7 15
Right – first things first – it’s cold! I’m doing
saw a couple of very impressive acts – yes I
every now and again in the UK, “That takes
a fair bit of commuting between Brighton
do occasionally take in some music when I
the biscuit!”. This is said when someone
and London at the moment and the heating
attend these events, I don’t just talk, eat and
has done, or something has happened, that
on yesterday’s train was non existent – just
drink – or then again…. Anyway, if you get
you find extremely annoying or surprising:
thought I’d start with a bit of a moan! Still I
a chance check out KO KO MO from France
However in the US, (where else?) you can
was in Italy last week for the SudWave event
and Theodore from Greece and Italy’s Emal
now’ play the biscuit’! The manufacturers of
and the weather in Florence, Arezzo and Pisa
Meta. (See the SudWave report in this issue)
those famous cookies, Oreos, have produced
was fine, as was the food, and the artwork.
a tiny record player, The Oreo Music Box, that
You can always count on Tuscany for great
Mumford & Sons fans who’d planned to
will actually play a tune when you put the
food, wine and of course Art, so maybe
see their heroes in Manchester, Sheffield,
tasty snack on the turntable and drop the
I should cut back on the moaning! Also I
Cardiff and Liverpool on the “Delta Tour’,
needle on it! Well, doesn’t that take the….
are a bit miffed with the band, following the
whatever…. I wonder if you used a Ginger
postponement of these four shows till next
Nut, might it play an Ed Sheeran track?
year. It seems that the usually quite down to
COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking.com Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen rd@vip-booking.com General Manager: Peter Briggs pb@vip-booking.com Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com Writer: Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs pb@vip-booking.com +46 70 77 60 480 Charlie Presburg cp@vip-booking.com +44 (0) 7980 817496
earth Mumfords had indulged in a particularly
Well, as you’ve probably noticed, I’m not
‘ambitious’ stage design, which, although
really taking this seriously at the moment,
they’d played two Irish dates, they weren’t
but there are of course many important
really up to speed with. The band apologised,
aspects of the live business to be considered
saying, “ “It is with a really heavy heart (only
at the present. Brexit is still worrying the UK
one between them – surely not!?) that we
live business, not to mention most of the
have been forced to postpone four shows on
nation! Trucking and production companies
this UK tour due to unforeseen technical and
are still in suspense with reports of British
logistical challenges”.
hauliers being forced to turn down European work with some of the biggest American
The Mumfords however are not the only
bands due to the threat of a no-deal Brexit.
ones to have to pull shows due to ‘unforeseen
However UK Music has produced a report
challenges’, Gas Coombs should have kept
that states that UK Music is booming, but
an eye out for his daughter who surprised
warns, probably with Brexit in mind, that it
him with a flying kung fu kick that broke his
still needs help! We’ll learn a lot more about
leg! Coombes has been forced to cancel a
the international state of the business over
number of European shows and postpone UK
the next few months with Eurosonic and
dates as a result. Coombs tweeted, “I’ve only
ILMC to look forward to. (See previews in
gone and broken my leg (or more accurately
this issue)
his daughter did...) Larking around with the kids I got Bruce Lee’d by my fifteen year old,
This believe it or not, will be the final News
and let’s just say she connected too well.”
of the year as we’re taking a break over December. But, don’t worry – we’ll be back
Oh well, very unfortunate for poor old Gaz
for the last year of the Decade! So as ever,
and his fans, and you could say, as we do
Ladies and Gentlemen – The News!
It’s Your Round! Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com By the way – anyone fancy a beer? If so, in
can raise much needed funds to help our
the UK, make mine a Fightback Lager! This
grassroots music venues is very welcome
month sees the launch of the Fightback
Brewing Company, whose product aims to
raise funds for UK grassroots music venues.
Venues can register their interest in Fightback
Every pint sold of the beer, a 4.6% craft
Mark Davyd, CEO of Music Venue Trust,
lager brewed by Manchester’s ShinDigger
adds: “We are delighted that more and more
brewery, will go to Music Venue Trust. It
companies and organisations are emerging
launched at venues participating in the
with great concepts that can support the
Fightback Manchester festival (16 to 30
network of grassroots music venues to
November), and will begin rolling out across
survive and hopefully thrive. Every penny
venues UK-wide from December 2018.
donated to Music Venue Trust by Fightback
Lager at fightbacklager.com. Cheers!
beer goes directly to supporting a music Richard Smith, director of the Fightback
venue in trouble, facing challenges or under
Brewing Company, says: “We’ve been blown
threat of closure.“
away by the enthusiasm for a beer that financially helps the sector. It made sense to
“Fightback Lager is a natural addition to our
all of us to create something that reflects the
Fightback regional events we have planned
independent spirit of the grassroots music
for the next year,” adds Gary Prosser who
venue community.”
runs the Fightback events. “Any cause that
ImagIne if you could go to one website and get aLL the contacts you need for the european Live music Industry?
WeLL you Can! www.vip-booking.com
145-157 St John Street | London Ec1V 4PW United Kingdom | Phone: +44 (0) 870 755 0092 www.vip-booking.com | vip@vip-booking.com
Sudwave - South European Network 2018 Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com This free entry event takes place in Arezzo, Tuscany and is run by the team that organised the long running and successful festival, Arezzo Wave. Organiser Mauro Valenti tells VIP that his aim for the event is to develop his idea of a Network that supports the best talents of southern Europe and brings together International and Italian delegates and buyers presenting the main topics of live music in the heart of Tuscany. and festivals). We had more than 40 acts, 30 delegates, 7 countries As he says, “Alongside words and music, gastronomy and art,
and 1500 attendances.
landscapes and joy of life, we hosted leading acts from Southern Europe, the French KO KO MO, the Greek Theodore, the Spanish
Leading Italian artist Ermal Meta was interviewed by the guitarist
Museless, the Portuguese Whales .” The event also presented guests
from the band Negrita, as well as discussing his career and his plans
like KIOL, Universal Sex Arena, Bruno Belissimo, Black Snake Moan, Dj
for the future, the musicians also played acoustic versions of Ermal’s
Ralf and many Italian talents who had the opportunity to play in front
songs. This was a very successful presentation, with many of the
of International and Italian delegates such as yours truly, Bernard
singer’s fans attending alongside SudWave delegates.
Batzen (Azimuth Production), Jordi Gratacos (BCN Export and VIC), John Goncalves (The Gift-Why Portugal), Theodore (United We Fly),
Mauro Valenti concludes, “I am honored to have shared this first
Pascal Viot (ISSUE, PALEO festival), Henrik Nielsen (Roskilde Festival),
edition, welcoming our friends from all over Europe. See you next
Marzia Santone from Creative Europe and Italian buyers, managers
year in Italy!”
Ermal Meta and Drigo
FKP Scorpio acquires stake in Danish Promoter From VIP-Daily News Scorpio CEO Folkert Koopmans. “We’re pleased, therefore, that through our collaboration with smash!bang!pow! we get a local partner with a healthy approach to the business and an agency culture that is driven by a real love for the music and the scene in which it stems.” As part of the alliance, several new staff will also join s!b!p! in FKP Scorpio has acquired a 25% stake in Danish concert promoter,
Copenhagen, including booking agent Viktoria Skovhus and junior
booking agency and artist management company smash!bang!pow!.
promoter Emma Hestbæk.
The partial acquisition – described as an “exclusive partnership”
Nikolaj Thorenfeldt, director of smash!bang!pow!, adds: “As an
which sees FKP become an international partner to smash!bang!pow!
independent concert promoter, we’ve reached a glass ceiling for
(s!b!p!) – has already borne fruit, with the two companies co-
our growth.
promoting the BBC’s Blue Planet II at the Forum Horsens (4,000-cap.) on 25 February 2019 and Tash Sultana at KB Hallen (4,900-cap.) in
“We want to climb higher up the food chain, and this requires more
Copenhagen on 28 July 2019.
resources and a strong international network. That’s what we get in the partnership with FKP Scorpio.”
The partial acquisition comes just seven months after the Hamburgbased promoter, itself majority owned by CTS Eventim, effectively
FKP Scorpio is one of Europe’s leading festival and concert
pulled out of the Danish festival market by selling its Northside and
promoters, with a roster of events that includes Southside and
Tinderbox festivals to Beatbox owner Down the Drain Holding.
Hurricane in Germany, Best Kept Secret in the Netherlands, Provinssi in Finland and Greenfield in Switzerland. It also promoted much of
“The Danish music scene is in an incredibly exciting development
the European leg of Ed Sheeran’s huge ÷ tour, selling more than
right now, and the Danish concert market is flourishing,” says FKP
750,000 tickets this summer.
Folkert Koopmans and Nikolaj Thorenfeldt
ILMC Featuring Future Made To Measure Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com The Innovative Live Music Conference once
VIP News: What kind of professionals
again is proving its appetite for evolution
do you have in mind as speakers or for
and invention with its assets. While for the
intended “mentoring sessions?”
upcoming edition of ILMC on March 3-5, the event will, alongside others aspects celebrate
Chapple: ILMC, which celebrates its 31st
the 25 year anniversary of the ever entertaining
anniversary next year, is the leading meeting
Arthur Awards, the event organizers of this
place for the international live music business.
conference will simultaneously provide with
With more than 1,100 people expected to
the Futures Forum, a stage for the new work
attend, there’s going to be no shortage of
force generation in the live music industry.
suitable candidates, and we’ve got plenty in mind already – watch this space for some announcements in the coming weeks.
“Futures Forum will bring the individuals that currently define the business together with those who will drive its development,”
Jon Chapple ILMC
VIP News: A futures Council comes along with the futures forum. You know
explains ILMC head Greg Parmley. “It’s an extra day of ILMC, and a chance to embrace
make sense to have them on board for
meanwhile both worlds, the one related
new formats, and encourage fresh voices
this conference as well?
with ILMC and the one in your age group. Have you spotted any differences
and different thinking.” Chapple: Futures Forum is targeted at young
between relevant topics for the new
Greg Parmley, at slightly over thirty won’t
people who are already working in the
generation and those who have already
match the age criteria of this conference
industry. There are already lots of amazing
worked for a bit longer in this business?
format. But staffer Jon Chapple, who is
events out there for students and that just
taking care of the set up of this new part of
taking their first steps in the business – BBC
ILMC. will meet requirements.
Music Introducing Live is a great example
conversations, it seems both the ‘core’ ILMC
– and we’re not trying to compete with
audience and the younger execs actually
VIP News: Who will be the target group
them. We’re bringing together 300 young
have broadly the same objectives: to build
for the futures forum?
a better industry for everyone. There are, of
and venue managers, booking agents and
course, some things we’ve talked about that
Jon Chapple: Futures Forum is designed
ticketing professionals, to discuss the future
are specific to Futures Forum: Wellbeing and
for working professionals aged 30 and
of their industry and the topics that matter
health, both physical and mental, seem to be
under, who want to build connections
to them.
a bigger concern for the younger generation;
with their peers, expand their knowledge
and we’ll also have workshops on things like
of the industry or simply contribute to the
VIP News: Please elaborate on what kind
public speaking, which obviously won’t be as
conversations shaping the future of the
of topics will be featured as part of the
relevant to the older delegates.
business. As it’s taking place on the final day
conference agenda...
of the International Live Music Conference,
But when it comes to the big issues of the
Futures Forum is also open to all ILMC
Chapple: We’re still in the planning stages
day – from diversity to data, ticketing to
delegates – so we’ll have a really good mix
so I can’t share any concrete details yet, but
branding and sponsorship – everyone seems
of people of all ages sharing their knowledge
there’s going to be a big focus on quick-
to share the same concerns. And that, I think,
and experiences.
fire, TED talk-style presentations, as well as
bodes well for the future of the industry.
mentoring sessions hosted by top live execs VIP News: What about students from
– and a must-see keynote interview to finish
For further information please check:
universities or music schools, wouldn’t it
the day on a high.
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Eurosonic ’19 Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com ESNS (Eurosonic Noorderslag) showcase line-
music scenes, a great history and lots of
ups as ever seem to keep expanding, the last
amazing music to be discovered.”
announcement added another 123 acts for this 2019 edition
AS ever one of the main features of the showcase programme is ETEP. Each year
Among the confirmations are 19 acts from
the most relevant and promising European
the dual country focus - Czech Republic and
artists are selected to play Eurosonic
Slovakia.. Apart from the earlier confirmed
Noorderslag. The European Talent Exchange
Hellwana, (Manon Meurt, Mydy Rabycad,
Programme (ETEP) was introduced to make
Pipes And Pints, Thom Artway and Zabelov
the “exchange”of these European artists
Group cz) and Isama Zing (sk), selected
across Europe possible on a greater scale
in collaboration with EBU, ten more acts
than ever before. An initiative of Eurosonic
national press. This cooperation between
from the Czech Republic :Bohemian Cristal
Noorderslag, ETEP facilitates the bookings
festivals and media guarantees maximum
Instrument, Circus Brothers, Floex & Tom
of European acts on festivals outside of their
exposure and offers a perfect opportunity for
Hodge, Lazer Viking,. And nine from
home countries and generates extensive
managements and agents to promote their
Slovakia: Autumnist, B-complex, Katarína
radio and media exposure for these artists in
artists throughout Europe. Moreover, playing
Máliková & Ensemble, Möbius, Nvmeri, Our
co-operation with the European Broadcasting
at one or more of the major ETEP festivals,
Stories, The Ills, Thisnis and Tittingur will
Union and local media. In this way, ETEP aims
which attract thousands of music lovers,
showcase in Groningen in January.
to give a boost to the international careers
helps artists greatly to expose their music to
of European artists. In short, ETEP requires
an audience numbering in the millions. In
ESNS booker Robert Meijerink comments,
festivals to select foreign artists from the line-
order to strengthen the capacity of emerging
“We are keen to showcase the unique, high-
up of Eurosonic Noorderslag, guaranteeing
artists to sustain an international career,
quality music from these two neighbours.
confirmed slots at their festival. In support,
ETEP’s developed a training programme
Although two of the youngest countries in
radio stations generate airplay for these acts
teaching them how the international music
Europe, they both have diverse and growing
and written media support the acts in the
industry works.
Robert Meijerink
ETEP 2018: A Record-Breaking Year! This ETEP season produced many highlights. First and foremost, with 457 shows (now maybe more!) ETEP has already set a new record. Due to an ever-growing pool of festivals, as well as expansions within festivals outside of Europe such as SouthAfrican OppiKoppi and Canadian Music Week (CMW). The European Talent Exchange Programme offers participating artists even
Reeperbahn Festival 2018
better support and opportunities. Hot, hotter, hottest! ETEP ACTS CHART
Local heat waves occurred at festivals that featured ETEP record breaker Superorganism
Superorganism (gb) - 20
1. Reeperbahn – 31 acts
on the bill. With 20 shows, Superorganism
Zeal & Ardor (ch) - 13
2. The Great Escape – 29 acts
broke the record of 17 ETEP bookings that
Yonaka (gb) - 10
3. Iceland Airwaves – 16 acts
SHAME set last year. Superorganism was not
Sigrid (no) - 10
4. Waves Vienna – 15 acts
the only successful ETEP act this year: after
Tamino (be) - 10
5. Roskilde festival – 13 acts
playing ESNS, Zeal & Ardor, Yonaka, Sigrid
Altin Gün (nl) - 9
6. Lowlands Festival – 11 acts
and Tamino all managed to be booked by
Tom Grennan (gb) - 8
7. Rock Werchter – 11 acts
ten or more ETEP festivals! If you’re not
Tshegue (fr) -8
8. Tallinn Music Week – 11 acts
convinced yet: last year, 14 acts were booked
George Fitzgerald (gb) - 8
for six or more ETEP shows, this year 22 acts
Lysistrata (fr) - 7
got to play six or more festivals.
9. By:Larm – 10 acts 10. Haldern Pop – 9 acts
an hour of cultural comparison, highs and lows. With Michal Kascak (Pohoda Festival, SK), Mikolaj Ziolkowski (Open’er Festival, PL),
With less than 2 months to go the conference program is taking
Cindy Castillo (Mad Cool Festival, ES), Herman Schueremans (Rock
shape quickly. ESNS 2019 kicks off at De Oosterpoort on Wednesday
Werchter, BE)
Januari 16th with the ESNS Awards including the European Festival Awards & the new EBBA’s, the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards.
The Boutique Festival Panel
(See list of winners below)
- Small Big Festivals
Panels Include:
IQ Magazine editor Gordon Masson (GB) quizzes some of the world’s most innovative and original promoters to find out how they make
The Agents Panel
their festivals stand out from the crowd to entice ticket buyers –
- The Big Four
and artists, with Mathieu Jaton (Montreux Jazz Festival, CH), Neal Thompson (Focus Wales, GB), Theresho Selesho (Oppikoppi Festival,
With Clementine Bunel (Coda Agency, GB) Jules de Lattre (United
SA), Rembert Stiewe (Orange Blossom Special, DE)
Talent Agency, GB), Ben Coles (CAA) and Carlos Abreu (WME, GB). The four well known UK based agents from US owned Agencies talk about the present exciting and variable state of their business, hosted
by Allan McGowan. Movers and shakers tell their personal stories and respond to Independent European Agencies
questions you’ve always wanted to ask, over a relaxing bottle of beer or two, with Adam Ryan on behalf The Great Escape (GB),
Participants include Sarah Sølvsteen (Luger, DK), Steven Thomassen
Julia Gudzent from Melt Festival & Lolapalooza Berlin (DE) and Login
(Tour Partout, BE), Nathalie Blue (Little Big Agency, DE), Nikita
Kochishki – Password Production (MK).
Lavrinenko (Paper and Iron Bookings, DE), Kalle Lundgren Smith (Pitch and Smith, SE), hosted by Gideon Gottfried (Pollstar)
What else is happening? Next to the regular conference program, various meetings, seminars
and workshops are organised by amongst others: Yourope (YES Group, GO Group, EMAC), ETEP, VNPF, EMEE, MMF and IMMF. check
Scott Cohen: What Comes After Streaming?
out website for updates.
Scott Cohen is the founder of The Orchard, the worlds first digital music distribution company. He will share his thoughts on the future of digital and what’s next. LOUD Keynote by Andy Farrow Having worked in the industry for over 25 years Andy Farrow is a well respected figure in the world of rock and metal music, particularly when it comes to management. Current artists include Opeth and Paradise Lost.
FESTIVALS, DOES SIZE MATTER? The Festival Panel - Big, Bold and Beautiful With a series of video presentations, and insight into their programming and philosophy, ILMC’s Greg Parmley leads four major players through
Clementine Bunel - The Agents Panel
First Winners of the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards Announced Following
The Prize
twenty-four nominees at Reeperbahn, an international jury selected twelve winners,
The aim of the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards is to celebrate new and upcoming
who represent the European sound of today and tomorrow.
artists from Europe and support them in • Bishop Briggs (UK) and Lxandra
order to help them develop and accelerate
(FI) [Pop]
their international careers. Therefore, the
The Music Moves Europe Talent Awards are
• Pale Waves (UK) and Pip Blom
prize package consists of 5000 tour and
the new European Union Prize for popular
(NL) [Rock]
promotion support, several performances
and contemporary music. The prizes will be
• Smerz (NO) Stelartronic (AT)
at ESNS, free publicity and a tailor made
awarded at ESNS (Eurosonic Noorderslag) in
training programme.
Groningen in January 2019.
• Rosalía (ES) and Aya Nakamura (FR) [RnB/Urban]
Succeeding the European Border Breakers
Additionally, the general public will select
• Blackwave. (BE), Reykjavíkurdætur
Awards (EBBA), the annual Music Moves Europe
another winner from each category through
(IS) [Hip Hop/Rap]
Talent Awards are co-funded by the Creative
the Public Choice Award through online
• Avec (AT) and Albin Lee Meldau
Europe programme of the European Union,
voting. The Public Choice Award winners
(SE) [Singer-songwriter].
with the additional support of the Municipality
will be revealed at the award ceremony on
of Groningen, Province of Groningen and
Wednesday January 16, 2019.
the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The awards are presented by ESNS
The Jury
Public Choice Award 2018) and Wilbert
and Reeperbahn Festival, in cooperation
The international jury for the Music Moves
with Yourope, the European Broadcasting
Europe Talent Awards consists of Huw
Union (EBU), Independent Music Companies
Stephens (Presenter BBC Radio 1), Julia
parties are Robert Meijerink (Booker ESNS)
Association (IMPALA), International Music
as the chairman of the Jury and Bjørn Pfarr
Managers Forum (IMMF), Liveurope, Live
Katia Giampaolo (CEO Estragon Club
(Booker Reeperbahn Festival) as the vice-
DMA, European Music Exporters Exchange
Italy), Kristian Kostov (Winner EBBA +
chairman of the jury.
(EMEE) and Digital Music Europe (DME).
Content, the
“Dutch city Groningen under the magic curation of Eurosonic Noorderslag is such an essential place to discover new music” Cai Trefor, Gigwise ESNS: EU
ESNS: EU creative europe
“From the bizarre to the delightful Eurosonic is always a treat, even if the sun does sometimes forget to shine” Clash Magazine
New 3,000-capacity venue is coming to London From VIP-Daily News Magazine, a new venue from the group behind the club Printworks, will open on the Greenwich Peninsula in the summer of 2019. It will be a multi-purpose space, suitable for hosting concerts, conferences, exhibitions and more. An outdoor space, The Showground, will accompany the venue, adding the option of a further 7,000 capacity and offering panoramic views of the Canary Wharf skyline, as well as opening up the possibility
Magazine - London
of festival-style events. Work on the building, which was designed
and Magazine, with its incredible flexibility
fits superbly with what we’re doing on
by the architect studio Nissen Richards, will
both indoor and out, is groundbreaking.”
Greenwich Peninsula - creating a new London
begin this December.
underpinned by creativity, a community with Knight Dragon, the international property
culture and entertainment at its heart.”
Simon Tracey, CEO of the venue’s owner,
and investment company, will also have
Vibration Group, said: “London is still very
a hand in the venture. Richard Margree,
Further details can be found at:
much at the forefront of live events globally
the firms’s CEO, said: “Magazine London
Westfallenhalle Dortmund - An Interview with Jochen Meschke Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com Jochen
Westfallen Dortmund since 1989 and together
concerts and were able to present Sold-outAwards. The demand for tickets in Dortmund
with Sabine Loos, is the joint managing
and the region is strong. We look back on
director of this arena that over the years
the concerts of many well-known artists, for
has evolved into a venue complex, offering
example David Guetta, Judas Priest, Slayer
various locations for fairs, conferences and of
and Sunrise Avenue.
course music events. In particular Meschke is responsible for the live event business .The
VIP News: Please let us know your
very first version of the main arena itself was
thoughts regarding the current market
built in 1925, re-built in 1952 and could
VIP News: How was the business year
situation for concerts and events at
accommodate up to 15.400 visitors. In total
2018 for the Westfalenhalle?
arena levels...
smallest holding up to 2.000 visitors, usually
Jochen Meschke: The year proved to be
hosting around 110 events per year.
very positive for us. We had many sold out
entertainment is “in”. In digital times, people
the company operates 10 locations, with the
are looking for the real live experience.
very isolated fashion. They are hardly
And they are willing to spend money on it.
ever spotted at industry events and
This interest is high through all kind of age
eventually have very little, or sometimes
groups. We surely benefit from a currently
even no, experience at all in terms of the
strong market.
handling of live events. On the other hand the live music sector is investing and
VIP News: Do you notice any differences
developing improved safety measures.
between domestic and international
Would you say that public and political
productions or even perhaps more
institutions need to, or could, do more
increased similarities?
and operate in a better way to catch up with the current developments of the
particular are characterised by the fact
live music sector in order to handle these types of issues more appropriately?
that the promoters wants to have the greatest possible control over all framework
conditions and the use of rights. US
experiences on this topic. We have good
productions are still more expensive than
contacts to the authorities in Dortmund.
German productions, and ticket prices are
For example, we developed the before
higher internationally. In terms of efforts
and professionalism, however, German and
cooperation with the fire brigade and the
international productions are becoming
police. Irrespective of this, all parties involved
more and more alike.
must constantly check requirements and, if
Meschke: Our prices have been checked
necessary, make adjustments.
and are reasonable in comparison to our
VIP News: For sure formal safety issues
Jochen Meschke
competitors. The products offered are
and restrictions have been increased in
VIP News: When recently visiting a
those for which there is a sufficiently strong
recent years. What is your experience on
show in the Westfalenhalle, it quickly
demand based on experience. The complaint
this subject?
became obvious that the handlings of
about the pizza is justified. There was a
the catering services are pretty much
mistake on the part of the staff. This will
Meschke: The agreements between the
not up to date. The food offered was
be improved. Re-usable cups are currently
tour promoter, the local promoter and
quite expensive (Beer 0.5liter= 5 Euro),
being tested by us. Nevertheless, not all B2B
us as arena operators have intensified
no wine nor sparkling wine and even
concepts for sustainable tableware are fully
considerably; a coordination meeting on
no organic food. The beer was even
developed yet.
site reliably brings all participants together
served in one usage plastic cups, slices
before the respective event. We ourselves
of pizza (4 Euro) were topped with just
VIP News:Have the requirements of
have developed a security concept document
three to four tiny little tomato or salami
promoters changed much in recent years
that is almost 50 pages thick, with keywords
slices. The service as such was okay, but
or do they more or less seem to be the
such as risk assessment, escape routes
nevertheless serving drinks in one use
same as before?
and evacuation scenarios. Providing high
plastic cups is almost unforgiveable in
standards of safety and security issues to
these times, while certainly also the
Meschke: Today we live in “online
our business partners and visitors is very
variety of available food and beverages
times”. In the field of digitalisation,
important to us. In our experience, concert
needs an improvement.
the demands of promoters are also increasing, for example, for reliable data
goers also have increased awareness of thorough controls at the door and therefore
The Westfalenhalle venue is interna-
have a certain understanding for appropriate
tionally very well known. Wouldn’t it
measures. It remains important for all of us
be a good idea to send those in charge
VIP News: What is on your wish list for
to pay continuous attention to this topic.
for the F&B management at the venue
the upcoming business year 2019?
and mobile communications coverage.
to events such as Roskilde Festival, Oya VIP News: Official authorities, responsible
Festival or Flow Festival for inspiration
Meschke: A strong touring year for all venues
for the administration and approving of
regarding today’s environmental and
to benefit from. The Westfalenhalle is strong
safety regulations seem to operate in a
hospitality standards?
enough to get a nice piece of the cake.
MCT - Legal Limits Set For The Resale Of Tickets For Rammstein Shows in Germany Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com But Viagogo or Ticketbande of course could
a massive scale and advertise them on the
not resist offering tickets for these concerts,
relevant search engines.”
but at least in terms of how Viagogo have already experienced how these terms and
On November 23, the day after the release
conditions can effectively work against
of the press statement advertisements by
their business model. The lawyers of Lichte
Viagogo for Rammstein tickets were still
Rechtsanwälte successfully filed an interim
being displayed at Google, apparently also
injunction against Viagogo at the district
proving that Google is obviously ignoring the
court in Hamburg. The court ruled that
court ruling and even its own certifications
Viagogo is not allowed to sell tickets for
rulings for the resale of tickets.
apparently developed one of the most
Rammstein and to claim that those are
sophisticated legal concepts to set back
valid. The verdict furthermore includes that
MCT confirmed that the company even
secondary ticketing for the upcoming tour
Viagogo is not allowed to advertise these
informed Google regarding the court decision,
of the band in Germany.
sales via Google.
but the online giant apparently prefers not to
Back in 2012 MCT successfully managed
In a press statement, lawyer Sebastian Ott
to push back the resale of tickets for three
comment on the ruling saying,: “Together
stadium shows by Take That in Germany.
with the band we are happy that the district
However, MCT previously proved with Take
With a very strict concept to run those shows
court Hamburg followed our opinion and
That, that is able to handle and to identify
with personalized tickets, the company
issued the ban. This again confirms the
resold tickets at the doors of events. So
taught ticket resellers a lesson, that until
path the band has been following for a long
the credibility of Viagogo and other resale
then had not been seen before at the level
time to be able to offer their fans affordable
platforms such Ticketbande and up to a
of stadium shows.
tickets. The court’s decision is a warning
certain extent Google will, hopefully, suffer a
signal to all those who think they can sell
bit on the days when the Rammstein shows
overpriced and invalid Rammstein tickets on
will go on.
harm its good business relations with one of
In terms of Rammstein, MCT together with
its best advertisement clients.
the band, the law firm Lichte Rechtsanwälte as well as CTS Eventim, the primary ticketing company, the company managed to take restrictive measures against secondary ticket platforms on to new levels. All ten German stadium shows were sold out almost instantly, brought even temporarily bringing down the server capacities of CTS Eventim on the day when the tickets went on sale. The legal instruments tor this have been set within the terms and conditions that go along with the tickets. The resale of tickets is strictly forbidden; they even include a penalty fee up to 7.500 for the breach of contract as it is defined in these terms and conditions.
John Langford to become AEG Europe COO
UK Agents switch Agency Agents Tom Taaffe and Anna Bewers have
have been with Coda since 2009 and 2011
From VIP-Daily News
joined Coda Agency from UTA.
respectively and were both bookers for
AEG Europe has announced the appointments
Taaffe was formerly at The Agency Group
of John Langford as chief operating officer,
since 2010, which was acquired by UTA
As a result of these promotions, Hardee has
Paul Reeve as chief financial officer, and
in 2015, while Bewers had been with The
welcomed two new bookers to his team,
Emma Bownes in the newly created role of
Agency Group/UTA since 2006, starting
Holly Rowland and Eleanor Ashley, who
vice president of programming across AEG’s
as an assistant, before being promoted to
have been promoted from working as agent
European venue portfolio.
agent in the summer of 2013.
assistants within Coda. Rebecca Bates, has
From VIP-Daily News
partner agent Alex Hardee.
also been promoted to booker for Mike Langford previously served as vice president
The pair join leading agents Natasha Bent
and general manager of The O2, while Reeve
and Geoff Meall in making the switch.
served as finance director of The O2 & The
Malak, who was his assistant previously. Coda partner James Whitting said: “We are
SSE Arena, Wembley, and Bownes previously
Taaffe said: “I’m excited at the idea of
thrilled to be welcoming Tom and Anna to
served as programming director.
growing my roster with this company and
the team. With all the knowledge they bring,
learning off some of the very best agents
in their chosen fields, we know they will
The three appointments follow the recent
that work in this business today. Coda has a
thrive here. Congratulations also to Holly,
news that Alex Hill will take over as president
great reputation for discovering and growing
Eleanor, Rebecca, Andy and Ryan on their
of AEG Europe from 1st January 2019.
what is current in every genre.”
promotions. We know they will excel in their new roles.”
AEG Europe owns and operates major venues
Bewers, who has worked with acts such as
across Europe including The O2 in London;
Nothing But Thieves and was nominated for
Coda is partnered with Paradigm Talent
Best Live Agent at the 2018 Music Week
Agency and launched a joint venture with
Barclaycard Arena; Berlin’s Mercedes Benz
Awards, said: “I`m thrilled to be joining
Independent Talent Group last year. Its
Arena and Verti Music Hall; Stockholm Live;
Coda Agency and to start the next phase of
eclectic roster includes Liam Gallagher, The
and AccorHotels Arena in Paris.
my career. The agency has a reputation for
xx, Imagine Dragons, Sia, Rag’N’Bone Man,
signing the hottest artists and I`m excited to
Bon Iver, Ellie Goulding, Take That, The
Commenting on the appointments, Alex Hill
work with some of the most innovative and
Prodigy, Chvrches, Shawn Mendes, Years &
said: “I’m looking forward to working closely
dynamic agents in the business.”
Years, and First Aid Kit.
with John, Paul and Emma in continuing our vision of excellence across our portfolio of
Coda has also made a number of internal
European Venues and other live entertainment
and sports properties”.
Clayton and Ryan Penty to agents. The duo
PHOTO: (L-R) John Langford, Emma Bownes and Paul Reeve
Tom Taaffe
Anna Bewers
Music In Shares Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com
As there will be no December issue of VIP News, it is time for
annual performance increase of 16.4 per cent, reaching therewith
an annual review of how the share price developed within
almost exactly a market capitalisation of $11 billion.
the last twelve months.
Spotify CTS Eventim
- When Hopes Are Vanishing
- Backlash in Uncertain Stock Market Times Only on the market since April 4 at New York Stock Exchange Besides the fact that the CTS Eventim delivered solid and even
(NYSE), the share price of Spotify reached, thanks to the hope and
significantly increased results for the third quarter (Q3-2018),
glory related to tech stocks impressively high prices, but meanwhile
the share price could not maintain the price level it achieved in
is affected by the overall scepticism related to such companies. The
November 2017.
closing price on the first trading day was $114.5, now it is $115.10. However, this share in the meantime peaked at an overall high of
With the revenue up almost 24 per cent (23.9 per cent) to 922,5
$173.36 and still impresses with a market capitalisation of $20.5
million Euro (Q3-2017/ 744.8 million Euro and an Earnings before
Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation result (EBITDA) of 140 million Euro, CTS once again confirmed the prosperity of its business model.
Eventbrite - Still A Stock Market Newbie
However, one year ago on November 23rd that share price still was at 40.04 Euro. This time on November 23 it is 34.20 Euro, losing
Eventbrite celebrated its stock market debut just recently on
over the year 15.51 per cent but with a market capitalisation 3.24
September 20, it went on sale at $36.50 per share and since then
billion Euro still remains a heavy weight company.
melted down $27.99 but nevertheless is still considerable with a market capitalisation of $2.18 billion.
DEAG - Slightly Improved One year ago the DEAG share stood at 3.13 Euro, this time it is 3.42 an improvement of 6.66 per cent. Revenue results Q3-2018 are up from 108 up 153 million Euros. For the annual results DEAG expect a revenue of 200 million Euro an Earnings before Interests and Taxes result (EBIT) of 8.2 million Euro.
Live Nation - Trendsetter Of Its Own The blue chip candidate among beloved corporate concert companies Live Nation underline its growth ambitions. With a previous share price of $45.26 it stands this time at $52.69, an
This space is dedicated to present some of our clients using VIP-Booking.com. Companies presented here have our best endorsement...
ARTIST AVAILS LOS DE ABAJO Style: Ska / Mestizo / Cumbia Latin Territory: All Europe Period: End May to end July 2019 Agency: Frusion and FIzzion Agent: Ian Smith Phone: +44 7791 699889 E-mail: ian@frusion.co.uk Homepage: www.fizzion.eu/artist.php?id=169
FABIUS CONSTABLE & THE CELTIC HARP ORCHESTRA Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Ass. Culturale `The White Stag` Agent: Sabrina Noseda Phone: +39 392 771 1392 E-mail: arpaceltica@yahoo.com Homepage: www.arpaceltica.com
FIREHOUSE Territory: UK, Europe, Asia Period: December 2018 Agency: ARM Entertainment Agent: Dana Strutz Phone: +6514838754 E-mail: ds@armentertainment.com Homepage: www.armentertainment.com/firehouse
Moon and Stars Festival A great atmosphere coupled with the inimitable backdrop of Piazza Grande: the
BEL CANTO Territory: Worldwide Period: 1st March to 1st October 2019 Agency: Artist Vision Agent: Eivind Brydoy Phone: +47 4504 8048 E-mail: eivind@artist.vision Homepage: www.artist.vision
Moon&Stars festival is a spectacular event year after year. The romantic charm of the festival, with its Ticinese dolce vita and the picturesque backdrop of Locarno easily surpasses the appeal of any other festival. 2019 the festival takes place from 12th to 21st July.
VALENTINO MITAJ Territory: Worldwide Period: Now Agency: Mitaj Music Group Agent: Al Maddin Phone: +1 917 267 2303 E-mail: ValentinoMBooking@gmail.com Homepage: www.valentinomitajmusic.com
TANTZ Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Ludwig Sound Booking Agency Agent: Carmela Senfett Phone: +49 1769 9775788 E-mail: info@ludwigsound.com Homepage: www.ludwigsound.com/artist/tantz/
About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the largestdatabasefor the European Live Entertainment Industry www.vip-booking.comdeveloped as a tool for industry professionals. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribersin over 50 countries.
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