After Baptism, What? (1982)

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AFTER BAPTISM, WHAT? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Published by T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake C i t y , U t a h Copyright © 1982 Corporation of the President of T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints A l l Rights Reserved Printed i n the U n i t e d States of A m e r i c a

AFTER BAPTISM, WHAT? "Wherefore, ye must press forward w i t h a steadfastness in C h r i s t , having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of G o d and of all m e n " (2 N e p h i 3 1 : 2 0 ) .


s a prisoner, the Apostle Paul stood before K i n g Agrippa and made a mighty defense of himself and the gospel of Jesus C h r i s t . So impressed was the king that he said to Paul, " A l m o s t thou persuadest me to be a C h r i s t i a n " ( A c t s 2 6 : 2 8 ) . T h e Apostle told the king of his o w n conversion to C h r i s t , describing his journey to Damascus to persecute the Saints. I t was then, he said, that a bright light came from heaven and a voice said, " S a u l , Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. " A n d 1 said. W h o art thou. Lord? A n d he said, 1 am Jesus w h o m thou persecutest." P a u l t h e n told the king that the crucified and resurrected Jesus called h i m into the ministry and sent h i m to preach to the G e n t i l e s , "to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto G o d , that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them w h i c h are sanctified by faith that is in me." Afterward Paul went among the nations. Many people believed his teachings, repented of their sins, and became members of the C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t by baptism of the water and of the Spirit. E a c h one thus baptized came "from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto G o d . " (See A c t s 26:14-15, 18.) E a c h also received forgiveness of his sins and the sacred inheritance of w h i c h Paul spoke to Agrippa. I t is the same today. W h e n we are converted to the true gospel of Jesus C h r i s t and are baptized by authorized servants of G o d , we receive a remission of our sins and turn from darkness to light. A n d we receive that same inheritance w h i c h was given to members of the ancient C h u r c h . A l l of this comes because of the completeness of the restoration of the gospel i n these modem times.

After being baptized into T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints, what is required of members? W h a t are we supposed to do? A r e we to become active participants in the gospel? O r are we to remain passive in our worship of the Lord? T h e Savior has given the answer: each one shall labor i n the kingdom w i t h all his heart, might, m i n d , and strength, and bring forth much fruit. " I am the v i n e , " said the Savior as he explained this principle; " y e are the branches: H e that abideth i n me, and 1 i n h i m , the same bringeth forth much fruit" (John 15:5). A l l members of his true C h u r c h become part of that vine, actual branches. A n d all must produce " m u c h fruit" to be acceptable to h i m . I n the Sermon on the M o u n t , the Lord explained that "every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire" (Matthew 7:19). T h e prophet N e p h i made clear what should follow baptism when he said: " A n d then are ye i n this straight and narrow path w h i c h leads to eternal life; yea, ye have entered in by the gate; ye have done according to the commandments of the Father and the Son; and ye have received the H o l y Ghost, w h i c h witnesses of the Father and the S o n , unto the fulfilling of the promise w h i c h he hath made, that if ye entered in by the way ye should receive. " A n d now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this straight and narrow path, 1 would ask if all is done? Behold, 1 say unto you. Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of C h r i s t with unshaken faith in h i m , relying wholly upon the merits of h i m who is mighty to save. "Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of G o d and of a 1 men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of C h r i s t , and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Y e shall have eternal l i f e . " (2 N e p h i 31:18-20.) Jesus explained to the Nephites the importance of perfecting our lives: " A n d no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments i n my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the e n d " (3 N e p h i 27:19). Keeping his commandments is fundamental to being acceptable to the Lord. H e interpreted love for h i m i n terms of service and obedience when he said, " I f ye love me, keep my commandments. . . .

" H e that h a t h my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me. . . . " I f a man love me, he w i l l keep my words. . . . " H e that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings." (John 14:15, 2 1 , 23-24.) Speaking to his modem Saints through the Prophet Joseph S m i t h , the L o r d explained further, " O ye that embark in the service of G o d , see that ye serve h i m with all your heart, might, m i n d and strength, that ye may stand blameless before G o d at the last day" (Doctrine and Covenants 4:2). W h e n we j o i n his C h u r c h , we embark in the service of G o d . T o embark is only to begin the joumey, but the Lord requires that this be a lifelong joumey i n a spirit of devotion and obedience. I f we would keep his commandments, we must have both faith and works, for faith without works is dead. (See James 2:14-26.) P a u l had this i n m i n d w h e n he wrote to the Philippians, " W o r k out your o w n salvation w i t h fear and tremb ing" (Philippians 2 : 1 2 ) . B u t how do we work out our salvation? Is there a plan to follow? H o w do we serve the Lord? H o w do we "bring forth m u c h fruit"? T h e Lord's house is a house of order. H e has a definite plan for us, and we must work according to this plan. T h e plan is an individual one for each of us. A n d acceptance before the Lord is based upon how well we do in our personal lives and i n our attitude toward our fellowmen. I n Paul's epistle to the Ephesians he explained that the C h u r c h was organized "for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of C h r i s t " (meaning the members of his organized C h u r c h ) . H e said that this C h u r c h organization could protect its members from being led astray by the false teachings of uninspired and e v i l men. (See Ephesians 4:11-14.) Perfecting the Saints is one of the great objectives of the gospel. M o r o n i , the last prophet of the Book of Mormon, appealed to his readers as he closed his earthly writings: " Y e a , come unto C h r i s t , and be perfected i n h i m , and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love G o d with all your might, m i n d and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect i n Christ; and if hy the grace of G o d ye are perfect i n Christ, ye can i n nowise deny the power of G o d " ( M o r o n i 10:32). T h e Savior also commanded his people, " B e ye therefore perfect, even as your Father w h i c h is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5 : 4 8 ) .

W e should recognize the great importance of the C h u r c h to us. T h r o u g h the gospel of Jesus C h r i s t we can build Christlike character traits. T h r o u g h the C h u r c h organization, the Saints ( C h u r c h members) may work together for their common good. A n d the C h u r c h offers protection against those worldly forces that would destroy our salvation. Since we are to "work out our salvation," we are to do that through T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints, w h i c h is organized specifically for that purpose. T o work in the C h u r c h is to participate i n the auxiliaries of the C h u r c h , to engage i n the programs provided, and to be associated w i t h the other Saints i n the Lord's work. After baptism, we should be active i n the C h u r c h . Its programs touch every righteous phase of our lives, including our individual commitments, our homes, and our relationships i n business, the community, and our nation.

Individual Commitment


ur attitude must be i n harmony w i t h the gospel of Jesus C h r i s t . T h e Lord outlined the members' duties in Doctrine and Covenants 20. I n verse 37 we see that the Lord requires sincerity. H e says that the convert must humble himself before G o d and that humility of the soul must continue w i t h h i m . N e x t , we are to have broken hearts and contrite spirits. T h i s means that the heart must be repentant and the spirit submissive to the w i l l of G o d . Because we are mortal and subject to mistakes, we must strive constantly to avoid sin and to repent of our mistakes. T h e Lord must have had this i n m i n d w h e n he said, "Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother h a t h ought against thee; " L e a v e there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift" (Matthew 5:23-24). T h e revelation also indicates that w h e n we take upon ourselves the name of C h r i s t , we w i l l serve h i m to the end of our lives and by our works we w i l l show that we have received his Spirit. T h i s is a requirement before baptism and should become our standard after baptism. Although there are many commandments to guide our personal conduct, we mention only a few here. Prayer A s Latter-day Saints we must be prayerful. T h e G e n e r a l Authorities emphasize and the scriptures tell us that we should say our private prayers frequently and j o i n w i t h our families i n daily family prayer.

Fasting T h e C h u r c h designates a day of fasting each month (ordinarily the first Sunday of each m o n t h ) . O n that day each member of the C h u r c h who is i n good health should refrain from eating two meals. A l t h o u g h there is no set period during w h i c h a fast w i l l continue, it is customary to abstain from food and drink for twenty-four hours. S m a l l children are not asked to fast, nor are older people whose health would be jeopardized. Individuals and groups often hold periods of fasting and prayer for special purposes. Fast Offering I t is customary i n the C h u r c h to give the value of the two meals saved by our monthly fast to the bishop for the benefit of the poor. S u c h donations are called fast offerings. T h e s e donations are usually received i n sealed envelopes by A a r o n i c Priesthood bearers who call at the home or by a member of the ward bishopric or branch presidency at the meetinghouse. Tithing A s a member of the C h u r c h , you w i l l be expected to pay a full tithing of 10 percent of your income. Payments are made to the bishop of the ward or president of the branch, who c a n give further counsel on tithing. T h e funds collected from tithing are used to build temples and meetinghouses, carry o n missionary work, and meet many other C h u r c h w i d e expenses. Other Donations A d d i t i o n a l donations made by C h u r c h members include contributions to the C h u r c h welfare program, funds for maintenance of buildings and grounds, finances for priesthood quorum projects, and he p for other activities. A l l contributions are voluntary, but the Lord expects faithful members to support and sustain the C h u r c h w i t h their means as well as their talents. Word of Wisdom T h e L o r d said we should repent of all our sins as a prerequisite to baptism (see Doctrine and Covenants 2 0 : 3 7 ) . A m o n g other things, this applies to items prohibited i n the W o r d of W i s d o m (see Doctrine and Covenants 8 9 ) . I n the W o r d of W i s d o m we are counseled against the use of alcoholic beverages (including beer), tobacco in all forms, and hot drinks, w h i c h are interpreted as tea and coffee. T h e Lord declared it to be "the order and will of G o d i n the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days" ( D o c t r i n e and C o v e n a n t s 8 9 : 2 ) . Obedience to this law is required of faithful Latter-day Saints.

Chastity T h e C h u r c h regards the seriousness of sexual sin as n e x t to murder. Persons who have been guilty of this sin i n the past and have completely repented of it may receive forgiveness. But continued indulgence i n sexual sin leads to excommunication from the C h u r c h . Repentance means complete abandonment of the sin, making any recompense that can be made, and sincerely living the laws of G o d for the rest of the person's life. T h e Lord commands that each man must be true to his o w n wife, that each wife must be true to her o w n husband, that they are to " c l e a v e " unto each other, and "none else." I t is recommended that you carefully read Doctrine and Covenants 42:22-26 and A l m a 39 i n the Book of M o r m o n . T h e law of chastity is given in the T e n Commandments (Exodus 20) and in many other parts of the scriptures. Sabbath D a y Observance of the Sabbath day is vital i n living the gospel of Jesus Christ. T h e Lord required it i n the T e n C o m mandments and reiterated it many times. O n e of the most impressive statements is Doctrine and Covenants 59:9-19. T h e Sabbath should be devoted to sacred purposes. O n that day we should avoid commercial transactions, commercial entertainments of all kinds, and our usual amusements and occupations. O f course, there are things that must be done, and certain employment must be carried out. But the spirit of all this is reflected i n the words of the Lord as set forth i n the above-mentioned revelation to the Prophet Joseph S m i t h . W h a t must be done should be accomplished " w i t h singleness of heart" (Doctrine and Covenants 59:13). Honesty One of the Articles of F a i t h of T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints begins w i t h the words " W e believe in being honest" (Articles of Faith 1:13). T h i s refers to our business dealings, to contacts w i t h neighbors, w i t h theaters, bus lines, railroads, and airlines. It refers to lying, bearing false witness, payment of our bills, and to all of our dealings. T h e C h u r c h accepts what the Lord said on the subject of honesty i n the T e n Commandments (Exodus 20) and i n Doctrine and Covenants 42:20-21, w h i c h scriptures should be read carefully. Profanity " T h o u shalt not take the name of the Lord thy G o d i n vain; for the Lord w i l l not hold h i m guiltless that taketh his name i n v a i n " (Exodus 2 0 : 7 ) . T h i s is one of the T e n Commandments, and its importance is stressed by the C h u r c h . It would be sacrilegious to profane the name by w h i c h we ask for blessings in our prayers and by w h i c h we perform our priesthood ordinances. E a c h expression of profanity is an open insult to the A l m i g h t y .

W e should also mention that filthy language of any kind is out of harmony w i t h the spirit of the gospel. Examples of this are the unclean story, the slighting remark, suggestive references, and all should be avoided by C h u r c h members. W h e n we understand that no unclean thing can enter into the presence of G o d and that our purpose is to seek to become worthy to be w i t h G o d , we can realize that we should avoid the use of any filthy speech. Meetings A m o n g the most valuable resources for helping the members grow i n the gospel and for promoting fellowship among the members are the meetings of the various C h u r c h organizations. T h e sacrament meeting is the most important meeting held for C h u r c h members. Sacrament meeting is conducted in all of the wards and branches each Sabbath under the direction of the bishops or branch presidents. A l l members of the Latter-day Saint family, including young children, are expected to attend this meeting every week. T h e gospel is taught to adult and teenage members i n Sunday School classes each Sabbath. T h e c h i l d r e n below twelve meet in Primary classes, the women have the R e l i e f Society and Young W o m e n organizations, and the adult and teenage boys meet in priesthood meetings. T h e Sabbath meetings are spiritual, and the sports and entertainment activities are held during the week. Priesthood A l l worthy male members of the C h u r c h can be ordained and hold the priesthood. T h e different offices in the priesthood have specific duties and assignments. W h e n an adult man joins the C h u r c h , he w i l l probably receive the A a r o n i c Priesthood and meet w i t h the elders quorum. A s he faithfully fulfills his responsibilities and proves himself worthy, he w i l l receive the office of elder in the Melchizedek Priesthood. Teenage boys who join the C h u r c h receive the A a r o n i c Priesthood and attend A a r o n i c Priesthood quorums w i t h other young men their own age. C h u r c h Welfare Work I n addition to assistance through fast offerings. C h u r c h members help the needy through the welfare projects in w h i c h most wards and branches participate. C h u r c h members are invited to contribute labor on these projects, w h i c h provide goods and services for their less fortunate brothers and sisters. Temple Work Faithful new members of the C h u r c h look toward the time w h e n they can go to the temple and participate in the ordinances for exaltation i n the celestial kingdom and for salvation for the dead. I t is normally a year or longer before new members go to the temple. Before you go to

the temple, you w i l l be carefully interviewed by your bishop or branch president, for a high standard of worthiness is required. M e n must hold the Melchizedek Priesthood i n order to receive a temple recommend. Genealogical W o r k A l o n g w i t h every member of the C h u r c h , you w i l l be asked to prepare a family record of your forefathers. Assistance is available through the C h u r c h genealogical organization and ward genealogists. W h e n your ancestors' records are completed, the vicarious temple ordinances may be performed by worthy C h u r c h members i n your family, or the names may be entered i n the temple for others to perform the work. Gospel Study T h e Lord has said: " F o r behold, it is not meet that 1 should command i n all things; for he that is compelled i n all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward. " V e r i l y 1 say, m e n should be anxiously engaged i n a good cause, and do many things of their own free w i l l , and bring to pass m u c h righteousness; "For the power is i n them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. A n d inasmuch as men do good they shall i n nowise lose their reward. " B u t he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment w i t h doubtful heart, and keepeth it w i t h slothfulness, the same is damned." (Doctrine and Covenants 58:26-29.) T h e r e are many other commandments to guide us. W e recommend that you carefully study the gospel, and the will of G o d as it applies to you w i l l be revealed to you. Studying the gospel is important. H o w can we obey laws if we do not know about them? H o w can we learn of them without study? E a c h member of the C h u r c h should seriously study the revealed word of G o d as it appears i n the H o l y Bible, Book of M o r m o n , Doctrine and C o v enants, and Pearl of G r e a t Price. M u c h value can also be obtained from other books that discuss the doctrines of the Church. Attitude of O t h e r s W h e n we j o i n the C h u r c h , we may notice a change i n others' attitudes toward us. Some may persecute us. Former friends may snub us or say unkind or untrue things about us. Occasionally, religious persecution may go beyond that. But the Lord promises a great reward to those who bear persecution cheerfully. "Blessed are ye, w h e n men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

" R e j o i c e , and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets w h i c h were before y o u . " ( M a t t h e w 5:11-12.) A n o t h e r attitude is that of members of the C h u r c h who do not live up to their opportunities and who make light of sacred things. S u c h persons have been blinded by the things of the world. L i k e the seed i n the parable of Jesus, they have withered i n the heat of the day (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21). O r , again, like the unprofitable servant who failed to increase the talent given h i m , they have not recognized what G o d has done for them and have not accepted the gospel (Matthew 25:15, 18, 24-30). A s we must learn not to be antagonized by those who actively persecute us, so we should avoid those who would lead us astray.

The Gospel in Our Home Âť I I X

' h e family is the basic unit of the C h u r c h . It is w i t h i n the family that many of the principal objectives of the C h u r c h are to be worked out.

Temple Marriage T h e home is based upon marriage, and the Lord's mode of marriage is the temple ceremony, w h i c h seals husband and wife together for time and eternity. T h e goal of every newly baptized couple should be to receive the temple marriage ordinance. T h i s includes having their children sealed to them for eternity. A s we study the gospel more thoroughly, we w i l l understand the prophet's counsel that families be bound together i n this manner by the sealing power of the priesthood. Family Prayer C h u r c h authorities advise the Latter-day Saint family to kneel together i n daily family prayer. W h e n we do this, we teach faith and prayer to our children, bring the family closer together, and invite the Lord's Spirit into our home. Teaching O u r Children I t is the parents' duty to teach their children the gospel. I f they fail to do so, the L o r d said that "the sin be upon the heads of the parents" (Doctrine and Covenants 68:25-28). I t is the Lord's intent that children be taught and prepared for baptism at the age of accountability—eight years of age. Therefore, as members of the C h u r c h , we need to teach our children and convert them, so they w i l l obey the gospel. Word of Wisdom I n the Latter-day Saint home, all members of the family should understand and know the importance of living the W o r d of W i s d o m . I f the parents set the example, the children w i l l usually follow.

Tithing A l l members of the family who have any income should pay tithing. W e should teach even our small children to pay a full and honest tithing on any money they receive for doing tasks or as gifts. W e should teach this law to our children both by precept and by example. Speech in the Home C h i l d r e n absorb habits and ideals—eitber good or bad— from their parents. Because of this, we should allow no profanity i n the home, no evil speaking of any k i n d , and no lying, backbiting, or criticism. T h i s respect for others holds true for everyone, including neighbors and C h u r c h and c i v i l authorities. C h i l d r e n are quick to pick up the feeling of respect or lack of respect for C h u r c h officers from their parents who speak w i t h regard or are disparaging of them. Respect between Parents and C h i l d r e n O n e of the T e n Commandments urges respect between parents and children. I f we want our children to respect us, we must be respectable. W e must also respect our children and be fair and just to them. C h i l d r e n are to honor their father and mother, be obedient to them, and cooperate w i t h them i n developing a Christlike atmosphere i n the home. Blessing the Sick " I s any sick among you? let h i m call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over h i m , anointing h i m w i t h oil i n the name of the Lord: " A n d the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise h i m u p . " (James 5:14-15.) Patriarchal Blessings Patriarchs in the stakes of the C h u r c h give blessings to worthy members. T h e patriarchal blessing reveals what the member's possibilities are if he or she is obedient to the truth. B o t h parents and children may receive these blessings, and we should prepare our children for this experience. I f living in a mission, you may receive a recommend from the branch or mission president to obtain a blessing from a partriarch w i t h i n an established stake of the C h u r c h . F a m i l y Home F v e n i n g T h e family home evening is one of the highly recommended and widely practiced traditions in the C h u r c h . T h e family evening should be a weekly activity w i t h all members of the family present and taking part. For several years the prophets have designated Monday for family home evening. However, w i t h the Sunday consolidated meeting schedule, the G e n e r a l Authorities have suggested family scripture study during the free time at home. T h i s would leave Monday evening for continued study and entertainment or for an evening of wholesome family fun

and entertainment. These study periods and activities should open and close w i t h prayer. D o i n g T h i n g s Together W h e n the members of a family work and play together in a spirit of love, cooperation, and consideration for each other, they build memories and family traditions, and will progress toward their goal of living together throughout eternity.

Serving in the Ward or Branch


he importance of participating i n ward and branch activities was pointed out under "Individual C o m m i t m e n t . " T h e ward is the religious unit through w h i c h the programs of the C h u r c h are administered, and a group of wards are organized into a stake within a given geographical area. T h e branch holds a similar place to a ward but is on a smaller scale. A branch may he part of a stake, or it may be i n a district of a mission. T h e ward or branch is the seat of local government in the C h u r c h and is presided over by priesthood authority. T h e bishop or branch president issues recommends for baptism, advancement i n the priesthood, and the temple. Members of the ward or branch hold all positions from bishop or branch president through priesthood and auxiliary offices to class officers. T h r o u g h these organizations, each one receives instruction in the gospel and i n special assignments. Because the branch is smaller, the organization is simpler. Meetings Regular ward and branch meetings have already been mentioned. T h e Sabbath meetings are held for all members and visitors i n a three-hour block, and auxiliary and sports activities are held on weekdays. A s new converts, you w i l l also be interested in stake and district meetings. T h e m a i n meetings are the stake or district conferences, w h i c h normally are held twice a year. These are important meetings and are often addressed by a G e n e r a l Authority or a Regional Representative of the C h u r c h . Your entire family should plan to attend. Reverence W e should show reverence i n our meetinghouses, particularly i n the chapel, and teach our children to do ikewise. W e should remember that we pray for the Lord's Spirit to be w i t h us in our meetings and our activities and should show respect for that invitation. Respect for A u t h o r i t y T h e local leaders and G e n e r a l Authorities of the C h u r c h are servants of the Lord and are entitled to our respect. W e should support and sustain them by participating in the regular activities of the C h u r c h . W e should avoid

making unkind remarks both for our o w n sakes and for the sake of our children and others who might hear us. T h e Lord honors his servants, as is evident throughout the scriptures, w h i c h teach that those who receive the servants of the Lord shall themselves be received of the Lord, but those who reject the Lord's servants w i l l themselves be rejected. (See Matthew 10:40; L u k e 10:16; J o h n 13:20; and Doctrine and Covenants 84:36 and 112:20.)

Our Relationship with Our Fellowmen


hen the Lord gave the first and great commandm e n t — " l o v e . . . G o d w i t h all thy heart"—he also said:

" A n d the second is like unto it. T h o u shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (See Matthew 22:36-40.) I n the Sermon on the Mount, the Savior gave us what is known as the G o l d e n Rule: " A l l things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to t h e m " (Matthew 7:12). A s we study the scriptures, we w i l l note that our relationship w i t h our fellowmen w i l l greatly influence the salvation we shall receive. I n the Lord's Prayer the Savior made it clear that we shall be forgiven of our sins only i n proportion to our forgiveness of those who trespass against us (see Matthew 6:14-15). O n the day of judgment he w i l l reward each of us according to our works "and measure to every man according to the measure w h i c h he has measured to his fellow m a n " (Doctrine and Covenants 1:10). T h e entire Sermon on the Mount bears out the spirit of this teaching. T h e importance of the second great commandment and the G o l d e n R u l e is often underestimated. I n our neighborhoods, our communities, and all associations w i t h our fellowmen, we are to live the ideals of Jesus, so that our lives w i l l serve as a beacon on a h i l l , inviting all men to come unto Christ.

Our Responsibility as Citizens


e believe i n being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, i n obeying, honoring, and sustaining the l a w " (Articles of Faith 1:12).

Early i n C h u r c h history the Lord said, " L e t no man break the laws of the land, for he that keepeth the laws of G o d hath no need to break the laws of the l a n d " (Doctrine and Covenants 58:21).

T h e L o r d established a free form of government in the U n i t e d States and raised up righteous men to write the C o n s t i t u t i o n of the U n i t e d States, w h i c h guarantees the personal liberty of all who live there. T h e L o r d has revealed that " i t is not right that any man should be i n bondage one to another" and that personal liberty is provided by law so that each man w i l l be judged according to his o w n deeds. (See Doctrine and Covenants 98:4-5 and 101:77-80; 1 N e p h i 13:10-20; and 3 N e p h i 21:4.) I t is easily seen, therefore, w h y the Lord told us that if we obey his law, there is no need to disobey the law of the land. I n short, as a Latter-day S a i n t , we should be good citizens, observe the law, take part i n elections, and otherwise contribute to the preservation of justice, peace, and order i n the land.

Conclusion r I ' he gospel of Jesus C h r i s t is the plan of salvation. I t I is a way of life, not something to be considered on X the Sabbath and forgotten the rest of the week. T h e gospel gives us a pattern by w h i c h we can become more Christlike. W e should labor i n the gospel and the true C h u r c h w i t h willingness and cheerfulness. W e should put them first i n our lives, always keeping i n mind the Savior's divine injunction: "Seek ye first the kingdom of G o d , and his righteousness; and a l l these things shall be added unto y o u " (Matthew 6:33). L e t us "be not weary i n well-doing" (Doctrine and C o v enants 6 4 : 3 3 ) . W e should not view this as a task that is too hard. T h e r e is no excellence without labor, and there is no salvation without obedience. T h e L o r d is k i n d , and he is helpful. I f we w i l l believe i n h i m and accept his word, we shall discover the truth of what he said i n a prayer: " T a k e my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for 1 am meek and lowly i n heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. " F o r my yoke is easy, and my burden is l i g h t . " (Matthew 11:29-30.)

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