Wanganui VCC February 2017

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February 2017

Rae & Lyn Fairweather, National Veteran Rally Winners and David & Glynis Robinson, Wanganui Burma Rally Winners 2017

And Dont forget to attend Bruce’s run on the 12th February, 1pm

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P.O. Box 726, Wanganui . Street address – Patapu St, Wanganui East. Patron Chairman: Vice Chairman:

Alan Bates Peter Hardy Bruce Ardell

06 344 5515 06 343 5045 06 342 7713

Secretary: Treasurer:

David Whiteside Neil Farrer

Club Captain:

Jim O’Neill

Rally Secretary:

Linda O’Keeffe

06 348 7707 06 343 6248 mob. 027 457 9634 06 3444566 mob. 0274447474 0274733767

Motorcycle Convenor:

Jay Hart



Ann Berntsen Keith Turner Clive Whitham Jim Sharpe Tom Wilson"

06 3446041 0274 454 628 0274 474 647 0275388133" 06 345 0426

Branch Delegate:

Neil Farrer

06 343 6248

Kitchen Manager: Hall: (Custodian/Bookings)

Eilidh Pitkethley

06 213 0509

Eilidh Pitkethley Sue Voss Andrew Grieve

06 213 0509

Health & Safety"



Truck Custodians:

Librarian" " Parts Custodians:



Editor: Beaded Wheels Scribe Trophies Manager: Archivist: Vehicle I. D. `s RIVET Distribution Coordinator


06 343 5020 021477433 0274332626

Rob O’Keeffe Craig Ryland Dave Austin" " Trevor Roberts Dave Austin Ivan Stick Peter Hardy Fay Chamberlain

06 3447513 06 345 8897 06 344 7513 06 3444454 06 343 5045 063454423

Allan Ashwin

06 348 4927

Shane Hobman Bruce Ardell Les Boddington Jim Sharpe

06 344 5915 06 342 7713 06 2130227 06 3446780" "

Official VCC Website: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club VCC Codes for discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander WH5465

Chairman’s Report Well where do I start, OK January 1st, Taihape and The Gumboot Rally. Once again a troop of die-hards headed north to Taihape to see what they wuld throw at us this year. In actual fact it was all very pleasant with minimal steep inclines and only a modest amount of gravel. We all arrived at the lunch stop in the very w e l c o m i n g Kimbolton and then all arrived at the conclusion in Hunterville, despite what you may have heard otherwise! As normal a vast array of prizes and an ample Bar-B-Que sealed off the day. (Don’t ask about my extended trip home afterwards) Now over to Evan and Lindsay Picnic at Ed and Hinemoa’s. What a very pleasant change incorporating a very nice meal with a run and all due to the four mentioned above, this was way beyond their call of duty and was appreciated by all. Now over to, “The Big Weekend”. Let’s start at the beginning, we, Wa n g a n u i B r a n c h , d e c i d e d t o incorporate the National Vintage Rally, 2017, with our Burma Rally which, for the past few years has run alongside the Whanganui Vintage Weekend. It was pointed out to us that we could not do that, it wouldn’t work, well it did and it worked extremely well. Probably better than even we expected. We were well supported by local businesses and at the final minute Vero, a big national sponsor, decided to step in as well; that helped. The 2017 comittee worked throughout a long year and overcame many

hurdles but we ended up with a four day period, over a hundred cars participating in two great rallies, four more runs, a car show and various welcome parties, morning teas, boat rides and presentaion dinners. The outcome was a lot of very happy car owners, an ecstatic public and a town proud to have us as their branch. We were graced with the attendance of our President Diane Quarrie and the North Island Club Captain, Paul Collins, as well as our resident management member Ed Boyd. We have received numerous positive comments on the town, the rallies and mostly the food! I cannot mention all of the names of those responsible for the success of the weekend as they are many and make up a very large team but I can say thank you all, you know who you are! Only one stand out name, Linda, or should I say, “Lydia”, O’Keeffe , you made it happen! Overall winners were, Rae & Lyn Fairweather, for the 2017 National Veteran Rally and David & Glynis Robinson, winners of the 2017 Burma Rally. Rae and Lyn also picked up the Peoples choice trophy for their 1913 Buick Model 28. Upcoming, Bruce’s run on the 12th to Marton, meet at 1pm for a 1:15pm departure. Bring a plate for shared afternoon tea at a villa in, or near Marton. 24th Pre-56 MG club visit to clubrooms and spare parts shed ps appology to Dave, Wanganui Electroplating we missed you out last month but you are definately not forgotten.


Rae & Lyn Fairweather 1913 Buick Model 28, overall winners of the 2017 National Veteran Rally

Burma Rally 2017 winners David & G l y n i s Robinsonin their 1939 Ford Delux

Letters to the Editor. These letters are printed as received and do not contain the opinion of the Editor or the branch committee.

Dear Sir, We would like to bring to you attention the following matter We have in our district a very well maintained road network that has taken its toll due to a couple of extreme weather events over the past few years. Our council and its contractors are continually battling to maintain the quality of road surfaces and we have come to expect this as normal. Logically we expect private individuals to maitain their property to a similar standard. A number of our veteran car owners were more than a little peaved to find that the uneven surface on the Dublin Street bridge is in fact the resposibilty of one of your members who, it seems, on more than one occassion had claimed ownership of this ancient monument. We would appreciate some action on this matter in the very near, not distant future.

TARUSTBA (The Aggrieved Road Users Society to Bruce Ardell.)

Dear Sir, I was very excited to be invited to join your clubs Gumboot Rally at Taihape on New Years day and consider myself privalidged in this regard. I am, however, at a loss to understand your system of giving directions. Previous rallys I have entered worldwide have used what I thought was an international unwritten code where whe the instructions indicate “Turn Left” they dont mean, “Bear right”? T junctions are usually covered by an instruction to eiether, “Turn Right” or alternatively, “Turn left” and I was surprised when I was instructed by my navigator to, “Flip a Coin”. Perhaps you could enlighten me and my fellow ralliers on the correct procedures in Taihape. A intriged Rallier PS thanks for the side trip to Fielding we were able to pick up a bit of shopping on the route! We had a fabulous day out, thanks to all

2017 Gumboot Rally Well what a day, but isnt it always. The rain stayed off, for the most part, but the drizzle

managed to keep a proportion of the dust on the ground. Not all of us had realised just how much of our own imagination would be required for the morning run from Taihape to Kimbolton but that made it more interesting. I promised my sister-inlaw lots of fine New Zealand scenery but due to the liberal number of silent checks she spent most of the morning paying attention to the nearside grass verge. Silent checks were anagrams of truck names which passed away the quiet spells, NATRUEL turned out, Renault, SKAN TION became Atkinson and so on. Now the afternoon section was probably more excercise for our imagination. We imagined that we should have gone to Fielding so we went there, then we decided that was tooooo far so we turned arround and came back again to Vinegar Hill then we continued to Hunterville for the end of rally celebrations. Thst seemed OK but it appears we missed out on half the run, we were not alone. As normal things all worked out well in the end but certainly don’t know how. Top prize went to Lynn and Sandra Cross of the Hawks Bay contingent with a magnificent score of 17 closely followed by Mac & Trudy Keene and Keith & Lee Turner on equal second. We missed the bar-bque as we travelled home via the Turakina Valley Road, oh what a road! Thanks to all involved, see you next year.

From the desk of Jim O’Neill, Wanganui VCC Club Captain We have been approached by the Central District AOS,Armed Offenders Squad, Reunion Committee to support their reunion on the 18 February 2017. We have been asked to provide transport from 10am to about 3pm to various locations including the Westmere shooting range, The Saturday Market and to Ditch Hardings hanger. More details will follow but if you are interested please contact me directly.

How do court recorders keep straight faces???? ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor? WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless? WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practising law.

My Favourite Muffins When we lived in Auckland I used to have coffee and muffins in a small place in Devonport. Delicious! And the bases were slightly crunchy with a tasty crust. So here’s my version. Dead easy to make and very versatile. Oven 180C Ingredients: 220g self raising flour 1/2 cup vegetable oil (I use the cheap stuff from Pak n Save) 3/4 cup milk 3/4 cup sugar 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla extract added flavours - about 150g to 200g (raspberry and white chocolate or chopped apple are my favourites.) Mix all dry ingredients together and then mix all wet ingredients together. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour wet into dry. Add your flavourings and mix until just combined. Definitely don’t overmix! Put into paper cases and bake until cooked (in my oven it’s 1/2 an hour but the recipe says 15 to 20 minutes. You’ll just have to work it out for your oven.

Club Calendar All Club Runs meet at 1pm at the club rooms unless otherwise noted.

Feb 2017 March

1st Club Night, Speaker Rob O’Keeffe 12th Club Run Courtesy of Bruce Ardell, meet at the club rooms at 1pm for a 1:15pm departure. Bring a plate for afternoon tea. 24th Pre-56 MG visit to clubrooms and spare parts shed. 1st Club Night, Speaker from Open Country Transport Ed’s Run 18 March


1st 100 Year celebration of the first service up the Parapara 5th Club Night, Speaker, Wanganui Harbour Master


3rd, Club Night, Speaker from Sommerset House Rest Home


7th Club Night, AGM Annual Rally, Sundat June 4th or Monday June 5th


5th Club Night


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2017 National Veteran and Burma Rally Photos

ut th orting o s , ll e d r Ar le Jennife ui Made Raff n Wanga


Hamish McDouall, his worship the Mayor of Whanganui ensuring that the mail van gets off on time! Bruce Ardell, confessions of a spare parts salesman

Alan Bates, Branch Patron, completes the Burma Rally

Best Dressed Male and Female at the presentaion dinner

Quick, Smart & Friendly! p 06 345 3145 f 06 345 3144 e w 7 Purnell St PO Box 305 Wanganui 4541

The Friday evening catering crew hard at it!

A group of experts attempting to identify a number of body parts presently under the custodianship of Bruce Ardell, can you help?

The veterans at Kaiwaiki Marae pose for a group pic

Kaiwaiki Marae’s wonderful tables of food they provided for “Morning Tea”

Spare Parts Shed Call Trevor Roberts PHONE 063458897 Trevor or John 06 3458897

06 3443934

New Crown Wheel & Pinions Good Stock of Carbs, Fuel Pumps & Hubcaps Also DKW 1000 Parts

•We currently hold a very large selection of spares, new and used so if you have a prolem contact on of our Parts Custodians and see if they can help. We have a very good selection of:✴Dodge Engines ✴Austin 7 parts ✴American Car Doors ✴Heap of Wheels ✴Lots of bumpers ✴Heaters and old radios THE MANAWATU BRANCH

Heaps of brake linings and oil & air filters Various Model A and Model T spares. 1947 Hillman parts

Engines for Sale Jag 2.4, Avenger, Durant 20, Ford 302 V8, 350 Chev V8, 1930 Morris, Morris 1000, Austin A30, 38 Singer, Stander 10, Vauxhall Victor,Renault, Holden 186,, 20s Dodge, 29 Plymouth, 39 Chysler, Bedford, 20s Buick and a Ford 10.

Ruahine Ramble Saturday 4th March 2017 For all club eligible vehicles. Bring all the family along for a Roaring 40’s themed fun day at the Ormondville Street Festival. Meet at the VCC clubrooms in Kelvin Grove Road anytime after 9.00am for cup of tea / coffee. The briefing will be at 9.30am - with the first car away at 9.45am. Lunch stop (and the end of the Ramble) will be at the Ormondville Railway Station. BYO lunch & hot water for drinks etc.. Distance for the morning Ramble is approx. 70 miles (115 kms) – plus approx. 50 miles (80 kms) back to PM.

ENTRANT: ............................................................................................................................... NAVIGATOR: .......................................................................................................................... ADDRESS: ……………………….......................................................................................... TOWN / CITY: .……………….….......................................................................................... TELEPHONE: (........) .....................................

Email ........................................................

VEHICLE MAKE & MODEL: ................................................................................................. YEAR: ..............................

ENTRY FEE : $15.00

REG No. .....................................................

or $30.00 with Rally Plaque (optional)

TOTAL $ .................

Cheques payable to ‘Manawatu Branch VCC’ ENTRIES CLOSE:

Thursday 23rd February 2017

RALLY ORGANISER: Bryan Abraham : Phone (06) 358 4014 Email ENTRIES to: Bryan Abraham, 81 Apollo Parade, Palmerston North


I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car. 199 Guyton Street | Wanganui | Ph 06 3484340

Lighting Design Consultancy Lighting Plan & Design Service Architectural | Commercial | Domestic

A child asked his father, "How were people born?" So his father said, "Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on." The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, "We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now." The child ran back to his father and said, "You lied to me!" His father replied, "No, your mom was talking about her side of the family."

Buy, Sell or Swap. (if any details are changed, or anything sold etc – please let the Editor know )

For sale 4 tyres Maxmiler " Cx 195 x 75 R16C 8PR LT 107/105 $100 each. Neil Farrer 0274579634

For Sale two Fiat 500 motors and gearboxes, Open to offers for the lot or as you need. Phone Neil 3441158 or 0211237007


06 347 8220

61 Maria Place Extn. Wanganui

(opp. Ginza Bargains)

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