Otago VCC March 2017

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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.

MARCH 2017

2017 Brighton Run—Andrew Roxburgh 1910 Triumph Motorcycle The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.

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Nicola Wilkinson


476 4004

Immediate Past CHAIR.

Mark Wilkinson


454 4730


David Ross


455 8800


Marion McConachie


453 0404


Graeme Duthie


488 5242


Bill Partel


Bill Veitch


489 1626

Colin Winter


456 4382


Alistair Graham


455 8834


Bruce Murray


487 7281



926 8376



473 7532


488 4033


Alistair Pegg


Moira Cunningham

453 5777


David Ross

455 8800


Mark Wilkinson

454 4730


477 8296


Bill Partel

488 4033


Barry Longstaffe

477 8296


Bill Partel

488 4033

George Martin

489 3621

David Cunningham

453 5777


Bruce Murray

487 7281


Graeme Duthie

488 5242


Joe O’Neill

477 6801


Arthur Patton 3

CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin

PO Box 5352, Moray Place Dunedin 9058 Phone 455 0586 GST Reg No: 11-921-401


2nd Monday each month 7.30pm


Each Friday 7.45pm to 11.00pm


First Friday of the month


Last Friday of the month 8.00pm otago@vcc.org.net or bmmcconachie@xtra.co.nz Every Friday evening 7.30 – 9.30 pm. Every Wednesday 09.00 – 12.00 am.



can be forwarded to your branch secretary or editor by the 3rd Wednesday of each month please. See Branch Vehicle Registrar Open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night

LIBRARY ROSTER MARCH 3rd Moira Cunningham 10th Paddy Williams 17th Kevin Mason 24th Bill Veitch 31st Bruce Murray

APRIL 7th Hec Browett 14th CLOSED 21st Bryan McConachie 28th Paddy Williams

MAY 5th 12th 19th 26th

Kevin Mason Bill Veitch Moira Cunningham Bruce Murray

Welcome to New Members The Otago Branch extends a very warm welcome to

Cecilia Mary Sullivan-Grant – who owns a 1925 Studebaker, 1952 Chrysler and 1973 Alfa Romeo For you longer members of the Branch - Cecilia’s father was a member and active on the committee in the 70’s The branch welcome you to the Club. We look forward to seeing you at local and neighbouring events. 4

Sparkaholics Monday 13th March Woodside Glen

Mid Week Rally Thursday 30th March 1pm at the clubrooms

Restoration Rally 19th March See info this edition


In the Driving Seat When thinking about what to write this month two things sprang to mind – the branch survey and vintage driving. You should have received the results of the branch survey with your copy of last month’s Road Runner and my thanks to David for collating the results on behalf of the committee. The positive /negative columns actually have a dual purpose as they also give the numbers that voted for alternative suggestions. A (–) before the number indicates a negative response while a positive number relates to the number that voted for the second suggestion. I hope this helps when trying to read the results. As you can see we received a reply from 39 members which equates to 20% of the branch membership. Some of the suggestions related to branch events so if anyone is interested in taking one of these on board and mplementing it please let either myself or Marion know so we can incorporate it into the calendar. The committee is looking at changes to the constitution and committee make up however this can take some time especially with proposed changes to the Incorporated Societies Act and that any changes need to be ratified at a general meeting. Last Sunday (12th) was the Jackson Rally which had been postponed due to weather. Graeme had planned an interesting route which included a road least travelled at the top of Saddle Hill. We missed the turn off as we were in the middle of a procession of vehicles on the rally and the only area to safely pull over was at the bottom of the hill in Brighton. Where I am heading with this is to remind members to consider the capabilities of other vehicles and travel accordingly so not to inconvenience fellow members. The Austin travels at a slower speed to the Mini so we appreciate the frustrations of both camps and try to drive accordingly by pulling over where possible when we are in the Austin or passing where we can when in the Mini. The branch is helping out at the Best of British on the 12 th March and I am looking for a group of volunteers to assist at the gates to Livingstonia Park. We will be there for a few hours so if you are entering the event we would appreciate if some of you could take a turn to allow others to take a break. More information will be sent via email with a briefing at the clubrooms on the Friday night however if you are able to help please contact either myself or Marion. The committee is arranging to replace one of the windows in the hall which has a large crack through the middle. We have received a couple of quotes and are in the process of applying for a grant to cover the cost. Branch events coming up include the Vintage/Post Vintage Rally and the Restoration Rally. There is also the informal mid-week run on the last Thursday of each month. Please support these events if possible. Nicola 6

Otago Rally - 7-9th April Organisers are asking for assistance from members to marshall at various stages during the Sunday of this event. Please put this date in your diary and let us know if you will be able to help out. Details ofstages and times will be circulated via email once we have them available.

MID WEEK RUN—Last Thursday of the Month Just gather at the clubrooms at 1pm on the Last Thursday of the month and we will take a drive to a venue for afternoon tea.

Library Roster We are always looking for members who may be interested in helping with library duties on Friday nights during clubroom opening hours. This is just to ensure that members lodge their books when taking them out and reshelving when they have been returned.

Also is there any one who is interested in doing library work. E.g. cataloging new books in etc. Please contact a committee member for further information Missing Rally No’s Several of you have not yet returned your rally numbers following the Taieri Tour. Could you please ensure that you get these back to the clubrooms or a committee member. It costs the branch money to replace these. Your assistance with this would be appreciated

Best of British Saturday 11th of March Our committee have volunteered our members to assist with greeting entrants and the public at the entrance to Livingstonia Park. Please let a committee member know if you are going to attend this event and are willing to man the gate between Between 9.30 – 12.30. If we get enough people we hope to be able to split the shift.

Classic Motorcycle Mecca Southland-Bus Trip Another Bus Trip is being planned to take members and friends to the Motorcycle Mecca in Invercargill. We are looking at a date in May. Cost and date to be confirmed. Please advise Kevin Mason know of your intentions on 4885198 - or leave your details on the list in the clubrooms. 7

Next Visit : Woodside Manor Place : McDonald Rd, Woodside Time : 10.30 am Date : MONDAY 132h March Please note that I had to schedule this event on a Monday this time, hope it does not inconvenience too many. At this historic site we shall be able to examine many cars and a treasure trove of household items and crockery,etc – surely there must be something there to interest everyone. Also please bring along an entrance fee of $6 per person. Plenty of parking at the venue. After this visit we intend to have lunch in Mosgiel at Weavers Restaurant in Factory Road – dine at Blackies! Wed 12 April

Upcoming Future Dates: / Wed 10 May / Wed 14 June

Crossing the border. While crossing the US-Mexican border on his bicycle, the man was stopped by a guard who pointed to two sacks the man had on his shoulders. “What’s in the bags?” asks the guard. “Sand,” said the cyclist. “Get them off – we’ll take a look,” said the guard. The cyclist did as he was told, emptied the bags, and proving they contained nothing but sand, reloaded the bags and put them on his shoulders and continued across the boarder. Two weeks later, the same thing happened. Again the guard demanded to see the two bags, which again contained nothing but sand. This went on every week for six months, until one day the cyclist with the sand bags failed to appear. A few days later, the guard happened to meet the cyclist downtown. “Say friend, you sure had us crazy.” Said the guard. “We knew you were smuggling something across the border. I won’t say a word – but what is it you were smuggling?” “Bicycles!”.


Well our newly weds Alistair and Loralie Hart have moved back to Nelson after a very involved few years here in Dunedin they have returned to their home town. They will be missed by our team and they bought a lot of knowledge to the Branch. We wish them Best Wishes for their future in Nelson. I will be trying to produce as good a newsletter as possible. I encourage you to continue sending in your contributions, photos and stories of events you have attended, as these are what make any newsletter interesting. Eleanor and Fran have come forward and offered to do the Roadrunner, so I will be working with them on this over the next months. Marion Branch magazines on the web Many branch magazines are now available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand’s website. The magazines are published as soon as they are received each month and can be accessed by going to http://vcc.org.nz/ and clicking on News from our Branches down the left side of the homepage. To go to your chosen magazine either click on the magazine cover or the underlined date of the publication. This will take you to the magazine and by clicking on the small square next to the + sign you can enjoy a full screen reading experience. In time we hope to be able to publish all branch magazines each month. Enjoy your reading. Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488 Email: comms@vcc.org.nz 9

Brighton the 1st Time – Me and Clem I’d like a veteran motorbike. As usual, not much to spend, not much about then. Pile of bits, enough for one plus spares if you’re keen - deal done me & Clem are now committed ! (thanks Brian & Hec) That was a year & half ago, my how time flies. Target was 2016, oh ! it's on the Friday not keen on that, nor was Clem (I’m not ready yet) & it bucketed down. Oh well next year should be fine & Clem should have sorted himself by then. Tinker, tinker...12 months later. Well Clems nearly ready, just a few respiratory & plumbing things to sort & oh why is there so much else to do around Christmas & holidays that get in the way. We need to be road legal. VCC paperwork needed, form filled out - check (thanks Bill, Bruce & Marion). Two weeks later papers arrive - check (thanks head office). Prove its mine, see the lawyer - check. See the man before Christmas, “it's a what ? come back in the New Year”. Fine there’s tons of time. 2017. Revisit the man, “its one of those, here’s a plate & sticker” - check. Wednesday before the run, it's not raining for a change, we’re good to go. Pedal, pedal, we’re still getting acquainted. Cough, cough, thats better. Bang, bang, how do I stop, where do the levers go ? Let's find somewhere flat, bang, bang, putt, putt, stop, start. Ok we’ve done 100 metres, it's getting dark & we’re good to go ! Saturday morning, Brighton Run day. Everything checked, gased, pumped, charged & oiled, it's all down hill from home to the start. Off with the drive belt, no point wearing Clem out this early. Coast & pedal to the start, lots of others about, we’re enjoying this already. On with the drive belt. A few enthusiastic words from Colin, he’s already sorted the weather & we’re all fizzing to go. Pop, pop, bang & we’re off for a lap of the carpark, cough, oops sorry Clem my fault. Pop, pop, bang another lap & we’re away, hey this is a wobble doddle, bang, bang, chuff, chuff, wow this is the Octagon, the furthest we’ve been together & we’re loving it. We’re rapt with journey so far & could go home from here happy. Lots of people interested in Clem & few chats to have then its our turn - sort of. The bikes all run together near the end of the entrants - no clutch, no gears, its start & go for us. Some of the bikes are away, pop, pop, bang, bang we’re off. Crowd of people line the path, we’re coming through, waving, smiling, all clear we’re away. Traffic ! how do we get along real slow, levers back & forth, forth & back, through the traffic, oh no more traffic lights. RED, uphill, this won’t end well ! Let's walk a little uphill, Clem & I turn around, pedal, pedal, pop, pop, bang, bang, u turn, we’re off again. It's a long gentle hill, we’re going well, still going, a little LPA required, going well, getting hot, getting puffed, whew we’re done ! It's only about 100 metres from the 10

top, let's walk together, “want a push” (thanks Pete). We’re on the flat again, pedal, pedal, pop, pop, bang, bang this downhill stuff is easy, ooh the brakes, on the flat now, ahh lovely. Now what can we do with these levers…..that’s smoother, ooh I don’t like that, we’re settling down now. Toot, toot, wave, wave, gee there’s a few people out enjoying the sunshine. Clem –1905 Clement Garrard Swish, swish, zoom, zoom, pedal, hey this is Brighton !! We’ve made it, absolutely amazing.he sunshine. Swish, swish, zoom, zoom, pedal, hey this is Brighton !! We’ve made it, absolutely amazing. Dave & Clem

Nevin and Jennifer Gough with their 1914 Buick 2017 Brighton Run

Gary and Sara Winter with Braxton in the 1900 Wolesley 2017 Brighton Road


2017 Dunedin Brighton Run Report Saturday the 28th started a fine day for a change with 22 cars 2 Fireengines 1 Truck and 7 Motorcycles. All meeting at the Countdown car park for a briefing and assembly prior to our travelling to the Octagon for assembly in the central carriage way three abreast. I think there was a great crowd of public there with them admiring the vehicles and asking the owners various questions of them. Our Commentator Dougal Stevenson doing the honours of introducing our Mayor Dave Cull who welcomed all entrants to the city and also the crowd for participating in coming and looking at the vehicles. We are one of the only original events from the original Festival Week and still supported by them. 11.00 start and the first car flagged away by the Mayor the Wolseley driven by Gary Winter and navigated by Sara. As each vehicle is flagged away Dougal Stevenson gave a small description of each. The rally route travelled south down Princes St and right into Rattray St and up through Maclagan St, Hawthorn Ave into Jubilee St down Stone St then down Kaikorai Valley Road, where a check point and time trial started. From there down Kaikorai Valley Rd through Green Island with a small detour through Sunninghurst and then out to Brighton for Field Tests and lunch. After lunch we adjourned to Tony and Jane Devereux’s for afternoon tea and further chatter. An evening meal was had at the Clubrooms enjoyed by those who attended. Sunday was a start at the clubrooms for a run to Glenfalloch for a morning tea and prizegiving. Congratulations to those who received an award. After the prizegiving a group of 7 or 8 cars went down to Careys Bay Hotel for another bit of a natter and a bit of a bite to eat. On the way there we struck a shower of rain which didn't last long and those in open top cars had a dry run home. I hope those that attended the Rally enjoyed themselves. To all those that gave of their time to assist with the rally I must give YOU my GRATEFUL THANKS> Those were Nicola and Mark for helping at Countdown and the evening meal and Nicola for doing the prizegiving and just jogging me of things to do. Thanks Nicola. Travis your handling of the Octagon parking was great and getting the vehicles away and your helpers also Thank-you to the time trial recorders Ross and Lorraine and Alistair and Margaret Drummond. Field test people Bryan McConachie and Amy Macklan and Glen McConachie for her time in doing rally results. To those people who helped, my family and neighbours I say Thanks a million and to my wife Judy THANK_YOU DEAR. Colin Winter 12

Results for 2017 63rd Dunedin-Brighton Vintage Rally Class 1, Vehicles with Less than 4 Cylinders 1st Allan & Liz Dippie, driven by Roy Turner 2nd Stuart McCraw 3rd Andrew Sim Class 2, Vehicles with More than 4 Cylinders under 20hp 1st Colin & Joan Pearce, driven by Donald Campbell & Carolyn Pearce 2nd Colin & Joan Pearce, driven by George Pearce" 3rd Chris Read Class 3, Vehicles with More than 4 Cylinder over 20hp 1st Robert & Lynette Duncan 2nd Russell Quin 3rd = Bob Oakley, driven by Rover Oakley, Tony Devereux Class 4, Motorcycles without Gears or Variable Transmission 1st Andrew Roxburgh 2nd Bill Veitch Class 5, Motorcycles with a Gearbox or Variable Transmission 1st John Martin Field Tests for Cars 1st Gary Winter 2nd Bob Oakley, driven by Roger Oakley 3rd Colin & Joan Pearce, driven by George Pearce Field Tests for Motorcycles. Taieri Motorcycles Cup. 1st Andrew Roxburgh 2nd Russell Dale Best Overall Performance, Cars, Dunedin Festival Cup 1st Allan & Liz Dippie, driven by Roy Turner 2nd Stuart McCraw 3rd Robert & Lynette Duncan Best Overall Performance, Motorcycles, Alan Crichton Cup 1st Andrew Roxburgh 2nd John Martin Age Mileage Award, VCC Challenge Trophy 1st Colin Hey Best Dressed, Dunedin City Council Festival Trophy 1st Gwen & Ashley Bell 2nd Robert Herron 3rd Graeme Duthie Entrants Choice, W.D. Read Trophy 1st Stephen Kidd

Concours Cars, AA Challenge Cup 1st Paul Herron 2nd Robert & Lynette Duncan 3rd Gary Winter Concours Motorcycles, McIvor and Veitch Trophy 1st Russell Dale 13

Who was who in 1923 and what bedcame of them In 1923, who was 1. President of the largest steel company? 2. President of the largest gas company? 3. Presdient of the New York Stock Exchange? 4. Greatest wheat speculator? 5. President of the Bank of International Settlement? 6. Grate Bear of Wall Street? These men were considered some of the world’s most successful of their days. Now 88+ years later, the history book asks us, if we know what ultimately became of them... The answers: 1. the president of the largest steel company—Charles Schwab—died a Pauper 2. The president of the largest gas company—Edward Hopson—went insane 3. The president of the NYSE - Richard Whitney –was released from prison to die at home 4. The greatest wheat speculator—Arthur Cooger—died abroad penniless 5. The president of the Bank of International Settlement—committed suicide However: In that same year 1923, the winner of the world’s most important road race, the Isle of Man T.T. Was Stanley Woods What became of him? He won 10 T.T. Races between 1923 and 1939 He lived on the Isle of Man and rode motorcycles all his life. He lapped the Island circuit at 82 mph in 1957 (the Golden Jubilee) aged 54 He was a wealthy man when he died aged 90. The Moral: Bugger Work—ride motorbikes

Brian Houston’ s 1964 Lotus Cortina at Harwood Hall - Jackson Rally


Jackson Rally Report 2017 12th of February saw a more pleasant day for the run. About 20 cars followed a route out toward the Southern Motorway , then back tracked up Sidey Street towards Corstorphine, Waldronville up Jeffcoates Road then overt towards Saddle Hill and along the top of the hills towards Brighton. We returned towards Dunedin via Blackhead. Travelled along Victoria Road,, Centre Road and onto Highcliff Road. A small section of the road beyond Larnach Castle is now a single lane while they continue to rebuild this piece following a massive slip almost 2 years ago now. The run finished at Scott Hall in Harwood where we all enjoyed a very social afternoon tea. Eleanor Harrison and her crew decked out their table with table cloth and all the finery that goes with serving 1920s style afternoon teas. This added to the atmosphere of the afternoon. Some of the vintage vehicles took a bit longer to travel the route but they appeared to enjoy the ride. Our very recent new members to the club—Neil and Viv Hodgkin won the Memorial Trophy in their 1954 Humber Supersnipe. Eleanor Harrison (chauffer—Bruce Murray) and Tony Devereux came second equal. Unfortunately there were no motorcycles entered in the event - so the Mary Jackson Trophy remains in the trophy cabinet this year. Congratulations to Sue Partel for Best Dressed lady. Liam our junior member ably navigated for Neil Gamble.. Thanks to Graeme Duthie and Bill Veitch for arranging this event.

All the ladies dressed in Period costumes at Harwood Hall - Jackson Rally

Line up of most of the vehicles at Harwood Hall - Jackson Rally– 1954 Super Snipe 4th from left. 15

Calendar of Events 2017 March



3rd Fri 13th 19th 30th Thurs 31st 7th Fri 7-9th 12th 14th 27th 28th 5th 10th

Motorcycle Group Meeting Sparkaholics - Woodside Manor Restoration Rally Mid Week Run Club night Motorcycle Group meeting Otago Rally Sparkaholica Easter – clubrooms closed Mid week Run Club night Motor cycle Group meeting Sparkaholics


Mid-week Run

Clubnight Other Branch and National events 2017 March 4th Central Otago Moped Rally – Cromwell 4th Veteran Rally – Southland 11th Motorcycle Rally – South Otago 12th Best of British – Dunedin 18th Scenicland Tour – Greymouth 19th Moped Rally – Central Otago 19th Swapmeet - Gore April 1st Winchester Swapmeet 7-9th Otago Rally 8th Gerald Lynch-BoseMemorial m/c Rally – Oamaru 16th Ngapara-Coal Pit Hill Climb – Oamaru 22nd Autumn Festival Rally - Arrowtown Check out the Events Calendar in the Beaded Wheels for listed branch events VCC National Events 2017 April 2nd -12th 14-16th Feb 17-19 Aug 11-12th 2018 Easter 2021 Jan 14-24th

North Island Club Captain’s Tour National Easter Rally North Island – Auckland 25th National Motorcycle Rally – Fielding AGM and Executive Meeting - Marlborough North Island Easter Rally International Rally – New Plymouth 16

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Otago Branch) Inc

Restoration Rally Sunday 19th March 2017 Meet at VCC clubrooms 125 Forbury Rd Dunedin at 1.00 pm Vehicles entering the Restoration Trophy Awards & Rally are to meet at 12.30 pm This rally is open to all VCC eligible vehicles. . ENTRY FORM: Entrant’s (Driver’s) Name:…………………………..…………. Address:………………………………………………………………. Vehicle:……………………………………………………………….. Make:………………………… Year of Manufacture……….….…. Model:……………………….. ENTRY FEE: Entries Close:

Type: (car, m/cycle, truck etc)

($5.00 per vehicle)

$ 5.00

Friday 10th march

Please make cheques payable to: V.C.C Otago Branch Inc. POST TO: VCC Otago branch p.o. box 5352 Updated Feb 2012

Chauffer—Bruce Murray —1936 Chrysler owner Eleanor Harrison and their crew at the 2017 Jackson rally 17

Wallaby Rally Report 2017 This event was held on Saturday 11th February and was held in pleasant South Canterbury conditions. The Otago Branch was representented by H. Browett (Morris Mini) G& R Edmunds (Scimitar) N & J Gough (Studebaker) and S & S Gutsell (GMC). We had no motorcycle representatives this year, probably because of the proximity of the Ariel Rally and the National Motorcycle Rally both being held in the North Island shortly after this event. The Waimate Branch is working hard to encourage young participants and the younger age-groups became navigators. There was a choice of short and long routes and a good choice of average speeds for the entrants to choose. We were forewarned about the gravel section(s) on the long tour and I noticed that the Scimitar had certainly collected some dust. The first vehicles, which ranged from veterans through to the P 1980 cless left the Clubrooms at 9.30 and followed the clear instructions which got the 50 or so vehicles back to a park on the outskirts of the town for lunch. Here was a welcome toilet stop and plenty of time allowed for a mingle and chat before we headed back to the Clubrooms for afternoon tea and prizegiving. This Branch had their trophiedon display and allowed winners to handle and hand-back the silverware which is sensible. There were plenty of certificates handed out and I think every one of the young participants went off clutching and important document. Otago Branch awards were to Jennifer Gough 1st = youngest navigator and Hec Browett 3rd in P60. Nevin tells me that they went to the Wallaby Park after the prize-giving and I was also told that the night before they had a wonderful time visiting penguins near the Oamaru wharf. Several of our Branch members enjoyed wonderful Blue Cod at Hampden on the way home. 'Hec'

Private Collection of

 Men and Women  1920’s - 1970’s era  Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality  Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 488 4033/021 146 4987



Email: otcl@es.co.nz Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029


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