Living a Christlike Life: Study Guide 5 (1985)

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The Two Great Commandments


uring our li fe on earth we tend to eek our own se lf- interest. If this tendency becomes our main interest, we can become se lf-centered and cease to care about ther people or God. The two great commandment -to love God with all our hea rts and to love our neighbors as ourse lves-help us overcome this elf-centeredness. Wh en we learn to obey God' wi ll and to serve others, we ca n rid ourse lves of se lf-cenreredn ss and become more like Je us C hrist, our Exempl ar. Additional Study

Self-centeredness is a strong tendency in our li ves. (Psa lm 94: 11; 2 Timoth y 3: 1- 4; 2 Neph i 9:2 - 30) What should be our basic motive in life ? (M atthew 6: 19-2 1, 24, 33; Luke 12: 15- 21; Jacob 2: 18- 19) In order to become more like God, we must love our fe llowman. (1 Corinthi ans 13; 1 John 4:4- 11 , 20-2 1; Moroni 7:44-48) Wh y are love of God and love of other the two greatest commandments? (M atthew 22:35-40; Romans 13 :8-10; Galati an 5: 14; Mos iah 2: 17) Additional Scriptures

John 13:34; 1 The alonians 3: 12- 13; 2 26:30; A lma 38: 12; Mormon 8:34-3 7


Sacrifice Brings Blessings


o love and serve God mea ns that we must sacrifice our own immed iate interests. This i a difficult te t. Through sacrifice we show that we are willing to put the things of God first in our lives. W e may not be as ked to sacrifice all things, but we hould be sincere ly willing to give whatever is required . Through sacrifice we can know the joy of giving and can fee l th e influ ence of the H oly Ghost growing stronger in our li ves.

Additional Study Willingness to sacrifice is es entia] to ga ining eternal life. (Matthew 10:39; Matt hew 16:24-26; Romans 8: 18 ) What sacrifi ce does the Lord require of us? (Luke 14:33; Omni 1:26; 3 N ephi 9: 19-20 )

Additional Scriptures Philippians 3:8; Hebrews 13: 16; Helaman 10:4- 5


The Law of Tithing


ne way th at we lea rn to put the things of God first in our lives is to obey the law of tithing. God is the source of all we have. He asks us to return to him one-tenth of our income so that his work can be carried on . By paying tithing we can help in the Lord's work and also develop unse lfishness. The Lord, in turn, promise to bles us both sp irituall y and temporally.

Additional Study Tithing is a sacred law of God. (Lev iti cus 27:30; Malachi 3:8-12) Additional Scriptures Genesis 14:20; 2 Chronicles 31:5; Hebrews 7:2; 3 Nephi 24:8-12


The Law of the Fast


he law of the fast al o he lps us put the things of God above our worlJl y cares and desires. T o fast mean to go complete ly without food and drink for a period of time (usuall y two mea ls). Fasting helps us grow piritually and brings us c lose r to God. It sho uld be accompani ed by sincere praye r for ourse lves and other . Through the law of the fast we are also ab le to he lp those in need . W e contribute the money or food saved by fasting to the C hurch for the care of th needy. Thus, the law of the fast he lps us become se lfless, enables us to share in the Lord 's work, and he lps us become more like him .

Additional Study What is an acceptable fast to the Lord ? (Isa iah 58:3-7; 3 N ephi 13:16) What bl e sings do we rece ive from fasting? (Ezra 8:23; Psa lm 35: 13; Isa iah 58:8- 12; Alma 5:46; Helaman 3:35)

Additional Scriptures Exodus 34:28; Zechariah 8: 19; Matthew 4:2; Matthew 6: 18; Matt hew 17: 2 1; Alma 6:6


What Can You Do?

1. Continue attending church, read ing and pray ing about the Book of Mormon, and living the commandments. 2. Fast for two meals and pray to know whether the message you have heard is true. 3. Plan to begin paying tithing when you .become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 4. During the coming week, plan and carry out one acti vity in which you give help to someone in need. 5. Hear the sixth lesson from the missionari es. 6. Attend worship services with a Church member. Address:----- - - - - - - - - - Time: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ Next Appointment

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Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sa ints Salt Lake City, Utah Copyright Š 1985 by Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America


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