Environment today natural hazards

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Environment TODAY


HURRACANE MATTHEW caused deastating floods on North Carolina EIGHT SPECIES DELARED EXTINT IN 2016


Contents 1

Earthquake in Ecuador

2 Education in times of crisis

3 Casualties and deaths

4 After-shocks

5 More about the Earthquake

6 A theory...

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One of the greatest Earthquakes in Ecuador, happened just last year, on April 16. It affected not only cities in Ecuador, but in places like Cali, Pasto and Popayán (Colombia), and even the northern border of Perú.

http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ecuador-earthquake-rescue-effort-1.3541945 (2 PHOTO) http://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/235-killed-ecuador-earthquake (1 PHOTO)

About 120,000 children had no education, because more than 280 schools were damaged. UNICEF has helped with installing 50 temporary learning places for 20,000 children.

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About 670 people died, and more than 2,000 were injured, and a total of 250 children where affecter by the earthquake.

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This earthquake was the most destructive in 30 years.


ore than 200 after-shocks were registered, with magnitudes between 3,5 and 6,1.

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Did you know?

This Earthquake was a convergence. Ecuador is avobe the Destructive plate Boundary Nazca plate, that converges with the Sudamerican plate, causing massive earthquakes like this one.

Are Ecuador and Japan's earthquakes in 2016 connected? A theory that says that both earthquakes are connected, has been going around. Japan's earthquake happened on April 15, and just one day after (actually two days, because of difference in time), happened Ecuador's earthquake. But, it is actually fake. The plates are not connected almost in any way, so it was just a big coincidence.


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