Eternal Progression: Study Guide 4 (1985)

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Premortal Life any peopl e h ave wondered, "Di d we ex ist before our birth ? Wh y are we here on earth ? Where will we go after dea th ?" Th e answers to these question s have been revea led by our Father in Heave n . W e are literally his children . W e lived with him as spirits before we were born . W e were individua ls and we re crea ted in the image of our Father. W e were, howeve r, unlike him in man y ways. H e was much more full y deve loped spirituall y, and we did not have a physical body, as he does. T o en able us to become like him , our Father in H eaven pre pared a plan that allowed us to come to the ea rth .

Additional Study What was our relationship with God during o ur premortal ex istence? (Acts 17:29; Ro mans 8: 16) What was our state of be ing during o ur premorta l existence? (Ecclesias tes 12: 7; Hebrews 12:9) What potential did we inherit fro m our Father in Heaven ? (Psa lm 82:6; Luke 12:44; Romans 8: 17; 2 C orinthi an s 3: 18; I John 3:2 )

Additional Scriptures Jeremiah 1:5; John 9:2 ; Alma l3 : l- l3

Mortal Life on Earth


n this mortal life we are give n opportunities to become like our Heave nl y Father. A s we are born into this life, our sp irit enters a phys ical body . Although these bodies are mortal and imperfect, this is the first step to receiving a glorified, immo rtal body like our Father'V. Thi li fe is a lso a period of te ting and tempering. Hav ing no memo ry of our premorta l life, we must ac t by faith. W e exper ience difficu lti es and tri a l , a nd by overcoming them we develop many of the ch aracte ri stic of o ur Father. He gives us commandments to point the way we should go to fulfill our purpose. But we are free to choose to obey or di obey, and we are held responsible for our choices and ac tions.

Additional Study What is the purpose of our mortal life on this earth? (M atth ew 5:48; 2 Peter :4; Alma 12:2 4) Through the process of be ing tested we can grow and develop. (J ob 23: I 0; R< mans 5:3; Hebrews 12:9; James 1: 12) W e are free to choo e to obey or d isobey. (2 N ephi 2:27-29; He laman 14:30-3 1)

Additional Scriptures Acts 14:22; Philippi ans 2: 12 ; Alma 34:3 1-32 ; Abraham 3:25


Life after Death


eca use our bodi e are mortal, each of u wi ll die . This physica l dea th is a part of the pl an by which our imperfec t morta l bod ies are made perfect and immorta l. At death our sp iri t leaves the physica l body, but the sp irit i st ill ali ve and i taken to the spirit world. Th ere we awa it the resurrect ion and the judgment. Jesus taught that to be saved in the kingdom of heave n a per on mu t accept him and be baptized ; but mi ll ions leave th is li fe without hea ring of the Sav ior. In the spirit world the gospe l wi ll be taught to all who died without the opportunity to accept Je us C hrist and his gospel. Additional Study What happen to our spirit wh en we die ? (Ecc les iastes 12: 7; Alma 40: 11 - 14) What great work is done in the spirit world ? (J ohn 5:25, 28; I Pete r 3: 18- 19; I Peter 4:6) Additional Scriptures Mark 16: 16; John 3: 1- 5; 2 Nephi 9:23; 3 Nephi :33-34; Doctrine and Covenants 13 8


Eternal Life


hen we are resurrec ted, we rece ive a perfect , immo rtal body and dwell in a state of glory . The degree of that glory will depend on our faithfulness in this life. If we have been faithful and worthy, we will be with our Father in the ce lestial glory. Those who rece ive this glory will know a fulness of joy. Those who do not accept C hrist's gospe l and repent of their siQV will receive lesser degrees of glory. During this mortal life God gives us the power to bring chi ldren into this world. This power of procreation is a sacred, divine gift. God has set high standards for contro lling it within the marriage re lationship. By sharing in the creatio n of life and by nurturing and guiding our families in righteousness, we can become like our Father. The marriage and family relationships need not end with death. Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, God has revealed that families ca n be sealed together for eternity. This sacred ceremony is performed in temples under the authority of the priesthood.

Additional Study There will be different degrees of glory in the resurrection. (J ohn 14:2; Corinthians 15 :40-41 ; 2 Corinthi ans 12 :2 ) The power to bring children in to this world is a sacred gift. (Genesis 1:27-28; Psa lm 127:3-5 ) Fami lies can be eternal. (Matthew 16:1 9; 1 Corinthians 11 :11)

Additional Scriptures 1 Corinthians 15 :42-45, 49, 51-54; Philippians 3:21; Doctrine and Covenants 88: 18-32


God's Commandments of Cleanliness


od has given us laws to govern the sacred power of procreation, and penaltie for ab using it . He ha commanded that we are to refra in from an y sex ual relations outside the marriage relationship. Jesus taught th at even impure thought make us unclean and unworth y to return to our Father in Heaven . W e must keep our thoughts clean and be modest in o ur act ions, speech , and dress. God has taught us that in all ways we are to treat our bodies as sacred temples. T o he lp us understand this principle, he revea led to Joseph Smith a law of hea lth known as "the Word of Wisdom": we should not take in to our bodies a lcoho l, tobacco, coffee, tea, and other har mful drugs. These substances damage our bodies and affect our spirits. The W o rd of Wisdom gives counse l on who lesome foods. The Lord pro mi es tho e who obey this law that they will enj oy greater health and will find great treasure of wisdom, strength, and di v ine protection. W e will rece ive greater happiness in thi li fe and prove ourse lves worthy of great joy in the next life.


Additional Study We are commanded to avo id sexual sin or "anything like unto it." (Matthew 5:28 ; Matthew 19:16-18; Alma 39:3-5; Doctrine and Covenants 59 :6) We must keep even our thoughts clean and pure. (Matthew 5:28; Matthew 15 : 19-20; Mos iah 4:30) What price is paid by those who violate the law of chastity ? (1 Corinthians 3: 16-17; 1 Corin thians 6:9; Helaman 4:24)

Additional Scriptures 1 Corinthi ans 6: 19-20; Hebrews 13 :4; Alma 12: 14; Alma 37:36)


What Can You Do?

1. Read Alma 11- 13, 34 and Helaman 14. Continue read ing the Book of Mormon from beginning to end. 2. Begin immed iately to absta in from usi ng any harmful substances (alcoh ol, tobacco, coffee, and tea ). 3. Commit yourself to honor the law of chastity in both thought and deed . 4. Pray for strength and guidance in living these laws of God. 5. Hear the fifth missionary lesson . 6. Attend worship services with a C hurch member. Address: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

Next Appointments Discuss ion 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Discussion 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sa lt Lake C ity, Utah Copyright Š 1985 by Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America


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