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from VIP Clarksville Magazine | New Year, New You!
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
popular new year resolutions
Get In Shape
Like many other lists, this resolution is at the top. There are countless work-out routines and diet regimens that you can follow, but finding the plan that works for you specifically is key. You will need a combination that gets you in shape steadily and will also be easy to stick to in the long run. There are plenty of resources out there that will help you get on the right track. If you need further guidance, lean towards consolation from a dietician or athletic trainer!
Eat Healthier
This resolution is an extension of the first. Switching to eating a healthier diet can be extremely difficult; especially after you’ve over-indulged in holiday meals and New Years drinks. However, with the right amount of determination and motivation, you can slowly develop better eating habits. The key is having the right mentality, and not cutting out everything from the get go. Cutting down on your coffee intake, or air frying your favorite foods, are all steps in the right direction. Just remember the tortoise beat the hare in the end!
Stop Procrastinating
Procrastinating is one of the leading reasons that people miss out on opportunities and reaching their goals. This phenomenon has grown over the last year or so because of the pandemic. People are still in the “relax and getting things done eventually” mindset instead of working hard by putting in the time and effort. The sad thing is, once you get used to procrastinating, it’s difficult to snap yourself out of it, so a lot of work will go into fixing this bad habit. Our advice, is to start by making yourself daily, weekly, and even monthly to-do lists to keep yourself focused and on track. In doing so, you are on the right path to procrastination recovery!
Save Money
We can all agree that life is unpredictable. Because of that fact, it is important to gradually save. Whether it be for a rainy day fund, fixing up your house or car, or even to go on that tropical beach trip that you’ve been putting off, saving money will come in handy. In order to do so, keep a record of your expenses, budget for savings, find ways you can cut your spending, and set your savings goals. If you need additional help, reach out to a local financial advisor, or seek resources from the internet. There are countless references through websites, and even apps built to help you manage your money!
Embrace the New Year by stepping outside your comfort zone and be more social! Getting out and be more social has its own set of perks, and even some that many people don’t consider. For one, you get to step away from the constant 9-5 routine, and have some fun. You’ll be able to meet new people and learn interesting things about others and yourself. You can also develop socializing skills that might be beneficial in your professional life as well, such as leadership skills and the ability to work in team settings. Even if you are introverted, there are sure to be some extroverts in the crowd that will help break you out of your shell!
Learn A New Skill Or Hobby
After the relaxing holiday break, it’s time to get back into the swing of things. However, don’t just simply continue the same routine you followed in 2021, but spice things up instead. During your free time, pick up a new skill or hobby. Not only will this allow you to spend your free time constructively, but you will also have fun doing so. The first step is determining what interests you. Whether its expanding upon your communication skills, or learning a new sport, embracing a new skill or hobby will allow for some much needed personal growth!
Volunteer Or Give To A Charity
Even though the Season of Giving has passed, that does not mean there isn’t a need for non-profit support. Whether you volunteer once a week, or once a year, there is no measure to how fulfilling it is to give back to your community. There is a vast number of non-profit organizations and charities within the local Clarksville community and surrounding areas. The act of giving to those less fortunate is a noble gesture in itself, but you can also grow and develop as a person as well. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to interact with people you may have never come across in your normal life. Not only does this build your social interactions, but it also invests in the lives of others that may be less fortunate. You never know what new friendships you might make!
Set Goals And Stick To Them
Setting goals for yourself and your business / carreer is so important. More often that not, if you dont have goals set then once the hustle and bustle of the new year starts you simply get caught up in your day to day life and it may feel as if you are plateauing.However, when you set your goals you want to make sure that they are challenging yet attainable as well. The last thing you want to do is become discouraged from goals that are unattainable.
Cultivate New Habits
As many have said in the past, Save the Best for Last. In this case, we’ve saved the most important resolution for last. We all know that resolutions are easy to put down on paper, but the most difficult task is sticking to them. You cannot achieve true self-improvement without truly adopting your new habits until they have become a natural part of who you are. The New Year is filled with endless possibilities; it is up to YOU to determine if you will make the change to positively affect your life.