CHB VCC January 2017

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January 2017

BRANCH of the VINTAGE CAR CLUB of NZ (Inc) Lamb Country Branch Email: Contributions should be emailed to the Editor no later than (25th of each month)

Club Nights

7.30pm 3rd Wednesday of every Month

Coming Events

Sunday 8th January 2017

– Beach Run to Akitio

“Happy New Year everyone hope all goes well for you” Each year around this

Postal Address 94 Mt Herbert Road Waipukurau, 4200

time the CHB Branch of the VCC have a run to one of the local beaches for a summer NOMINATED POSITIONS picnic and social interaction which has been fun for our members. CHAIRMAN

This year we have been invited to join in with the Wairarapa Branch of the VCC to the Bruce Poole beach settlement of Akitio which is on the coast East of Dannevirke. Below are the instructions for you to come on the run so as to avoid you getting mismothered some- 06 858 9940 where in the hinterland of CHB. SECRETARY

Make sure you have plenty of fuel. And wear your name badges. You will need to leave town about 9.30am. Aim to be at Akitio by about 11.30am For Waipukurau domiciled and other CHB members:               

Leave Waipukurau in your own time and proceed via Porangahau Rd to Po ran gahau. Just before Porangahau Village turn right to keep following Highway 52. Stop for a look or pass by the world’s longest place name. Continue on to Wimbledon and regroup at the hotel for a cuppa [or something]. When we believe no one else will be turning up, we’ll head further south on H/ W52. At “Ti Tree Point” go left. This is a metal surface road. Keep your distance, DUST! Go left at T onto River Rd which will take you to Akitio Beach. Find the Community Hall where we will have lunch. To return home , either retrace your steps or go home via Dannevirke. For the Dannevirke domiciled members. Leave Dannevirke and follow the Weber Rd Go right to follow H/W 52 [Pongaroa signs]. At Waione, go left and follow River Rd to Akitio. Find the Community Hall where we will have lunch. To return home , either retrace your steps or go home via Dannevirke.

These are the only instructions you will be getting, so print them out, or bring your copy of the “Bleat” with you. See you there. Rod McKenzie ph 06 858 9562

Shirley Foot 06 858 8301

TREASURER Suzanne McCool 06 856 8087 CLUB CAPTAIN Rod McKenzie 06 858 9562 COMMITTEE John Foot V.I.C. (I.D. Card) Coordinator 06 858 8301 Lynn Cross 06 858 9814 Peter McCool 06 856 8087 Barry Smales 06 858 9956

Wednesday 18th January 2017 - Club Dinner and Meeting To be held at LATITUDE 40°

SOUTH, Northumberland Street, Waipukurau (Picture Theatre)

Arrive for refreshments from 6.00pm, Meal at 6.30pm followed by the Meeting at 7.30pm. Please contact Barry (06) 858 9956 or by Sunday 15 January 2017 with numbers attending. Barry is required to forward numbers to the restaurant a few days before to ensure we receive the service we require.

Buffet & Dessert

$25.00 per person

Sunday 29th January 2017 — Wheels with Attitude display in Dannevirke — 20th Year — Aussie cars featured

Your branch magazine is on the web Many branch magazines are now available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand’s website. The magazines are published as soon as they are received each month and can be accessed by going to and clicking on News from our Branches down the left side of the homepage. To go to your chosen magazine either click on the magazine cover or the underlined date of the publication. This will take you to the magazine and by clicking on the small square next to the + sign you can enjoy a full screen reading experience. In time we hope to be able to publish all branch magazines each month. Enjoy your reading. Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488 Email:



CHB Branch

Events Calendar

Other Events st

Sun 8th

Run with Wairarapa branch to Akitio Beach. Details on Page 3

1 Jan. Taihape Gumboot Rally

Wed 18th

Club night dinner and meeting. May be a film will be shown.

Jan 20th to 23rd. Veteran and Burma Rally at Wanganui. Great Parliamentary Tour Sunday 29th Jan to 5th Feb Email:



Sunday 29th January. Wheels with Attitude display in Dannevirke. 20th Year. Aussie cars featured.

Wed 15th

Sun 5th Feb. Manawatu Veteran Rally

Club night dinner and meeting TBA

Wed Art Deco weekend (Entry forms for the many 15th Sun different activities are now available from the Art Deco Trust) Check out their website. 19th Mar 4th

Ormondville Railway Festival [Bill Rendle will advise later]

Wed 15th

Club Night Dinner and Meeting

Sat 24th Club Run-weekend toCATaihape Waiouru NCELLEDand AGAIN DUE TO LA CK OF SUPPORT Sun25th Organisers John and Shirley Foot Model T Ford Club Rally in Waipukurau. CHB VCC to assist.



Fri 31st Sat 1st April

The answer to the puzzle in last months edition of ‘The Bleat’ is on page 14


Chairman's Chat Another year has passed and 2017 will have arrived by the time this is out. I trust that you all had and enjoyable Christmas with family and friends and 2017 will be kind to you. A big thank you to Suzanne and Peter McCool for the wonderful hospitality at the family bach at Waimarama. The run out to the beach was through roads we don't often travel on and I cannot remember when I was last out at Ocean Beach and Waimarama. The meal put on by all members and the BB cooks did an excellent job and to top the day off we had a visit from Santa. When it was time to hand out the gifts Santa had the boys and girls sitting on his knee. LOL. This is what our club is all about, having fun and getting out and enjoying our old cars. While regrouping at the turnoff to Ocean beach I had a call from Paul and Sarndra Raybould who left CHB to run a motel in Taranaki, however the cold and the wet has driven them to depart for Australia in February. They will call in on their way north. The Bedford truck Paul was restoring is up for sale so if anyone is interested get in contact with me. 06 858 9940 A few of us are going over to Taihape for the gumboot rally (31st December to 1st January 2017) and this is a very enjoyable two days away. As I mentioned, this months Bleat will be a smaller addition because our advertisers pay for a full 12 months, the reason why we always print a magazine in January. Our calendar of events is full up until April with help needed for the Model T rally 31st March,1st April, please let John and Margaret Cleland know if you can help. On Sunday 8th January 2017 a run to Akito with members of the Wairarapa branch is on and then wheels with attitude 29th January in Dannevirke. That all for this month, keep safe out there. Happy New Year Bruce Poole CHB Branch Chairman

When insuring your valuable items (property, car etc) with Vero, quoting the CHB number (39) results in a commission being made to our Branch.

Thank you for your ongoing support. 4

Central Hawke’s Bay Vintage Car Club Christmas Party at Waimarama by Vicky Harding Central Hawke’s Bay members gathered on the 11th December at the Waipukurau Pool car park to drive in convoy to the Mc Cool’s Waimarama property, for our Christmas party. Leaving at 10.00am we followed the well written instructions, heading to Patangata and Elsthorpe. The Hastings members joined us at the back of Havelock North, it was a lovely leisurely drive down to Ocean Beach for a stop off and a paddle. Many of us had not been there before, so was a wonderful scenic treat. Waimarama beach was the last stop, and our lunch destination at Mc Cool’s Bach. The weather was changeable but it didn’t dampen our spirits. Suzanne and Peter Mc Cool’s had set up their back lawn with a pagoda, Unlike a horse hubbies old car won't crap barbeque, and decora- on the road but you want to see the shit in his shed. tions. After having a delicious shared BQ lunch, a cheerful jolly Santa visited us, giving the members who had been “good” during the year, a present. It turns out everybody had been good, Yeah right?

Whoooo who’s the Blonde?

The presents were thoughtful, one present even changed a member into a blond. Some eager members walked along Waimarama beach. Having not been to Waimarama for a while I can see the difference in the size of Waimarama township and beach tidal levels. We all had a great time and left to make our own way home mid-afternoon. Thanks to the Mc Cool’s for sharing their attractive beach property. I just loved the Pohutokawa tree it was really special as a back drop to a NZ Christmas Party.


Rod’s Rattling's Welcome to 2017 and another year of playing with our toys and ancient machinery. There are numerous things on the go, both within our CHB Branch, and elsewhere. Get out there and have some fun. If you go to another district for one of their events, you will find that the members there will generally take you off the beaten track to places you would never be likely to see as a member of the public. We really enjoy going to other branches to see what they do and where they go, and I am sure that you would too. Thanks to all those who helped put together the float for the Waipukurau Christmas Parade and those who brought their old cars along too. The float looked really wonderful. We had decorated Peter and Suzanne McCool’s 1928 Model A truck which was on the back of my big trailer being pulled by our Model A. First gear had a good work-out! Fairies and elves were a bit thin on the ground and Santa was travelling in the float in front of ours. Thanks to Peter and Suzanne McCool for opening up their Waimarama bach for our use and our Christmas party in December. A small shower of rain didn’t matter and there was more food than we really needed.. Santa made his customary appearance [the old blighter still hasn’t come forth with the bike I asked for 50 plus years ago]. I think there were around 16 cars and their crews visiting. Elsewhere in the “Bleat” are instructions for our run to Akitio Beach where we will join with the Wairarapa Branch for a picnic. Make your own way to Wimbledon to regroup, and we’ll proceed from there. You may feel like a coffee or something whilst at Wimbledon. Dannevirke domiciled members will carry on out to Weber/Waione and follow River Road to Akitio. Return home which ever way suits you. But do make sure you have sufficient fuel for the day. We are taking the Model T to Wellington for the MTFCNZ Annual Rally later in January. It will be interesting driving around the quieter roads of the city, and being their anniversary weekend, there shouldn’t be too many folk about. Hear tell there are about 50 entries! Our first meeting for the year will be back at the “Civic Theatre” in Waipukurau on 18 th January where your committee is planning to run a film following our meal and short meeting. Come along and have some social time with your fellow old vehicle owners. A Happy New Year to all the CHB VCC members. See you on one of our runs soon.

Happy New Year Rod McKenzie CHB Branch Club Captain


Science Project at Central Hawke’s Bay College — by Rod McKenzie At the end of November, a number of Primary School pupils were being introduced to some of the subjects that they would be likely to encounter in their new lives as high school students. One of these is the science department at the college where they would be likely to see such things as chemical reactions and physics. To give the kids a practical demonstration of these types of subjects, Delwyn Eason, [Ken Eason’s daughter] who is a teacher at the college, asked both Ken and Rod McKenzie to turn up with their cars. Also in attendance was the local Ford agency with a new Mustang and Ranger. The kids got to find out about how acetylene lights worked [chemistry], and compared them with modern electricity and LED lights [physics]. In the laboratory, the teachers demonstrated how the cars would be subject to wind resistance by having equal weighted toys with various shapes attached to their fronts being pushed down a bench by an electric fan [physics]. Following these demonstrations, the children were shown down to the sports fields where the cars were parked and the teachers and owners were able to show how a modern car compared with older varieties. Rod’s Model T with its acetylene lights was easily comparable with the electric lights of Ken’s Rolls-Royce and the LED lights on the new Mustang and Ranger truck. It was also easily shown how wind resistance is overcome by the design of the modern vehicles which have no flat panels facing forward. And of course, the owners couldn’t resist the temptation to take the kids and teachers for a quick tour of the sports fields in the vehicles. One thing was really noticed by the children and that was how fast it felt in the Model T which is open to the air, with the response that it is because you are protected from the wind in a sedan, but that 20mph in an old car is just the same as 20mph in a new one. There were good questions asked and the kids got a fair bit out of both the laboratory work and the live demo’s. The college has had excellent and positive feed-back from the children and their respective primary schools with what a couple of our members have done to introduce some youngsters to the fun and practicalities of having an old vehicle. It is fair to say, the girls seemed to get just as much out of it all as did the boys, although the boys did seem to gravitate toward the Mustang. Delwyn had a drive of the Model T [under tuition!] and managed very well after stalling it as all new chum drivers do when learning the ropes of Model T driving. This turned out to be a fun morning for everyone and a great learning curve for these youngsters who will likely remember the practical science demonstrations as they proceed through their schooling at the college.


Manawatu Branch Veteran Rally, Sunday 5th February 2017



National Veteran Rally 20th - 23rd January, 2017

Whanganui Newsletter (1) June 2016 Whanganui Branch is proud to host the National Veteran Rally in January, 2017. The proposed program allows entrants to enjoy activities and social events of the club as well as being part of Whanganui’s fabulous Vintage Weekend activities. The branch will also be running the historic Burma Rally on Sunday 22nd. There will be a combined prize giving dinner. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends with vintage cars to travel together and experience a unique Wellington Anniversary Weekend.

Proposed program: Friday 20th January:

6.00pm at the clubrooms for registration, parts shed open and BBQ dinner

Saturday 21st January:

8.30am River city Farmers Market open, on the Whanganui Riverbank. 9.00am Free park up and display in Victoria Avenue, registration continues. 11.00am-2.30pm optional MV Wairua Riverboat Lunch Cruise. 5.00pm Classic Cruise organised by Vintage Weekend Trust, 50 minutes around the town, separate start time for veteran vehicles. 6.00pm Classic Cruise prize giving at The Grand Hotel, light dinner Vintage Weekend activities continue around Victoria Avenue.

Sunday 22nd January:

9.00am First car away, return for lunch beside river, park up and display 12.00pm Riverside Festival Opens, lots of activities, food & drinks for all ages 1.00pm Paddle Wars racing on the river, Paddle Steamer versus traditional Waka 6.00pm Pre dinner drinks at the racecourse 6.30pm Combined dinner and prize giving with Burma Rally entrants, Whanganui Raceco

Monday 23rd January:

Morning – early afternoon Vintage Weekend Soapbox Derby, 10.00am Visit to Bruce and Jenny Ardell’s Vintage Museum, Parts Department and Homestead. Late morning tea/ light lunch provided.

Entry forms will be available in August 2016. This newsletter has been posted to all VCC of NZ registered veteran vehicle owners. It is an invitation to register your interest in receiving further information regarding this rally. If you know of anyone who has missed out on this newsletter, or the address is incorrect, or you do not wish to receive further newsletters please let us know. The preferred method of circulating further information is by email. Please give us your email address or advise us that you would like to receive future information by mail.

For further Information please contact Linda O’Keeffe Rally Secretary Whanganui Branch Postal: PO Box 726 Whanganui 4540 Phone: 027 4733 767 Email: 10

2017 National North Island Easter Rally


Friday 14th April — Monday 17th April The Auckland Branch would love you to join us for a weekend of great rural vintage motoring, excellent company and fun entertainment – all at a low cost. Most Aucklander’s leave Auckland for Easter weekend so please come and enjoy what Auckland has to offer without the traffic hassle. The format for the weekend is as follows: Friday: A Welcome Garden Party and casual dinner at our clubrooms in Penrose. Our spare parts and extensive library will be open. Pick up your rally pack, catch up with other entrants over a drink and afternoon tea and stay on for an early light dinner. Saturday: Rally Day – competitive and touring options: starting in South Auckland. The rally will be held over rural South Auckland roads, including some private roads. These are as quiet as anywhere else in the country. In the evening we will again host entrants at our clubrooms for dinner and light entertainment. Sunday: Starting again from South Auckland, entrants will tour at their leisure to the rural village of Clevedon, where we will host you at a member’s property for a picnic lunch and gymkhana. There are also other options close by to visit – markets, historic homestead, winery and beaches. Sunday evening will be the Prize giving Dinner and Dance held at the Commercial Travellers Club in Remuera. Monday:

Free for you to head home.

Your organising committee is aiming to make this a fun,low cost weekend. As a branch we are now travelling to other branch events in a group, traversing less travelled back roads and find this is becoming very popular. So take up the challenge and get your branch organised to do likewise for National North Island Easter Auckland 2017. If you have any route suggestions for avoiding the main highway or going to places of interest closer to Auckland please make contact. For all queries regarding any aspect of the weekend please contact the Rally Secretary. Tracey Winterbottom


Angela Annear An authorised Travel Broker for Searle Travel Ltd. Consultations are by appointment.

Ph: 06 8589082

Cell: 027 2811306

Email: Website:

Searle Travel Broker

PO Box 264, Waipukarau, 4242. 10 Brooker Place, Waipukarau, 4200, Central Hawke's Bay

Tour of England, France and Belgium 18th May - 9th June 2017

Visit the Chelsea Flower Show The Channel Islands World War I Memorials Fully Escorted from New Zealand - $15,999pp share twin. Small group touring - maximum 18 passengers

Traverse the scenic back-roads of Europe, as we take you beyond the tourist facade with a balance of renowned and lesser-known sites.

Contact me now to make a booking. 12



Gavin Harris


Architectural Designer Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 2

For all engine reconditioning and parts supply 298 Broadway Avenue Palmerston North

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Phone: 06 844 4267

Fax: 06 356 6722 Email:

Cell: 027 478 4215 Email:

PERRY’S CARWRECKERS Wide Range of Second-hand Car Parts 60’s to Today

Wayne Coughlan Road PO Box 442, Waipukurau 4242 Phone: 06 8589123 Fax: 06 8589126 Cell: 021 127 3064 Labour $50.00 per hour + GST and Materials

RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL LIFESTYLE & RURAL Central Hawke's Bay — Takapau to Otane Make Real Estate A Cruise Our Clients & Customers will receive the finest service in Real Estate

Dianne Ogilvie — Sales Manager Licensed Real Estate Salesperson under REAA 2008 36 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau.

Phone: 06 858 5515 — Mobile: 027 294 8506 Email: 13


Free Advertising available for members OR non members for PRIVATE SALE Vehicles, parts, machinery etc —please contact Bruce Poole, Rod McKenzie, Shirley Foot or “The Bleat” Editor to place your advertisement.


Answer is R for Reverse

CHB Information Centre at the Old Railway Station Phone 06 8586488 14

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