Vitalizing the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum (1984)

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A recent study conducted among the young men of the C h u r c h concluded there were three significant factors that determine, hy encouraging private and public religious observance, whether a young man will (1) be ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood, (2) serve a mission, ( 3 ) marry in the temple, and (4) live a moral life committed to the gospel. (See the c h a r t . ) T h e findings of the study indicated t h a t — 1. A young man's private religious observance is a much greater indicator of whether he will be ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood, serve a mission, marry in the temple, and lead a moral life committed to the gospel than his public religious observance. Although "being a c t i v e " is very important, attending meetings is not enough. 2. Throughout his life, a young man's parents are the most important factor determining his religious orientation. A t different ages, the three main factors affecting a young man's private and public religious life (his relationship w i t h his family and leaders as well as his participation in quorum activities) change i n theit degree of influence. W h e n a young man is between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, the nature and quality of his relationship w i t h his adviser has become the greatest predictor of whether he will receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, serve a mission, marry i n the temple, and lead a moral life committed to the gospel. 3. T h e activities of the A a r o n i c Priesthood can be important tools for improving relationships between a youth and his family and leaders; however, activities are not the main influence upon a youth's spiritual growth during any of his 1











Family prayer

A good relationship with his adviser A feeling t)t belonging in the ward

Family scripture reading Family home evening Agreement on important values

Private Religious Observance


Quorum meetings Scouting Y M and Y W Activities Athletics

Publ i c Religious Observance

Personal prayer

C h u r c h meeting attendance

Personal scripture study

C h u r c h program participation

POSITIVE OUTCOMES Be ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood Serve a mission Marry in the temple L i v e a morally clean life committed to the gospel

* Note; A young man's spiritual orientatitm is most influenced by his parents. In ages 12-13, group A is the major factor In ages 14-15, group A and group B are equally major influences In ages 16-18, group B becomes the major factor


A a r o n i c Priesthood years. T h e real reason for activities is to provide opportunities fot the leaders to grow close to the young men. A n adviser should have a private mental list of goals for each activity tegatding how he will use the opportunity to help each young man grow spiritually. Leaders should spend a great deal of time developing good relationships with the young men and turning them to the Lord. For additional information about the young men's study, see the article titled " K e y to Strong Young M e n : Strong H o m e s " i n the " N e w s of the C h u r c h " section of the December 1984 Ensign. By organizing and directing their ward's A a r o n i c Priesthood program effectively, a bishopric can greatly affect a young man's devotion to the gospel, which influences h i m to be prepared to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, serve a mission, marry in the temple, and lead a moral life committed to the gospel. T h e advisers and quorum leaders, through implementing proper principles outlined hy their bishop, also influence each young man toward these positive outcomes.

T h i s training program was developed to help bishoprics, advisers, and quorum leaders strengthen each young man's private as well as public religious life, thus prompting h i m to he prepared for ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood, missionary service, temple marriage, and a moral life committed to the gospel. T h e training program should help A a r o n i c Priesthood leaders, especially bishoprics and A a r o n i c Priesthood quorum advisers, understand the goals and structure of the A a r o n i c Priesthood and the roles 3

of its leaders. T h i s program should help ward leaders incorporate the following principles into their ward Aaronic Priesthood program: 1. T h e quorums should be organized w i t h a presidency at the head of each. T h i s presidency should understand their responsihility for each quorum member and be actively magnifying their callings as stated i n Doctrine and Covenants 107:85-88. 2. T h e bishop should prayerfully call and train spiritually mature advisers i n their duties and responsibilities. T h e advisers should develop a spiritual relationship w i t h each young man and advise and support the quorum presidency i n their calling. 3. T h e bishopric should be actively involved i n giving inspired direction to the quorums and advisers i n monthly interviews w i t h the quotum presidents. T h e bishop and his counselors should be personally involved in the lives of each young man. A bishopric member should hold a personal interview at least every six months w i t h each young man to assess spititual growth. A t least one of a young man's intetviews should be conducted hy the bishop each year. Since he is the president of the priests quorum, the bishop should interview the priests every six months. 4. Quotum activities should be thoughtfully and prayetfully planned to build each young man's spititual relationship w i t h his Heavenly Father, his family, and his quorum adviser. THE INSTRUCTORS 1. T h e stake presidency w i l l briefly orient all bishoprics to this training program. 2. T h e hishoprics have the responsihility of training the advisers and assistant advisers in their wards. 4

T h e y may then train youth leadets themselves or ask the quorum advisers to train their respective quorum leaders.

T h i s training program is designed primarily to instruct following leaders: First:

T h e bishopric, quorum advisers, and a.ssistant advisers

Second: T h e quorum presidencies (including assistants to the priests quotum president)


T h e training program consists of a videotape and this training guide. T h e program should be used i n conjunction with the Aaronic Priesthood'YoungMen Handbook ( P B A P 0 2 2 1 ) , the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook ( P B A P 0 2 0 A ) , and The Activity Book ( P E J M 0 1 3 6 ) . I n addition to those hooks, this training guide w i l l refer to Teaching—No Greater C a l l ( P X 1 C 0 6 4 A ) , Counseling and Interviewing Guide for Bishops ( P X P B 0 1 0 4 ) , ' T h e y W e r e A w e s o m e ! " (Robert L . Backman, New Era, May, 1983, pp. 4 - 8 ) , and the Doctrine and C o v e n a n t s .

T h e training program is divided into four sessions, each with its o w n focus and purpose. Session O n e Sirengthening Aaronic Priesthood Quorums—This session focuses on the purposes of the A a r o n i c Priesthood, the attributes required of its leaders, and 5

the role of the bishopric, advisers, and quorum presidencies (including assistants to the priests quorum president). Session T w o The Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Presidency Meeting—This session focuses on the purpose of the quorum presidency meeting and how the quotum adviser can help the presidency develop leadership skills. Session Three Aaronic Priesthood Interviews—This session provides examples of and discussion about the two major interviews the hishoptic members hold with youth. Session Four Developing Spiritual Relationships through Activities—This session focuses on the development of the relationship hetween a young man and his adviser. It also discusses involving the parents with Aaronic Priesthood-age young men. T h e session outlines i n this training guide w i l l help the instructor present the principles and conduct follow-up discussions. T h e videotape provides dramatized examples of the principles being taught. Each session outline contains these six parts: 1. Audience that should be invited to attend the training. 2. Preparation questions or items the instructor and class should study before attending the training session. 3. Principles the instructor should discuss with the class. ( E a c h class member should he given a copy of these.) 4. Videotape examples of the principles taught. 5. Discussion questions to be answered by the class. ( T h e instructor should have outlined some possible answers before teaching the classes.) 6

6. Application of the principles through activities and assignments. ( T h e instructor should provide a copy of the assignments to each class member.)

T h e training program is used in two stages and w i t h several different audiences. 1. First Stage T h e stake presidency should briefly introduce the training program at a regularly scheduled meeting with the hishoprics. T h e stake A a r o n i c Priesthood committee and stake Young M e n presidency should be invited to attend. Following this orientation and thorough study of the program materials, the bishopric members train the quorum advisers using outlines found later i n this guide. This training should be given in four sessions occurring within a month of each other (ideally only a few days apart). After quorum advisers are trained, they or the bishopric should train the quorum presidencies. T h i s training should involve only sessions one and two. However, any portions of the videotape may be shown. Following the initial implementation and training at the ward level, the bishops should give full oral reports to the stake president about who was trained, what was learned, what decisions were made, what goals were set, and how the training affected the ward A a r o n i c Priesthood program. 2. Second Stage Bishoprics should use this training program to orient each new adviser and assistant adviser as he is called. T h e training program should also he used to instruct each new quorum presidency i n 7

conjunction w i t h the training i n the Aaronic Priesthood'YoungMen Handbook, the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook, and The Activity Book. T h e bishopric should plan and calendar a review session for all advisers, assistant advisers, and presidencies at least once a year. T h i s review should be a lesson i n w h i c h the four sessions are condensed. T h e program, especially the videotape, can also be used fot A a r o n i c Priesthood quorum classes, Melchizedek Priesthood quorum and Relief Society meetings, and family home evenings. THE


A hishoptic member w i l l be the m a i n instuctor using this ptogram. H e is responsible for training the quorum advisers and assistant advisers. H e may also train the youth presidencies or delegate that responsibility to the advisers. T h e instructor should understand and utilize the following principles: 1. T r a i n i n g i n the C h u r c h is a three-way communication process between the instructor, the class member, and the L o r d . T h e instructor's role is to teach, motivate, help the class member apply principles, and receive an accounting of what has been learned. T h e instructor must seek the Spirit i n his training; otherwise he will be merely informing, rather than teaching (see D & . C 42:14). E a c h class member has the responsibility to learn his duty (see D & C 107:99) and to seek righteousness i n his o w n life. I f he understands the truths of the gospel and has incorporated them into his life as taught hy the Spirit, he is better 8

able to learn and put into practice the principles, duties, and skills associated w i t h his calling. T h e Holy G h o s t is the great Confirmer of truth and Teacher of the principles of righteousness. His role is to confirm, testify, and enlighten. It is the Spirit that w i l l guide an individual to solve the problems confronting h i m in his calling (see D & C 52:4). 2. T h e training outlines are structured to promote introspection and discussion, to bring together experiences and knowledge, and to encourage looking at problems m a new way. T h e instructor will present principles listed in the outlines, w h i c h will then he dramatized hy the videotape. Afterward, the instructor w i l l ask the class to discuss, analyze, and draw conclusions about how to proceed i n their stewardship. Instructors of adults should read Teaching—No Greater C a l l , pages 42, 105-06, 142-43, and 149-50. T r a i n i n g adults and youth are different. Youth do not have the experience adults have, so they need more examples of what is being taught. T h e y also need greater stimulation and motivation. Instructors of youth should read different pages from the same book: pages 3 9 - 4 1 , 78-80, 8 7 - 8 9 , 9 2 - 9 3 , 105-06, 142-43, and 149-50.



Audience Quorum advisers and assistant advisers in one meeting, quorum presidencies in another Preparation A s k each class memhet to read the statement on page one of the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook titled " T h e Purpose of the A a r o n i c Priesthood Quorum A c t i v i t i e s . " H a v e them study the first paragraph, w h i c h explains the purpose of A a r o n i c Priesthood quotums. T h e y should ask themselves. W h a t kind of person should I he to help each quorum member achieve that purpose? Principles G i v e each class member a copy of the following principles and discuss them: 1. T h e A a r o n i c Priesthood ptogram involves each young man developing a spiritual relationship with the Lord, his parents, the bishopric, his quorum adviser, and his fellow quorum members. 2. T h e adviser helps the bishopric work w i t h the quorum. T h e role of the adviser is primarily determined by the bishop. 3. T h e bishop is the president of the A a r o n i c Priesthood and priests quotum. H i s responsibilities and duties support the fcither of each young man. 4. A young man's relationship w i t h his quorum adviser becomes more influential as he advances in the A a r o n i c Priesthood. It is important that the quorum adviser is a spiritual role m o d e l — mature in the gospel and experienced in the things of the Spirit. H e must be living a moral life 10

committed to the gospel. H e should understand the importance of serving a mission and being married i n the temple. Videotape View section one of the videotape (11 minutes, 35 seconds). Discussion Display a chart like the one at the heginning of this guide that shows the findings of the young men's study. Discuss the role of the A a r o n i c Priesthood quorum in helping each young man practice private religious observance that w i l l motivate h i m to he worthy of receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood, serving a mission, marrying i n the temple, and leading a moral life committed to the gospel. Stimulate discussion by asking the following questions. Modify them for the group you are teaching. A s k additional questions that are particularly relevant to your ward. 1. How does the quorum support the family? H o w can we strengthen this support i n our ward? 2. W h a t is the bishop's role w i t h each A a r o n i c Priesthood youth? H o w does this compare w i t h the father's responsibility i n the home? H o w can each support the other i n his role? 3. W h a t is the telationship between the quorum adviser and the hishoptic? W h o decides what are the responsibilities of each? Is this relationship clearly defined i n our ward? 4. T h e statement was made i n the videotape that "young men do not usually become inactive i n the C h u r c h because of too many significant things to d o . " W h a t is meant by significant things'! W h a t significant things c a n an A a r o n i c Priesthood holder do? H o w can these significant things lead to his receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood, serving a mission, marrying i n the temple, and living a moral life committed to the gospel? 11

5. W h a t are important characteristics for an adviser to have? ( W r i t e these on the chalkboard.) 6. W h y is it important fot A a r o n i c Priesthood leaders to be good examples? 7. H o w can the bishop promote effective bishopric youth committee meetings? H o w do these meetings help h i m partially fulfill his responsihility to youth? Application G i v e each adviser and assistant adviser the following assignment: 1. I n discussion item number 5, a list was made of the important characteristics an adviset should possess. Privately rate yourself from one to five (one being poorest) o n how well you have developed these characteristics. List at least one goal that w i l l help you better develop each characteristic. ( T h e bishopric may wish to teview these w i t h each adviser and assistant adviser i n private interviews.) 2. If you do not clearly understand your role as an adviser, contact the bishopric member with whom you work and discuss the responsibilities of yout calling.



Audience Quorum advisers and assistant advisers in one meeting, quorum presidencies i n another Preparation Have each ad\t ask himself. W h a t is my tole w i t h the quotum p r e s i d e n c y H a v e each quotum presidency member ask himself. W h a t is my responsihility to the quorum? Suggest that all of the trainees read " T h e y W e r e A w e s o m e ! " (Robert L . Backman, New Era, May 1983, pp. 4 - 8 ) . Principles G i v e each class member a copy of the following and discuss them: 1. T h e quorum presidency presides over the quorum. T h e adviser must be spiritually sensitive to know when and how much guidance to give (see Aaronic Priesthoud-Young Men Handbook, pp. 12-1 3; also read D & C 2 0 : 4 6 - 6 0 ) . 2. T h e quorum presidency is responsible for the welfare of each quorum member and for their duties outlined in Doctrine and Covenants 20:46-60. T h e y are also responsible for the young men in their w ard who are the right age to he in the quorum but are not ordained. 3. I n areas where Scouting has been adopted hy the C h u r c h , Scouting activities are part of the quorum activity program. I n these wards, the qutnum presidency presides over the patrol leaders' council. I n wards where the seniot patrol leader, team captain, or post president is not the quorum president or first assistant to the ptiests quorum president, the quotum leader w i l l still preside, but the Scout leader will conduct. 13

4. T h e responsihility fot meaningful quorum activities lies w i t h the quorum presidency, assisted by wise and sensitive adult leadets. Videotape V i e w section two of the videotape (10 minutes, 57 seconds). Discussion Stimulate discussion hy asking the following questions. Modify them for the gtoup you are teaching. A s k additional questions that are particularly relevant to your ward. 1. W h a t is the role of the adviser i n the presidency meeting? H o w should an adviser function with a new or inexperienced presidency? 2. W h a t is the purpose of a presidency meeting? H o w often should it be held? W h a t kinds of topics should be discussed? H o w does deacons quorum presidency meeting relate to pattol leaders' council? (See Aaronic Priesthood-Young Men Handbook, p. 21.) 3. W h a t is the responsibility of the quotum presidency i n planning activities for the quotum? (See Aaronic Priesthood-Young Men Handbook, p. 23.) a. W h a t ate the types of activities in w h i c h quorums can participate? b. W h a t guidelines should be used in planning activities (e.g. frequency, timing, coordination)? c. W h a t does it mean to have a priesthood purpose for every activity? H o w can these putposes lead the young men towatd receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood, serving missions, marrying in the temple, and living moral lives committed to the gospel? d. W h a t are resources for activity planning? (Some examples are the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook, [pp. 7-31], The Activity Book, and Scouting matetials.) 4. Doctrine and C o v e n a n t s 107:85 says the quotum 14

presidency should preside over, sit i n council with, and teach the A a t o n i c Priesthood holders the duties of their office. H o w should they do this? W h a t is the difference between counseling and "sitting i n council w i t h " ? 5. W h a t responsihility does the quorum presidency have for Scouting? 6. W h a t responsihility does the quorum presidency have for inactive quorum members? (See Aaronic Priesthood'YoungMen Handbook, p. 2 1 . ) 7. W h a t responsihility does the quorum presidency have for young m e n who are the right age to be i n their quorum hut are not ordained and, therefore, are not quorum members? A r e there any young men i n this situation i n our ward? I f so, who are they? W h a t c a n we do to help them? (See Aaronic Priesthood'Young Men Handbook, p. 2 1 . ) Application 1. A s k one trainee to play the role of quorum adviser to a teachers quorum. A s k several others to play the role of a newly-called presidency. T h e setting is theit first presidency meeting. T h e y s h o u l d — a. Plan activities for three months i n advance, using the ptocedures outlined i n the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook (pp. 7 - 3 1 ) . h. Discuss the activation of T o m A d l e r , an inactive teacher whose father is not a member of the C h u r c h and whose mother is relatively inactive. H e is a friend of one boy i n the quorum who is very shy and insecure. c. Plan to welcome Steve Jones who has just been ordained a teacher. After the tole play, depending o n whether you are teaching the advisers or the quorum presidencies, discuss the potential effectiveness of the adviser or presidency. 2. Challenge the class to discuss reactivation of actual quorum members i n their presidency meetings. 15


Audience Quorum advisers and assistant advisers Preparation A s k the class members read the following i n the Aaronic Priesthood-Young Men Handbook: 1. T h e statement that it is the quorum president's responsibility to "give the bishopric member a regular report on the condition and progress of the quotum and of each quorum member. T h e Yearly A c t i v i t y Record is useful i n reviewing the status of individual quorum members" (p. 20). 2. T h e section titled "Bishopric Interviews of Young M e n " (p. 12). Principles G i v e each class member a copy of the following principles and discuss them: 1. T h e quotum president should give the bishopric member a regular report of the spiritual progress of each quorum member i n a personal priesthood interview. T h i s is an important opportunity for the bishopric to gently correct, teach, encourage, and demonstrate support for the quorum president. T h i s meeting should not he delegated to the adviser. 2. Bishopric members should hold a personal interview at least every six months w i t h each young man to assess spiritual growth. A t least one of each young man's interviews should be conducted by the bishop each year. Since he is the president of the priests quotum, the bishop interviews the priests every six months. "Interviews should concern spiritual progress, individual needs, and priesthood service. T h e y should teach priesthood principles and reinforce the parents' work i n preparing the young men for missionary service, temple marriage, and 16

righteous fatherhood. O n l y the bishop's interview should probe into matters of individual worthiness" (Aaronic Priesthood'YoungMen Handbook, p. 12). 3. Before interviewing a youth, the bishopric member should consult the father or family head to understand how to best support the training the youth is receiving at home. 4. E a c h bishopric member should understand and leatn to rely o n the Spirit i n interviewing and counseling young men. T h e Lord knows everyone better than they k n o w themselves; he is i n the best position to counsel priesthood leaders regarding each young m a n individually. (Suggestions for interviewing are given i n the booklet Counseling and Interviewing Giude for Bishops.) Videotape View both parts of section three of the videotape (15 minutes, 55 seconds). Discussion Stimulate discussion by asking the following questions. Modify them for the group you are teaching. A s k additional questions that ate particularly relevant to your ward. 1. W h a t is the purpose of holding a priesthood interview w i t h the quorum president or assistant to the priests quorum president? 2. W h a t is the role of the bishopric member in the priesthood interview? H o w can the adviser help prepare the quorum president or assistant to the ptiests quorum president for this interview? 3. W h a t is the purpose of interviewing each young man at least every six months? W h e n and why should a counselor i n the bishopric hold the interview instead of the bishop? W h y does the bishop interview priests every six months? H o w well are we doing i n our ward? Is every young man being interviewed at least every six months either by the bishop or one of his counselors? H o w can we improve the quality of these interviews? (See Aaronic Priesthood-Young Men Handbook, p. 12.) 17

4- W h a t are the benefits of a bishopric member consulting the father of each A a r o n i c Priesthood holder before interviewing the young men? 5. H o w can the missionary recommendation form become an integral part of the bishop's interview? Application A s k a class member to act like a quorum president and another to act like a bishopric member. H a v e them role-play how a president might report to a bishopric member. Discuss the type of questions asked by the bishopric member. C o u l d they be improved? Discuss how well the president prepared. How could he improve?



Audience Quorum advisers and assistant advisers Preparation Ask each adviser and assistant adviser to read the statement by President Spencer W . K i m b a l l on page one of the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook. Have them consider the following questions: W h a t is the purpose of our quorum activities? H o w c a n I use activities to build spiritual relationships w i t h each young man? H o w can our activities prepare the young men for the Melchizedek Priesthood, missions, temple marriage, and moral lives committed to the gospel? H o w can our quorum activities support the family? Principles G i v e each class member a copy of the following principles and discuss them: 1. Activities are designed not just to entertain young men, but to accomplish priesthood purposes outlined in the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook (p. 15). Every activity should accomplish a priesthood purpose. 2. N o matter what the activity, the adviser should seek opportunities to develop a spiritual telationship w i t h each young man i n the quorum. In this way, all activities can become opportunities for the advisers to help a young man grow spiritually. 3. I n developing his spiritual relationship w i t h each of the young men i n his quorum, the adviser should try t o — a. Meet the young man at the level of his need. 19

b. Build and demonstrate C h r i s t l i k e unconditional love. c. Build the young man's expectations of himself. d. Be a spititual role model. e. Help turn the young man to the Lord. 4. Quorum activities can strengthen the family hy providing opportunities for parents and young men to participate together. Videotape V i e w section four of the videotape (10 minutes, 40 seconds). Discussion Stimulate discussion by asking the following questions. Modify them for the group you are teaching. A s k additional questions that ate particularly relevant to your ward. 1. H o w can activities strengthen and build a young man in the priesthood? 2. W h a t kinds of youth activities are we planning in our ward? H o w are they helping to develop each young man i n the areas mentioned by President K i m b a l l i n the introduction to the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook! 3. W h a t do each of the five characteristics listed i n ptinciple number three mean? H o w is each demonstrated in the relationship between an adviser and a young man? 4. H o w can our ward use quorum activities to help build and support family relationships? (Some ideas are counseling w i t h parents as activities are planned, involving parents on Scout committees, planning activities involving fathers or mothers, and holding a scheduling meeting w i t h parents after the annual activity calendar is outlined.) 5. A recent sutvey conducted hy the C h u r c h concluded that next to his relationship w i t h his patents, a young man's relationship w i t h his A a r o n i c Priesthood adviser has the greatest 20





influence on his spiritual life. H o w is this telationship developed? Identify sevetal specific activities your quorums have held or w i l l hold i n the near future. H o w can you as A a r o n i c Priesthood leaders use these activities to build a more spiritual relationship with each young man? How would an adviser look at an activity differently if he wete trying to find opportunities to teach the young men and develop spiritual relationships w i t h them? H o w can Sunday quorum lessons be a basis for meaningful quorum activities during the week? W h a t is meant hy activities with a "priesthood purpose"? H o w can having priesthood purpo,ses for our activities lead the young men to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, serve missions, marry in the temple, and lead moral lives committed to the gospel? How frequently should quorum activities he held? How often should they be combined activities with the young women?

Application Assign the following to the advisers and assistant advisers: 1. List activities that will promote personal interaction and teaching opportunities. 2. Privately rate their relationship w i t h each member of their quorum on a scale from one to five (one being poorest), for each of the characteristics mentioned in principle number three above. A s k them to personally set goals for improvement. (These may be shared privately w i t h a bishopric member if follow-up and support are desired.)


Published by T h e C h u r c h of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Copyright © 1984 by Corporation of the President of T h e C h u r c h of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints A l l Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America




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