MAY 2017
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MAY 2017
Again we start one of these Newsletters
injured, and for what? All at VIP send their
I’m afraid that these Musings are dominated
with bad news, very bad news; we’ve known
heartfelt condolences to the family and
by bad news, and I am very saddened to
for some time now, particularly following
friends of all those affected. Our thoughts
have to report the death of a very good
the Bataclan, Paris, attack in November ’15,
are also with the artist and her musicians,
friend and colleague, Alia Dann Swift. Alia
that the live music industry has been under
management and crew and all of the venue
was the producer of the ILMC for many
threat - and that terrorist attacks were more
staff, who must of course be devastated.
years, as well as being a highly respected
than likely, with venues particularly at risk,
manager of many other events and tours.
but when the seemingly inevitable happens
With certain deranged people claiming
She was a true professional and a great
it was still a severe shock when the bomb
this atrocity as some sort of ‘victory’, we
person. She died of cancer at home in
attack took place last night, May 22cnd,
can unfortunately be pretty sure that these
Melbourne, Australia. Our commiserations
at the Manchester Arena. The targeting
maniacs will be lining up ‘soft targets’ like
go to her husband Steve Swift, and her
of the Ariana Grande show, certain to
concerts, festivals for their next murderous
family and many, many, friends.
attract young people, children actually, was
attacks. Obviously plans are being made to
particularly shocking. 22 deaths, so far, 59
step up security wherever possible, some
There have of course also, thank goodness,
gigs have been cancelled or postponed,
been some good moments of late; I visited
following advice from the Government’s
the great city of Cork (in Ireland of course!)
services, who raised the terrorism threat
for the first edition of Music Cork, and my
levels to critical, suspecting that another
home town Brighton (I’ve mentioned that
attack was in the planning. Others, including
a couple of times I think…) was descended
a Simple Minds show in Manchester on May
upon by music industry people and festival
23rd went ahead in a spirit of defiance and
goers from all over the world for the 12th
edition of The Great Escape. A good time
was had at both events (see reports in VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking.com Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen rd@vip-booking.com General Manager: Peter Briggs pb@vip-booking.com Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com Writer: Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs pb@vip-booking.com +46 70 77 60 480
On BBC Radio 4 this morning, May 24,
this issue), even though it rained heavily
Manchester musician Peter Hook of Joy
for a couple of days in Brighton. When
Division, who was also connected with
we return for the next issue, I will report
famous Manchester venue The Hacienda,
back from Portugal on the first ever Lisbon
and who’s 18 year old daughter was at the
International Music Network, MIL, and from
concert, emphasised how important it was
Expo North in Inverness, Scotland.
for musicians to take responsibility for their audiences and to make sure that their music
I shall take care, as I hope will all of you;
was always based on freedom.
let us hope that with the Festival Season imminent, everything goes ahead as safely
As the new chief executive of UK Music,
as possible! Let’s also hope that everyone
Michael Dugher stated, “ Music has the
helps the safety situation by complying with
power to bring people together and is so
all the the security measures that organisers
often a celebration of peace and love. We
and authorities may have to implement.
will not let terrorism and the politics of violence, hatred and division conquer that
Meanwhile, Ladies and Gentlemen – The
MAY 2017
Pemberton Festival bankrupt From VIP-Daily News Canada’s
July, with Chance The Rapper, a Tribe Called
has cancelled their 2017 event due to
Quest, and Muse as headliners. That won’t
bankruptcy. The festival was scheduled for
be happening. The festival itself has gone
July 13th-16th in Pemberton, BC.
bankrupt, and tickets will not be refunded.
The festival was supposed to feature
According to The Globe And Mail, tickets
performances by high-profile acts like
for this year’s festival started at $369, and
Chance The Rapper, Muse, A Tribe Called
buyers are now attempting to cancel their
says, “Really it’s just driven by fewer ticket
Quest, Major Lazer, Run The Jewels, and
sales than they had hoped to achieve and
Huka Entertainment had only sold 18,200,
operating costs that had continued to
compared to 38,000 last year.
rise, partially a result of the exchange rate
The Pemberton Festival has been coming
as well.” The event owes $2.5 million to
to British Columbia every year since 2014,
Ernst & Young’s Kevin Brennan, who is
creditors, which means ticket buyers could
and this year’s edition was set to go down in
overseeing the bankruptcy proceedings,
have a hell of a time getting their refunds.
The 12th Great Escape From VIP-Daily News Two days of heavy rain ( I got very wet
and the ‘slave metal’ of Switzerland’s Zeal
At this year’s very informal, and quite
queuing for my free raclet!) didn’t prevent
and Ardor, (I saw them twice!).
raucous YMCA’s (Yearly Music Conference
Awards) it was good to see the organisers
place in, over forty Brighton venues for
Like many of these events, there were
of Palestine Music Expo (PME), Martin
this 12th edition of The Great Escape,
many, many parties, to the extent that
Goldschmidt (Who featured in our political
the conference agenda, as happens with
spot in the last issue) and Mahmood Jrere,
and delegates. This year also saw a new
SXSW and others, presented some very
win the Best New Event Award.
partnership with BBC Music.
serious about their business could learn a
The Great Escape Festival Manager Kevin
There were, it has to be said, some
lot from all of them, I feel often they had
Moore commented: “What an amazing
remarkable shows from some great acts,
to compete with the drinks, the food,
three days it’s been; we’ve seen incredible
including Slaves, Kano, Rag ‘N’ Bone Man,
and of course the reason for these events
performances of every imaginable genre of
amongst others. I was particularly taken by
,the networking. The UTA party at The
music and a staggering range of different
the fantastic harmonies of Norway’s Sigrid,
Grand Hotel was a particularly fine ‘bash’,
spaces and contexts, we’ve launched a
although very crowded.
thrilling new partnership with the BBC that’s been really well-received, produced
The Great Escape
The Great Escape started life 12 years ago
some brilliant musical moments and added
as a conference and showcase event, and
an extra layer of buzz to the festival, and
although the panels and discussions are
we’ve put on spotlight shows by two artists
extremely well handled by CMU (see the
who grew up within an hour’s drive of
top five visa mistakes article in this issue)
Brighton in Slaves and Rag’N’Bone man,
the ever growing event is in essence a
and another from Kano who’s re-shaping
city festival concentrating on the best
his entire genre. It’s been incredible and
we’re already planning even bigger and
better stuff for next year.”
MAY 2017
The First ‘Music Cork’ Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com
I may have mentioned before that I hold two passports, UK and Irish
Shane Dunne: Jim Lawless, manager of The Coronas and Fan Club,
(hedging my bets on this bloody Brexit business!) My Irish persona
lawyer Willie Ryan, Alexis Vokos of Delphi Records in London and
was interested to hear that Music Cork was taking place in Ireland’s
venue owner Ger Keily, (Old Oak and Cypress Avenue). We had all
second biggest City on May 10-12, so I went…
attended other events like Eurosonic and The Great Escape, and were aware of the lack of something in Ireland.We talked about if for
The showcases took place in 5 venues, and the all important
a couple of years, then last September, October we decided to do it.
networking was taken care of by a pub crawl, taking in 14 hostelries, a fine idea I thought!
VIP-News: Why did you decide on Cork?
Having mentioned in the previous article about The Great Escape the
Shane Dunne: The size of the city, near to the airport, the convenience
difficulties that some events have in pulling people into the panels,
of a number of venues all close by, plus the city authorities were very
I was impressed by the fact that each session, featuring high-level
receptive, and contributed a bit of funding.
panellists, was attended by around 150 very involved delegates. Considering the total attendance was 200 odd, that’s quite an
VIP-News: Did you get any other support?
uptake! The sessions were concluded by a keynote interview with the President of Island Records, the very entertaining and open,
Shane Dunne: Yes, from IMRO, and the labels, Sony and Universal
Darcus Beese.
who were very helpful in getting in people for the panels.
VIP-News spoke to one of the organisers, Shane Dunne, a promoter
VIP-News: How have the reactions been?
and producer of the Indiependence Festival. Shane Dunne: Very positive from both delegates and panellists, like VIP-News: Who are the organisers, and who came up with
Ric Salmon from ATC and others. We’re looking forward to next
the idea?
Shane Dunne - Indiependence Festival
MAY 2017
Former ILMC producer Alia Dann Swift passes From VIP-Daily News ILMC’s longtime producer, Alia Dann Swift, passed away Tuesday
history, she stepped up to take on the job of making it work at a
at her home in Melbourne, Australia. Alia was diagnosed with an
time when the organisation behind the event had fallen apart and I
aggressive cancer in early April and had spent the last few weeks
had almost given up hope of finding a way to continue.
being cared for by her husband, Steve. She was 57. “Alia pretty well single-handedly redesigned the way ILMC was “She was the best,” says CAA’s Emma Banks. “A beautiful human
put together, and became a major driving force in steering the
being, a great friend, a smart and an inspiring woman.”
conference towards the status that it now occupies. She was quite literally the mother of the conference, and every single one of us owes her a debt. “I will miss Alia’s super-human organisational skills, her almost limitless patience, her way of gently keeping me in check, her unfathomable sense of humour – and her disturbing ability to look glamorous in a cow costume. But overall I will miss having that wonderful, caring person in my life – one of the best friends and allies I have ever known.”
Emma Banks
David Garcia at DEAG adds: “She was the first person I ever spoke to at an ILMC many, many years ago. She encouraged me back
Prior to joining the International Live Music Conference (ILMC) as
then, not to be intimidated by all the experienced professionals
producer in 2000, Alia had worked in a variety of production roles,
and to speak up. It’s advice I have followed all those years and will
including tour management, production coordinator and artist
now forever be linked to the memory of this beautiful soul. I am
liaison for artists including Paul McCartney, David Gilmour, Sparks,
very sad.”
UB40, M People, Peter Gabriel and REM. ILMC is inviting friends and colleagues to contribute to a permanent Alia was part of the team that brought Roger Waters and David
page on the ILMC.com website. If you would like to submit a few
Gilmour together for Live 8 in 2005, and she played in a key role in
words, memories or thoughts, please email greg@ilmc.com.
the inception of Lord of the Dance, a touring production that went on to tour successfully worldwide for nearly two decades. “Alia was renowned for her warmth, her tireless support of those around her, a perennial sense of humour and a no-nonsense approach,” says ILMC head Greg Parmley. “She was a widely loved and respected figure in the touring world who will be deeply and entirely missed.” Her role at ILMC was instrumental in both managing and growing the conference, and her tenure also saw the launch of IQ Magazine and the ILMC Production Meeting (IPM). She produced ILMC until 2014, and consulted on the event in 2015. “Without Alia there would be no ILMC now,” says ILMC founder Martin Hopewell. “A handful of years into the conference’s long
Alia Dann & Allan McGowan
MAY 2017
When Live Events Result in Catastrophe Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com Love Parade, Bataclan, Manchester, in terms of fatalities all have been outstanding disasters in the history of live music events. They have all revealed that the live music business is beset with new challenges which it previously never had to consider. Following the deaths at Roskilde Festival in 2000 and Love Parade in 2010 the entire industry had to respond appropriately, increasing and revamping their health & safety concepts and regulations. Now the latest tragedies in France and the UK have shown that the industry must even widen its considerations regarding the aspects of care taking as a result of the mental pressures and affects on victims, observers and security staff. Let’s face the sad developments those mentioned examples have caused when dealing with what must be faced up to when a live event turns into traumatic experience. This is a complete new challenge the live music industry must unfortunately take into consideration alongside new security standards. For an expert view on this new challenge, VIP-News approached The Royal College of Psychiatrists asking how promoters and others can and should go about dealing with an emergency situation with which they have never previously been confronted. Neil Greenberg, Professor of Defence Mental Health at the Royal College of Psychiatrists has been so kind as to answer our questions arising out of the challenges when live events turn into worst case scenarios until now not confronted by the live music industry . Greenberg is an academic psychiatrist, specialised in the understanding
occupational mental ill-health and post traumatic stress disorder.
Neil Greenberg
VIP-News: Unfortunately there have been various fatal incidents and accidents on live music or sport events
in recent years. Please explain what psychiatrists and
After a major incident, the role for mental health professionals is
other experienced stress counselors can and will do in an
to support organisational leaders to deal with the mental health
emergency resulting at a mass event?
of their teams in a pragmatic and evidence based way. Such approaches should include improving social support (colleagues,
Neil Greenberg: In the immediate aftermath of a major incident
friends, family) and ensuring that people who are distressed are
there is no role for psychological debriefing or immediate ‘trauma
not further traumatised as they recover from the first incident.
counselling’. Such approaches have been shown not only to be
In very rare cases of panic or extreme distress, a mental health
ineffective but they also may cause further psychological harm.
professional may be able to provide clinical care but they should be
There is lots of good evidence on these findings published across
cautious about not over-medicalising ‘normal distress’ which has
the globe.
been shown to be counterproductive.
MAY 2017
VIP-News: After tragic events such as Love Parade or the
idea and provides an organisation with a systematised evidence
terror attack on the concert venue Bataclan in Paris, safety
based response to traumatic incidents.
measures and standards aimed at safety at live events have already been significantly improved. However, would you
VIP-News: In the case of an emergency at a live event, how
say that mental issues resulting from an emergency case
should promoters handle such situations in terms of how
need to gain more attention from promoters and public
to communicate with the audience during and after an
services or is the level of consideration by public services at
least for mental care already sufficient? Greenberg: Honestly, and signposting people to support options Greenberg: I think that whilst the emergency is ongoing, and
offered by the statutory agencies like the local healthcare services.
in the immediate aftermath, promoters of big events need to remain calm and issue only evidence based advice. Suggesting for
VIP-News: Would you recommend that promoters should
instance that all those affected will be given trauma counselling
ask for professional assistance, supporting their team on
is inappropriate, will set up an unrealistic expectation and indeed
hotlines and related communication issues?
may lead to further harm. The provision of good, evidence based simple advisory information for people affected about: a: normal
Greenberg: Yes…this is the sort of role that trauma-aware mental
psychological responses to the incident; b. self-care and c. where
health professionals should be able to advise on. However, many
to seek additional information and support is a good idea.
mental health professionals are not in fact very aware of traumatic stress responses so choose the professional carefully.
VIP-News: To my knowledge the issue of mental care taking in a worst case scenario at an event is for the majority of
VIP-News: How is the issue of mental care taking considered
concert promoters until now not widely considered. Are
within the planning and preparation of large scale events
there any considerations or perhaps even guidelines as to
such as Olympic Games or Football tournaments and what
how promoters should or could prepare themselves for such
can promoters of smaller events learn from this?
situations? Greenberg: Not sure…you’ll have to ask those that plan large scale Greenberg: For their staff I would recommend the UKPTS
events…suspect mental health is not thought about too much.
guidelines as a starting point - see: www.ukpts.co.uk/site/assets/ UKPTS-Guidance-Document-120614.pdf
VIP-News: When looking at the websites of festivals and concert promoters there are occasional news and statements
VIP-News: What are your recommendations for promoters
referring to what happened in Manchester. Nevertheless, the
to train and to educate their staff on how to handle extreme
majority of promoters have not mentioned or commented
situations at events?
on this. However, would you say it is better not to inform the audience and fans about increased safety measures at
Greenberg: See above link. We know that training managers about
their events or is an open communication strategy more
how to take pragmatic and mental health aware actions in the
appropriate these days?
aftermath of traumatic incidents is important. This is especially so for junior managers of teams which are involved in the traumatic
Greenberg: I would be open and honest. If you provide people
incident (directly or as a responder). There is also good evidence
with good information they can make an informed choice. Also, if
that having an established peer support network in place (such
you wish those at an event to follow a safety plan in the case of a
as TRiM – trauma risk management – see http://www.kcl.ac.uk/
major incident then you need to make the plan simple and ideally
kcmhr/publications/assetfiles/2015/Whybrow2015.pdf) is a good
let them know what it is before the incident happens.
Need to know who is touring Europe? Go online - www.vip-booking.com vip-booking.com
MAY 2017
AEG to operate Friends Arena in Sweden From VIP-Daily News AEG has entered into a multi-year agreement to manage the biggest stadium in the Nordics,
Bob Newman
Stockholm’s 75,000-capacity Friends Arena.
“We are honoured to support Friends Arena, an elite venue that complements our other facilities in the marketplace,” comments Bob Newman, president of
Located in Solna, in Stockholm county around
AEG Facilities. “Its location in a growing
five miles north of the city, Friends Arena is
and vibrant office, residential and retail
home to the Swedish national football team
environment has created a unique, world-
and All-Swedish league club AIK, and hosts a
class destination.”
regular programme of concerts, family shows and other live events.
Arenabolaget i Solna board member Klaus Friends Arena becomes the sixth AEG-
Hansen adds: “In AEG, with its extensive
It is owned by Arenabolaget in Solna, a
operated venue in Stockholm, joining
international network and experience,
joint venture between the Swedish Football
Tele2Arena (30,000-cap.), Söderstadion
we’ve found a partner with an excellent
Association and property company Fabege.
(13,000-cap.), Ericsson Globe (16,000-
reputation with whom we can continue to
“Friends Arena [is] an elite venue that
cap.), the Hovet (9,300-cap.) ice-hockey
develop the events experience at Friends
complements our other facilities in the
stadium and the Annexet (3,700-cap.)
Arena while positioning the Stockholm
conference and events centre.
region internationally.”
Sabaton at Friend Arena Stockholm
MAY 2017
The Top Five Visa Mistakes Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com
Many acts hoping to play the US, and other territories requiring Visas, have been disappointed by being turned away because of problems with their visa applications; many acts heading for SXSW this year weren’t allowed in to play their booked showcases. As part of the BPI-supported CMU Insights Export Conference at this year’s Great Escape, the founder of entertainment industry visa and immigration services company Viva La Visa, Andy Corrigan, presented a session on the top five visa mistakes commonly made by musicians prior to travelling to perform internationally. Our friends at CMU completemusicupdate.com who put together the Great Escape conference sessions arranged this session. Chris Cooke of CMU has kindly allowed us to include these interesting and important details in this issue.
The top five visa mistakes made by
Sometimes artists will look online and see
“this person has been invited to perform at
information about different visas that says
this private showcase - allow them to enter”,
this element of the process takes this many
and the authorities usually did. But this
As part of the BPI-supported CMU Insights
days, this element this many days, and then
year that didn’t always work, and we saw
Export Conference at this year’s Great
they add that together and assume that’s all
people’s ESTAs being revoked, sometimes
Escape, the founder of entertainment
the time they need.
mid-flight, or before they travelled.
company Viva La Visa, vivalavisa.co.uk
But that doesn’t take into account the delays
This raises the question, what visa do you
Andy Corrigan, presented a session on the
which can often occur. And people routinely
need for the US? Our conclusion at the
top five visa mistakes commonly made by
underestimate the time needed at the top
moment is that you should always get a
musicians before heading out to perform
end, before anything is submitted, getting
work visa to be on the safe side. That applies
all the information and documentation
to whatever type of performances you’re
together for a visa. Things take longer than
doing. Remember, the previous system was
Here are Corrigan’s top five tips to greatly
you expect, and rush jobs end up costing
based on an opinion rather than an edict
reduce the chances of your artists being
from the American government, and it
industry visa and immigration services
refused entry as they go global.
doesn’t seem to work now.
The ultimate decision over whether or not
Don’t get the wrong visa
Don’t leave it too late
you are allowed into the country to play is down to the official you meet on the border.
This was the issue that caused problems
If they think you’re coming in to work and
The most common problem we encounter
around SXSW this year. There used to be
you’re on a visitor’s visa, they will Google you
is artists simply not allowing sufficient time
an opinion, in part communicated by SXSW
and see if you have any dates booked. If they
to properly process all the visas they need.
itself, that people coming from overseas to
refuse you entry, you get turned around and
It’s difficult, we know, because while the
only play official showcases didn’t require a
sent home, plus you’ll find it more difficult
bigger artists plan their tours a long time
work visa, and could travel into the US on
in the future to get a visa. And you won’t be
in advance, for smaller artists offers can
either an ESTA or a visitor’s visa.
able to travel on an ESTA again.
problems we have to tackle is a lack of
This had mainly worked for the last four
Other territories have different categories of
planning on the artist’s side.
years. SXSW produced a letter that said,
visa as well.
come in late in the day. But one of the major
MAY 2017
China does, and these are slightly grey
inadmissible because of the criminal record,
Typically, we’ll have clients who come to
areas. The norm is to go in on business visas,
but in US visa law there’s what’s known as
us for a whole world tour. At the moment
rather than work visas, because things are
a waiver.
we’re doing Ed Sheeran, and they came to
still in a state of flux in China. But you still
So, for every conviction there’s a direct
us before the start of the tour to talk about
have to know what your visa entitles you to
waiver to counter it, to say that you can
immigration and visas for the next two
do, in case you’re questioned. In India, if you
be admitted. That process takes longer -
years. We had a meeting and talked through
apply for a media visa - or anything that’s
typically six months for the State Department
figures, in the same way they would for
perceived to be a media visa - it will get held
to adjudicate - though once you’ve done
their sound supplier, and lighting, staging...
up an extra two weeks, so often people
it the first time, in theory subsequent visa
all the other tour supplies. It’s a cost, like
travel to India on business visas.
applications should be quicker.
every other tour cost.
Basically, you need to be really clear on what you’re going to be doing when you are in any one country and what your visa allows
It can be made cheaper if you allow more
Don’t forget that rules can
time. But to be honest, American work visas
are expensive for a new emerging act. It’s
you to do.
Don’t lie on the form
going to be at least £3000 or £4000 by Rules change, and one of our jobs as a
the time you get to the US, and that’s a
visa company is to keep up to date with
significant amount of money. But that’s the
all the changes in both the rules and any
way it is. The UK music industry is lobbying
interpretations of those rules. And it’s not
to try to change it - the Musicians’ Union
easy, because the relevant authorities don’t
and ourselves and other organisations are
This mainly applies to America as well. In
necessarily have PR departments - they
trying to get it more cost effective - but at
American immigration law, they set great
don’t always tell you everything.
the moment we’re stuck with it, and it’s not
store by misrepresentation.
a very high priority for the US government. For instance, there has been a change for
An artist’s touring contract might state
If you’re ineligible to enter the US for
UK passport holders travelling to Canada, in
that all immigration costs are borne by the
some reason - say, because of a criminal
that they’ve now introduced an ESTA-type
promoter. Particularly if you’re going to, say,
record - it can be a grey area, because
system - an electronic visa. You fill in a form
South Korea, that would probably be the
it depends on whether the crime that
online, and one of the questions on the
case, or Australia for something one-off.
you’ve committed is sufficiently serious.
form is ‘have you committed any offences?’,
But America, not so much, because trips to
However, misrepresentation - lying - is a
so you have the same situation as America.
the US tend to be longer and you tend to be
very clear cut offence. And so they can say,
If you put ‘no’ and they find out that you
contracting with more than one promoter,
if you misrepresent anything on any visa
have, then you’ll be thrown out. If you
and probably many. So sometimes it works
application, then you’re inadmissible. It’s
put ‘yes’, then you’ll be inadmissible to
to put immigration costs in the promoter
really simple. And it happens a lot.
Canada and you’ll require a waiver, which
contract, sometimes it doesn’t, but it is
takes several weeks. That potentially puts
definitely worth considering.
We know from practical experience that
people who haven’t had problems playing
when people are questioned at the border,
in Canada in the past into a situation where
they’re much more likely to be looked kindly
now they will.
completemusicupdate.com vivalavisa.co.uk
upon if they answer truthfully and appear to be open. And we always advise applicants that when they go for their visa interview at the US embassy to be as open and
Don’t forget to budget for visa costs
straightforward and honest as they possibly can be, and appear to be so too.
You can do most visa processing by yourself, but generally people find it helpful to use
If you have any criminal convictions, there’s
an expert. In terms of budgeting, I think it’s
a process you need to go through, by
good to speak to a visa company early on,
which you get a UK police certificate which
and a good one should give you an idea of
outlines your convictions. You take that with
how to budget for your entire immigration
you to the visa interview. They’ll say you’re
Eurosonic Noorderslag is the non-profit, European acts only, showcase festival and conference in Europe. Our mission statement is simple: getting results for European acts.
To get results Eurosonic Noorderslag cooperates with over 100 Festivals in the European Talent Exchange Programme (ETEP). Festivals are invited to attend Eurosonic and to book the performing acts they want for their festival. In this way, a circulation of ETEP acts across the continent is stimulated. Over the last 14 years, ETEP has realized a total of 3091 shows by 1082 artists from a mere 31 countries at 100 ETEP festivals: proving to be the most successful project to get music to travel across the European continent.
Here is the amazing list of the 2017 ETEP festivals. Arezzo Wave Love Festival (IT), ARTmania Festival (RO), Bad Bonn Kilbi Festival (CH), Beautiful Days (GB), Best Kept Secret (NL), Bilbao BBK Festival (ES), Bizkaia International Music Experience (ES), Body & Soul Festival (IE), Bråvalla Festival (SE), c/o Festival Cologne (DE), Cactusfestival (BE), Chiemsee Summer (DE), Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (US), Colours of Ostrava (CZ), Das Fest (DE), Dour Festival (BE), Down The Rabbit Hole (NL), End of the Road Festival (GB), Europavox (FR), Exit Festival (RS), Festival Number 6 (GB), Frequency Festival (AT), G! Festival (DK), Galapagai (LT), Glastonbury (GB), Green Man (GB), Greenfield Festival (CH), Gurtenfestival (CH), Haldern Pop (DE), Happiness Festival (DE), Highfield (DE), Home Festival (IT), Hurricane Festival (DE), Iceland Airwaves (IS), Ilosaarirock (FI), INmusic Festival (HR), Juicy Beats (DE), Krakow Live Festival (PL), Larmer Tree Festival (GB), Le Printemps de Bourges (FR), Les 3 Éléphants (FR), Les Ardentes (BE), Les Eurockéennes de Belfort (FR), Les Nuits de Botanique (BE), Les Recontres Trans Musicales de Rennes (FR), Linecheck Music Meeting & Festival (IT), Lollapalooza Berlin (BE), Lowlands (NL), Maifeld Derby Mannheim (DE), MaMA Event (FR), Melt! (DE), MENT Ljubljana (SI), Milhoés de Festa (PT), Montreux Jazz Festival (CH), NorthSide Festival (DK), Nova Rock (AT), Off Festival Katowice (PL), Open’er Festival (PL), OpenAir St. Gallen (CH), Orange Blossom Special (DE), Orange Warsaw Festival (PL), Øyafestivalen (NO), Paléo Festival Nyon (CH), Parkpop (NL), Pinkpop (NL), Pohoda (SK), Positivus Festival (LV), Primavera Sound (ES), Provinssi Festival (FI), Pukkelpop (BE), Reeperbahn Festival (DE), Rocco del Schlacko (DE), Rock am Ring (DE), Rock en Seine (FR), Rock for People (CZ), Rock in Rio (PT), Rock Werchter (BE), Rock-a-Field (LU), Rockwave Festival (GR), Rolling Stone Weekender (DE), Roskilde (DK), Ruisrock (FI), Siren Festival (IT), Slottsfjell (NO), Southside Festival (DE), Spring Break Showcase Festival & Conference (PL), Super Bock Super Rock (PT), Szene Open Air (AT), Sziget (HU), T in the Park (GB), Taksirat Festival (MK), Tallinn Music Week (EE), Taubertal Festival (DE), The Great Escape (GB), The Secret Garden Party (GB), Tinderbox (DK), United Islands of Prague (CZ), Vida Festival (ES), Vieilles Charrues (FR), Waves Vienna (AT), Way Out West (SE), WestWay Lab Festival (PT), What’s Next in Music (LT), Winterthurer Musikfestwochen (CH), Ypsigrock (IT) and Zurich Openair (CH).
GET CONNECTED AND FOLLOW OR JOIN OUR EFFORTS MAININ PARTNERS SPREADING THE BEST AND CURRENT EUROPEAN MUSIC! Go to ETEP.NL for more information or come out and attend Eurosonic Noorderslag on 17-20 January, 2018.
MAY 2017
Let’s Talk Politics with Audrey Guerre of Live DMA Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com For this issue of our series Let’s Talk Politics,
VIP-News: According to media reports
Audrey Guerre: I don’t like to put things
Emmanuel Macron is a passionate
into boxes, especially in music, and I
Managing Director of the live music
piano player, even being nicknamed
know for sure that it is possible to enjoy
association Live DMA, an European network
the “Mozart of the Elysée.” However,
of 17 live music associations in 13 countries,
musicians devoted to classical music
albums. Still, it is true that the French
representing more than 2.500 music venues
have played the same old compositions
political class tends to remain in it’s own
and festivals. Guerre has served since 2014
for more than 300 years. Can those
community. Emmanuel Macron, as well
as a coordinator of Live DMA, taking care of
fans who rather like popular music
as many of his collaborators, comes from
the organisation’s relationship management
expect someone like Macron that to do
political sciences schools and ENA. It surely
with policy makers, institutions and other
something new and meaningful for the
reproduces a certain culture in power. Yet,
European networks.
support of the music sector?
French cultural policies rely on the Ministry
of Culture and competent departments
with whom music associations (such as our members FEDELIMA or Culture BarBars) have built a trusting relationship and prove that it possible to work in concert. In spite of that, we must maintain vigilance, especially regarding the labour law and the risks related to the ‘Uberisation’ of our sector or the withdrawal of the State to the market. Emmanuel Macron is open to trade agreements such as CETA or TAFTA while the cultural sector thinks it is a huge risk for our economic diversity. VIP-News: How much are conservative and nationalistic tendencies in French politics a threat for concert clubs and venues? Audrey: I recognize that French cultural policies can be seen as constraining in some cases, but this is done to preserve a kind of vision - culture is not simply merchandise which I think is really important. Nowadays, cities and local authorities are the main funders for culture while culture is not one of their compulsory jurisdictions. It can be seen as an opportunity for some of the clubs and venues, but it also creates a regional competition and more inequalities.
Audrey Guerre -Live DMA
In this way, the State must not give up its responsibility in terms of regulation to
MAY 2017
ensure a dense territorial coverage. It is also
VIP-News: In the past it was the former
practises, and a very wide audience – has a
a way to recognise the cultural and social
culture minister Jack Lang who paved
lot of cards to play in this dynamic.
value of the music venues in their daily
the way for still existing initiatives
activities, from a perspective of general
such as Fetes De La Musique or Bureau
Export De La Musique. But unlike
Europe Politicians and officials still
VIP-News: France is one of the very
Lang was not known for needing
when it comes to the support of music.
few countries in Europe that has
In terms of culture politics they have
already installed support programmes
him to launch these projects. Are
no problems in providing substantial
for popular music, in the late eighties/
politicians nowadays more focused on
funding for the film sector and so called
nineties. Would you say that culture
bureaucratic proceedings instead of
high culture such as for opera houses
politics in France is more progressive
being innovative and progressive?
or museums. However popular music
than in the rest of Europe?
matters for many people in the society
Audrey: I would say that it is much easier
and especially for younger people,
Audrey: Several Live DMA members look at
to be innovative when there is everything
what do you think, is this due to a lack
the French situation with some envy, but
left to be done! Today, we must re-balance
of understanding or of interest?
French music policies remain one model
and reinvent the cultural policies, therefore
among the others. The structure of the
sectorial observation and understanding is
Audrey: In France, it is often said that we
music sector in Europe, because it started
absolutely necessary. In terms of efficiency,
like to create boxes for everything: this
at different periods, has led to different
the challenge then is to organise the
would create an elitist highly subsidised
issues and different levels of recognition
information to get a clear strategy and
kind of music and the rest would be
by the public authorities. Everywhere, the
maybe simplify the administration.
commercial music owned by profitable
inception of Live DMA members, which
companies. The problem is that we do not
are regional or national associations of
French policy makers also need to affirm
fit in any of those boxes, but it is easier to
music venues and festivals, has been a
new positions. “Cultural rights[1]” must
switch us from one to another whenever
driving force to professionalise the sector
be at the core of our cultural policies. The
it suits the best. Live DMA music venues &
and develop adapted policies. France
“democratisation” was not as successful
festivals are programming an interbreeding
has the chance to have good live music
as expected; it was supposed to bring
of music genres, from a small (50) to large
equipment and music venues can develop
arts and culture to a larger audience, but
(1000+) audience capacity, and 64% are
a wide range of activities, such as rehearsal
the mistake was to consider that it exists
rooms for young bands or community work
as a legitimate culture vs. an uneducated
foundations…). Of the 36% of companies
activities, with less profitability pressures.
crowd. Cultural Rights bring the idea that
left, most of them actually get no profit
But the error would be to think that French
we must recognize all kinds of culture; and
from the concert activity, as on average,
venues are at the top and that the process
give them access to the same means so
ticket incomes do not cover the venue’s
is achieved. There are always counterparts,
that each one of us can blossom through
programme costs (which represent 30% of
and French music venues can learn as much
the culture of its choice. The popular
its overall costs). This is why we started to
from each other than the rest of their
music sector - by gathering a large range
call ourselves the independents, and why
European peers.
of artistic diversity, professional & amateur
we are fighting to raise interest about our
MAY 2017
realities, through data and hard facts (with
Nordic countries, and even take part in
live music sector need new and better
The Survey), and the development of a
some of our member’s activities, while their
regulation so that the gap between
strong communication strategy.
installation is much more contentious in
France. I absolutely think that official bodies
smaller than in the record industry?
must affirm their regulatory responsibility,
Europe we see a significant market
and I also think we must allow this debate
Audrey: Yes, we need to think about
within our network to understand the
a global redistribution system, where
of the live music sector. Market and
the main distributors can fund artistic
competition authorities hardly take
especially in France, are making music,
creation and invest in grassroots venues,
these developments under scrutiny.
not profit out of music. We are definitely
where almost all bands start their career.
From Live DMA point of view, do
not working on the same scale as those
However, Live Nation already started to
you wish that responsible official
corporations and this is what makes the
buy small clubs and use this opportunity
bodies should intervene to stop these
debate more political than economic.
to proclaim their diversity. Diversity seems
tendencies or come up with proper
to be a nice catchall term, so we must
countermeasures that provide better
VIP-News: Live Nation like every other
question it, not in artistic terms only, but
transnational corporate company is
to prove how economic diversity is an
hardly paying any income tax. Small
essential prerequisite to maintain cultural
companies or organisations?
music venues or concert companies
and artistic diversity. This is why Live DMA
Audrey: Market concentration is a globalised
instead invest in the development
network is based on an ethic charter,
issue but there are different positions in our
of talents, but do not benefit in the
where artistic and economic diversity, as
European network regarding this topic. Big
same way from the success of artists
well as political co-construction are the
corporations are well established in several
once they become bigger. Does the
main pillars.
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23.11.16 09:58
MAY 2017
Where Does Music Stand Pre and Post Election in the Political Manifestos Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com As many will be aware, we have a General
Mark Davyd, CEO of MVT said: “Grassroots
Election coming up in the UK, on June 8
Music Venues are vital incubators of talent,
to be precise. With Brexit bearing down
the ignition system of a global industry that
upon us and many uncertainties about how
is worth £4.1billion to the UK economy.
the winners (although it’s fairly inevitable
In 2016, UK artists accounted for 7 of the
that Mrs May will get in….) will deal with
year’s top-10 best-selling artist albums in
the support, or otherwise, of culture, and
the world. If we want future UK musicians
particularly from our point of view, music.
to continue to produce that music for us, they, and the technicians, crew, promoters,
At The Great Escape, representatives of four
Read the UK Music Manifesto here.
of the parties accepted an invitation to tell
security who work with them, deserve world-class Grassroots Music Venues to
us where and how, if at all, music featured
MVT Strategic Director Beverley Whitrick
create, develop and grow that music. We’ve
in their manifestos. The invitations were
then responded with the specific detailed
been researching, discussing and debating
extended by The Music Venues Trust, who
proposals from MVT that focus on the
what’s happened to our Grassroots Music
have published their own manifesto for
needs of Grassroots Music Venues. The
Venue touring circuit for the last three years.
Music Venues.
Trust says it’s Time for Action on Grassroots
It’s time for action. We are laying out three
Music Venues. The Manifesto contains three
deliverable, achievable, and sensible actions
The event commenced with a presentation
commitments MVT is asking prospective
a future government can take to support
by Tom Kiehl of UK Music, the umbrella
MPs to make as part of their election
them to achieve their full potential. We
body for the commercial music industry,
want every prospective MP to read those
of the UK Music Manifesto (there’s a lot
commitments and pledge to support them”
of these about!), produced for the 2017
1. Reform Cultural Funding - Invest in GMV
Party representatives including Baroness
General Election on behalf of the whole
music industry, focusing on the main
2. Take Action to Increase and Reward
(Conservatives), Lord Tim Clement-Jones
priorities to enable the sector to thrive.
Private Investment
(Lib Dem) and Amelia Womack (Green) then
3. Cut Red Tape and Reduce Costs
discussed their responses to the Manifestos,
The manifesto is aimed at all political parties
in a panel moderated by Phil Nelson of
contesting the June 8 election and sets out a
BIMM. The party representatives have by
five-point plan to build the right framework
now, hopefully passed on the information
for the industry in the coming years as the
to their relevant colleagues – we wait to
next Government leads Brexit negotiations
hear how this will be integrated into the
and plans for a future beyond the EU.
next government’s approaches to music.
UK Music wants to ensure the continued prosperity of the music sector, which contributes £4.1 billion to the economy and employs almost 120,000 people by calling for action in the following fields: • International Action • Regional Development • Intellectual Property • Skills and Education • Finance and Investment
Beverley Whitrick
Mark Davyd
MAY 2017
Jon Webster has stepped down as Music
appointment to the MMF two years later.
Managers Forum (MMF) president in order
Explaining his decision, Jon said: ‘This
to pursue a number of external projects.
process began in 2015 when I told the board
New President at Entertainment Agents’ Association
I wanted to stop being CEO.
From VIP-Daily News
after working as chief executive officer
‘All organisations need change to evolve
The UK’s Agents’ Association has a new
(CEO) of the organisation for eight years.
and my involvement was coming to an end.
President and a new name. The new
During his tenure, he led an overhaul of the
Annabella Coldrick was recruited as CEO
MMF to ensure it could represent the latest
and has proved to be the exact person that
of Sheffield-based The Act Store. The
generation of artist managers and deal with
we needed to take the MMF forward in an
new name is the Entertainment Agents’
the challenges of the digital era. Starting his
increasingly policy led environment. I am
Association, which is actually its old name,
career as a record shop assistant, Jon spent
very proud of what we have achieved in the
with the word ‘entertainment’ returning
the bulk of his time at Virgin – joining as sales
last 10 years although there is still much to
to reflect the trade body’s representation
manager in 1981, and eventually becoming
do particularly in the area of transparency
of “reputable agents from all walks of the
managing director in 1988. During that
and fairness for artists and managers.’
entertainment industry”.
He continued: ‘I am not retiring but want
The rebrand also comes amidst plans to
to concentrate on writing my memoir
increase the profile of the trade group for
Striking out on his own in 1992, he worked
about my time at Virgin before taking a
booking agents, both in political circles and
closely with acts including Genesis, Peter
long hard look at the world and deciding
within the music community. According to
Gabriel, UB40, Mike & The Mechanics, Baby
what lies ahead. I am very happy to leave
IQ, new President Tomlinson says: “This is an
Bird, Die Toten Hosen and Erasure, as well as
the MMF in the capable hands of the team
exciting time to take on the role of president
founding the Mercury Music Prize.
and the board. I will try to be available if
as we focus on moving the Entertainment
a temporary extra pair of hands is ever
Agents’ Association forward to play a
He joined the BPI as director of Independent
needed as the MMF holds a significant
more visible role in lobbying government,
Member Services in 2005, before his
place in my heart.’
identifying new entertainment trends and
Webster steps down as MMF President From VIP-Daily News
“Webbo” took up the role in January 2016
period, he was instrumental in devising the Now! That’s What I Call Music brand.
anticipating any potential barriers to trade
Jon Webster
for the benefit of our members”.
Neil Tomlinson
MAY 2017
Music In Shares Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com CTS Eventim
to spend the money fon the acquisition of a UK company and to
Q1 2017 - Above Expectations
finance its growth strategy. The shares can be traded from May 26 having previously been placed in the period from May 5 to 22.
CTS Eventim delivers more than solid figures for 1st quarter of 2017. With the revenue up 27 per cent from 163.2 to 207.4 million
The “watered” share price decreased from previously 3.15 to 2.53
Euro, the company reported growth in both its business segments,
Ticketing and Live Entertainment. Very the growth rate for its Live Entertainment division appears impressive, with the reported revenue moving up from previously 79.6 to 116.3 million Euro, a plus
Live Nation
of 46.2 per cent.
Q1 Results And News Flow Lift Share Price
The ticketing arm of the Company increased its revenue by 9.2 per
Revenue up from $1.2 billion in Q1-2016 to $1.4 billion in Q1-2017
cent, from 84.8 to 92.6 million Euro. The Earnings Before Taxes,
is backing the positive trend for the company’s share price: From
Interests, Depreciation and Amortisation went up from 38.8 to 45.7
$31.64 on April 24 up to $34.20 this time.
million Euros. Additionally Live Nation created some news flow with spectacular From the last reported share price of 37.13 on April 24, by May 26
deals such as the one with Jay Z, supposed to provide the artists a
the share went up to 37.23 Euro.
payment of $200 million for a ten year period The Manchester terror attack on the concert of Live Nation artist
Arianne Grande only caused a slip of one per cent on the day after
New Shares Deliver Cash
the event. However, analysts who in their research reports covered the latest Q1 results of CTS Eventim included an advice that the
DEAG reported that it issued 2 million new shares, providing the
risk of terror attacks can affect share prices of corporate concert
company with additional capital of 4.9 million Euros. DEAG intends
companies in the future.
MAY 2017
discount at the Hotel of Ice and the Brukenthal Palace. We created a brand that we want to
ARTIST AVAILS DIZZEE RASCAL Territory: Europe Period: 2017 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Peter Elliot Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: peter_elliott@primarytalent.com Homepage: www.dizzeerascal.co.uk
develop, a name which people to hear, so we guarantee sustained activity for a long-term. We don’t hide, we work transparently and with respect German Quality Entertainment, a
for the artist and spectator, partner,
Romanian event company, launched in
collaborator, also trying to solve in a
the summer of 2014 by the well known
short time, the issues it may appear.
German businessman and entrepreneur
We put at your disposal the phone
born in Romania, Christian Thomas
number of the Communication Office,
Raetscher, who has an experience in
which will solve the situations. It is not
this activity for over 25 years.
easy, but we find the strength to move
ABBA MANIA Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Richard Walter Productions Agent: Jean-Hugues Feugeas Phone: +33 432 600 599 E-mail: jh@rwprod.net Homepage: www.rwprod.org/en/artistes/abba-mania.html
BLONDE REDHEAD Territory: Europe Period: July - August 2017 Agency: Ponderosa Music and Art Agent: Giuseppe Ponti E-mail: giuseppe@ponderosa.it
forward through the music. German Quality Entertainment aimed from the beginning to have as a
Music represents the engine that
main objective the first class live
put in motion this great industry
performances! Therefore, we provide
that everyone of us at some moment
German quality for viewers, the most
will enjoy!
PHIL RUDD BAND (EX AC/DC) Territory: Europe Period: April to June 2017 inclusive Agency: Fizzion and Frusion Agent: Ian Smith Phone: +44 77 9169 9889 E-mail: ian@frusion.co.uk Homepage: www.fizzion.eu/artist.php?id=139
brought from the most prestigious
A company that promotes the quality
sound companies in Munich. We have
and not quantity, gathering around
a team of professionals who manage
a premium audience and sustaining
with spectators, a department that has
assumed crisis management during the
concerts. And as we very well know, the
remaining the real passion!
abroad but
well-done things cannot been achieved being isolated, we are looking for and we
In some cases, the link between German
are open to collaborations with trustfull
Quality Entertainment and foreign artists
partners, offering mutual support, along
which Christian Raetscher has now in its
with partners that we want to work on
portfolio are very closely connected to
a long-term basis.
Romania: Sandra, ex-wife of well-known
MAXIMO PARK Territory: Europe Period: 2017 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Matt Bates Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: matt@primarytalent.com Homepage: www.maximopark.com
DIE KRUPPS Territory: Europe exl. Germany Period: September 2017 Agency: IBD / Agent: Sabine Waltz Phone: +49 8202 9049870 E-mail: sabine@ibdbooking.de Homepage: www.die-krupps.de
Romanian composer Michael Cretu, Ticket prices have been designed for
BZN, Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra etc.
all types of employees, so any music lovers who wants to come to our shows
The story will continue along with
may purchase a ticket in advance. Also,
our artists and spectators!
any holder of the German Quality Entertainment
Thank you very much! Enjoy the music!
Blonde Redhead vip-booking.com