Melchizedek Priesthood Handbook (1964)

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This Handbook is issued only for the use of those holding positions requiring it. I f there is a change in the personnel of such position, this book should promptly be turned over to the successor.




Published hy the C H U R C H OF J E S U S C H R I S T O F L A T T E R - D A Y SAINTS 47 East South Temple St. Salt Lake City, Utah 1964

Printed in the United States of America


Dear Brethren: This Handbook summarizes many of the policies and procedures relative to the Melchizedek Priesthood Program of the Church. It is issued for your guidance and direction, with the confident expectation that it will aid you in magnifying your callings and in discharging your responsibilities as servants of the Lord. FaithuUy your brethren, THE FIRST PRESIDENCY David O. McKay Hugh B . Brown N. Eldon Tanner



T A B L E OF CONTENTS Page PRIESTHOOD S U P E R V I S I O N IN T H E S T A K E S Stake Presidency Stake Melchizedek Priesthood Committee Ward Priesthood Activities Chart: "Stake Melchizedek Priesthood Committee" PRIESTHOOD ORDINATIONS Worthiness a Prerequisite to Ordination Ordination Procedures Ordaining Servicemen PRIESTHOOD M E E T I N G S Chart: "Stake Priesthood Meetings" Stake Priesthood Meetings Priesthood Meetings Held in Connection with Quarterly Stake Conferences General Stake Priesthood Meetings Stake Priesthood Leadership Meetings General Session Departmental Meetings Departments for Melchizedek Priesthood Leaders Department for Clerks Department for Leaders of Aaronic Priesthood Under 21 Department for Leaders of Aaronic Priesthood Over 21 Ward Priesthood Meeting Quorum and Group Meetings Special Meetings QUORUM A D M I N I S T R A T I O N Priesthood Quorums Priesthood Groups Quorum Objectives Quorum Responsibilities Selection of Quorum Presidencies and Group Leaders Responsibilities of Quorum Presidencies Chart: "Stake and Ward Priesthood Officers" 22, 23, 24, PRIESTHOOD C O R R E L A T I O N I N T H E W A R D Bishopric in Charge 3

5 5 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 18 18 18 19 19 21 25 26

Ward Council Meetings of Ward Council Priesthood Executive Committee of the Ward Council Correlation Through Priesthood Quorums or Groups Priesthood Home Teaching Program Priesthood Genealogy Program Priesthood Missionary Program Priesthood Welfare Program The Education Program Chart: "Organization for Priesthood Correlation in the Ward" OTHER P R I E S T H O O D A C T I V I T I E S Visits by Quorum Presidencies or Group Leaders Record of Activity Church and Quorum Assignments Use of Cottage Meetings for Reactivation Quorum Activities and Projects Welfare and Rehabilitation Activities Fund Raising Projects Civic and Church Projects QUORUM P R O P E R T I E S Quorum Funds and Properties Care of Quorum Funds Dividing Quorum Properties Titles to Real Property PRIESTHOOD R E C O R D K E E P I N G A N D R E P O R T S Secretaries Reports and Records PRIESTHOOD O R D I N A N C E S A N D C E R E M O N I E S Those Performing Ordinances Important Priesthood Ordinances Blessing and Naming of Children Performing Baptism Confirmation and Bestowal of the Holy Ghost Blessing on the Bread Blessing on the Water Conferring the Priesthood and Ordaining to an Office Therein Consecration of Oil Administering to the Sick Anointing the Sick Sealing the Anointing Dedication of Graves 4


Stake Presidency

A l l Melchizedek Priesthood quorums come under the supervision of the stake presidency. I n the case of seventies, the supervision is exercised in collaboration and cooperation with the First Council of Seventy. Stake Melchlzedek Priesthood Committee

A stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee should be organized in each stake, consisting of the stake president as chairman, and not fewer than four members of the high council as members, and either the stake clerk or an assistant stake clerk as secretary. Similar committees looking after the Aaronic Priesthood will be presided over by each of the counselors to the stake president. A n appointment to serve on the stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee should be the major committee assignment of each high councilor so named. The committee should instruct quorum leadership on their general duties and counsel with the stake presidency on quorum organizational matters. As representatives of the stake presidency these four high councilors should be assigned as follows: 1. Adviser to stake Priesthood Genealogy program and to assist the high priests quorum presidency as directed. 2. Adviser to the seventies quorums and representative for the stake Priesthood Missionary work. 3. Adviser to elders quorums and representative for the stake Priesthood Welfare program. 4. Adviser and general secretary for Priesthood Home Teaching. Regular meetings of this committee should be held where plans are formulated, assignments made and checkups performed relative to work assigned previously. The Melchizedek Priesthood committee members should not take over the active operation of priesthood quorums. These quorums are to be operated by their own officers in harmony with the policies of the Church. But, among other things, members of the stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee are to: 5

1. Train quorum officers in the performance of their duties. 2. Conduct Melchizedek Priesthood departments in the regular stake priesthood leadership meetings. 3. Make visits to quorum and group meetings as directed by the stake presidency. 4. Keep the stake presidency informed of the activities, projects, achievements, organizational and other needs of the quorums. Committee members should know the quorum members well enough to be able to recommend worthy and qualified brethren to serve as quorum officers or in other responsible church positions. 5. Provide necessary help and teaching aids for priesthood leaders responsible for class instruction, including programs on Priesthood Home Teaching, Priesthood Missionary, Priesthood Welfare, Priesthood Genealogy, and other priesthood functions. 6. Coordinate with the stake leaders of Aaronic Priesthood and other organizations in matters pertaining to priesthood programs of Home Teaching, Missionary, Welfare, and Genealogy. 7. Review quorum reports. 8. Supervise audits of quorum funds and properties once a year or oftener if there is a change in the presidency. Ward Priesthood Activities

The stake presidency is responsible for all Melchizedek Priesthood quorums in the stake. The bishop will work with the quorum and group leaders on a ward basis in priesthood programs of Home Teaching, Missionary, Welfare, and Genealogy. Bishops have jurisdiction over individual Melchizedek Priesthood holders as ward members, and he may call them to perform ward assignments. Bishops are asked to recommend worthy priests for ordination as elders in the Melchizedek Priesthood, and also to certify as to the personal worthiness of all priesthood bearers in connection with proposed priesthood ordinations. These certifications pertain to worthiness and personal qualifications and are not of themselves recommendations for Melchizedek Priesthood advancement. A l l Melchizedek Priesthood holders are expected to attend the weekly priesthood meeting in their respective wards in order to receive instructions from the bishopric and other priesthood leaders. 6


Supervises committee

Chairman (Stake President)

Serves as adviser for the stake Priesthood Genealogy program.

Serves as adviser for the stake Priesthood Missionary program.

Instructs seventies presidency and group leaders in their general duties and counsels with the stake president on organizational matters.

instructs high priests group leaders in their general duties. as he may be assigned under the direction of the quorum president. and counsels with the quorum president on organizational matters.

High Councilor

Serves as adviser for the Stoke Priesthood Welfare program.

Instructs elders quorum leaders in their general duties and counsels with the stoke president on organizational matters.


High Councilor

High Councilor

MEMBERSHIP High Councilor

Works with all quorums on Home Teaching.


Maintains records and otherwise assists committee.

Secretary (Stake Clerk or Assistant)


Worthiness a Brethren recommended to be ordained to Prerequisite to offices in the Melchizedek Priesthood Ordination should: 1. Have sincere faith in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and in the mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and sustain the President of the Church as the living prophet of God, and other general and local authorities in their respective calUngs. 2. Have no affiliation, in sympathy or otherwise, with any of the apostate groups or individuals who are running counter to the accepted rules and doctrines of the Church. 3. Desire to use their talents, means, and abilities in building up the kingdom of God and spreading the gospel in the earth. 4. Be morally clean, honest and otherwise fit to receive priesthood ordinations. 5. Observe the Word of Wisdom. 6. Be willing to strive earnestly to do their duty in the Church, to live in accordance with its rules and doctrines, to pay a full tithing, attend sacrament, priesthood, and other meetings, and to be active in priesthood affairs. Brethren should prove themselves worthy before they are ordained. Ordination Procedures

A l l recommendations for ordination of brethren to offices in the Melchizedek Priesthood are the direct responsibility of the stake presidency. Bishops are to recommend worthy priests to be ordained elders. In such cases bishops use the form entitled, "Recommendation for Advancement from the Aaronic Priesthood to the Melchizedek Priesthood." A l l brethren proposed for ordination in the Melchizedek Priesthood are to be interviewed by a member of the stake presidency, and are to fill in the data on the back of the form entitled "Recommendation for Conferring the Melchizedek Priesthood and Ordaining to Offices Therein." Names of worthy and qualified brethren should then be presented to the stake presidency and high council for approval and then finally to a quarterly stake priesthood meeting (not a leadership meeting), or a general session of a stake conference, for a sustaining vote. 8

Interviews by members of stake presidencies pertain to personal worthiness and to the quahfications of the brethren concerned to perform the duties of the particular priesthood office under consideration. Thorough, searching inquiry relative to conformity to all church standards is to be made in this interview. When brethren are proposed for ordination as elders, the oath and covenant of the Melchizedek Priesthood should be brought to their attention. (Doctrine and Covenants 84:33-44) In the case of seventies these interviews are not to take place without the prior approval of the First Council of Seventy or others of the General Authorities as authorized. To receive this approval from the First Council of Seventy the form entitled "Request for Permission to Interview" should be submitted. Only those brethren should be called to serve as seventies who have the interest and abilities to do missionary work. Elders should not be ordained seventies until they have gained adequate experience in the Melchizedek Priesthood, have matured in the gospel, and have stability as members of the Church. It is unwise to weaken the elders quorums unduly by ordaining too large a proportion of the outstanding and worthy elders into the quorums of seventy. In presenting names for a sustaining vote in connection with proposed ordinations, it is not necessary to vote on each name separately. When names are presented in a general session of stake conference, the entire church membership present should be asked to vote upon them and not just the priesthood holders. Elders are ordained by or under the direction of the stake presidencies. High Priests are ordained by members of the stake presidency or the visiting General Authorities. Certificates of ordination are to be issued by the stake clerk. Seventies are ordained by one of the First Presidency, the Council of the Twelve, the Assistants to the Twelve or the First Council of Seventy. Certificates of ordination for seventies are issued by the First Council of Seventy. Ordaining Servicemen

Men in three categories are found in the military service: 1. Those in various reserve programs who are away from home on T E M P O R A R Y active duty for periods of six months W O U L D NOT have duplicate 9

membership records issued for them while they are away from home. 2. Inductees and enlistees who generally serve on active duty away from home for periods of two to four years. Also members of reserve units who are called into active service in times of emergency or war when it is not known how long they will be away from home. These groups WOULD have duplicate membership records issued for them while away from home. 3. Career servicemen who make the military their life's vocation. Ordinations of those in the first category should be taken care of before they go on active duty, when they are home on furlough, or after their release from the service. Advancements in the priesthood for those in the second category should likewise be taken care of at home before they begin active duty if they are worthy and it is felt advisable. (An eighteen-year-old who is to begin active duty for two years or more may be ordained an elder before he leaves if he is adjudged to have the necessary maturity, stability and worthiness. If this ordination is required before a monthly priesthood meeting can be held, his name may be presented in the ward sacrament meeting and then ratified in the next stake priesthood meeting.) However, when those in this category leave home their duplicate membership records will be sent to the ward, branch or unit where they are located and they will be advanced in the priesthood there in the same manner as if they were permanent members of that unit, after which the information concerning such ordinations should promptly be sent to the home ward or branch so that it may be recorded on the permanent record. Those in the third category have their white membership records follow them from base to base and are ordained in the regular manner. A man in the Navy who is at sea for an extended period would have his membership record retained ifi his home ward or branch. If he is adjudged by his group leader to be worthy of ordination, he will give the name of his home stake president to the group leader who will write the stake president recommending that he be ordained. If the stake president after consultation with the home bishop as to worthiness authorizes an interview and ordination, in writing, then the group leader may pre10

sent the candidate's name to the group. If sustained, the candidate then may be interviewed by a mission or stake president at a port of call, and if found worthy, ordained by the mission president or the stake president who will advise the home stake president of the action taken. STAKE PRIESTHOOD MEETINGS

1. PRIESTHOOD MEETINGS HELD IN CONNECTION WITH QUARTERLY S T A K E CONFERENCES (One to be held each quarter) These meetings will be conducted according to instructions which will be issued from the office of the President of the Council of the Twelve. 2. G E N E R A L S T A K E PRIESTHOOD MEETINGS (One to be held each quarter) Attendance A l l holders of Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood Agenda: I . General instruction I I . Transact priesthood business I I I . Inspiration 3. S T A K E PRIESTHOOD LEADERSHIP MEETINGS (One to be held each quarter) Attendance Stake Presidency and Clerks High Council Stake Melchizedek Priesthood Committee Stake Committee for Aaronic Priesthood Under 21 Stake Committee for Aaronic Priesthood Over 21 Bishoprics and Ward Clerks Melchizedek Priesthood Quorum Presidencies, Unit Leaders, Group Leaders, and Secretaries General Secretaries and Quorum Advisers of Aaronic Priesthood Under 21 General Secretaries and Quorum Advisers of Aaronic Priesthood Over 21 11

Agenda I . General Session: 1. Opening exercises, including hymn and invocation 2. Instructions as determined by the stake president pertaining to responsibilities including such priesthood programs as Home Teaching, Missionary, Genealogy, and Welfare 3. Roll call and announcements 4. Dismissal for department meetings I I . Departmental Meetings: 1. Melchizedek Priesthood (a) High Priests (b) Seventy (c) Elders 2. Clerks 3. Aaronic Priesthood Under 21 4. Aaronic Priesthood Over 21 STAKE PRIESTHOOD MEETINGS

Stake Priesthood Meetings

A stake priesthood meeting should be held each month in each stake. Those expected to attend and the agenda to be followed will be found on pages 11 and 12 of this Handbook. These meetings are to be so scheduled that one of each type will be held each quarter. The three types are as follows: 1. Priesthood Meetings Held in Connection with Quarterly Stake Conferences. These meetings will be conducted according to instructions which will be issued from the office of the President of the Council of the Twelve. 2. General Stake Priesthood Meetings. These meetings are occasions on which the brethren of the priesthood should be taught their duties and responsibilities, encouraged to magnify their callings, and be built up in faith and devotion. These meetings are for (1) general instruction, (2) transacting priesthood business, such as presenting recommended names of brethren for new offices in the priesthood, and (3) inspiration. 3. Stake Priesthood Leadership Meetings. These meetings should provide opportunities at which 12

priesthood leaders are taught their duties and are trained in their performance. High councilors in charge of the various stake priesthood departments or other qualified brethren under their direction are to act as instructors, offer specific suggestions, help to promote all priesthood programs, check on past performance, and inspire a determination on the part of quorum leaders to work with zeal and energy in their callings. The stake priesthood leadership meeting should have two parts: (1) General session, including opening exercises, and instructions and motivation in such priesthood programs as Missionary, Welfare, Genealogy and Home Teaching activities; and (2) departmental meetings, where general training and motivation are given to leaders of the following six groups meeting separately: (a) high priests, (b) seventies, (c) elders, (d) clerks, (e) Aaronic Priesthood Under 21, and (f) Aaronic Priesthood Over 21. General Session: The general session is to be conducted by the stake presidency. This session should be aimed at bringing better performance in the stake in the priesthood programs of the Church including Home Teaching, Missionary, Welfare, Genealogy and other important priesthood matters. Stress should be given to correlation of these activities with other priesthood and auxiliary activities within the stake. The stake president should call upon high councilors in charge of priesthood programs such as Home Teaching, Missionary, Welfare and Genealogy for assistance in the presentations of these programs as he may direct. The high councilor in charge of Home Teaching, for example, may give instructions to the stake priesthood leadership in the general session and will provide technical assistance in the departmental meetings as assigned by the stake president. Departmental Meetings: In the departmental meetings, the stake presidency should be free to work with the groups for which they have special responsibility, the bishopric should attend the specified departments set up for leaders of the Aaronic Priesthood under 21 and over 21, the ward clerks should be under the direction of the stake clerk, and the various priesthood groups should be under the direction of the respective supervising high councilors for the individual groups. There is one possible exception. It should be kept in mind that there is only one high priests quorum in the stake and therefore only one president of the quorum. 13

who is the stake president. The high councilor assigned to the high priests department should always act under the direction of the high priests president in presenting the work to the department. Departments for Melchizedek Priesthood Leaders: High councilors conducting these departments will be specialists in one phase of the priesthood correlation program, but they should be familiar with all four phases: Home Teaching, Missionary, Welfare, and Genealogy. They are responsible for training the priesthood leadership in these priesthood activities. As they subsequently visit the weekly meetings of the respective quorums and groups, they should follow up on assignments and suggestions made in the general session and in the departmental class. They should also follow up in the subsequent leadership meetings devoted to the same type of work. Emphasis should be given to the key roles of the bishop, quorum leaders, priesthood members and parents as they relate to the priesthood correlation program of the Church. Other matters which may properly be considered in these departments are the following: 1. Study the Melchizedek Priesthood Handbook. 2. Study other appropriate church handbooks which set forth policies and procedures governing priesthood and church programs. 3. Study suggestions made on the Melchizedek Priesthood page of the Improvement Era. 4. Plan and suggest specific quorum projects, including civic and church service projects, welfare rehabilitation activity projects, and recreational activity projects. 5. Teach correct procedures relative to the performance of priesthood ordinances. 6. Study and suggest appropriate ways of operating a priesthood reactivation program centered around home teaching, and plan special classes or schools, where desirable, for encouraging and assisting inactive brethren. 7. Make arrangements, through home teaching, for holding cottage meetings with inactive bretihren and their families. 8. Plan the part to be taken by quorums in church 14

9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

building programs and on ward, stake and regional welfare projects. Plan the role quorums will play in genealogical research and the performance of temple ordinances by quorum members and their families. Plan and arrange for quorum support of the stake and foreign missionary effort in supplying missionaries, in making funds available to help needy missionaries, and in preparing future missionaries. Give instructions relative to the marking of rolls, keeping of minutes, and making and submitting reports on time. Give suggestions to home teachers and bishoprics to provide each active quorum brother with some church assignment. Give instructions relative to the collection, conservation, and use of quorum funds. Teach morality, clean living, tithe paying, fasting, the payment of fast offering, and the keeping of all other gospel standards. Take up any special items which may pertain to the particular stake and quorums involved. Check on the fulfillment of assignments and suggestions made in previous leadership meetings.

Department for Clerks: This department is to be conducted by the stake clerk for the ward clerks and the secretaries of the Melchizedek Priesthood quorums and will deal with matters concerned with keeping and completing priesthood records. Department for Leaders of Aaronic Priesthood Under 21. Members of bishoprics, general secretaries and quorum advisers of Aaronic Priesthood under 21 will be expected to attend this department as outlined in the Handbook for Leaders of Aaronic Priesthood Under 21. This department is to be conducted in accordance with the instructions given in that handbook. Department for Leaders of Aaronic Priesthood Over 21: Members of bishoprics, general secretaries and quorum advisers of Aaronic Priesthood over 21 will be expected to attend this department as outlined in the Handbook for Leaders of Aaronic Priesthood Over 21. This department is to be conducted in accordance with the instructions given in that handbook. 15


Bishops should hold a weekly ward priesthood meeting attended by all holders of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood. Following the opening exercises and general business which the bishop may present, holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood should convene in their regular quorum or group meetings. Bishops are cautioned to keep the opening exercises brief so that quorums and groups will have adequate time for presentation of the lesson and for quorum announcements and business. No Melchizedek Priesthood quorum or group meeting should be scheduled at such a time or place as to take quorum members away from the opening exercises. Brethren serving as advisers to Aaronic Priesthood quorums are expected to carry on their work with the Aaronic Priesthood during the priesthood class period but should keep in touch with their Melchizedek Priesthood quorums in their monthly quorum meetings and in all other possible ways. QUORUM AND GROUP MEETINGS

Melchizedek Priesthood quorums whose members reside wholly within one ward should convene in a quorum meeting each Sunday as part of the weekly ward priesthood meeting. Quorum business affairs can be handled as needed, but adequate time should be provided for the presentation of the lesson material. Where quorum members are divided among more than one ward, a monthly quorum business meeting should be scheduled at such an hour as to avoid conflict with any ward priesthood meetings. Such quorum meetings, for instance, may be held on Sunday afternoons, early Sunday mornings, or on week nights. I n case of high priests quorums, the monthly quorum meetings should be scheduled at such an hour as to enable the stake presidency (who constitute the high priests quorum presidency), high council, and ward bishoprics to attend without conflict with other assigned priesthood work. SPECIAL MEETINGS

From time to time as necessary, special meetings such as the following can be held: 1. Under the direction of quorum officers and in cooperation with home teachers, single or multiple 16

family cottage meetings may be held in the homes of inactive quorum members and their famihes. 2. Newly selected quorum presidencies and their wives may properly be called in by the stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee for consultations, so that all concerned may have a clear understanding of the magnitude and importance of the work being undertaken. 3. Stake presidencies and Melchizedek Priesthood committees may call in new quorum presidencies for a series of training sessions. Here quorum leaders may be taught their duties and made familiar with the church correlation program, including Priesthood Home Teaching, Missionary, Genealogy, Welfare, and other activities.



Priesthood Quorums

In each stake one high priests quorum and one or more elders quorums are organized. One or more seventies quorums may also be organized in each stake, unless the total number of seventies does not constitute an operating majority for a quorum, in which case a seventies unit will be organized. A l l high priests in the stake should be members of the high priests quorum. There should be ninety-six elders in a quorum with a minimum of 49. When the elders in a quorum district are in excess of 96, then early study should be given to dividing the quorum. Elders quorums are numbered consecutively within each stake. Each seventies quorum generally should have no more than 70 members and no fewer than 36. A seventies unit may have any number of members fewer than 36, but only one unit may be organized in any one stake and then it is organized only if there is no seventies quorum within that stake; each such unit is presided over by a unit leader who may have two assistants and a secretary to aid him. Priesthood Groups

Where the members of a quorum live in more than one ward, the quorum members within a ward may be organized into a group. These groups are parts of the quorum concerned and are presided over by a group leader who may, in the case of large groups, be aided by two assistants and a secretary. Group leaders, their assistants, and secretary need not be set apart. As far as possible all matters pertaining to quorum organization, priesthood ordination, etc., should be conducted on a quorum level. Priesthood matters under the direction of the bishop which are assigned to the priesthood quorums or groups in the ward, such as Priesthood Genealogy, Welfare, Home Teaching and Missionary Work, should be handled by the priesthood quorum. Quorum Objectives

The Presiding Brethren have set up the following as some of the major objectives for priesthood quorums: 1. Perfect the Saints—To keep the members of the 18

Church in the way of their full duty and to help them to walk uprightly before the Lord. 2. Missionary Work—To teach the Gospel to those who have not yet heard it or accepted it. 3. Temple Work—To have every member worthy to go to the temple for his own endowments and have his family sealed to him. Also to perform genealogical research and vicarious temple ordinances so that the worthy dead may participate in the blessings of the gospel. Priesthood quorums are part of the revealed organization whereby brethren are trained and enabled to do their part in helping the Church to discharge these objectives. Quorum Responsibilities 2. 3. 4. 5.

To accomplish their objectives, quorums have five primary responsibilities: 1. To care for the temporal, intellectual, and spiritual welfare of all quorum members and their families. To teach quorum members their duties and responsibilities as priesthood members. To provide opportunities for church service. To provide adequate fellowship and fraternalism through socials, athletics, etc., for all quorum members. To help members of the quorum develop a real feeling of brotherhood and concern for each other.

Selection of Quorum Presidencies and Group Leaders

Every effort should be made to select the best qualified and most able, available brethren to serve as quorum presidents and as unit and group leaders. The stake president also serves as the president of the high priests quorum with his counselors in the stake presidency as counselors in the presidency of the high priests quorum. As a quorum presidency, they should be sustained by the quorum and set apart by an authorized General Authority. High priests group leaders are (1) chosen by the quorum presidency after conferring with the bishop for information as to worthiness and other qualifications, (2) approved by the high council, and (3) sustained by the high priests group. Members of the quorum presidency are not to serve as group leaders. 19

In the case of the seventies, quorum presidents are (1) recommended by stake presidencies, after conferring with the bishops for information as to worthiness and other qualifications and the high council adviser, (2) approved by the First Council of Seventy, (3) sustained by the quorum, (4) approved by a visiting General Authority, and (5) set apart by one of the First Presidency, one of the Council of the Twelve, one of the Assistants to the Twelve, or one of the First Council of Seventy. Before initiating their recommendations for changes in councils of the presidents of seventies, stake presidents should consult with the local quorum council except in cases where all members of the council are to be proposed for release. Unit leaders for seventies units are (1) chosen by the stake presidency after conferring with the bishop, for information as to worthiness and other qualifications, (2) approved by the high council and the First Council of Seventy, (3) sustained by the unit members, and (4) set apart by the stake presidency. Whenever there is a seventies quorum president living in the ward, he should be appointed group leader unless his other assignments, such as serving in the stake mission presidency, etc., suggest otherwise. When the group leader is not a member of the quorum presidency, he should be selected by the quorum presidency after consulting with the bishop for information as to worthiness and other qualifications, and then presented to the stake presidency for approval. Seventies may be ordained high priests without the prior approval of the First Council of Seventy unless they are serving in quorum presidencies or in the leadership of units. Where they are serving in quorum presidencies or in the leadership of units, the prior approval of the First Council of the Seventy, or of one of the authorized General Authorities, is required. However, stake presidents are at hberty, without the prior approval of the First Council of Seventy, to take a president or a unit leader to serve on a high council or in a ward bishopric. Elders presidents are (1) chosen by the stake presidency after conferring with the bishop for information as to worthiness and other qualifications, and the high council adviser, (2) approved by the high council, (3) sustained by the quorum members, and (4) set apart by or under the direction of the stake president. Elders group leaders will be selected by the quorum presidency after consulting with the bishop for information as to worthiness and other qualifications, and then presented to the stake presidency for approval. 20

Counselors in elders quorum presidencies are (1) chosen by the quorum presidents after conferring with the bishop for information as to worthiness and other qualifications, and the high council adviser, (2) approved by the stake presidency and high council, (3) sustained by the quorum and (4) set apart by or under the direction of the stake presidency. Quorum secretaries are (1) chosen by the quorum presidency, after conferring with the bishop for information as to worthiness and other qualifications, and the high council adviser, (2) approved by the stake presidency and high council, (3) sustained by the quorum, and (4) set apart by the quorum presidency. Group secretaries are appointed by the group leader after conferring with the bishop for information as to worthiness and other qualifications. Responsibilities Quorum presidencies are responsible for of Quorum the spiritual and temporal well-being of Presidencies all over whom they preside. They are to lead their quorum members to eternal life in the celestial kingdom. In pursuing this course, presidencies are obligated to labor with zeal, devotion, and energy; to conform to the church program in all things; to keep the commandments themselves; to teach by precept and example; to use tact, discretion, and wisdom, particularly in working with less active brethren; to take counsel and direction from the stake presidency and the stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee; and to cooperate with the bishop in the ward Priesthood programs. Quorum presidencies, under the direction of the stake presidency, are the active, directing heads of the quorums. Among other things they are to: 1. Supervise, control, and direct all quorum business and activities. 2. Coordinate the work on all quorum projects. 3. Counsel and strengthen the labors of all group leaders. 4. Assure themselves that adequate and orthodox class instruction is given in each group. 5. Teach quorum members to perform gospel ordinances. 6. Develop a feeling of love, fellowship and fraternalism among members of the quorum. 21


Stake President. (Stake clerks should hold the Melchizedek Priesthood.)

Stake President. (Stake Clerks should hold the Melchizedek Priesthood.)

Vote of a stoke conference

Vote of a stoke conference

Vote of a stake conference

High Council

High Council

High Council

Stake Presidency

Stake Presidency

Stake Presidency

Stake Clerks

Assistant Stake Clerks

High Councilors



Note: Whenever a stake president ordains or sets apart any of the brethren as indicated on these charts, a prompt report of action giving identification with names in full, dates, addresses, titles of positions, and Priesthood conferred should be sent to the Office of the Council of the Twelve, 47 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Forms for this purpose may be obtained upon request.

Stake President. (Should not be used as a high councilor until set apart.)

A member of the First Presidency, Council of the Twelve, an Assistant to the Twelve, or the First Council of Seventy, or by the Stake President in the absence of a General Authority, when he is so directed by o member of the Council of the Twelve.

Vote of a stake conference

Visiting General Authority

Stoke President

Counselors in o Stake Presidency

A member of the First Presidency, Council of the Twelve, an Assistant to the Twelve, or the First Council of Seventy.

Vote of a stoke conference

First Presidency and Council of the Twelve



First Presidency and Council of the Twelve


Stake President


Stoke Presidency

Council of the Twelve under direction of the First Presidency

Presidency of Stoke into which he has moved

First Presidency and Council of the Twelve

Stoke President

Stoke Patriarch

Stake Patriarch (Already ordained but moves to o different stoke)

President of High Priests Quorum. (Will be the Stake President)

Counselors in High Priests Quorum Presidency. (Will be the counselors in the Stake Presidency)


Alternate High Councilors (Only if position has been previously authorized by the First Presidency)


Visiting General Authority

First Presidency and Council of the Twelve

A member of the Council of the Twelve

A member of the Council of the Twelve

High Council


Stake Conference or High Priests Quorum

Stoke Conference or High Priests Quorum

Vote of G stoke conference

Vote of a stake conference

Vote of a stoke conference


A member of the First Presidency, Council of the Twelve, on Assistant to the Twelve, or the First Council of Seventy, or by the Stake President in the absence of a General Authority, when he Is so directed by o member of the Council of the Twelve.

A member of the First Presidency, Council of the Twelve, Assistants to the Twelve, or First Council of Seventy.

Not to be set apart again. (Cannot serve until sustained in new stake on authority from the First Presidency.)

A member of the First Presidency or Council of the Twelve

Stoke President. (Should not be used as an alternate high councilor until set apart.)


Elders Quorum

Elders Quorum

Respective Group

Seventies Group

High Council Stake Presidency and High Council Stake Presidency and High Council

Stoke Presidency and High Council Stake Presidency and High Council

Unit Leader

Stake Presidency

Quorum President

Quorum Presidency

Quorum Presidency

Quorum Presidency

Assistants to Unit Leaders Unit Secretaries

Presidents of Elders Quorums

Counselors to Elders Quorum President

Melchizedek Priesthood Quorum Secretaries

High Priests and Elders Group Leaders

Seventies Group Leaders


Not set apart (Note: where there is a quorum president living within the group, he should be appointed group leader, otherwise the group leader should be appointed by the quorum presidency.)

Not set opart

By or under direction of the Stoke President

By or under direction of the Stake President

By or under direction of the Stake President

Stoke Conference or Unit Members

Stake Presidency and High Council

Stake Presidency

Seventies Unit Leaders

Elders Quorum

A member of the First Presidency, Council of the Twelve, on Assistant to the Twelve, or the First Council of Seventy, or by the Stake President, in the absence of a General Authority, when he is so directed by a member of the Council of the Twelve. By or under direction of Stoke President

Stake Conference or Unit Members

First Council of Seventy or visiting General Authority

Stoke Presidency


Presidents of Seventies Quorums


A member of the First Presidency, Council of the Twelve, on Assistant to the Twelve, or the First Council of Seventy

APPROVED BY Stake Conference or Seventies Quorum

NOMINATED BY First Council of Seventy or visiting General Authority


Vote of a stake conference

Vote of a stoke conference Vote of word members

Vote of word members

Vote of word members Vote of ward members

High Council

Stoke Presidency and High Council First Presidency and Council of the Twelve

Stoke Presidency and High Council

Stoke Presidency and High Council Stake Presidency end High Council

Stake Presidency

Mission President

Stake Presidency




Stake Mission President

Counselors to Mission President


Bishop's Counselors

Ward Clerks

Assistant Ward Clerks

By or under the direction of the stake president

By or under the direction of the stake president

Stake President

A member of the First Presidency, Council of the Twelve, Assistants to the Twelve or First Council of Seventy

By or under the direction of the stoke president

Stake President

Stoke Conference By or under the direction of the stoke or the leadership president meeting of the auxiliary concerned

Stake Presidency and High Council

Stake Presidency and High Council or auxiliary heads in consultation with High Council advisors

Need not be set apart


Stake Auxiliary Executive Officers

Group Members


Stake Presidency and High Council


Assistants to Group Leaders Group Secretaries


Group Leader



Bishopric in Charge

The four phases of the Priesthood Correlation Program (Home Teaching, Genealogy, Missionary, and Welfare) function in the ward under the direction of the bishopric through the ward council. (See chart on page 31 of this handbook.) The bishop, in turn, receives his instructions and suggestions on the Priesthood Correlation Program from the stake presidency. The bishop is the presiding authority in the ward as well as the president of the Aaronic Priesthood in the ward. Ward Council

The ward council is presided over and directed by the bishop. Members of the ward council include: Bishopric; high priests group leader, who also serves as ward genealogy adviser; seventies president or group leader, who also serves as ward missionary adviser; elders president or group leader, who also serves as ward welfare adviser; general secretary of Aaronic Priesthood over 21; general secretary of Aaronic Priesthood under 21, who may be the education adviser; Relief Society president; Sunday School superintendent; Y M M I A superintendent; Y W M I A president; Primary president; and others, as desired, tor specific problem, discussions. Meetings of Ward Council

The ward council should meet at least once a month. At this meeting all activities in the ward are correlated. For example, here the bishopric gives instructions and suggestions, and also receives recommendations, on the functioning of home teaching in the ward as it affects all priesthood and auxiliary organizations and their individual members. The same is true of the functioning of Priesthood Genealogy, Missionary and Welfare. However, where auxiliary organizations are not affected, priesthood correlation matters should be discussed in meetings of the priesthood executive committee of the ward council. 26

Priesthood Executive Committee of the Ward Council

The priesthood executive committee of the ward council which meets each week consists of the following members: Bishopric, high priests group leader, seventies president or group leader, elders president or group leader, general secretary of Aaronic Priesthood over 21, and general secretary of Aaronic Priesthood under 21. The priesthood executive committee provides the bishop with a maximum amount of flexibility in administering the programs within his ward, and it can be used to handle the details of many ward activities including the correlation of all Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood responsibilities pertaining to Home Teaching, Missionary, Genealogy and Welfare programs. The priesthood executive committee, with the secretary tor home teaching, is the home teaching committee. The priesthood executive committee becomes the ward welfare committee when the Relief Society presidency is invited to come to this meeting at the beginning or the end of the session. Correlation Through Priesthood Quorums or Groups

A l l Melchizedek Priesthood quorums or groups within the ward will engage in activities pertaining to home teaching. missionary work, genealogy, and welfare. However, leadership tor the Genealogy program will be given to the high priests group, and the group leader will serve as the ward council adviser on genealogy. Similarly, leadership tor missionary activities will be given to the seventies quorum or group in the ward, and the seventies president or group leader will serve as ward council adviser on missionary work. Under the direction of the bishopric, the elders quorum will have leadership tor welfare activities, and the president or group leader of the elders will serve as the ward council adviser on welfare. However, the bishop will serve as chairman of the ward welfare committee and also as chairman of the ward council. Although each of the three Melchizedek Priesthood quorums or groups within the ward will be given the leadership of a particular phase of the Priesthood Correlation Program, all of the quorums or groups will engage in all the phases of priesthood activities as directed by their respective priesthood committees of the high 27

council and in concurrence and cooperation with the ward bishopric and the ward council. Priesthood Home Teaching Program

Home teaching provides the basic cornmunication lines between priesthood leadership in the ward and individual membars of the priesthood quorum or group and their families. Home teaching should also be the heart of the reactivation program. Through home teaching may develop cottage meetings, special schools, and other means of assisting those who need reactivation. For example, the home teachers may see the need of holding cottage meetings with a particular family; this suggestion could then be passed on to the priesthood leaders who would arrange the meeting. It is most important tor good priesthood quorum or group functioning that the Home Teaching program is carried out in the ward as outlined in the Leader's Handbook for Home Teaching. Priesthood Genealogy Program

The genealogy phase of the Priesthood Correlation Program includes genealogical research and temple work. The high priests group in the ward provides leadership tor the ward genealogy program, but other Melchizedek Priesthood quorums or groups should encourage an energetic, active program of temple work both tor the living and the dead. Through home teaching and other means, quorum and group leaders are expected to persuade all of their quorum or group members to quality tor and receive the blessings of the temple, including the blessings of being sealed to their families in the eternal marriage covenant. Quorum and group leaders, in cooperation with the ward and stake genealogy program, are also to sponsor and encourage genealogical research and the performance of vicarious ordinances. For detailed instructions, see the Priesthood Genealogy Handbook. Priesthood Missionary Program

The calling of the seventy is basically one of missionary work. "The Seventy are also called to preach the gospel, and to be especial witnesses unto the Gentiles and in all the world—thus differing from other officers in the church in the duties of their calling." (Doctrine and Covenants 107:25) Thus, the seventies give leadership to missionary activities. 28

Where feasible, seventies should be assigned by the bishopric as home teachers to part-member and new convert families as well as to the families of other seventies. Seventies also lead out in obtaining the names of investigators from the Aaronic Priesthood youth missionary committee, from a ward canvass, and from any other sources, tor stake missionaries and in other ways implementing the missionary program. Members of other Melchizedek Priesthood quorums, including seventies quorums, and groups also assist with the missionary effort, as described in the Priesthood Missionary Handbook. Priesthood Welfare Program

The elders in the ward have responsibility under the direction of or in cooperation with the bishopric in assisting with the welfare program. High priests and seventies in the ward also participate in the program under the direction of and in cooperation with the bishopric. The priesthood members in the ward are expected to assist the bishop in welfare production and to assume the responsibility of helping to rehabilitate their own needy quorum members. Quorums should cooperate with but not duplicate or overlap the welfare work of bishops. For example, a bishop may extend temporary help from the bishop's storehouse or from fast otierings to an unemployed member in need, while a priesthood quorum should endeavor to find employment for him so that he may become self-supporting. Quorum officers should consult with bishops at the time of the weekly ward welfare committee meeting in all such cases to assure proper correlation with the bishopric and the Relief Society. Quorums may operate projects for the purpose of raising funds to carry on their rehabilitation activities as well as other quorum work (see pages 34, 35, 36). Such projects are aside from, but should be correlated with, the bishop's storehouse program. The correlation can be achieved, primarily, through meetings of the priesthood executive committee of the ward council, on which all Melchizedek Priesthood quorums and groups in the ward are represented. For further instructions, see the Priesthood Welfare Handbook. 29

The Education Program

Should the bishop so desire the general secretary of the Aaronic Priesthood under 21 may be used as the ward educational adviser, inasmuch as practically all of the students of Seminary age will fall within this age group. Thus all functions, directions and requests relative to the Seminary and other Church educational programs, such as "Education Day," could be directed to this general secretary. He would be responsible under the direction of the bishop tor carrying out the program.


Ward Clerks as needed

OTHER MEMBERS Relief Society President Sunday School Superintendent YMMIA Superintendent YWMIA President Primary President Other organizational leaders as needed

High Priests group

Seventies quorum or group

Aaronic Priesthood over 21 Priests Teachers Deacons quorum quorum quorum(s)

Homes of the Members of the Ward

Elders quorum or group

Aaronic Priesthood under 21 Priests Teachers Deacons quorum quorum quorumCs)

The priesthood executive committee serves as the word Home Teaching committee with the addition of the assistant clerk for Home Teaching. The priesthood executive committee serves as the word Welfare committee with the addition of the Relief Society presidency.

PRIESTHOOD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Bishopric High Priests Group Leader (who is also Genealogy adviser) Seventies President or Group Leader (who is also Missionary adviser) Elders President or Group Leader (who is also Welfare adviser) General Secretary of Aaronic Priesthood over 21 General Secretary of Aaronic Priesthood under 21 (who may be Education adviser'

Ward Council



Stake Presidency and High Council



Visits by Quorum Presidencies or Group Leaders

While the home teachers represent the quorum presidencies, the obligation of presidencies to become acquainted with the character, qualifications, and attitudes of all quorum members remains unchanged. After conferring with the home teachers, presidencies may find occasion to visit the homes of particular members; to give commendation where deserved; to bless and encourage where needed; to teach the gospel, and to inspire all to keep the commandments and live righteous lives. Such visits, of necessity, must be coordinated with the work of the home teachers, in order to avoid contusion and duplication of effort. Quorum or group leaders should personally visit homes of new quorum members as they move into the ward, before home teachers are assigned. As an ultimate result of the efforts of quorum presidencies and the home teachers, families should be inspired to conform to church standards including honesty, morality, tasting, payment of a full tithe and fast ottering, keeping the Sablsath day holy, keeping the Word of Wisdom, attending sacrament meeting, supporting church authorities, and living the gospel in its fulness. The measure of the effectiveness of the home teaching will be the continued improvement of the individual members in living church standards. In assigning home teaching responsibilities to stake presidencies, high councilors, bishoprics and other officers with heavy administrative responsibilities, care should be taken not to assign them problem cases which \yill require so much of their time that they will not be able to properly take care of their other important duties. They should, however, be available to give special attention to such cases where, in the opinion of the home teacher and the bishop, it is necessary. Record of Activity

Virtually all of the information needed to inform priesthood leaders on the activity of a particular priesthood member and his family is provided in the reports of the Home Teaching program. Some of these reports may be written. 32

but many of the pertinent facts will be given to the priesthood leaders through their oral evaluation meetings with their home teachers. In addition to the information contained in written reports, the priesthood leaders may want to obtain facts concerning the marital status, economic condition, business ability and skills, employment needs or opportunities, past church experience, present church assignments, hobbies and recreational interests, etc. This information will be of assistance in helping to meet the needs of the quorum member and in guiding his family toward full church activity. Church and Quorum Assignments

It is desirable that every quorum memher should have at least one church assignment. Quorum presidencies can help the members of their quorums develop by giving them opportunity to render service in some appropriate field of church activity. In making these assignments, quorum presidencies should always have the interests and needs of their quorum members in mind. Thus, quorum presidencies should confer with bishops since ward personnel are called by the bishop in an effort to find appropriate church assignments for their quorum members, including those who have not been active previously. However, priesthood leaders should be careful not to force assignments on members not ready or willing to accept them. The inactive or newly activated member may feel insecure at first in accepting assignments, so priesthood leaders should get well acquainted with all their members and then use judgment and discretion in suggesting these assignments. Use of Cottoge Cottage meetings may assist the leaderMeetings for ship of the priesthood groups in meeting Reoctivotion the spiritual and temporal needs of their members. Such meetings in the homes of investigators have proven very effective in the missionary program of the Church, and priesthood groups may want to follow this same procedure in working with their own inactive members. On approval of the quorum president or group leader, home teachers might well consider cottage meetings in which two or more of their families participate. In this way, quorum members who are neighbors or friends may find they have much in common and can strengthen one another spiritually. 33

Quorum Activities ond Projects

B y way of illustration and suggestion quorum activities may include quorum, group, and home socials, banquets, and athletics, and other activities which tend to bring quorum members together with their wives in wholesome social activities. Welfare and Rehabilitation Activities 1. Place in permanent jobs or upgrade employment for quorum brethren and members of their families. Trade school training, apprenticeships, attendance at business colleges, adult educational schools, government sponsored retraining programs, and the like, may be used to advantage. 2. Counsel, if requested, brethren planning to start a business of their own. Specialized advice is often available within the membership of each quorum in many fields, and when followed by the individual needing help may avoid failures. 3. Assist brethren with donated labor when necessary to their well being. 4. Study the problems of members in financial distress, and in cooperation with the ward welfare committee devise measures to help them, whether it be to save a mortgage from foreclosure, market farm products, or render other assistance. 5. Encourage young quorum members to continue their formal education and training beyond high school. 6. Patronize Church members engaged in business or service trades. 7. Encourage brethren to own their own homes. Fund Raising Projects In planning or in conducting quorum projects, quorum leaders should first confer with their stake priesthood leaders and with the ward welfare committee in order to avoid competition with those who may be engaged commercially in similar ventures as a means of making a livelihood or to prevent complications with governmental regulating agencies. "Stakes, wards or other organizations having fundraising projects should confine them to their own jurisdiction. If it is a stake project, it should be confined to the stake. If it is a quorum project, it should be confined to the quorum. Sales promotion material or requests should not be sent to other areas. Church members are 34

expected to support their own local projects only. If they are called upon to assist other areas in addition to their own, it would become too great a burden." (General Handbook of Instructions, p. 105.) Civic and Church Projects 1. Such public service projects as sponsoring pubhc celebrations (when appropriate), cemetery beautification, and construction and beautification of parks and playgrounds. 2. Working on ward and stake farms and other welfare projects. 3. Promoting temple attendance and genealogical research. 4. Training and supervising quorum members in effective home teaching. 5. Sponsoring musical activities—choruses, quartets, concerts, etc., after receiving approval of the ward council or the stake music committee to avoid overlapping and confusion. 6. Making funds available for partial support of needy missionaries. 7. When given the assignment by proper authority, pubhshing and distributing a quorum, ward, or stake bulletin, newsletter, ward or stake directory, calendar of events, etc., and sending news items to Church and commercial publications. 8. Corresponding with quorum members away from home, and in the case of servicemen sending them a free subscription to the Church News and Improvement Era to be paid for out of quorum fimds. 9. Encouraging attendance of quorum members and their families at sacrament and auxiliary meetings, stake conference sessions, quorum meetings, and special ward and stake events. 10. Teaching proper policies and procedures governing performance of priesthood ordinances. (See pages 41 to 45.) 11. Arranging for transportation of quorum members and their families who may be physically incapacitated or without transportation to quorum, ward, stake and church meetings, socials, and activities. 12. Engage in the reading of church literature, particularly the standard works of the Church. 13. Operating quorum libraries. 35

14. Co-operating with class instructors by helping all quorum members to have the lesson material available for study.



Quorum Funds and Properties

A l l Melchizedek Priesthood quorums, should build up, use, and replenish their quorum funds by engaging in income producing projects in harmony with principles heretofore explained, and by inviting contributions. A l l monies acquired by the quorum or any group of the quorum become the property of the quorum and not of any group, and they are to be administered under the supervision of the quorum, even though operated directly by the group. Income producing projects operated by groups and administered under group supervision are considered quorum projects; all profits go to the quorum, and, of course, the quorum is responsible with the group directly operating the project. Quorum funds properly may be used for such purposes as: 1. Operating and administering quorum affairs. 2. Assisting missionaries in the field and their families at home. Supplementary help for missionaries should be given only with the knowledge and approval of bishops or other responsible church officers so there will be no duplications or unneeded assistance offered. It is proper for priesthood quorums to help missionaries other than members of their own quorums, as authorized by the stake presidency because of unusual circumstances. 3. Providing welfare rehabilitation assistance to needy quorum members and their families. This should always be co-ordinated through the ward welfare committee. 4. Engaging in quorum recreational and athletic activities in collaboration with the M. I . A. Athletic Committee. Quorum funds should not be left idle or permitted to build up over a long period of time. If funds are not presently needed or used by the quorum, then in consultation with the stake president the quorum might possibly send such money to the First Presidency to assist worthy missionaries in the world or for other purposes. 37

Care of Quorum Funds

Great care and wisdom should be used in the collection, handhng, and use of quorum funds. They should be carefully receipted for and deposited promptly in sound banks, and all disbursements, except those of an incidental nature, should have the prior approval of the quorum at the monthly business meeting. A l l withdrawals of funds from bank accounts should require signatures of two quorum officers. Large disbursements should be made only after consultation with the stake presidency. Annual audits should be made by the auditor appointed by the stake presidency. Additional audits should be made whenever the quorum presidency is changed or at other times as thought advisable. Speculative schemes should be avoided. Funds are not to be collected or used for any type of quorum health or death insurance benefits. Such projects in the past have proved to be undesirable. Dividing Quorum Properties

When quorums are divided, the funds should be divided on an equitable basis. after consultation with the stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee. If property is involved, arrangements may be made to share it jointly, or a just price may be placed on it and then a determination made as to which quorum shall buy and which shall sell. When existing quorums are combined, the funds and properties of the old quorums automatically go to the remaining quorum. Titles to Real Property

Priesthood quorums should not be incorporated. Titles to real property owned by quorums should be vested in the stake president as a corporation sole to be held in trust for the quorums. Property owned by quorums in states or nations which do not permit stake presidents to serve as corporations sole should be referred to the First Presidency.




Either the stake clerk or one of his assistants should serve as secretary of the stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee. He should be given the responsibility of supervising all of the Melchizedek Priesthood record keeping in the stake and of training quorum and group secretaries in the performance of their work. He should conduct a special department for ward clerks and quorum or group secretaries as part of the regular stake priesthood leadership meetings. Reports and Records

The Council of the Twelve, 47 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, will furnish, without charge, to each stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee and each quorum and group a looseleaf binder in which to keep roll sheets, report blanks, etc. These looseleaf binders are to remain in the quorums and groups for such use. Necessary new filler sheets will be sent to the stake president automatically prior to the beginning of each new year. Additional forms may be ordered, without cost, from the Council of the Twelve. The following report and record books may be among those which will be used: 1. Quorum Roll, Record and Report Book. 2. Group Roll, Record and Report Book. 3. Report and Minute Book, for use by the stake Melchizedek Priesthood Committee. 4. Roll Pads. 5. Reorganization Audit and Transfer Report. 6. Melchizedek Priesthood Handbook. 7. Recommendation for Advancement from the Aaronic Priesthood to the Melchizedek Priesthood. 8. Recommendation for Ordination in the Priesthood. 9. Certificates of Ordination for Elders. 10. Certificates of Ordination for High Priests. Forms for use in making the regular monthly reports are included in the supplies furnished by the Council of the Twelve. Instructions for making and filing reports are printed with the reports themselves. In small 39

wards or branches the names and reports covering all elders, seventies, and high priests may be recorded in the same roll, record and report book. Instructions as to handling of old records and sending them to the Office of the Church Historian are contained in each roll and report binder. The reorganization audit and transfer report is designed to audit and transfer quorum funds and properties from the jurisdiction and control of one quorum presidency to the next. It should be made out whenever a quorum presidency is changed, or, in the case of seventies, when the entire presidency is changed. The following forms may be ordered without cost from the First Council of Seventy at 47 Elast South Teipple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1. "Request for Permission to Interview." 2. "Form for Recommending Releases and Appointments of Presidents of Quorums of Seventy." 3. "Recommendation for the Organization of a New Quorum of Seventy." Certificates of ordination for seventies are issued by the First Council of Seventy.




Those Performing Ordinances

There are no set forms for priesthood ordinances performed outside the temples with the exception of baptism and the administration of the sacrament. However, all ordinances are performed in the name of Jesus Christ and in the authority of the priesthood. Brethren performing ordinances should live so as to have the guidance of the Holy Ghost, and they should seek by observation and the experience of others to use the most appropriate language in specifying what is being done in any ordinance and in expressing the thoughts placed in their minds by the Spirit. It is the duty of each member of the priesthood to learn the essentials of the ordinances which he is entitled to perform. "Wherefore, now let every man learn his duty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all diligence." (Doctrine and Covenants 107:99) Publications, other than those authorized by the First Presidency of the Church, setting forth instructions about ordinances and giving forms of suggested prayers are not approved. Such in the past have resulted in something akin to prayer books, all of which are contrary to the counsel of the Presiding Brethren. Priesthood leaders should not sponsor, encourage, or permit their publication or use. Instructions in ordinance work are to be given in the quorums under the direction or supervision of the stake presidency. Important Priesthood Ordinances 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A l l holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood should be able and worthy to perform the following ordinances:

Blessing and naming of children. Performing baptism. Confirmation, and bestowal of the Holy Ghost. Blessing on the bread. Blessing on the water. Conferring the priesthood and ordaining to an office therein. 41

7. Consecration of oil. 8. Administering to the sick. 9. Dedication of graves. The basic elements of each of these ordinances are briefly reviewed here. Precise words and phrases are not intended (except in baptism and the blessing on the bread and water, where the exact Words are specified by revelation) , nor is the sequence binding. Blessing and Naming of Children "Every member of the church of Christ having children is to bring them unto the elders before the church, who are to lay their hands upon them in the name of Jesns Christ, and bless them in his name." (Doctrine and Covenants 20:70) 1. Address our Heavenly Father as in prayer. 2. State authority (Melchizedek Priesthood) by which the ordinance is performed. 3. Give the child a name. 4. To the above may be added such words of blessing as the Spirit may dictate. 5. Close in the name of Jesus Christ. Performing Baptism 1. 2. 3. 4.

Take the person to be baptized down into the water. Hold the candidate's hands securely in your left hand. Raise the right arm to the square. Call the candidate by name and say: "Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." (Doctrine and Covenants 20:73) 5. Place the palm of your right hand high on the candidate's back and completely immerse him. 6. Assist the individual in "coming up out of the water." Confirmation and Bestowal of the Holy Ghost 1. Call the person by his full name. 2. State authority (Melchizedek Priesthood) by which the ordinance is performed. 3. Confirm him or her a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 4. Bestow the Holy Ghost. 5. To the above may be added such words of blessing 42

as the Spirit may dictate. Blessings should be appropriate and not unduly long. 6. Close in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessing on the Bread "O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his spirit to be with them. Amen." (Doctrine and Covenants 20: 77) Blessing on the Water "O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine (water) to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen." (Doctrine and Covenants 20:79) Conferring the Priesthood and Ordaining to an Office Therein 1. L a y hands on individual's head. 2. Call person by his full name. 3. State the priesthood authority by which you perform the ordinance. 4. Confer the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood, as the case may be, (unless previously conferred) and ordain to the specific office. 5. Bestow all rights, powers, and authority pertaining to the office to which ordained and give such words of blessing as the Spirit may dictate. 6. Close in the name of Jesus Christ. Consecration of Oil Olive oil is consecrated before it is used to anoint the sick. A good grade of pure olive oil should be secured and those holding the Melchizedek Priesthood should consecrate and set it apart for its holy purposes. 1. Hold the open container of olive oil. 43

2. Address our Heavenly Father as in prayer. 3. State authority (Melchizedek Priesthood) by which oil is consecrated. 4. Consecrate the oil for anointing of the sick and for other approved holy purposes. 5. Close in the name of Jesus Christ. Administering to the Sick "And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy. "And the elders of the church, two or more, shall be called, and shall pray for and lay their hands upon them in my name; and if they die t°hey shall die unto me, and if they live they shall live unto me." (Doctrine and Covenants 42:43-44) This ordinance is done in two parts: (1) anointing with oil, and (2) sealing the anointing. Anointing the Sick The anointing is done by one of the elders. 1. Anoint head of sick person, using small amount of oil. 2. Call the individual by name. 3. State the priesthood authority by which the ordinance is performed. 4. State that you are anointing with consecrated oil. 5. State that you are acting in the name of Jesus Christ. Sealing the Anointing Generally two or more elders lay their hands on the head of the sick person. The elder acting as voice should: 1. Call the sick person by name. 2. State authority (Melchizedek Priesthood) by which he performs the ordinance. 3. Seal and confirm the anointing of the consecrated oil which has already taken place. 4. Pronounce a blessing as the Holy Ghost dictates. 5. Close in the name of Jesus Christ. Dedication of Graves This should preferably be done by one holding the Melchizedek Priesthood as designated by the bishop, after 44

consultation with the family. (See General Handbook of Instructions, #19, pp. 86-87). He may include these elements: 1. Address our Heavenly Father as in prayer. 2. Dedicate and consecrate the burial plot as the resting place for the body of (full name of deceased) by authority of the priesthood. 3. Appropriately, if desired, pray to the Lord that this spot of earth may be a hallowed place until the time appointed for the body to be resurrected and reunited with the spirit. 4. Request the Lord to comfort the family. 5. Close in the name of Jesus Christ.




sustaining & setting apart of, 25; educational program in ward under direction of, 30; instruction given in weekly priesthood meetings by, 6; Melchizedek Priesthood quorum presidencies to cooperate with, 21; men to dedicate graves designated by, 44-45; pass on worthiness of men to become presidents of seventics, 20; president of A a r o n i c Priesthood, 26; priests recommended to be elders hy, 6; quorum presidencies confer with bishops regarding assignments, 33; selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 25; ward council presided over by, 26, 31; weekly ward priesthood meeting held by, 15-16; work of, with quorum leaders, 6; worthiness for ordination of all Melchizedek Priesthood holders certified hy, 6; worthiness of brethren to be ordained elders recommended by, 8.

Aaronic Priesthood, ali holders of, to attend general stake priesthood meetings, 11; bishop president of, 26; committees of, 5-6; correlation of responsibilities at priesthood executive committee of ward council, 27; explanation of, conferring of, & ordaining to offices in, 43; general secretary, adviser in educational program, 30; general secretary, on w a r d council, 26-27, 31; holders of, attendance at stake priesthood leadership meetings, 12-13; over 21—department for leaders of, 15; quorum advisers, Melchizedek priesthood monthly quorum meetings to be attended by, 16; quorum & group meetings of, 16; quorums or groups, weekly ward priesthood meetings for, 15-16; under 21— department for leaders of, 15; referrals to seventies from, 29. Agenda, general stake priesthood meetings, 11; stake priesthood leadership meetings, 11-15. Apostate Groups, no affiliation with, 8. Assignments, each priesthood holder should have one, 33. Assistant Stake C l e r k s , selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 22. Assistant W a r d Clerks, selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 25. Assistants to the Twelve, presidents of seventies set apart by by. 20. Audits, quorum funds by high councilor, 6 A u x i l i a r y Officers. Stake, selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 25.

Bishop's Storehouses, needy helped from, 29; quorum r e habilitation activities c o r r e l ated with, 29. Bishoprics, c h u r c h assignments given by, 15; department for Aaronic Priesthood over 21 conducted b,y, 21; department for Aaronic Priesthood under 21 conducted by, 15: direction of welfare hy, 29; direct priesthood executive committee of ward council, 27; high priests quorum meetings to he attended hy, 16; home teaching assignments to, 32; P r i e s t hood Con-elation Progi-am d i rected in wards by. 26; stake priesthood leadership meeting attended by, 11; ward priesthood groups work with, on priesthood matters, 18. Blessing & Naming of Children, explanation regarding, 42. Blessing on Bread, prayer given, 43. Blessing on Water, prayer given, 43.

B Baptism, perfoi'ming ordinance of, 42. Bishops, approve worthiness of elders presidents, 21; counselors — selecting, approving.


description of, 15; under 21, description of, 15.


Chastity, prerequisite for priesthood ordinations, 8. Children, blessing & naming of, 42. C h u r c h Building Program, p r o j ects of. 14. C h u r c h Historian's Office, old priesthood records sent to, 40. Church & Quorum Assignment, instructions regarding assignment to p r i e s t h o o d holders, 33. C i v i c & C h u r c h Projects, listing of, 35-36. Clerks, attendance of. at stake priesthood leadership meetings. 12-13; department for, 15; ward—selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 25. Clerks, Assistants, selecting, a p proving, sustaining & setting apart of stake, 22; selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of ward, 25. Conferring Priesthood & O r daining to Offices Therein, explanation regarding, 43. Confirmation & Bestowal of Holy Ghost, performing ordinance of, 42-43. Consecration of O i l , explanation i-egarding ordinance of, 43-44. Correlation Through Pi'icsthood Quorum or Groups, explanation of. 27-28. Cottage Meetings, holding of, 16: sponsored by p r i e s t h o o d leaders for reactivation, 33. Council of the T w e l v e , presidents of seventies set apart by, 20; record & report m a terials for stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee secured from, 39-40. Counselors, bishops — selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 25; elders presidencies — choosing & setting apart of, 21.

F Fast Offerings, needy helped with, 29. Fii-st Council of the Seventy, approval of, for ordinations of seventies, 9; certificates of ordinations of seventies issued hy, 9, 40; ordination of seventies hy, 20; recommendation & report forms secured from, 40; seventies presidents a p proved & set apart hy, 20; seventies supervised hy, 5. F i r s t Presidency, presidents of seventies set apart hy, 20. First Presidency Missionary F u n d s , quorum contributions could be sent to, 37. F u n d Raising Projects, listing of, 34-35.

D Dedication of Graves, explanation of, 44-45. Department for Clerks, stake clerk to conduct, 15. Department for L e a d e r s of A a r o n i c Priesthood, over 21,

G Genealogical Work, in wards directed hy bishoprics, 26; priesthood members participate in, 14, General Authorities, high priests presidencies set apart hy, 19;

E Education Program, explanation of, 30. Elders, administering & anointing of sick by, 44; attendance of, at stake priesthood leadership meetings, 1213; blessing of children by, 42; counselors—selecting, approving, sustaining & s e t t i n g apart of, 24; explanation r e garding quorums of, 18; group leaders—selecting, a p proving, sustaining & setting apart of, 24; high councilor advisor to quorums of, 5; ordinations performed by, 9; ordinations to office of, recommended hy bishops, 8; performing ordinances of priesthood by, 44-45; presidencies — selecting, sustaining setting apart of, 20-21, 24; president or group leader— duties of, on ward council, 26-27, 31; Priesthood \Velfare Program assigned to, 29; w e l fare work assigned to, 27.


performed by, 9; seventies ordained to, 20. High Priests Group Leader, duties of. on w a r d council, 2627, 31; selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 19, 24. High Priests Groups, Priesthood Program assigned to, 27-28. High Priests Presidencies, c a l l ing, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 19, 23. High Priests Quorums, explanation regarding, 18; stake presidencies, high councils, b i s h oprics to attend, 16. Holy Ghost, bestowal of, 41-42; seek guidance of, 41, 44. Honesty, prerequisite for priesthood ordinations. 8. Home Teaching, in wards d i rected by bishoprics, 26.

presidents of seventies set apart by, 20. General Secretaries & Q u o r um Advisers of A a r o n i c Priesthood, stake priesthood leadership meetings attended by, 11. General Secretary of A a r o n i c Priesthood, adviser in educational program, 30. General Stake Priesthood Meetings, attendance & agenda of, 11-12. Gentiles, seventies to bear w i t ness to, 28. Gospel of Jesus Christ, priesthood-holders testimony of, 8; priesthood-holders to obey, 32. Graves, explanation regarding dedication of, 44-45. Group Leaders, assistants—Melchizedek Priesthood, selecting, approving & sustaining, 25; duties toward quorum m e m bers of, 32; Melchizedek Priesthood—selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 24; seventies — appointment of, 20.

I Improvement E r a , Melchizedek Priesthood page in, to he studied, 14. J Jesus Christ, ordinances of priesthood performed in name of, 41-45.

H Heavenly Father, pray to, in performing ordinances, 41-45. High Council, four of, on stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee & duties of, 5; high priests quorum meetings to be attended by, 16; stake priesthood leadership meetings attended hy, 11; work pf, p r i e s t h o o d correlation in wards, 26, 31. High Councilors, alternates— selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 23; chart showing organization & duties of, on stake M e l chizedek Priesthood committee, 7; department in stake priesthood leadership meetings conducted by, 14; home teaching assignments to, 32; selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 22.

L L o r d , everyone should pray to, 45. M Melchizedek P r i e s t h o o d , all holders of, support missionary efforts, 29; all holders of, support Welfare Program, 29; all holders of, attend general stake priesthood meetings, 11; all holders of, attend weekly priesthood meeting, 6; bishops to certify for ordination worthiness of all holders of, 6; bishops to recommend priests to, 6; committee of, 5; c o r r e l a tion of responsibilities at priesthood executive committee of ward council, 27; explanation of conferring of & ordaining to offices in, 43; graves dedicated through authority of, 44-45; M e l c h i z edek Priesthood Committee work with quorums of, 6;

High Priests, attendance of, at stake priesthood leadership meetings, 12-13; ordinations


oath & covenant of, 9; ordinances of, 41-45; ordinances performed through authority of, 41-45; ordination of s e r v icemen to, 9-10; programs of, in stake priesthood meetings, 11-15; stake presidency supervises quorums of, 5. Melchizedek Priesthood C o m mittee, duties of, 5-6; special meetings with quorum presidencies by, 16-17. Melchizedek Priesthood G r o u p Leaders, duties toward quor u m members of, 32. Melchizedek Priesthood Groups, explanation regarding, 18; officers of, 18. Melchizedek Priesthood H a n d book, to be studied, 14. Melchizedek Priesthood Holders, should be able and worthy to perform ordinances, 41. Melchizedek Priesthood Meetings, held with stake conferences—discussion of, 11-12. Melchizedek Priesthood Officers, Stake and W a r d ( c h a r t ) , office, selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 22-25. Melchizedek Priesthood Ordinations, procedures of, 8-10; procedure in attaining sustaining vote of saints, 9; sustaining vote of body of C h u r c h of candidate for, 8; those who perform them, 9; worthiness a prerequisite to, 8. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m Activities & Projects, civic & church projects, 35-36; fund raising projects, 34-35; listing & discussion of, 34-36; w e l fare & rehabilitation activities, 34, Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m F u n d s , acquiring of, 37; care of, 38; disbursements of, 37-38. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m Leaders, special meetings for, 16-17. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m Objectives, statement of, 1819. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m O f f i c e r s , correlation with bishoprics & Relief Society


presidencies on welfare, 29. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m Presidencies, assignment given to quorum members by, 33; duties toward quorum m e m bers of, 32; responsibilities of, 21; selection of, 19; stake priesthood leadership meetings attended by, 11. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m Projects, purpose of, 29. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m Properties, acquiring of, 3738; dividing of, 38; titles to, 38. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m Responsibilities, statement of, 19. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m Secretaries, selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 24. Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums, advisors to Aaronic Priesthood attend monthly meetings of, 16; quorum & group meetings of, 16; functions of, in stake & wards, 6; organization of, within stake bounds, 18. Melchizedek Priesthood Q u o r u m & G r o u p Leaders, duties of, 26-29. Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums or Groups, weekly ward priesthood meetings for, 1516; work assigned to, 27-28. Missionary Work, bishoprics r e lationship to, 26; Melchizedek Priesthood quorum objective, 19; plans for, 15; willingness to do, prerequisite to becoming a seventy, 9. Morality, teaching of, 15. N Navy Servicemen, ordination to Melchizedek Priesthood of, 10. O Oil. consecrating of, 43-44; use of, in administering to sick, 43-44. Ordinances & Ceremonies of Priesthood, listing & e x p l a n a tion of, 41-45; priesthood holders should learn & perform, 41ff. Ordinations, approval for, 8-10; candidates for Melchizedek

Priesthood interview for, 9; certificates of, 8; elders to seventies, 9; of high priests, 9; priests to elders, 8; procedure for, 8-10. P P a r t - m e m b e r & New Convert Families, seventies to work with, 29. Patriarchs, Stake, selecting, a p proving, sustaining & setting apart of, 23. Presidencies, Melchizedek Priesthood quorums responsibilities of, 21. President of C h u r c h , prophet of God, 8. President of T w e l v e Apostles, instructions regarding stake priesthood leadership meetings issued by, 11-12. Priest, recommended by b i s h ops to Melchizedek P r i e s t hood, 6. Priesthood, explanation regarding conferring of & ordaining to offices in, 43; ordinances of, 41-45. Priesthood Correlation Program, all Melchizedek Priesthood holders work on any phase of, as assigned, 27-28; chart showing organization of, 31; operation of, in wards, 26; various church members' r e lationship to, 14. Priesthood E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t tee, chart showing organization of, 31. Priesthood E x e c u t i v e Committee of "Ward Council, composition of & duties of, 27; correlation of bishop's & quorum's rehabilitation activities at, 29. Priesthood Genealogy Program, assigned to high priests, 2728; bishoprics work through ward priesthood groups in, 18; explanation of, 28; high c o u n cilor adviser to, 5-6; instructions regarding, at stake priesthood leadership meetings, 12-14. (See Priesthood Genealogy Handbook) Priesthood Home Teaching P r o gram, assignments of stake presidencies, high councilors, & bishoprics to, 32-33; b i s h -


oprics work through w a r d priesthood groups in, 18; correlation of, through w a r d council, 26-27; explanation of, 28; high councilor adviser to, 5-6; instructions regarding, at stake priesthood leadership meetings, 12-14; record of a c tivities or reports of, 32-33. (See Leader's Handbook for Home Teaching). Priesthood Missionary Program, assigned to seventies, 27-29; bishoprics work through w a r d priesthood groups in, 18; correlation of, through ward council, 26-27; explanation of, 28-29; high councilor adviser to, 5-6; instructions regarding, at stake priesthood leadership meetings, 12-14. (See Priesthood Missionary Handbook). Priesthood Ordinances & C e r e monies, listing & explanation of, 41-45; priesthood holders to be taught, 14. Priesthood Reactivation Program, home teaching center of, 14. Priesthood Welfare Program, assigned to elders, 27; bishoprics direct, 29; bishoprics chiefly responsilile for, 29; correlation of, through w a r d council, 26-27; explanation of, 29; high councilor adviser to, 5-6; instructions regarding, at stake priesthood leadership meetings, 12-14; priesthood holders to participate in, 14. (See Priesthood Welfare Handbook). P r i m a r y President, on w a r d council, 26, 31. Projects, civic & c h u r c h listed, 35-36; fund raising listed, 3435; welfare & rehabilitation listed, 34. Publications Regarding P r i e s t hood Ordinances, not to p u b lish unauthorized material of, 41. Q Q u o r u m Activities & Projects, civic & c h u r c h projects, 3536; fund raising projects, 3435; listing & discussion of, 34-36; welfare & rehabilitation activities, 34,

Q u o r u m F u n d s , use of, 15. Q u o r u m Presidencies, duties tow a r d quorum members of, 32; when changed, records a u dited, 38, 40. Q u o r u m Properties, acquiring of, 37-38; dividing of, 38; titles to. 38. R Reactivation Program, relationship of home teaching to, 28. Relief Society, presidency of, on priesthood executive committee, 27; president — on w a r d council, 26, 31. Reports, home teaching p r o gram, 32-33. Rolls, keeping of, 15. S Sabbath Day, priesthood holders to observe, 32. Sacrament, ordinances of & prayers given, 41, 43. Saints, perfection of, priesthood objective, 18-19. Secretaries, elders quorums & groups — choosing, sustaining & setting apart of, 21; M e l chizedek Priesthood quorums —selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 24; stake Melchizedek P r i e s t hood committee, 39. Secretaries & Q u o r u m Advisers of A a r o n i c Priesthood, department for, 15. Seminary Work, educational program to assist, 30. Servicemen, procedure for o r daining to M e l c h i z e d e k Priesthood of, 9-10. Seventies, attendance of, at stake priesthood leadership meetings, 12-13; missionary calling of, 28-29; missionary work assigned to, 27; o r d a i n ing high priests of, 20; o r d i nations performed by, 9; president or group leader—duties of, on ward council, 26-27, 31; procedure for recommending & ordaining of, 9, 20; r e c ommendation & report forms of, 40; selecting presidents of, 20. Seventies G r o u p Leaders, a p pointment of, 20; selecting,


approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 24. Seventies Quorums, explanation regarding, 18; high councilor adviser to, 5; presidencies— recommending, sustaining, a p proving & setting apart of, 20, 24; stake presidency & F i r s t Council of Seventy s u pervisors of, 5. Seventies Units, choosing, s u s taining, setting apart & functions of leaders of, 20, 24; explanations regarding, 18; officers of, 18; selecting, a p proving, sustaining & setting apart of leaders assistants of, 24. Sick, administering & anointing of, 44, Son, name of, 43. Spirit, guided by, 42-45. Stake A u x i l i a r y Officers, selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 25. Stake Clerks, department for ward clerks & Melchizedek Priesthood quorum secretaries conducted by, 15; secretary of stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee, 5; selecting, a p proving, sustaining & setting apart of, 22; work on stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee of, 7. Stake Melchizedek Priesthood Committee, direction given to quorum presidencies by, 21; duties of secretaries of, 39; high councilors duties on, 5; in each stake, 5; members & functions of, 5; organization & duties shown i n chart, 7; reports & records of, 39-40; stake president chairman of, 5. Stake Mission Presidency, selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of, 25. Stake Patriarchs, selecting, a p proving, sustaining & setting apart of, 23. Stake Presidencies, Aaronic Priesthood committees presided over by counselors in, 5; advise q u o r u m presidents on disbursements of funds, 38; candidates for Melchizedek Priesthood interviewed by, 9; direction given to Melchizedek

Priesthood quorum presidencies by, 21; elders p r e s i dents chosen & set apart by, 20-21; high priests quorum meetings to be attended by, 16; hold titles to real estate property for quorums, 38; home teaching assignment to, 32; instructions on Priesthood Correlation Program from, 26, 31; Melchizedek Priesthood committee duties for, 6; M e l chizedek Priesthood quorums supervised by, 5; procedure in ordination, 8-9; recommendations for ordinations in M e l chizedek Priesthood responsibility of, 8; responsibility for Melchizedek Priesthood quorums of, 6; selecting, approving, sustaining & s e t t i n g apart of, 22; seventies unit leader set apart by, 20; stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee chairman, 5; stake priesthood leadership meetings attended by, 11; sustaining & setting apart to be high priests presidency, 19. Stake Presidencies and M e l c h i z edek Priesthood Committees, chart on, 7; training courses for quorum presidencies by. 17. Stake Priesthood Leadership Meetings, agenda of, 11-15; department meetings in, 1 1 15; discussion of, 11-15; general sessions in, 12-13; matters to consider in department meetings of, 14-15; those who should attend, 11. Stake Priesthood Meetings, discussion of, 11-15. Sunday, Melchizedek Priesthood quorum meetings may be held on, 16. Sunday School Superintendent, on w a r d council, 26, 31.

T Temple Work, duty of priesthood holders, 28; Melchizedek Priesthood quorum objective, 19. Tithing, obedience to law of, for priesthood advancements, 8. U Unit Leaders, seventies—choosing, sustaining, setting apart & functions of, 20, 24, W Ward Clerks, secretary of M e l chizedek Priesthood committee, 5; selecting, approving, sustaining & setting apart of assistants, 25; selecting, a p proving, sustaining & setting apart of, 25; work of, priesthood correlation in wards, 31. W a r d Council, chart showing organization of, 31; composition & work of, 26, 31. W a r d Home Teaching C o m m i t tee, chart showing organization of, 31. W a r d Priesthood Meetings, i n structions regarding, 15-16. W a r d Welfare Committee, chart showing organization of, 31; composition of, 27. Weekly W a r d Welfare Meetings, business conducted at, 29. Welfare & Rehabilitation A c tivities, listing of, 34. Word of Wisdom, obedience to, required for priesthood a d vancements, 8; priesthood holders to observe, 32. Y YMMIA Superintendent, on w a r d council, 26, 31. Y W M I A President, on w a r d council, 26, 31.


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