Otago VCC February 2017

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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.

February 2017

Commercial Veteran Rally 2016 The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.

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Nicola Wilkinson


454 4730

Immediate Past CHAIR.

Mark Wilkinson


454 4730


David Ross


455 8800


Marion McConachie


453 0404


Graeme Duthie


488 5242


Bill Partel


Bill Veitch


489 1626

Colin Winter


456 4382


Alistair Graham


455 8834


Bruce Murray


487 7281



926 8376



473 7532


488 4033


Alistair Pegg


Moira Cunningham

453 5777


David Ross

455 8800


Mark Wilkinson

454 4730


477 8296


Bill Partel

488 4033


Barry Longstaffe

477 8296


Bill Partel

488 4033

George Martin

489 3621

David Cunningham

453 5777


Bruce Murray

487 7281


Graeme Duthie

488 5242


Joe O’Neill

477 6801


Arthur Patton 3

CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin

PO Box 5352, Moray Place Dunedin 9058 Phone 455 0586 GST Reg No: 11-921-401


2nd Monday each month 7.30pm


Each Friday 7.45pm to 11.00pm


First Friday of the month


Last Friday of the month 8.00pm otago@vcc.org.net or bmmcconachie@xtra.co.nz Every Friday evening 7.30 – 9.30 pm. Every Wednesday 09.00 – 12.00 am.



can be forwarded to your branch secretary or editor by the 3rd Wednesday of each month please. See Branch Vehicle Registrar Open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night

LIBRARY ROSTER FEBRUARY 3rd Moira Cunningham 10th Hec Browett 17th Bruce Murray 24th Bryan McConachie

MARCH 3rd Moira Cunningham 10th Paddy Williams 17th Kevin Mason 24th Bill Veitch 31st Bruce Murray

APRIL 7th Hec Browett 14th CLOSED 21st Bryan McConachie 28th Paddy Williams

Welcome to New Members The Otago Branch extends a very warm welcome to Neil Hodgkin – who owns a 1954 Humber Super Snipe The branch welcome you to the Club. We look forward to seeing you at local and neighboring events.


Jackson Rally (new date) 12th February

Vintage/PV Run 26th February See info this edition

Restoration Rally 26th March See info this edition


In the Driving Seat Welcome to the first edition of the Road Runner for 2017. I hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year. The weather at the present is not the best for vintage motoring however I’m hoping that after this current spell of wintery conditions we now have the summer we have been promised. There was a great turnout to the end of year Christmas BBQ and I hope that everyone that turned up enjoyed the camaraderie. My thanks to the members who helped on the day either in the preparation and cooking or in the serving and cleaning. The committee has reluctantly accepted Alistair Pegg’s resignation as Newsletter Editor as Alistair and Loralei are moving back to Nelson for work. Alistair and Loralei have been great advocates for the branch during their time in Dunedin and will be sorely missed. We wish them well both for their upcoming wedding and their move back to Nelson. Marion has offered to act as interim editor in the meantime however if you are interested in this role, please contact either myself or Marion. You may have noticed that we have purchased a globe for the top of the fuel pump located in the main hall. Mark and I collected this when we were in Invercargill over the holiday break to have a look through the Richardson’s Truck Museum. Unfortunately we were not able to go on the club visit so took the opportunity to go down over Christmas. The last time we were there was during the international rally in 2006 so we certainly noticed the changes which are very impressive. We would have liked to have visited the motorbike collection however as we only had a day this is a trip for another day and maybe a club visit. Also worth a visit is the home of the club member we purchased the pump globe from as it is a treasure trove of motoring memorabilia. This coming weekend (21/22 January) the Norton Owners Club Nationals are being held in the clubrooms with the presidents of the UK and USA clubs in attendance. I hope that they enjoyed their weekend and all that Dunedin had to offer. The same weekend was the Jackson Tour organised by Graeme Duthie and Bill Veitch. Graeme and Bill planned an interesting afternoons outing which included some roads that we had not been on. I hope that everyone that were on the Jackson Tour enjoyed themselves and my thanks to Graeme and Bill for organising this event. The 28th January is the Dunedin to Brighton Rally organised by Colin Winter and back on its traditional day and weekend. Thank you to everyone who is helping Colin over the weekend it is very much appreciated by Colin and the committee. Other events coming up are the Vintage/PV run being organised by Stuart Neil, the Best of British and the Restoration Rally details of which are found further on in the Road Runner. Nicola 6

Otago Rally - 7-9th April This event is earlier this year. Again the organisers will be asking for assistance from members to marshall at various stages during the Saturday and Sunday of this event. Please put this date in your diary and let us know if you will be able to help out. Details of dates and times will be out shortly. Obituaries Our thoughts are extended to the family of Cliff Bennett who passed away earlier in January. He will be remembered for his enthusiasm and involvement within the branch. He loved to share his stories with everyone, especially about motorsport and early branch history. MID WEEK RUN The branch has had a couple of midweek runs over the past two months. A good response from members bringing their Club eligible vehicles for an informal drive to a designated finish point. We plan to hold these on the last Thursday of each month. Just gather at the clubrooms at 1pm on the Last Thursday of the month and we will take a drive to a venue for afternoon tea. The last run took us to the Orokonui Ecosanctuary in November – it was nice and cosy in the café there as outside it was misty and cool. Was a good opportunity to view the displays within the centre and learn a bit more about the work that this team do. Well worth a visit. Christmas BBQ This was another successful evening. Thank you to the team of mainly men and women who assisted with the food preparation and cooking. We would have had approximately 50 people attend and plenty of food for everyone. JACKSON RALLY – postponed until Sunday 12th February!!!!!! As I write this report for the newsletter on the day of the rally it is pea soup and very wet outside and scheduled to stay like this for the rest of the day. It was decided to postpone the event until February Sunday 12th. Hopefully you will all have received an email or phone call to advise you of this. If you booked in for the original date but can’t make it for the 12th please let me know. Library Roster We are always looking for members who may be interested in helping with library duties on Friday nights during clubroom opening hours. This is just to ensure that members lodge their books when taking them out and reshelving when they have been returned. Also is there anyone who is interested in doing library work. E.g. cataloging new books in etc. Please contact a committee member for further information Contd. next page (bottom) 7

Barry is away for most of February, so no Sparkaholics event planned for this month. Will be starting again in March. Ed.

Secretary report contd. Newsletter Editor - Do you have the skills to take on this position ? No doubt you will have read in the chairman’s Report that we have fare welled our Newsletter Editor. As Alistair and Loralie Pegg move back to Motueka to take on new jobs and challenges. As a result of this the committee is now looking for a new Newsletter Editor. This should not be an onerous job as we have got the basics all set up on Publisher – most of the material is supplied by committee or branch members - so it would be just a matter of correlating all the material and editing as required. Please contact a committee member as soon as possible so that we can continue to supply our membership with the monthly newsletter. Farewell Alistair and Loralei - I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alistair for the stirling work he has done with the Roadrunner over the past few years – and also the presentations he has prepared and run at the club on Friday evenings. Also to him and Loralie for the P60 V runs and quiz sessions they had put together for the past two years and ran following the Annual Dinner. These were fun events. All the best to the both of you as you move on with planning your future together. 8

Happy New Year everyone. Let us hope it is a good one...This is our first RR issue for 2017. I regret to announce that this will be my last edition of the magazine; as Loralei and I are moving back to the Nelson Region after Waitangi weekend; for work and personal reasons. We have enjoyed our time with Otago branch and will take away many fond memories. I hope that my RR efforts have been well received over the past around two years I have been editor. Best wishes to you all.


Vintage and Post Vintage Run 2017 Further info in the last Roadrunner. This is to advise and remind of this run on Sunday February 26th; leaving the Cark Park behind the Railway Station (opposite Allen's Garden Shed) at 1pm in conjunction with the Otago Classic Motoring Club. This run is open to all vehicles (even a modern) with 2 trophies available for eligible vehicles 1 vintage, 1 post vintage and to members of the Vintage Car Club. A donation of $2 per head is requested at the destination for viewing the facilities and hot water is provided along with indoors in needed weather-wise. The run has been set and is mainly off main roads with a questionnaire to decide the section winners. Depending on your speed 1 to 1 1/2 hour driving time is envisaged. An indication of numbers to help with printing by 20th February would be appreciate to 03 4727199 and leave a message or email stulynneill46@gmail.com Stu Neill (organiser) OTAGO BRANCH Vintage / Post Vintage Sunday 26th February 2017 Departing 1.00 pm Leaving from the car park behind the railway station (opposite Allens garden sheds display) This run is being run in conjunction with the Otago Classic Motoring Club monthly run and hopefully another club as well. This rally is open to all VCC eligible vehicles. Vintage and Post Vintage Vehicle only eligible for Trophies. ENTRY FORM: Entrant’s (Driver’s) Name:…………………………..…………. Address:………………………………………………………………. Vehicle:……………………………………………………………….. Make:………………………… Year of Manufacture……….….…. Model:………………………..

Type: (car, m/cycle, truck etc)

No Entry Fee Donation of $2 per head for the visit and use of facilities and hot water is requested. The run will be of approximately 1 hour duration with instructions provided and hoping to see more than 2 PV vehicles this year. Trophies will be decided on the answers to questions on route and additional if required. There is amply parking at the venue and inside facilities if the day is not fine. As this is a summer run cars should be now road worthy so no excuses as no one gets enjoyment from them sitting in a shed. An indication of numbers to help with printing by 20th Feb to Stu Neill 034727199 or stulynneill46@gmail.com



Report: Moped Rally

Dec 4 took five of our moped riders to Balclutha for the South Otago Moped Rally. Not great weather on our run to Owaka, head winds and rain showers prevented any high speeds, at one part a group of softies were seen crouching under a tree but the tough guys just peddled on to take a flying run to Tunnel Hill. However once over the summit it was high speed down the other side and into Owaka. After a pie cart meal and a look at the museum next door it was another attack at Tunnel Hill and down the gorge to Kaka Point. Before the village we were invited to a tour over a Maori burial site where a local has been taking care of the grounds. Another stop at Molyneux Bay for a history lesson; then back to Balclutha for tea and cakes at the clubrooms. As is the norm the Clutha girls and boys put on another run enjoyed by almost 30 entries from as far afield as Ashburton and Invercargill. From our branch were Bruce M, Ken P, Kevin M, Bill V and for his first experience on two wheels Merv Thomson on a borrowed speedster.

Branch magazines on the web Many branch magazines are now available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand’s website. The magazines are published as soon as they are received each month and can be accessed by going to http://vcc.org.nz/ and clicking on News from our Branches down the left side of the homepage. To go to your chosen magazine either click on the magazine cover or the underlined date of the publication. This will take you to the magazine and by clicking on the small square next to the + sign you can enjoy a full screen reading experience. In time we hope to be able to publish all branch magazines each month. Enjoy your reading. Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488 Email: comms@vcc.org.nz


Report: Commercial Veteran Rally 2016 Saturday morning started cloudy with a bit of wind and a little cool. Everybody gathered at the clubrooms for a cuppa and a biscuit and the briefing for the run. We had an excellent turnout of vehicles: 4 veteran cars and 1 veteran motorcycle; 4 commercials and 9 supporters. The route travelled along Forbury road to the Esplanade, then Bedford Victoria and Tahuna roads up the cemetery hill and through several streets to Highcliff Road and at Rotary park was start of the time trial manned by Brian and Ann Walker; travelling over the top road of the Peninsula to Pukihiki where Malcolm Eunson manned the finish of the time trial. From there down through the two car slip to Portobello, then on down to Harwood Township and a short trip around the harbour side, then back to the Coronation Hall at Portobello for lunch. It was great to see our newest Veteran Car to the district out it is Roly and Sonya Bells, the wee 1912 AX Renault LOUIS. This wee car came from Blenheim it was owned by a good friend of mine and Judy’s - John and Denyce Armiger. This wee car has attended quite a few Brighton Rallies. Congratulations Roly, you were doing well in your new toy while we followed you. After lunch we cruised back to the clubrooms for some afternoon tea and prizegiving. The Veteran cup went to Colin and Joan Pearce in the 1914 Sunbeam. 2nd- Roly Bell in Louis . 3rd-Simon Henderson 1912 ford T. Commercial cup went to Brian McConachie 1920 Ford T Van. 2nd-Bruce Murray in his 1929 Morris Minor; 3rdRuth and Gill Edmonds 1973 Mini Clubman Panel van. Supporters 1st -Tony Devereux 1928 Packard, 2nd-Merv and Lynn Thomson 1963 Hillman Minx, 3rd Jim in his Austin A90 Atlantic convertible. All first place getters received a box of chocolates donated by the Winter family. Thank-you everybody that came along and made the day and to the helpers a BIG THANKS! Colin and Judy (see photos below and top right)


TARANAKI - "Second Best Region In The World" Taranaki has been branded as "Like No Other" for a few years now,and it seems the rest of the World is sitting up and taking notice. Travel bible Lonely Planet has judged Taranaki the world's second best region to visit in 2017. Prior to this very public accolade. Taranaki has been a bit of a secret,a little out of the way, sitting on the edge of the Island and away from the main tourist trails. From our beaches to our Bowl, our waves to our walkways, our magical events to our magnificent mountain, The world renowned Len Lye centre and our award winning Festival of Lights in the beautiful Pukekura park. Taranaki has always been a "little bit out there" - and proud of it. ***** We Will Be The Number One host in the Worlds Number 2 Region in 2021 its only 4 years away. Start Planning Now to be in New Plymouth 2021 REMEMBER "A RALLY LIKE NO OTHER" January 2021 Colin Johnston Rally Director New Plymouth 2021cajohnstoncollections@xtra.co.nz 131 6699 W 06 759 8290


06 754 6216 M 021


Reminiscing... While sorting through some old papers I came across a contract dated 21st July, 1981 which indicated that I had purchased a 1965 175cc orange coloured Jawa motorcycle for $300. The document indicates that the machine was bought for restoring and that it was unregistered and unwarranted. The vendor was "Fairmonte Motor Court Ltd" and there was no trade in. I remember that it had a number plate and I have no recollection of how I got it home except that perhaps I rode it because the machine started easily and ran quite well. I must explain that in 1981, when you licensed a motorcycle you received from the Post Office a nice sticker which was affixed to the number plate. The colour of the stickers changed every year and motorcycle stickers had a black "M" (for motorcycle) and your trailer sticker had a black "R" and the sticker you put on the windscreen of your car had "CAR". From memory taxis had a "T" but I don't remember what rental cars or trucks had on their stickers. When I looked at my sticker I came to realise that someone had carefully painted the appropriate background colour on my motorcycle sticker. In those far off days, the motorcyclists in the VCC, and their friends and acquaintances used to go for Sunday afternoon runs, especially when it was getting near Dunvegan Rally time. I must have either joined the Club (I am fairly certain that I was the proud possessor of a 1939 Austin Big 7 at this time) so I would have been a Club member and joined the motorcyclists for an outing on my Jawa. I remember being in a string of two-wheelers and looking at the bikes ahead, I think it would have been late August or early September, and wondering what was strange about most of the bikes. There would have been 20 or 25 and it dawned on me that the majority of the number plates ahead of me all had "R" stickers. How strange that trailer number-plates had ended up on so many motorcycles. The organisers took us to Taieri Mouth and over the river and another memory is still clearly in my mind is that we had coming towards us some young ladies on horses. Some of the bikes slowed down but alas some Harley Davidsons backfired. My vivid recollection was of the horses trying to jump over a roadside hedge. The young ladies seemed to cope somehow and we, being polite and not laughing turned into Livingstonia Park where a halt was called and we all dismounted and stretched our legs.


What should then appear at the park but one of the old fashioned Traffic Officers who proceeded to drive, in his car, stop and begin to look over the bikes. I stood, probably because of guilt, behind my number plate. The cop, probably because he was a gentleman, having looked at the bikes, saying a few words here and there, returned to his car and drove off. The entourage of motorcycles returned to town, retracing their steps without seeing horses or Traffic Cop, and probably feeling glad that they had given their bikes a good outing prior to the up-coming Dunvegan. I will not go into details about for how many years I carefully painted some pieces of paper with the appropriate colour. From memory I licensed the bike in due course and then obtained a W.O.F. In those good old days it was easy to license and also to register vehicles and then take them for a W.O.F. 'Hec' Browett


Racing Through the Century I was introduced to motorcycling when I was six years old, by my mother – quite unintentionally on her part, I think... She was taking me out for a walk in a Birmingham suburb. Suddenly there was a great, but erratic noise, rather like that of a T.T. machine coming out of Governor’s Bridge and about to oil a plug, but without the resonant note. The noise stopped; a goggled and overalled figure dismounted and began to fiddle; it was a motorcyclist, in trouble – as usual in 1900. The first motorcycle that I can remember seeing... Four years before, an enlightened Conservative Government had repealed the Red Flag Act and allowed motorists and motorcyclists free use of the highways provided that they never exceeded the terrific speed of twenty miles per hour. My mother, although a staunch Conservative, disapproved of motor cars and motor bicycles, particularly the latter. “Nasty, dirty, noisy things” she described them. “Oughtn’t to be allowed”. Now the nice, clean things in my life that were allowed were afternoon teas (where little boys should be seen but not heard), children charades, “musical evenings”, and similar depressing functions. No wonder the lovely nastiness and dirtiness and, above all, noisiness of that motor bicycle attracted me. When I got back home I looked at my nice, clean, silent wooden horse – and loathed him. “When I grow up “ I told myself, “I’ll have a motor-bike”. That unknown motorcyclist whom I saw in City Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, in August 1900, had more affect on my future life than any other single man. Story courtesy Bill Veitch


Planning to travel to Europe in the coming years? I would like to offer the branch a chance to make some money, without the committee or members having to do any work at all. As well as being a long-time VCC member I am also a travel agent and I specialise in taking small groups to Europe for tours with an off the beaten track theme, taking in the best of the sights and experiences each area has to offer. Many of my past passengers are VCC members, and without exception they have all been impressed with the quality and value for money they offer. My proposal is that if you were to promote in some way the tours on the attached flyers, maybe by putting them up on the wall in your clubrooms or mentioning this in your branch newsletter, I will be delighted to contribute $200.00 per booking to your branch for any new booking this produces. The tours have a motoring theme but are definitely not a “boys only� tour of car museums or race tracks, and offer a degree of flexibility not found in any other tour. My website www.tonystour.nz gives more detail on the tours and the other services I can provide, and there are other tours in the planning stages, such as the swapmeets in Reims, Hershey and Beaulieu, and a very special Armistice Day 2018 tour to commemorate the centenary of the end of WWI. I have travelled extensively and seen and done some of the greatest motoring roads and events has to offer, and I would be happy to give a talk to a branch club night about motoring in Europe and some of the things I‘ve seen along the way if you think this is something your members might appreciate? Please feel free to e-mail me at tony@nztravelbrokers.co.nz or ring me on 021 662 441 if you want to talk about this or have any ideas about how we could work together for our mutual benefit. Kind regards Tony Haycock | Travel Broker - Christchurch NZ Travel Brokers m: +64 21 662 441 e: tony@nztravelbrokers.co.nz | w: www.tonystours.nz


Calendar of Events 2017 February



3rd 12th February TBA 23rd Thurs 24th Friday 26th Sun 3rd Fri 19th TBA 30th Thurs 31st 7th Fri 7-9th 14th 27th 28th

Other Branch and National events 2017 February 4th 4 -10th 11th 11-12th 19th 25th 25th March 4th 4th 11th 12th 18th April 1st 7-9th 22nd

Motorcycle Group Meeting Jackson Rally (new date) Sparkaholics Mid Week Run Club night Vintage/PV Rally Motorcycle Group Meeting Restoration Rally Sparkaholics Mid Week Run Club night Motorcycle Group meeting Otago Rally Easter – clubrooms closed Mid week Run Club night

Southland Rally Haast Tour – Sth Canterbury Wallaby Run – Waimate Canterbury Annual Rally Pv/PWV Run- Ashburton Festival Rally – Gore All British – North Otago Central Otago Moped Rally – Cromwell Veteran Rally – Southland Motorcycle Rally – South Otago Best of British – Dunedin Scenicland Tour – Greymouth Winchester Swapmeet Otago Rally Autumn Festival Rally - Arrowtown

Check out the Events Calendar in the Beaded Wheels for listed branch events VCC National Events NB: NI Club Captain's Tour shows the wrong dates in Beaded Wheels. The correct dates are 2nd April to 12th April 2017 2017 March 11th National Executive Meeting – Auckland April 14-16th National Easter Rally North Island – Auckland Feb 17-19 25th National Motorcycle Rally - Fielding 2018 2021 Jan


International Rally – New Plymouth


The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Otago Branch) Inc Restoration Rally Sunday 19th march 2017 Meet at VCC clubrooms 125 Forbury Rd Dunedin at 1.00 pm Vehicles entering the Restoration Trophy Awards & Rally are to meet at 12.30 pm This rally is open to all VCC eligible vehicles. . ENTRY FORM: Entrant’s (Driver’s) Name:…………………………..…………. Address:………………………………………………………………. Vehicle:……………………………………………………………….. Make:………………………… Year of Manufacture……….….…. Model:………………………..

ENTRY FEE: Entries Close:

Type: (car, m/cycle, truck etc)

($5.00 per vehicle)

$ 5.00

Friday 10th march

Please make cheques payable to: V.C.C Otago Branch Inc. POST TO: VCC Otago branch p.o. box 5352 Updated Feb 2012


The main function of the event is to encourage all financial Otago Branch members to present their restored, VCC club eligible vehicles, and for all club members to witness and celebrate the occasion, and generally have a fun day. All entrants will be required to present their vehicle at the venue and provide a restoration resume with the vehicle. At the completion of the formal procedure, all entrants may join with other members in a non-competitive restoration run. *This is the only qualifying requirement for the issue of the Restoration Achievement Award, which will be presented later in the day.


RESTORATION AWARD INFORMATION The entry form must be back with the secretary by the 30th of April The Restoration awards will be competed for in two sections : Restoration Achievement Award This award will be issued to all entrants who have entered a club eligible vehicle for the event, irrespective of whether the vehicle has been restored, or an original vehicle ‘tidied up’. To qualify for acceptance, vehicles must have been returned to use, warranted, registered and/or licensed, if applicable within the last 12 months There is no judging associated with this award. The award will be presented to all entrants to acknowledge the commitment and attainment of the member in making a club eligible vehicle roadworthy. Applications for Restored Vehicles which are not registered to be road worthy – will be considered on application. NB: It is also the wish of the Branch Committee that all those vehicles presented for the Restoration Award will also be made available for the Otago Branch display at this years Autospectacular on a date yet to be advised Further information will be supplied Restoration Trophy Award It will be totally at the discretion of the owner to enter a restored vehicle for judging and to compete for the Restoration Trophy. To qualify for acceptance for the Restoration Trophy, the vehicle would have undergone a significant restoration, in addition to the requirements in the previous section. The judging will be carried out by appointed branch members, at a time suitable to all parties and would be based on the finish, presentation and accuracy of the vehicle. The judges will report to the Chief Judge who will adjudicate on any matters arising. The trophy award will be issued to the vehicle judged with the greatest aggregate of points above a ‘bench mark’. Any vehicle failing to meet these criteria will not be considered for the trophy. The recipient of the Restoration Trophy will be announced at the Branch AGM. No correspondence will be entered into. All Restoration Trophy entrants will receive a Restoration Achievement Award. Contd. next page


Entry Conditions The main objective is to have a simple, fair, equitable event with minimal rules, however it has been found necessary to incorporate the following: All entrants will be required to ‘fill in’ and return an entry form, with the historic details of the vehicle, together with before and after restoration photos. These documents will be retained by the Branch to form an informal historic register of our member’s vehicles All entrants will be required to present their vehicle to the event, and may participate in the restoration run. All vehicles presented must have a current WOF and registration - non compliance will be considered on application Guidelines The vehicle can be rebuilt mechanically leaving desirable original body, frame or paintwork. The vehicle could be completely rebuilt where necessary in every way including having parts, panels, and running gear renewed. A vehicle could be restored using parts from vehicles of a similar model and age. A vehicle would not be discounted if the owner had used the services of others to work on parts of the vehicle, because it is not our aim to have the membership completely competent in all skills required for restoration. A vehicle can be completely rebuilt where necessary in every way, using all the original parts where practical. A vehicle can also be constructed from parts recovered from other donor vehicles of a similar model and age, bearing in mind the final accuracy. Replica Vehicles According to a Club decision a vehicle built entirely or mainly from new parts would be considered a replica and would for Club purposes be dated from the date of manufacture. E.g. New parts of a 1960’s vehicle used in 1999 would constitute a replica dating from 1999. Accordingly this vehicle would not be club eligible until 2029.


For Sale: ARIEL BOOK for sale I have a spare copy of the hard covered book: “ARIEL MOTORCYCLES” Which covers all models from 1933. The author was C. W. WALLER and this is the 1955 reprint, so it does not include the later 2 strokes Price $10 ‘Hec’ Browett 455-6314 or h.browett350F@outlook.com

Private Collection of Vintage Clothing

 Men and Women  1920’s - 1970’s era  Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality  Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 488 4033/021 146 4987



Email: otcl@es.co.nz Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029


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