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The Publisher's Letter / Kellie Gunderman

Welcome to The Gentlemen's Issue, Alexandria!

Let's pause for a moment to really take in that fabulous cover. Right? We were so honored to work with all of the local men featured in this issue, but having the opportunity to see photographer Jonathan Thorpe in action was priceless! For those of you who don't know Jonathan, well... I'll let you get to know him yourself. You should get to know all of our featured 'Interesting Men,' starting on page 18. They all have really exciting and inspiring stories to tell and having the opportunity to use our pages to tell those stories made me remember just what VIP was about all over again!

That being said, this is Issue Nine, guys! Can you believe it? The past year has flown by so quickly! It's crazy to think that VIP Alexandria Magazine will be celebrating its one-year anniversary in just a few short weeks! Be sure to stay tuned to our website and social media because we're going to be planning some really exciting virtual events to celebrate this occasion, complete with special guests, giveaways and so much more!

But let's get back to the issue...

In addition to the editorials that lean a bit to masculine side, we have included a gorgeous wedding spread, the return of V.I.P.'s (Very Important Pets), the grand openings of three new businesses and a stirring Salute to Service feature on our local USO-Metro. Learn how it all began, why it all began and get to know the woman who has made it all possible, serving as President for almost 44 years!

Finally, as a mother, it would be foolish of me to not urge every single one of my fellow parents to flip to page 14 to read WISE Families' mental health feature on COVID-19 and Your Teen. Their great tips will give you the peace of mind that, even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, you are raising a resilient and empowered young man/woman.

I'd like to end this month's letter with a few big THANK YOUs. To all of the gentlemen who participated this month: It was an honor to get to know you all. Thank you for letting us share your stories with Alexandria. To Noe Landini for providing us with the beautiful space to shoot our cover. To Jonathan Thorpe - one of the most professional and talented photographers I've ever had the opportunity to work with. To Megan Terry for always diving in at the last moment when we need you most. To Allison Priebe for your always valuable advice and friendship. To my husband, Zack, for always keeping me sane. And, finally, to Jeanette Wages... for eating all of those hamburgers this month. You are a braver woman than I.

Stay gentle, Alexandria. Until next time.

Kellie Gunderman


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