1 minute read

Spare News


By John Durry

Hi All Over the last month the team at the spares have been sorting and down sizing to make more room. To signal the Tuesday group morning tea time a bell (picture top right) is rung, which hangs by the entrance to the library. The other day I had a good look at the bell and written on it is TITANIC, so thought to myself having a bell from the Titanic was something special, so I asked around and our blast from the past Derrick Gordon (picture bottom right) came up with the history. The bell was donated to the club by Olive & Reg Kilby, two of our founding members in early July 1999 and on the 24th of that month a special Titanic dinner was held at the old club rooms, and this bell was used then, it went down a treat, so they say. We would like to thank Derrick for his morning tea which he put on to celebrate his 80th birthday last week. I think this may have to be the norm from now on!! Until next time.


For any enquiries phone Brian Taylor on 027 4436009 or contact the Club’s Spares Dept. on Tuesday mornings between 9am & 11am on 06 835 1483.

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