Southland VCC January 2017

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January 2017

Southland Branch - Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. PO Box 1240, Invercargill 9840

Next Meeting: Ariki Lodge, 46 Ariki Ave, Otatara 7:30pm Thursday 26th January 2017




January November 2017 2004


Office Bearers 2016/2017 215 7136 217 9393 217 9667 Treasurer Sheryn Warren 2170524 Club Captain Brian Dunick 218 2434 Bulletin Editor Dave Harris 215 6068 or 0272016722 Southland Branch website VCC website VCC forum

Patron Chairman Secretary

Wayne Nicoll Donald Ward Janet McCulloch

Social Roster Bar Duty

Bar Open 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm

21.01.2017 28.01.2017 04.02.2017 11.02.2017 18.02.2017 25.02.2017 04.03.2017 11.03.2017


Russell Jenkins Peter Pryde Tony Warren Trevor Wilkey Lex Simpson Brian Dunick Ron Irwin Russell Jenkins

Southland Rally

Veteran Rally

January 2017


From the Editor There has been a bit of discussion recently on the Wednesday runs about gravel roads. It is surprising how many are still out there once you get off the main roads. I personally can have an issue with gravel roads depending on what car I am using. The Oakland copes very well, as it should, being made in 1928 but the 1987 TVR is totally unsuited to gravel roads. Its exhaust system runs down the middle of the car under the gear box and doesn’t even have enough ground clearance for some of our sealed roads. The first car I owned that was not suited to gravel roads was a 1985 Toyota Corolla GT Hatch. This was the first of the front wheel drive Corollas and it also had exhaust system ground clearance problems. It was also very skittery on its wide low profile tyres. Mid eighties cars are now VCC eligible so need to be catered for on Club runs and rallies. I think we need to change our thinking from what we have been offering. I can remember a rally entry form from another branch that listed a short route (all seal) and a long route (some gravel). If you are going in a Post 80 car that does not like gravel you are not going to want to just do the short route. The short route should be for old cars that don’t travel very fast, not Post 80 cars that are easily capable of travelling at 100k/hr (and mixing the two together is not a good idea). If we are serious about attracting new members with Post 80s cars we need to make sure we cater for them.

Dave Cover Photo: Peter Pr yde’s Ford Anglia at the Gore Branch Hillclimb in November. Photo - David North. Closing date for next Rumour is February 12th


January November 2017 2004


Chairman’s Report I hope that everybody has had a brilliant Christmas with family and friends and got lots of nice presents, and that you have had a good start to the New Year. Hopefully one of your New Year’s resolutions was to become more active within the Club, whether it is helping out in the Kitchen, on the Executive or as a participant in our rallies or even as a volunteer assisting in running the rallies. I know that our Club Captain Brian Dunick will be more than happy to have any extra help. Coming up is the first Rally for the New Year on the 4th February which is of course is the Southland Rally, I have been told that the organisation of it is well underway and we can only hope that the weather gods are going to be kind to us on the day. As you know we now have a Branch website ( southlandvintagecar) which I hope that many of you have had a chance to look at. As Sheryn Warren stated in November’s Rumour magazine this is a work in progress and any feedback you have about the site would be much appreciated. As you read this I should be on my way home from Australia after visiting my brother and his family, and I will hopefully have had some good weather without any winds. Looking forward to seeing you on meeting night, well some of you anyway. Still looking for the perfect gravel road.



January 2017


Moped Run

Balclutha 4th December Rain when we left Invercargill. Yip, still the odd shower greeted the 35 Moped riders at the South Otago club rooms. As usual the wives put on a fantastic morning tea for us. OK guys, away to Owaka, leaving a smoky trail all the way over the very steep Tunnel Hill, a bit of energetic pedalling helps (and the sun is out). All gather around and chat over the lunch then back on the trusty machines to Nugget Point. Then have a look around a Maori Burial ground, Kaka Point followed by a look around Port Molyneux. Not much left to see, however it used to be such a very busy port some years ago. A lot of laughs and speeding - on the Mopeds, best fun you can have with your pants on. Then back to the club rooms for afternoon tea and the prize giving. Furthest prize was a guy from Ashburton (long way to come). A very small club at Balclutha but a very friendly lot and it's nice to catch up with old friends Note!! Bruce Marshall is organising a Moped Run on February 12th so polish up your Mopeds.



January November 2017 2004


Wednesday Run 7th December 55 people and 23 cars left the racecourse gates, turning right and then right again into Findlay Road heading towards Hedgehope, then back to Dacre, crossing highway one and onto Gorge Road. We were asked to name the animals on the Mataura Island Hall and what wars were commemorated on the new Pine Bush Titiroa history information kiosk. From here it was onto Mokotua, then through Kennington, over the Railway line and on to the Ascot Park Hotel for a very nice lunch in the Emberz Bar restaurant. We were also asked how many war memorials we had passed. Thanks to Gerry and Margaret Pethick for a great enjoyable day.


January 2017


Wednesday Run 4th January ‘17 A smaller group than usual, due to the holiday season, were treated to a mostly sealed run on interesting roads including some rarely travelled, which began by following the Waimea motorcycle run route then wended its way back via Hedgehope to the north Makarewa property of Noeline and Malcolm Shaw. Here we had the option of an indoor or outdoor picnic area. Most chose to sit at the tables provided in the light and airy shed surrounded by the assortment of cars, tractors and other treasures collected by the Shaws over many years of involvement in a wide range of clubs and activities. After eating we spent some time discussing the various exhibits, and our memories of the things we recognised from our past. Thanks Noeline and Malcolm for a good relaxed and interesting run.

February Wednesday Run - 1 Feb 2017

Another picnic as we are going to a show! This will have a charge of $12 a head, hence the picnic to keep the cost down. Gather as usual at the racecourse for a 10.30 start. For further inquiries phone Ferg McDowell 032358449 or 0276149723. Rumour

January November 2017 2004


Hokonui Hillclimb 2016 Have you noticed how many reports start by mentioning the weather and then go on to say “and this is no exception” somewhere in the script? Well this is no exception. The forecast, and the heavy rainfall leading up to the event, combined with my knowledge from previous years had led me to believe it would be a washout, but my prearranged 9am call to the Cocky was positive, so it was all on. As a result I was a bit disorganised, but we muddled through in the end. The track was drier than last year and a light shower towards the end did no harm. The larger rocks were soon dispersed and the surface settled down to produce some good times. At least two previous suspects who were to come had put in apologies so we ended up with four. Not an entirely unusual number, and this meant that the customary three runs became five. Fastest was Dallas Ryan in the V8 60 Special at 52.70 seconds, followed by Peter Pryde’s Ford Anglia on 54.71 seconds. Third fastest, was newcomer to this event, Neil Longman in the racing wardrobe, now without it’s supercharger, at 65.94 (His last three runs with only .03 of a second difference!) And Dale in the Isis with a best of 69.27. A long abandoned tradition was then reintroduced. Namely a celebratory handle at the Browns Pub. See you next year.



January 2017


Notices The Southland Branch are considering putting in a draft to run the 2019 South Island Easter Rally. Are there any members who would be interested in being on the preliminary committee. If so please contact the Secretary Janet McCulloch on 03 2179667 The Branch wishes to thank the Cockburn Family for the donation of parts to the parts shed from Jack’s estate. They would also like to thank Peter van Eden for the parts he donated to the parts shed. Blue Bridge have updated their discount for VCC members until November 2017. If you are taking a car across the strait see the Secretary or the VCC website for details.

Southland Rally – Saturday 4th February 2017

A nice interesting scenic route has been planned for our Annual Rally. The Short Route includes approximately 70 miles return and the Long Route approx. 100 miles return. There are no gravel roads or steep hills. The lunchtime venue, where the field tests will be conducted has toilets and a dry haven if the weather is inclement. After lunch and the conclusion of field tests, there is a place of interest to visit before returning to the Club Rooms for BBQ and results. We look forward to a good attendance for what should be an enjoyable day.

Pre Rally Committee Meeting Rally committee members please note. A Rally committee meeting will be held at the Club Rooms, at 6:45pm on Thursday, 26 January, 2017. This is prior to our regular monthly meeting.

Ladies Run A Ladies Run will be held on Sunday 12th February 2017. Meet at Burt Munro statue Queens Park at 1pm. Numbers to Alice Craig 2313357 or Chris Wederell 2176243 by Sunday 5th Feb


January November 2017 2004


My Thoughts Over the Christmas New Year I have been thinking about the format of our monthly meetings. I feel they are archaic and far too formal. They also seem to discourage new members from coming back. They turn up once but hardly ever again. I also know quite a few current members no longer attend due to our current format. As well from talking to members who have attended other branch monthly meetings it appears we may be the only ones who have such a formal type meeting. So time for a change? If you read the part about “Ordinary Meetings” in the Constitution it states one of the purposes of the meeting is to encourage free discussion among members on branch matters. It also states that financial members can introduce any business which will be recorded by resolution or other mode of determination but these are not binding and must be reported to and discussed at the next Committee meeting. There is nowhere in there that suggests we must have a formal type meeting and this appears to be confirmed by the part which states business introduced by members at an Ordinary Meeting is not binding on the Committee. We appear to be having a Special General meeting each month instead of an Ordinary one. The Branch Committee is charged with the entire management of the branch and is empowered to execute and carry out all matters. Members have voted the Committee in to run the club and if they are not happy with them they are free to stand for election at the next AGM. Also any member can come to a Committee meeting and present an item they want discussed. So I feel there is no need for the formal type of meeting we have at present at the Ordinary Monthly meetings as members do have adequate facilities to get themselves heard. My suggestions on the way the monthly meeting should operate are as follows, Chairman reports on items of relevance from the last Committee meeting and the results of any items put forward from the last Ordinary meeting as well as any relevant items from National office. Reports from the Club Captain, Social Convenor etc General discussion by members with items members want considered at the next committee meeting put forward. Guest speaker or a member’s vehicle In my opinion this will make the meetings a lot more “user friendly” and encourage more members to attend. Those are my thoughts and I welcome yours.

John Burke 10

January 2017


Letter to the Editor Dear Sir, A few thoughts on the recent 50th Arrowtown rally. I have not attended for the last few years but thought I should make the effort as some club members managed to attend from Auckland ,Wellington and points further north on the mainland so I figured that as a local I should at least make the effort to compete. First of all, congratulations to all who gained an award... Good on you. Also congrats to all who had a part, large or small in the organisation and running of the rally. Well done. After sending off the entry form next job was to retrieve the Triumph and chair from its winter quarters. I was a bit suspicious when I had to kick it twice to start it as it is only two years since it had been going. This was confirmed on the way back into town when it would only run on the idling jet. Big lump of crap over the main jet. Clean out of the carburettor bowl and replacement of the flex fuel line cured the problem. Registration and WOF obtained and off to Lumsden for the rally. When I last went on the rally we started from the platform at the railway station. By the time I discovered we were starting from the main highway side of the building and obtained a rally pack it was well past my official starting time so on the way without delay. I was very surprised, and indeed bloody disgusted to meet a senior member of the club at the check point on Lowther road who insulted me when he accused me of trying real hard to not win the rally. I was much later at that point because I had stopped on the road to assist a Canterbury entrant who was having trouble. He seemed quite amazed that I had stopped to offer assistance. My parting remark to him was that I would like someone to stop for me. If I was not going to try in a rally I would not bother entering as it would be an injustice to the people who had worked so hard to put on the event. I have been a club member for almost forty years and have tried hard in everything I have entered in. In fact it was my idea in the earlier days for the rally winner to organize the next year’s event. I would suggest that that official check the list of previous winners where he would find that my record speaks for itself. The function at night was a huge success, ably guided by local resident and early entrant Alan Sutton, although the sound system was not great. A marvellous idea for a combined breakfast with us all together on the Sunday and the catering for both meals was first class. As usual, a great range of interesting motorcycles and we met a lot of old friends. Many lies were told. The rally would have to be considered a huge success. Regards and best wishes.

Ashley Bell Rumour

January November 2017 2004


Russell’s Ramblings Flanders Car. Neil McDonald (residing in Queenstown) has purchased the 1912 Flanders auto that was in Invercargill some years ago. Owners were Vern Stallard, Willis Brown and Howard Kingsford-Smith. The car came from Christchurch but originally came from South Canterbury. These cars had a weakness in the rear end gearbox and Neil is planning to fit a stronger EMF box to it. It has a two-seater body with the petrol tank behind the seat. Neil is looking for EMF, Flanders parts. Phone 0274345902 if you can help. Tom McDonald’s BSA three wheeler’s motor seriously malfunctioned with the mains rollers disintegrating. Some modifying will be required here. The B29 Douglas of Nick Wiering is on the road again after a motor overhaul and his orange Harley has been accepted for registration. The 1961 Tiger 110 has passed from Ray McCulloch to Ross. Ray will have a bike to ride in Christchurch. Ray McCulloch is putting together a high camshaft Blackburne motor for Robbie Eunson’s OK Supreme. Apparently it is a rare motor with only 20 produced. Casey Lyons is happy with his 1911 Humber he purchased on Trade me from Timaru. Russell Cross from Timaru took this on motorcycle rallies for many years. It is very original with Sturmey Archer rear hub. A Singer and BSA bikes were in Peter Pryde’s showroom. Did they sell? Prospective member Phil McDowell has a 1929 Model 9 Sunbeam well under restoration. He has fabricated front forks, made a pattern for the chain case and new mudguards are being made by Barry Leitch. The bike looks as though it has had a hard life and has a rear frame fitted and plates for competition numbers and also has a racing head. Phil will be kept on the straight and narrow by father-in-law John Connolly who lived in Invercargill and had bikes. Sunbeams were a quality bike and gained success at the Isle of Man. Phil is looking for reverse handle bar levers as he has described the imported brass ones he has as rubbish.


January Branch Meeting Angus Petrie will have his 1954 Trojan truck at the January meeting and will tell us all about it. 12

January 2017


Calendar Of Events Southland Branch Events 4th February 12th February

12th February

4th March 18th, 19th March 13th May 20th May

Southland Rally Ladies Run Queens Park at 1pm. Numbers to Alice Craig 2313357 or Chris Wederell 2176243. Moped Run Starts 5 Gerrard Rd, Winton 10:00am Bruce Marshall 03 2368070 Veteran Rally Switzers Run See Ferg McDowell for details. Waimea Motorcycle Run Post war, Post 60, Post 80 Rally

Local Events 12th February Balfour Backyard Beauties Balfour Sports Ground. Catergories are Car/Ute, Motorcycle, Machinery and Motorhomes. For further information contact Jodie 0272014711 or Campbell 0274579506 17th – 19th February Evolution Motorsport 25th Classic Speedfest To be held at Teretonga Park. Will include a class for pre-1960 VCC cars. See Ferg McDowell for details. 11th March Sunrise Rotary car boot sale Centre Point grounds contact Lynn Asher 0274 323 739

Other Events 11th February Wallaby Rally—Waimate Branch Branch secretary has entry forms. 17th - 24th February National Motorcycle Rally Branch secretary has entry forms. 24th - 26th February NZ BSA Motorcycle Owners Rally Inglewood, Taranaki. Branch Secretary has details. Rumour

January November 2017 2004


For Sale 1935 Morris 18/6 a r ar e car in or iginal condition Reg & WoF, heaps of parts. Ph. Dave 032367910, 0220261584. Model ‘A’ Ford 1930/31 Gemmer 2 tooth steer ing box in excellent condition. Complete set of Model ‘A’ Ford Shock absorbers in good working order. 1930 Model ‘A’ Ford 1930 Cabriolet. On running gear, good body, in need of restoration. A selection of Model ‘A’ Fords for sale. Ph. 03 528 7924 or 1952 Ford Prefect. This car was disassembled to the last nut and the rebuild is 90% complete with 90% to go. The car is in Gore. Contact Andrew Moyle on 022 191 4706. BSA C15 Motorcycle parts - Steve Winteringham 03 218 3228. 1941 Anderson Stationery Engine. In ver y good Reasonable offer please. Contact Roy Shanks 03 216 6056


1929 Chevrolet Wentworth. 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder . Fully r estor ed but has not been used much since restoration. Rego on hold. Has some spares included. $22,000. Phone 03 218 4921 or 027 203 1595. 1956 Vauxhall Cresta E model. Ver y good condition. 78,800 miles 2 Tone Burgundy/Gun Metal colours Contact Jim Wilson 03-2179698 or Cell 0272179698

Wanted 1958 to 1960 AA Badge - John Leisham - 215 6078


January 2017


Parts Shed The parts shed will be open the afternoon of meeting nights between 1 & 4 p.m. The following people can be contacted at anytime if requiring parts or information on parts in our Parts Shed. John Burke 217 8177 Alwyn Hoskins 215 9302 Neil Kidd 216 3788

Library The library will be open on general meeting nights between 7&9 p.m. Other times by appointment - phone 216 6056 Copyright of the contents of the “Rumour� magazine rests with the VCC of NZ (Southland Branch) unless otherwise stated. This publication is available by e-mail as a PDF file. If you wish to receive a copy this way please contact the Editor. Pictures are usually in colour! It also comes earlier. Views and opinions expressed in the Rumour are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily those of the Southland Branch of the VCC of NZ, the Branch Executive or the Editor. Mistakes will be corrected if possible if they are pointed out to the Editor.


January November 2017 2004


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