CHB VCC February 2017

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February 2017

BRANCH of the VINTAGE CAR CLUB of NZ (Inc) Lamb Country Branch Email: Contributions should be emailed to the Editor no later than (25th of each month)

Club Nights

7.30pm 3rd Wednesday of every Month

Coming Events Thursday 9th February Mid-Week run to Dannevirke

Postal Address

Meet with others from CHB who are going to Dannevirke at the “Hatuma Café” at 9.00am.

94 Mt Herbert Road Waipukurau, 4200

Take Hatuma Rd and travel to Waiou Rd.


Go right at Waiou Rd and left at T onto Maharakeke Rd. Follow this road past the lime works to bear right onto Oruawharo Rd. At Takapau village, go left at T by the golf course. Follow this road through Takapau and beyond to go right to follow Ormondville signs.

SECRETARY Shirley Foot

Pass through Ormondville and proceed to Makotuku. 06 858 8301

Go right across the railway line and immediately left to follow Matamau signs.

TREASURER Suzanne McCool 06 856 8087

At S/H2 at Matamau, go left at T to follow signs to Dannevirke. Morning Tea is at the “Catching Pen” opposite the town clock, High Street, Dannevirke.

Merv McCullough to show us around Dannevagas 15th—19th February—Art Deco weekend (Entry forms for the many different activities are now available from the Art Deco Trust) Check out their website.

Wednesday 15th February 2017 - Club Dinner and Meeting To be held at Hatuma Cafe, 2398 SH2 Takapau Road, Waipukurau. Arrive for refreshments from 6.00pm, Meal at 6.30pm followed by the Meeting at 7.30pm. Mains – options  Hot ham with mustard sauce, roast veggies and beans  Crumbed Gurnard with homemade coleslaw and chips Dessert – options  Cheesecake with berry couli and cream  Salted caramel lava cake with cream and brandy snap crumb Please contact Barry (06) 858 9956 or by Sunday 12th February with numbers attending and your choice of food from the above menu. The cafe is fully licensed with beer, wine & cider available

CHAIRMAN Bruce Poole 06 858 9940

One Main & One Dessert $24.00 per person

CLUB CAPTAIN Rod McKenzie 06 858 9562 COMMITTEE John Foot V.I.C. (I.D. Card) Coordinator 06 858 8301 Lynn Cross 06 858 9814 Peter McCool 06 856 8087 Barry Smales 06 858 9956

Manawatu Branch Veteran Rally, Sunday 5th February 2017




CHB Branch

Events Calendar

Other Events

Thurs 9th

Mid week run to Dannevirke. Organiser—Merv McCullough

Sun 5th

Manawatu Veteran Rally pg2 for more details

Wed 15th

Club night dinner and meeting

Fri 17 to Manfield Motorcycle Rally pg7 for Fri 24th more details

Wed Art Deco weekend (Entry forms for the many 15th Sun different activities are now available from the Art Deco Trust) Check out their website. 19th Sun 19th

Pahiatua railcar coming through Waipukurau

Sat 4th

“Three Viaducts Festival” at Ormondville. Bill Rendle invites the branch to this event. “Ruahine Ramble” there too for lunch. 11.00am to 3.00pm

Sat 11th

Executive meeting in Auckland [Rod attending]

Wed 15th

Club Night Dinner and Meeting

Sun 19th

Barry and Lynn Smales are arranging to go to “Horse Shoe Lake” near Patangata. Picnic lunch

“Wheels on Windsor “ at Hastings

Fri—Sat Takapau Machinery Day at Burne Rd, Takapau. 24th 25th



Fri 31st Model T Ford Club of NZ Rally will be Sat held in CHB. 1st April Organisers John and Margaret Cleland

Sun 9th

John and Shirley are organising a visit to Makaroro and possibly Smedley.

Wed 19th

Club Night Dinner and Meeting

Wed 17th

Club Night Dinner and Meeting

Sun 21st

Bruce Poole taking our branch to see the eels and to visit the “Black Dog” at Makotuku.


Chairman's Chat Well, we are now into another year and although it is supposed to be summer the weather is certainly changing from day to day. Low 30’s, lots of wind, no rain and the paddocks are brown. The year started with a run put on by Rod and Scarlett McKenzie to Akito Beach to meet up with the Wairarapa Branch (Report elsewhere in the Bleat) and a very enjoyable day it was too. We have a full and interesting programme for the next 4 months which will be listed in the calendar of events so keep looking as a report will let you know of the finer details. As mentioned last month a few went over to the Gumboot Rally in Taihape on 31st December 2016 - 1st January 2017 namely Lynn and Sandra Cross and myself. We left Waipukurau about 10.30am, lunch at Ashurst, and then up through Pohongina Valley to come out at Kimbolton, then across to Apiti, out to Mangaweka and then onto Taihape. Dinner was held at the Gumboot Manner as usual with the annual quiz which no one even came close to winning but a good night was enjoyed by about 20 people. The next day the Rally followed the same roads that we had come through the day before and lunch was held at the Kimbolton Hotel where the publican gave a speech on the history of the district. After lunch, via various back roads we ended up in Hunterville for the BBQ and prize giving. The Silent checks consisted of jumbled truck names, Lynn and Sandra Cross got all 17 right and won the Rally. A great and cheap weekend with both the Triumph Herald and the Hillman Minx getting over 30mpg for the weekend. You will enjoy this weekend so make a note of it for next year. In the past issues of Chairman's Chat Joyce our Editor had found photos from my camera and put them in the report and I have written a story on them. This month they are from Manfield Race Circuit which was used as part of the 2012 international Rally based in Whanganui. The bottom photos show the Gulf Oil Ford GT40 with Nick Mason (Drummer of Pink Floyd) getting out of the car and the red car is a Southwards Car Museum Monza Ferrari in which Ken Warton was killed in at Ardmore in 1957. I think the top car is the 250f Maserati which the late Chris Amon raced in the early 1960’s. Someone may be able to put me right. That's all for this month and will catch up with you in the future.

Bruce Poole CHB Branch Chairman

When insuring your valuable items (property, car etc) with Vero, quoting the CHB number (39) results in a commission being made to our Branch.

Thank you for your ongoing support. 4

Rod’s Rattling's Here we are into 2017 and another year of playing with our toys, harvesting the crops and getting in the firewood for winter. Hopefully there will be another three or four months before we have to start burning the firewood though. The run we had out to Akitio Beach was pretty well supported by our branch with 11 vehicles turning out to meet the 42 others from the Wairarapa Branch and the Austin Club who had come through some dusty roads from Pahiatua to the beach. The film evening was a bit of a disaster, as the machinery in the theatre wasn’t able to run “Genevieve” for us, but we did see another movie that was available that many of us had not seen before. Last weekend, while several of our members attended the “Vintage Weekend and National Veteran Rally” in Wanganui, we joined the “Annual Model T Ford Club Rally” in Wellington and got a prize that we could have done without being the “Hard Luck Trophy”. A fuel blockage had us on the side of the road near the Makara Cemetery and we had to be trailered back to HQ. Coming up on Thursday 9th February, is a mid-week run to Dannevirke where we will meet for morning tea at the “Catching Pen”. Merv McCullough will meet us there and then muster us out to his property where we can give his sheds and collection the once over. Instructions can be found elsewhere in the “Bleat”. On the weekend of the 18th and 19th February the “Art Deco” event is being held in Napier and no doubt there will be representation from this branch. The historic railcar we saw in Pahiatua a few months ago will be running, and will be stopping in Waipukurau on occasion. Watch for the times it will be in town, and we could help the occasion by parking up at the railway station. And speaking of the railways, the branch will be supporting the “Three Viaducts Festival” at the Ormondville railway station on 4th March. Bring your picnic lunch to Ormondville between 11:00am and 3:00pm where there will be a park set aside for vintage vehicles. The Manawatu branch of the VCC will be finishing their “Ruahine Ramble Rally” there for lunch. Bill Rendle, who is one of the organisers of the occasion, has asked that we please approach Ormondville from the Norsewood road to avoid clogging up the limited access of the village. Our branch will also be supporting the “Takapau Machinery Day” at the top of the Takapau plains just off the main highway on 24th and 25th March. This was a popular event when it was held there a few years ago. Make your own way there if you wish to attend. Elsewhere in the “Bleat” will be a notice of where our February monthly meeting is to take place. Please make sure you advise Barry and Lynn Smales in good time of your intention to be there to avoid any “hiccups” with the catering.

Rod McKenzie CHB Branch Club Captain 5

Sunday 8th January — Wairarapa and CHB Branches join forces at Akitio Beach The CHB members meet at the Wimbledon Tavern at 10.00am. Unfortunately the Tavern did not open its doors until 11.00am, we were all looking forward to a cup of coffee while waiting for everyone to arrive and to have a look at the round pool table which sits just to the right of the entrance. As you can see from the photo the Tavern now sits in the sun. There has been a huge tree felling programme in the area, before this the Tavern stood in the shadows of very large pine trees, and will now be able to look forward to a winter in the sun. Wimbelton Tavern CHB

When everyone had arrived, we set off South a short distance and then East toward the sea on a very nice smooth shingle road, good fun to drive on before eventually arriving at Akitio. The club combination run to Akitio Beach was very successful and with a quick round up, forty two cars where counted parked up along the grass verge on the beach front were we all had a picnic lunch. Was a very good opportunity to meet and talk with other branch members, and admire some of their beautiful cars. Although the fairly brisk wind had quite a chill to it, it did not stop some of us from braving the big toe, the sea looked beautiful and inviting. After our lunch had settled most of us headed off back through Dannevirke as that was the nearest fuel stop before heading home. It was a great day of motoring through the country side and a beach some of us had never been to before. Many thanks to the Wairarapa Branch for organising such a great day.


2017 National Veteran Rally 20th - 23rd January - Whanganui - by Michael & Vicky Harding Vicky and I left Waipukurau in the Studebaker about 10.00am on Friday and stopped at Dannevirke for a coffee. I went to reverse into a park, only to find reverse was not working because the new overdrive was playing up, so Vicky pushed it back while I steered. I also had to click out of overdrive about 400m before a hill, as it took about a minute to drop out, this made the trip more interesting. We checked into the Grand Hotel, had a look around town, then went to the VCC club rooms for a very nice dinner cooked by club members, and a look around their spares.

Wow - CHB members enjoying the moment

Saturday 9.00am we drove into the main street and parked with all the other vintage cars and classics, hot rods etc. We then wandered around the various displays down the main street and farmers market down along the river. A good number of locals and VCC members dressed in period clothing, which helped create the vintage atmosphere. At about 4.00pm we were able to leave, and drove to the mitre 10 car park where we all gathered for a tour around Wanganui to show the cars to the locals. Then back to the hotel for dinner. Whanganui people make a big effort to get involved with the vintage weekend, and in a lot of ways, similar to the Napier art Deco weekend. The weather was good on Saturday but unfortunately Sunday’s weather caused some events to be cancelled. On Sunday we lined up for the rally and we were the first vintage car away, having the privilege of being waived off by the mayor. The distance was about 100 miles over sealed country roads. The only scary bit for me was when I pulled off the road to let a modern go past, not realising it was the Foote’s. What appeared to be a smooth surface with some water on one spot, was in fact the water covering a large hole which got the car air borne, ask John what he saw in his rear view mirror. Finished Rally by about 12.00pm, and it started to rain with strong gusty winds. We picked up our prepaid lunches and went to a friend’s place for lunch, who were also on the rally. Drove back to look at more displays, then back to the hotel, for a coffee and to get ready for the prize giving dinner at the racecourse. There were 70 cars on the rally, so good numbers at the Prize giving. The meal was excellent, and many dressed in period for the occasion, and during prize giving, a prize was also presented for best dressed. CHB members were well represented in the prize giving. Will get that information for the next issue of ‘The Bleat’

On Monday we loaded the car up, and to save trips up to the second floor, Vicky dropped soft items to me from the balcony of our room for me to catch on the ground beside the car, and headed home in the rain, feeling pleased we were driving a sedan which kept us warm and dry. 7

Saturday 4th March — Ormondville Five Viaducts Tour & Street Festival The Festival Day — 5 Viaducts Tours are being organised by the Ormondville Rail Preservation Group as a Fund Raiser and also a Day to give the Public the opportunity to see the Restoration Work that has been completed on the Ormondville Goods Shed. The Goods Shed has had significant restoration work completed on it, with the assistance of a Lotteries Grant. Part of the Goods Shed was built in 1880 with the remainder being built in 1900. This restoration should see the Goods Shed “live on” for many more years. The Station building is presently used for Accommodation and the next planned stage of upgrade work is to the Station building. Festival Day is designed to be a real family day out so a good opportunity to bring your children/grandchildren/friends along for an outing. The Day starts at 10.00am, and should go through until 4.00pm. From 5.00pm there is going to be a Roaring 40's Theme After Party. There will be Food Stalls, Brass Band, Musical Entertainment, Craft Stalls, Pie Making Competition, Best Dressed Roaring 40's Costume etc in the Street. Promotional Goods (mugs and T Shirts) will be for Sale by the Ormondville Rail Preservation Society. Wayne Clark will be there with his Traction engine. The Pahiatua Railcar Society are bringing their restored Railcar through, and making trips Northwards from Ormondville to view 2 Viaducts and Southwards to view 3 Viaducts. Prices for the trips still to be finalised by the Railcar Society but they expect it to be $20 - $25 per trip. Once these prices are finalised you will be able to pre-purchase your tickets, or chance being able to buy a Ticket on the day. When these are available we will be in touch with Shirley Foot so an email can be sent out to VCC members with further purchase details. The Rail Preservation Group will have Power point and Slide presentations in the Goods Shed and Station building, together with members of the Group speaking about the history of each of the Venues. After the PowerPoint presentations there will be an opportunity to look through both buildings. THERE ARE NO EFTPOS FACILITIES AVAILABLE AT THIS STAGE, SO BRING CASH Manawatu Club are holding their Ruahine Ramble Day and will be using Ormondville as their Lunch Stop/End of Rally so people can spend time in Ormondville. We have a designated Parking Area for these Cars and CHB Member cars. No doubt someone from CHB will organise a run through to Ormondville. To make sure that only Ruahine Ramble and CHB Member cars park in the designated area we will have a colour card system to show to the Parking Marshals. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT CARS ENTER ORMONDVILLE FROM the NORSEWOOD END otherwise they will be directed to park in a general Parking Area. There will be plenty of other parking areas for other cars/clubs. By grouping the Ramble Cars and CHB cars together, we saw this as an opportunity for both Clubs to have a “catch up'. We look forward to seeing you in Ormondville on the 4th March, and if you require any further information please contact us. Bill and Janet Rendle Ph 06 374 1862 (Evenings) Bill – 027 2767888 Janet – 027 2788911


4th March 2017 — RUAHINE RAMBLE The Ramble follows the format of the 2016 Ramble in that it is non-competitive. There are several opportunities en-route for petrol, conveniences, ice creams and coffees etc. The Ramble is a 70 mile run to Ormondville with the destination being a roaring 40’s themed Festival Day promoting the restoration work which has been done by the Ormondville Rail Preservation Group. The day is also a Fundraiser for the Group and they have the Pahiatua Railcar coming over and making rides available (at a cost), for people to travel to the the nearby Kopua, Ormondville and Makotuku Viaducts. There will be stalls, food, tours of the Station and restored Goods Shed, entertainment, rides etc. It is planned to be a Fun Day so it will be an opportunity to bring children / grandchildren along on the Ramble for a family day out. The organisers have put aside a designated parking area for VCC members to use and if the weather is wet they have made arrangements for a nearby building to be available for VCC members to use for lunch.


Saturday 3rd December 2016— Waipukurau’s Christmas Parade On this day some very keen VCC Club members assembled at Rod and Scarlet McKenzie's home to decorated the carcass of an old truck which was put on a trailer and decorated with a Christmas tree and all the Christmas tree trimmings. It was then towed through the streets of Waipukurau in the Christmas Parade by another vintage that went. Other members followed behind to form a convoy to promote our club. Thank you to all those members who took the time to help.

For Sale 1914 Overland Model 79T Touring Fully Restored A great motoring vehicle Spare parts and information Won best restoration award in 2008 at the Willys Overland Club Victoria, Australia.

Price: $60,000 Phone: Neil Cox 021 023 33948


Competing in the CHB Veteran Rally, February 2016

2017 National North Island Easter Rally


Friday 14th April — Monday 17th April The Auckland Branch would love you to join us for a weekend of great rural vintage motoring, excellent company and fun entertainment – all at a low cost. Most Aucklander’s leave Auckland for Easter weekend so please come and enjoy what Auckland has to offer without the traffic hassle. The format for the weekend is as follows: Friday: A Welcome Garden Party and casual dinner at our clubrooms in Penrose. Our spare parts and extensive library will be open. Pick up your rally pack, catch up with other entrants over a drink and afternoon tea and stay on for an early light dinner. Saturday: Rally Day – competitive and touring options: starting in South Auckland. The rally will be held over rural South Auckland roads, including some private roads. These are as quiet as anywhere else in the country. In the evening we will again host entrants at our clubrooms for dinner and light entertainment. Sunday: Starting again from South Auckland, entrants will tour at their leisure to the rural village of Clevedon, where we will host you at a member’s property for a picnic lunch and gymkhana. There are also other options close by to visit – markets, historic homestead, winery and beaches. Sunday evening will be the Prize giving Dinner and Dance held at the Commercial Travellers Club in Remuera. Monday:

Free for you to head home.

Your organising committee is aiming to make this a fun,low cost weekend. As a branch we are now travelling to other branch events in a group, traversing less travelled back roads and find this is becoming very popular. So take up the challenge and get your branch organised to do likewise for National North Island Easter Auckland 2017. If you have any route suggestions for avoiding the main highway or going to places of interest closer to Auckland please make contact. For all queries regarding any aspect of the weekend please contact the Rally Secretary. Tracey Winterbottom


Angela Annear An authorised Travel Broker for Searle Travel Ltd. Consultations are by appointment.

Ph: 06 8589082

Cell: 027 2811306

Email: Website:

Searle Travel Broker

PO Box 264, Waipukarau, 4242. 10 Brooker Place, Waipukarau, 4200, Central Hawke's Bay

Forgotten World Adventures, NZ Taumaranui to Stratford by railcart 15-18 February For a holiday with a difference join me on this unique experience through a part of NZ most of you have only heard about, but never been to. Our journey starts in Stratford, we travel in golf carts on the old railway line through tunnels, farmland and native bush to Whangamonona where we stay the night at the historic Whangamomona Hotel then on to Taumarunui, via the long forgotten townships. Four places left on this trip.




Gavin Harris


Architectural Designer Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 2

For all engine reconditioning and parts supply 298 Broadway Avenue Palmerston North

27 Coventry Avenue Napier

Phone: 06 35 71182

Phone: 06 844 4267

Fax: 06 356 6722 Email:

Cell: 027 478 4215 Email:

PERRY’S CARWRECKERS Wide Range of Second-hand Car Parts 60’s to Today

Wayne Coughlan Road PO Box 442, Waipukurau 4242 Phone: 06 8589123 Fax: 06 8589126 Cell: 021 127 3064 Labour $50.00 per hour + GST and Materials

RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL LIFESTYLE & RURAL Central Hawke's Bay — Takapau to Otane Make Real Estate A Cruise Our Clients & Customers will receive the finest service in Real Estate

Dianne Ogilvie — Sales Manager Licensed Real Estate Salesperson under REAA 2008 36 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau.

Phone: 06 858 5515 — Mobile: 027 294 8506 Email: 13


Free Advertising available for members OR non members for PRIVATE SALE Vehicles, parts, machinery etc —please contact Bruce Poole, Rod McKenzie, Shirley Foot or “The Bleat” Editor to place your advertisement.


Club Badges for Sale


Vintage Car Club of NZ Central Hawke's Bay $3.00 each Contact Suzanne McCool 06 856 8087

HAWKE’S BAY NEW ZEALAND CHB Information Centre at the Old Railway Station Phone 06 8586488 14

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