Portfolio Arnaud

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DESIGN PORTFOLIO Violette Arnaud, Concordia University, March 2022.



TABLE OF CONTENT Bioplastics Community engagement Photos Corsets Cocon wearable Urban Intervention Backless tops collection Crossbody bag



violettearnaud@gmail.com (+1) 438 499 1701 Montreal, Canada


ABOUT Hey! Thanks for checking my portfolio! My name is Violette and I am currently a student in Design at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada). I was born in France and traveled a lot, so I got the chance to live in different parts of the world (Europe, South America, North America). ​ By traveling, we get to see an incredible amount of colors, textures, ways of doing things, architectures, arts, people and so much more. I believe that this is what gave me the taste to explore the creation process through different forms of design. ​ I have a main interest in Design and the creative process. As a future designer, I believe that promoting sustainability and finding alternatives to harming processes is essential for the critical point in history we are facing. I also believe that collaboration can enhance design in a powerful way. I find it mandatory to design with care so that everyone feels respected and included through my works. My main interests are industrial design/design of products, bio design and community engagement. I invite you to check my CV for more details!




What are bioplastics?​

“A type of biodegradable plastic derived from biological substances rather than from petroleum.” (Oxford Languages)

Bio Plastic Exploration is an explorative research project around alternatives to plastic using waste, and compost; in collaboration with Claire Duby-Riou. The objective is to develop a series of multiple bioplastic sheet samples that serve as a bibliography and point of departure for making assembled pieces. This exploration aims to show an alternative to textiles and plastics, as a response to the series of ecological problems due to the production and consumption of plastic. Our research and samples were presented to show the different possibilities of bioplastic during an in exhibition organized by Concordia University.

Team member: Claire Duby-Riou




A data bank of bioplastic samples was created. This was a manner of organising our research and understanding what was the impact of the compost when added to the bioplastic. After exploring the effects of the compost on our bioplastics (made from a repetitive recipe containing gelatin, glycerin and water), we assembled some bigger samples to develop different products (packaging, wearables). (2021-2022)

The final event at 4th Space Concordia was a way for us to display our work and share it with the public. For the event, we were teamed up with seven other students from the class. Together, we organized the exhibition and split tasks. We exchanged on our common theme to search a title for the exhibition, we discussed the course of the event and brainstormed on a poster. We where able to present our research and goals to people who did not all know the context of the course. We were surprised and glad of the reaction of the public as we got very positive and constructive feedbacks. This gave us even more desire to pursue our research in bioplastics and natural dyes.




COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT We worked with women of the Y des Femmes of Montreal to help them develop their own project/brand identity. I developed the branding identity of one of the women for Y des Femmes, and help her organize her work project. Together, we brainstormed to develop a logo and business card (after choosing the color palette for the project, specific typefaces, images, etc.). Her project is about helping young kids develop their autonomy and creativity with daily simple activities. (2021)


Logo development process





This is a serie of two corsets made from recycled sailcloth. This fabric was first collected and used by a friend of the family who created a bag collection from the sailcloth. Some of the leftovers where given to me and I decided to create some corsests out of them, following models form my mother. At the beginning, this fabric was all white but I died it with a natural dye made from shallot skin. (2019)







This project was created when studying the concept of "Nordicity". We designed a wearable meant to protect people form the cold, or ease pain. Indeed, this versatile piece allows to be worn in different manners according to the users need. We worked on the entire branding of our product and sold six copies of it.

Logo development process

Team members: Sharon Ku, Leanne Suen Fa, Carmen Draxler


Pamphlet instructions




Final wearable



URBAN INTERVENTION The goal of the Urban Intervention project was to denounce a public issue through an artistic intervention. My designated issue was the affordable housing crisis. I started by researching on the topic and developing a series of ideas/sketches/ drawings to come with this final rendering. It depicts the choice you have to make between having a housing or keeping some savings, due to the inflation of the housing market, indeed.


Development process

Digital rendering



Serie of back less tops



Daily crossbody bag





DART444, Portfolio Design, Concordia University, March 2022.


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