Waikato VCC February 2017

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February 2017

Vol 54

Venture Waikato Branch

Newsletter of the Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

Xmas Raffle

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Editor’s Snippet Hi Everyone Well here we are already powering thru February. I hope you have either taken part or come along to some of our Club events in 2017 . I had the pleasure of helping Phil Saunders judging the “Blue Smoke & Pedals in January . Well done Phil this event gave us the belief that having it held at the Clubrooms was the right decision and the numbers showed that , a great day with people having fun. A report later in the magazine. Our Committee recently purchased a Defibrillator. At the February Club night many of you saw how easy the machine is to operate. Who knows when it could help someone in need. Our thanks to St John for the lesson. As we look ahead we are very spoilt for all the upcoming events both in our region or near by. Please check it out and get your car an family to an event near you. Who knows you could enjoy your self. For us it seams to be Wedding season for Friends and Family. Meanwhile have fun and have safe Journeys.


Keep to the left and enjoy your motoring Bozy Chairman Report Custodians Report Motorcycle Report Secretary Report Blue smoke ’n Pedals 50 Year Awartd Events Page

pg 4 pg 9 pg 8 pg 5 pg 16/17 pg 6 pg 12/13

March Club nite For Sale & Wanted adverts

pg 15 pg 20/21

Front Cover: Some of the motorcycles taking part in this years “Blue Smoke n’ Pedals”


C h a ir m a n ’s C h a tter MARCH 2017 When I wrote my last report I omitted something very important, I must have had a “Senior Moment”, my excuse is that I am now closer to 80 than 60. Just before Christmas I had the privilege of presenting Ron Finucane with his Fifty Year Badge. Earlier in the year at the Double Fifty our President Dianne Quarrie was presenting 50 year badges. Unfortunately Ron and his wife Maureen were unable to attend. So when I was elected Chairman the honour of presenting the prestigious badge was mine. So in December John and Jean Bayly (John is also a 50 year member), Howard and Dianne Porteous, and Marcia and I set off to Te Aroha to spend a lovely afternoon with Ron and Maureen. We inspected Ron’s Model A, (which he still rallies around the country) and his latest project which is building another Austin 7 Special. Ron has already built one (7) which now resides in Graham Holmes garage, but he decided he wanted to build another one, “Why”, because he could. We then joined the ladies inside and had a delicious afternoon tea supplied by Jean, Dianne and Marcia. I presented Ron with his 50 year Badge and Certificate. These 50 year badges are really special. To belong to our Club for 50 continuous years is amazing. It was a lovely afternoon. Congratulations Ron. The 25th National Motorcycle Rally was held at Waitomo from the 17 th to the 25th February. Our Branch was responsible for Marshalling on the Rally Day, Saturday 18 th February. Somebody was looking after us as it didn’t rain until after the rally was over. I would like to say a really big thank-you to all the members who gave up their Saturday to help out We had over 20 Marshalls doing all the necessary jobs to make a successful National Rally. There were about 130 entrants on Motorcycles of all shapes and sizes and covering all categories of club eligible vehicles. So thanks Guys and Gals for doing Parking, Starting, Time Checks, Morning Tea, Lunch, and Afternoon Tea, also Lunch time Field Tests. There was plenty to do and you all did it with a smile. There is plenty coming up in the next couple of months. March the 5 th is the Ladies Rally, so ladies prise the keys away from the male custodian, after he has cleaned it of course, grab a female partner and enter the rally. Then we have the Vintage Venture on March the 18th. This is of course for all Vintage Class Vehicles, cars, trucks, and bikes. So dust the cobwebs off and come out for a fun day of Vintage motoring. See you there. The Mooloo Meander is our annual Motorcycle Rally which is being held on the 8 th April. So again wash the dust and dirt off your bike and be ready for the Mooloo. Get your entry in and be ready for fun and some good scenery. On the 29th April we have the Twilight Run. This is a real fun run and a good social evening. Starting at the “Base” and finishing at the Cambridge Raceway for Dinner and a few drinks. I would encourage all new members to come along to the Twilight Run; it is not a complex Rally and is a fun night at the Cambridge Raceway. Even if you come in your modern vehicle it will be great to have you along. There are a couple of other events coming up, on March the 11th there is a National Executive Meeting to be held in Auckland. I will be attending this as your Branch Delegate, if there is any matters that you would like raised please contact me by phone or email. Then there is the North Island Easter Rally, this is being hosted by the Auckland Branch on the 14 th to 17th April. As we are hosting the 2018 Easter Rally we need to support the Auckland Rally so they will support us. Let’s get a good group of members to spend Easter in Auckland. I have been told that the entry fee is going to really, really low, so let’s go to Auckland for some fun.

Welcome to all our new members and I hope to catch up with you at one or more events in the near future. Keep Smiling, Keep Left. Graham Pate. 4

S e c r e ta r y Club Captain

Secretary’s Report

Entry forms available – 12th March Auckland Vintage Muster. Entries close 3rd March 14th-16th April North Island Easter Rally organized by Auckland Branch. Entries close 27th March. Other events 18th March Thames Heritage Festival Cars in the Park, Thames. carsintheparkthames@yahoo.com 18-19th March Coromandel Gold Rush & Gum Diggers Charity Cruise. All enquiries to cgrc@xtra.co.nz I can supply more details for some of these events if you are interested. Please note – Northland’s Swapmeet date was incorrect in the Beaded Wheels. It is 23 rd April, not 2nd April. STOLEN!! Hi, I would like to advise all members that I recently had my storage unit broken into and had many parts stolen. The sad thing is that these parts were ripped off complete cars. I enclose this list. Note I am not a current member, however I think it is important that your members are aware of this. Thanks, Mark Langdon mark@haurakipiling.nz 021 726 479 09 636 8859

“Your branch magazine on the web Many branch magazines are now available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand’s website. The magazines are published as soon as they are received each month and can be accessed by going to http://vcc.org.nz/ and clicking on News from our Branches down the left side of the homepage. To go to your chosen magazine either click on the magazine cover or the underlined date of the publication. This will take you to the magazine and by clicking on the small square next to the + sign you can enjoy a full screen reading experience. In time we hope to be able to publish all branch magazines each month. Enjoy your reading. Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)” That’s all for this month, folks. Keep those wheels turning and enjoy this weather whilst you can.



50 Year Award Well done Ron Finucane seen here receiving his 50 year Award from Graham Pate

Introducing Peter Taylor As part of our introductions to new Committee Members we have Peter who has been seconded to fill a vacancy on the Committee. As a member of the VCC committee I have been asked to tell you a bit about myself. My name is Peter Taylor and I have recently retired. I was born in Hamilton and apart from a 10-year period in Auckland in the seventies we have always lived in Hamilton. My wife Bev is the Club Treasurer and our family consists of two daughters and three grandsons. We have been members of the Hamilton branch for about 12 years and have two cars - a 1950 lolite Morris Minor and a 1974 Triumph Stag.

My first car was a Morris Minor (1954) and I always had a dream of owning a Lolite one. My daughter was working for the Loot Magazine in 1998 and found the main car in a wrecker’s yard. We restored the ‘Morrie’ over a period of 3 years using this and 2 other wrecks and any other bits we could source. Unfortunately, I don’t have the mechanical skills required to do much of the restoration work so we project-managed it using local companies to do most the work. This was still lots of fun and we now get to have all the enjoyment of driving the cars to places we probably would never have seen otherwise. The ‘Morrie’ has been on the road for 15 years and needs a little bit of work these days. We have travelled to lots of places including a trip to Bluff for a Morris Minor convention and over to Napier a couple of times for the ‘Art Deco’ weekends. Unfortunately, the ‘Morrie’ is too new for this era and was a bit slow over these hills. Two years ago, I had a late mid-life crisis and bought the Triumph Stag. It is basically an original car and we are just going to drive it. Bev and I enjoy the various club outings and now we are both retired hope we can be more actively involved. 6

Joke Ernie and Donald Trump Donald Trump was visiting a grade four class in a primary school in Orlando. The class was in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked Mr. Trump if he would like to lead a discussion on the word 'tragedy.' So our illustrious Republican President asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy.' One little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on a arm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs him over and kills him- that would be a tragedy." No" said Trump, "that would be an accident." A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff, killing everyone - that would be a tragedy." "I'm afraid not" explained Trump, "That's what we would call great loss." The room went silent. No other child volunteered. Trump searched the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?" Finally at the back of the room, Ernie raised his hand. The teacher held her breath. In a quiet voice he said: "If the plane carrying you was struck by a friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens - that would be a tragedy." "Fantastic" exclaimed Trump, "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?" "Well," says Ernie, "It has to be a tragedy, because it sure wouldn't be a great loss ‌ and you can bet it wouldn't be an accident either!" The teacher left the room. 7


Rally will start at Mega Mitre 10 car park at the northern end of the Base Te Rapa. 1st car away at 4pm. Finishing at Cambridge Raceway for dinner if you chose to. Any questions phone Brian Weightman 0274 949900


Club Custodian Report It has been suggested that I put pen to paper to inform all members as to what has been going on in and around the clubrooms. So where do I start? If we walk inside and look around the first thing you will see hanging on the wall (just inside the door) in its own cabinet is the new heart defibrillator. Yes!! The club has just acquired a defibrillator at great expense but well worth every penny. It is the one purchase that the club has made that we all hope will never have to be used. Moving into the kitchen and you will come across a new microwave sitting next to the new urn that will, and has, come in very handy when a cuppa is required outside of the club kitchen. The rest of the club interior is looking Ok. Carpets have been cleaned and all looks good. Outside not much has changed. There is now a new sunshade filling the gap between the clubroom and the library. The committee pondered over building in between with a permanent structure and then an Archgola was looked at, but with a $30,000 plus price tag for the Archgola the expensive options were put to one side. I recently had the chance of purchasing an awning for $90 plus the cost of installing poles etc and for the interim we have solved the “sun shade” problem. The club was repainted last year so is still looking good but a hose down would do it no harm. Which brings me to the next subject which is a Working Bee. The club needs a day for a few bits and pieces to be sorted but the main item being the painting of the poles and facia board along the walkway in front of the library/parts shed etc. This should have been done at the last working bee but we ran out of time. So when should we have one? The date has been set by the committee for the 7th May 2017. More about the start time etc closer to the date. We have a great clubrooms that is sitting unused for most of the year. I personally think it should be hired out during the day for no other reason than to create a little income for the club. If you know of any car clubs, or any club for that matter, that would like to hire it for their club night etc, then please tell them to get in touch with me and we will see if we can assist. It is a great facility that should be utilised more. Happy motoring Hugh

I wonder why the “Custodians Rock” has to go in Hugh!!!!! Bozy 9

Leadfoot Festival 2017 Rod Millen has spent his motorsports career traveling around the world gaining inspiration for his dream of the ultimate hill climb driveway. The Leadfoot Festival is an exceptional weekend of motorsports motivated by Millen’s involvement in hill climbs like Pikes Peak and the Goodwood Festival of Speed. The event was initially intended to celebrate Rod’s 60th birthday in March of 2011. The first Leadfoot Festival was a very fun and successful private affair for several hundred people. After the completion of the event, the businesses of Hahei, Motorsport clubs around New Zealand and the general public asked Rod to consider making it a public event. After great thought and consideration to the effort required in creating an annual event for thousands instead of hundreds, Rod and his wife Shelly feel they are up to the challenge. It is also very important and dear to their hearts to support the township of Hahei and feel strongly this event will do just that. Rod has been hard at work creating the perfect hill climb driveway and continues to improve and expand the property. The event is a true celebration of racing heritage and all things motorsports. This event was a great spectacle as I had not ventured over to Hahei for this weekend before. It combined the very old and very new in a common run to the top. The oldest vehicle was a 1906 Durracq thru to a 2017 Nissan Leaf (an electric race car). Drift Cars, Motorcycles , Quad bikes and a Stock Car even a Freightliner Super Truck. If you want to step back in time when motorsport was not so regulated and where you can wander around the “pits” talking to Drivers in a friendly atmosphere then book Leadfoot in for next year, Paddy and Bessie A farmer named Paddy had a car accident. He was hit by a truck owned by the Eversweet Company. In court, the Eversweet Company's hot-shot solicitor was questioning Paddy. 'Didn't you say to the police at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine?' asked the solicitor. Paddy responded: 'Well, I'll tell you what happened. I'd just loaded my fav'rit cow, Bessie, into da.... ' 'I didn't ask for any details', the solicitor interrupted. 'Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?' Paddy said, 'Well, I'd just got Bessie into da trailer and I was drivin' down da road.. The solicitor interrupted again and said, 'Your Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the police on the scene that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident, he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question. ' 10

By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Paddy's answer and said to the solicitor: 'I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favourite cow, Bessie'. Paddy thanked the Judge and proceeded. Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my fav'rit cow, into de trailer and was drivin' her down de road when this huge Eversweet truck and trailer came tundering tru a stop sign and hit me trailer right in da side. I was trown into one ditch and Bessie was trown into da udder. By Jaysus I was hurt, very bad like, and didn't want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moanin' and groanin'. I knew she was in terrible pain just by her groans. Shortly after da accident, a policeman on a motorbike turned up. He could hear Bessie moanin' and groanin' too, so he went over to her. After he looked at her, and saw her condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Den da policeman came across de road, gun still in hand, looked at me, and said, 'How are you feelin'?' 'Now wot da fock would you say?' 11

Events Ahead


March April May



Ladies Rally



Club night—Paul Trenwith



Vintage Venture



Mooloo Meander



Club Night—Trash and Treasure



Vintage and Veteran Shed Raid



Twilight Run



Club Night



Club Run



Club Training Day



1956 Daimler saloon

Brian Rule


Kate Turner

Te Awamutu

1958 & 1964 Auto Union DKW 1972 & 1974 Peugeot 504 1934 Morgan E4 & 1933 Essex Terraplane Shooting Brake

Max Ward

Te Awamutu

1928 Model A Ford Tutor

We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible. Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of the Month. 12

Events Ahead




3 Rivers Rally—Gisborne



Taupo Golden Anniversary Rally



Vintage Muster—Auckland



N I Easter Rally—Auckland



Maunga Moana Rally




Wednesday Wander March 15th Meet at the Impresso Cafe, Rototuna Shopping Centre. Cnr of Thomas & Horsham Downs Rd. Hamilton. 10am--10.45am. At 10.45 we head out to a relatively unknown farm shed that has many old cars stored, and the owner has decided he's interested in selling. Could be your barn find? Not a million miles from Hamilton. Directions on the day. April 19th. We go to the new Hamilton By-Pass Visitors Centre. Details later. May 17th. A smaller shed with a collection of newer cars. Morrinsville way. Andy Hammond. (07) 8235712




Straight line Navigation After just having completed the PV rally, it made me realise just how many members dislike straight line navigation. In fact I remember that on one rally I was on a member pulled out of the rally and went home once they found out that the afternoon section contained some SL. The first rally we ever entered contained some SL so I just followed the car in front only to discover that they knew less about it than we did. SL navigation is easy once the penny drops and it becomes an interesting challenge. If you want to enjoy rallying then learn to do it. To this end, the committee have decided to give one on one tuition for those members who want to learn SL. We have members in Hamilton, Cambridge and Matamata who are willing to spend time with you so that you understand SL and begin to enjoy it . Just phone any committee member who will put you in touch with the appropriate person. Don’t be shy, put your hand up for help and start to enjoy the whole rally.

March Club Night Wednesday 8th March This Club night is going to be something different . At much expense to VCC we are going to host Paul Trenwith. Who’s he I hear you say! Simple he was one of the original members of the Hamilton County Blue Grass Band. He will be bringing along his Banjo, but is also a master of guitar, Mandolin, Fiddle plus many other string instruments. So come along and talk to Paul and here him play his style of Bluegrass music. 15

‘Blue Smoke n Pedals’ It was one of those weeks where it rained and rained and for the first time I can remember it was forecast to be wet, wet , wet on the day of the Blue Smoke and Pedals. Thinking that barely anyone would turn up the new venue at the clubrooms brought a number of people along including some new starters complete with their mopeds. The parts shed was also open and a number of members turned up to have a fossick around and some stayed to watch the events. The rain stayed away mostly and the ground was hard and dry – ideal for the wee bikes. The course was set to challenge rider’s abilities to stay upright and a lot of skill was displayed on some bikes that are quite challenging to ride. It was great to see new competitors along and providing some great competition for veterans on the day. The final was a timed round where riders had to go as fast as they could through the course but not put a foot on the ground. Two newbies ended up in the final three with one of them taking out the event for the day. This is a great fun event and everyone is a winner on the day receiving their chocolate fish prizes. My thanks to the willing assistance of club members who come along and give up their time to set up, judge the event and then pack up at the end of the day. The BBQ lunch was splendid and thanks to the great chefs and the sausage cook – the wind was blowing so hard that the sausages were blown off the BBQ. A rescue mission accomplished and no one knew who got the grounded sausages. The clubrooms venue is absolutely ideal with all the comforts of eating indoors and the accompanying coffee and tea. It was a splendid day enjoyed by all and a definite repeat for next year. But be prepared for some real riding challenges next year. Dust off that moped and get it running and we will see you all next year. Phil 16


More about Hershey Swap meet. There are four fields at Hershey red, green, yellow, and chocolate. Vendors come from all over the USA and purchaser from all around the world. Americans are very patriotic, on occasions the PA announces that the National Anthem (star spangled banner) will be played and on the first chord the entire event stops, everyone faces the nearest flag with their hand on their heart whilst standing to attention. Ignore this symbol of patriotism at your own peril. Regardless of who or where you’re from Americans are deeply offended by anyone who ignores this and will quickly tell you. Like Terry Pidduck said some prices are high but other venders are reasonable. E.g. I purchased a horn for $5.00 then went five sites further the same item was priced at $200.00. If one does find something you require it’s best to purchase it as chances are you won’t find the site again and if you do it will probably be sold. In the car corral once was a 1964 Morris 1100, right hand drive with a NZ number plate FD7064 and a Mt Roskill VTNZ wof. When I pointed this out to the vendor said he had forgotten to remove the plates. Most Americans commented how small it was and that the steering wheel was on the wrong side. Hershey swap meet can be covered in four days but you will be very tired at the end. But like Terry said the Americans love the down under accent and will talk all day. The golden rule is to keep your mouth shut and keep walking. It’s a great experience.

Sue and John Post



PARTS SHED If you are doing any work on your car or maybe you have started another project please remember to give Howard and his Part Guys a call. The have done a lot of work sorting and tidying and stocking shelves in recent weeks.

For Sale— 1957 Standard 10 Super For further details ring Vicki Asking price $5000 or near offer Phone Vicki 021 1774327


For Sale — 1925 Dodge Tourer This car is just run in after major restoration. Registered and WOF. $24000 phone Norman Harbutt 07 8233383


For Sale — 1937 P4 Chyrsler No short cuts spent on this restoration . New paint, new Tyres, upholstery reconditioned . Very reliable motor . Registered and WOF, $18000 phone Norman Harbutt 07 8233383 4

CLUB BADGES FOR SALE These are available from the Badge & Trophy Guardian Graham Pate; Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass Windscreen Transfers Windscreen Vinyl Stickers Club Emblem Jacket Patches Number Plate Surrounds Rally Number Holders Motoring Safety Kits 20

$10.00 each $35.00 each $2.00 each $2.00 each $5.00 each $5.00 pair $10.00 each $100 each

d Wante

Wanted Triumph Herald steering column . Complete steering column if possible . Phone Colin Dray 0211589195


Wanted- Austin 7 parts for 1923– 1930 A7. Chassis rear cross member, Brake Cross shaft (Compensating) Spring shackles, Rear shack absorbers and Links. Any body brackets and body panels such as scuttle and guards, either good or for patterns only for Chummy. Any other mechanical and drive train components . These parts are wanted for Son in Laws first venture into vintage restoration. Please ph Kit Maxwell 07 8297632 or 021 0534611 or Email: kmaxwell@xtra.co.nz 2 Wanted- Triumph Herald Convertible Must be in top condition. Please ph Roy Brown 07 8034832


Wanted—Tradesman, Craftsman or Fabricator (Clever person) To make new support frames for the running boards on my Nissan 4x4. Possibly need small diameter pipe benders. Please phone Jim Madgwick, Matamata Ph 07 8880772

For Sale & Wanted Adverts If you place an advert in the For Sale or Wanted department we will run the advert for two months and then automatically remove it. If you want it Repeated, please drop me a line.. Please note!! Adverts need to be submitted by the 15th of the Month.

Notice We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn. The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.



Graham Pate Graeme Luxford Jan Dearlove Bev Taylor Graham Boswell Bronya McInally




Graeme Rickard Dave Nordell Peter Taylor Ian Patton Howard Porteous Reece Burnett Don Wise Wilbur Brown Greg Terrill Howard Porteous Robyn Doughty Kathryn Parsons Graeme Luxford Ian Patton Graham Pate

* * * * * * * * *

07 888 0009 07 827 5671 07 843 4542 07 8555128

021 2801586 021 1245965 0274 923521 027 4214346

07 846 4400 07 823 5108

021 2900985

07 823 5108

0274 362875

* * * 07 855 5128 * 07 855 6899 * 07 888 7596 07 855 8974 07 870 4115 07 889 1243 07 859 1207 * 07 888 7596 07 824 0184 07 855 6774 * 07 827 5671 * 07 855 6899 07 888 0009

021 492066 021 502390 027 0274 934969 0274 035 009

VIC Co-Ordinator VALUATIONS LIBRARIAN ARCHIVIST WEB Co-Ordinator MEMBERSHIP SEC BADGES/TROPHIES EVENTS Co-Ordinator BILLETS Co-Ordinator Jenny Patton 07 855 6899 SOLICITOR (HON) Paul Clark 07 856 2737 * Committee Positions POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 924, Hamilton 3240 Club Night Library and Parts Shed Hours

0273004995 027 2145816 0274 035 009 021 2320820 0220246820 0274 934969 0274 195672

CLUB ROOMS ADDRESS MacLean St, Cambridge 2nd Wednesday of month at 8pm 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer

Website: www.wvvcc.co.nz Email addresses: Chairman; gmpate@ihug.co.nz Secretary: waikato@vcc.org.nz CLOSING DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 15th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor - waikatovcceditor@gmail.com or posted to — 41 Greenfield Drive. Hamilton 22

F.B. HALL & Co. Ltd EST 1923

Conveyancing, Commercial Wills, Estates, Trusts Immigration and Family 7a Princes Street, Hamilton Phone 07 838-3385 Fax 07 838-3381

4 Wickham St Frankton Hamilton

For New Work and Repairs Domestic and Commercial 50 Greenwood St, Frankton, Hamilton

07-847 4780

4 Wickham St Frankton Hamilton 3204

WBS Waikato Bonding Services 6 Belfast Place Hamilton For all your brake & clutch re-lining services. Specialising in re-bonding of all veteran, vintage and classic brake shoes, pads and drive lines. Steven Hunter - Manager Phone: 0800-BOND-007 0800-2663-007

Open 7 days a week - 9am-4pm We are

11 Railside Place, Frankton Ph: 07 957 2230

Brown & Clark P R O P E R T L AW E R S For all your legal Requirements



Octagon House, Seddon Rd Hamilton PH 07 8 9-



07 8 9-


Automotive, Trailer & Tractor Spares, Accessories & Tools 3 EMPIRE ST. HAMILTON PH 07 847 8908

Shock absorbers. Suspension components. CV joints Aerials. Hand Tools. Trailer Components. Disc pads Water Pumps. Timing /Fan/Micro Belts. Gauges. Speedo Cables. Speedo Repairs

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