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Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Thurs 3rd Noggin and Natter

Sun 6th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 9th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 15th Grounds maintenance

Wed 16th Commercial Noggin

Sun 20th OCBC and VCC National Day

Sat 26th ‘Round the Bays M/C Run


Sat 2nd

Women and Young Driver’s Rally

Sun 3rd Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 7th Noggin and Natter

Sat 9th Awards Dinner

Wed 13th 9-90s,Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 19th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 20th Commercial Noggin

Sat 24th Motorcycle Trial, Veteran Rally

Wed 27th North Canterbury Noggin


Sun 1st Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 5th Noggin and Natter

Fri 6th/7th/8th Swap Meet

Wed 11th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 14th Sun 15th M/C Girder Fork Rally

Sun 15th OCBC and All British Day

Tue 17th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 18th Commercial Noggin

Wed 25th North Canterbury Noggin

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th

Sunday 9-12pm


The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators

Winter has definitely caught up with us, with the frosty mornings and the cold wind nipping around your ears a serious disincentive to outdoor activities.

It was good to see there were some hardy souls willing to brave the wild weather and join in for the Winter Run, thanks to Dave and Pam Dacombe for organising an interesting run around the country roads and through the new housing ever creeping it’s way across the plains, with added entertainment dodging some rather large puddles around the place after the heavy rain. Thanks once again to Colin Hey for the scones for morning tea, it’s becoming quite the habit, and you seem to have found a new calling in life.

There are a few things coming up in August to keep us busy, including (for those who are interested in such things) the National AGM in Nelson, which any member of the club is welcome to attend. Along with the AGM the club executive meeting is being held, with one of the subjects for discussion being how to balance the books with the ever increasing prices of everything. The options proposed for anyone who hasn’t yet seen them are;

Beaded Wheels cost savings by reducing to 4 issues per year from the current 6 issues.

Increase in club subscription by $18 for a reduced operating loss, and small surplus after Vero insurance contribution

Increase in club subscription by $25 for a small operating loss, and surplus after Vero insurance contribution with buffer for future cost increases.

Please advise your thoughts on these options, preferably in writing (including email) to Rod Thrower or another committee member, so this can be gathered together to determine the answer from our branch.

In the meantime the committee are looking into the matters raised at the branch AGM, there may be some requests for feedback or input with the benefit of experience, once again if you have any thoughts or an opinion to offer please make sure you do so the branch can keep doing what the members want us to be doing.

About now I should be heading out to the cold garage to change the oil on one bike, finally get around to cleaning the carbs and changing the plugs on the other one, or sorting out the brake bits for the car.

Instead I think I’ll hide in the house where it’s warm and watch something with cars on TV, and contemplate if I have enough things to keep me warm for a mid winter motorcycle run.

Keep warm and dry,

Neil Shaskey


Kay Shaskey 1944-2023

It is with sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Kay Shaskey, who throughout the years has been an active member in all aspects of branch activities. Kay has taken on various roles over many years as branch committee Secretary and Delegate 1985-1992, Swap Meet Secretary 1990-2004, and Librarian 1979-2023, and participated in numerous events including over 40 Irishman rallies with Graeme, many of those in the Essex Pikes Peak Special.

Only seems yesterday that I was preparing for the National AGM and here we are again. I will be away from early Friday 11th August to Sunday evening 13th August. This year I am going as a member observer and Neil our Chairman will represent the Branch as our Delegate and Robyn our Treasurer as Branch Observer.

You should by now have received your voting papers for the Notices of Motion, made your decision and returned them in time for counting.

Also any feedback you wish to give our committee on the Item of Raising the National Subscriptions, or the discussions on the changes being suggested to tie in with the new Incorporated Society Act must be in my hands by Sunday 30th July (for it to be tabled at August committee meeting on 31st July for discussion prior to the National AGM).

If you attend the Noggins you will have noticed steady progress being made on the bar leaners renovations which still require a couple more coats of varnish. Thanks Jen’s and the parts shed team.

To the folk that help me out with visits to rest homes etc I have included a photo from a recent request I received for a drop off of two guests at the convention centre, sometimes you just never know who’s going be there. Well done Eric and Robyn. (See page 15)

Well that’s all from me.

Regards Rod Secretary

Well for July it hasn’t been all that cold! Hopefully some of you have still been able to get out and about in your vehicles?

From feedback from the Canterbury AGM last month, we as a committee have had a relook at some of the dates of certain events.

Changes have been made to cover things to suit family life (Mothers and Fathers days) and the warmth of the year for some of the older cars.

A new event has been added, the Brooklands to Brighton for 100 year old cars in March.

The Calendar Of Events card is a handy little tool! It fits in your wallet, can be pinned to your private calendar or kept in the junk drawer where it is always available. With the digital technology of the Hub and the reminders, some are finding it hard to remember what's coming up. This is something that can be very useful and could be utilised more. The new Calendar Of Events card will be available for the August noggin both at the bar and the kitchen servery. Most of us get a little hard of hearing as we get older, some of us it is definitely selective deafness.

It has come to my attention that our rally briefings are not always heard. I am guilty of not using the loud hailer (because it makes me nervous!) and prefer just to speak as loud as I can. Others probably feel the same way? The committee has invested in some microphones and we are looking at a portable speaker system to use for these occasions so no-one feels like they are missing out. These will be kept in the Club Captains office.

Coming Events:

Sunday 20th - Daffodil Day

Saturday 26th - Round the Bays Motorcycle Run

Have a great month. Happy motoring


Grounds Maintenance Group

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All welcome.

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