Reg on hold, needs some TLC. James 122 ML approximately 1952, restoration project currently dismantled. 1963 Suzuki S32 restoration project, 90% there. Honda CT90, 1970s, needs battery, not registered, have had running. Phone Peter 027 220 2764 or 3526 266 ************************************************************************* “Speedie” compressor unit mounted on trolley, with tank and pressure gauge L.P. 30-40 lbs. Complete with two spray guns. $60.00 Oil Filter ACZS1 Bedford Truck etc - $30.00 Vauxhall 10 1938? Rear Axle Case - $5.00, Brake Shoes $1.00 each Mistral extractor Fan (no motor) new - $35.00 Electrolux hose with spray bottle and fittings - $5.00 Compression Tester “workmate” - $10.00 Waproo Light Tan leather colour - 4 bottles $5.00 the lot.

Paint mixers for electric drill $5.00 pair Jam Jars of washers, nuts and bolts etc - $1.00 each Continued next page 37

Rear vision mirrors $5.00 lot, mostly interior Spanners, Whitworth and A.F. and other useful stuff from garage sale. Phone Tom Clements 352 7457

WANTED Starliner caravan 8 to 12 ft. Any condition. Late 1950's early 1960's. Twin cylinder magneto for in line twin. Phone/text Andrew 0276116225. Email ************************************************************************** Wanted a serviceable 4.75/500 x20" tyre to go onto an old builders hand cart so does not need to be WOF spec Brent 325 4223 **************************************************************************

1923/1924 STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX engine block or complete engine Phone Dick Appleyard 03 319 6694 or email: ************************************************************************** Datsun 120Y parts or any Datsun 1200 model parts. Phone 3328354 Or 027 3328018 ************************************************************************** MOON Motorcar Hubcaps. Phone Gary, 9818692


North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm


18mm BS 1088 - $165.00. 1220x2440mm. Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm.

* High Pressure Laminate - 12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip - 18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm.

* Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049


Veteran Picnic Run 18 December, 2016


BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255

HUB Advertising Spaces We still have some spaces in the Hub for paid advertisers. So if you have a business that you want to advertise or you know of someone that would like to advertise in the Hub contact Cindy Hey - Hub Editor and Advertising Email or phone 3526-266 41

Copy for the March Hub closes on Friday 17 February , 2017 Post to "The Editor", Cindy Hey 6b Aztec Place, Redwood, Christchurch 8051

phone 352 6266 email The views expressed in the 'Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

Canterbury Branch Web Site Email: canter bur y@vcc.or Postal address: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall

A/C 03 1594 0096832 00

Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit.



February 2017


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