1 minute read




Story & Photography by Kaitlan McLaughlin

This year Fort Campbell kicked off its remembrance of September 11th by hosting their very own 10k Hero Run at Shaw Physical Fitness Center. The run was a total of 6.2 miles which encompassed a scenic route of Fort Campbell. The Hero Run was an event where those in attendance could dedicate their participation to a family member, friend, or simply to those who lost their lives during the tragedy of 9/11.

Many of those who were running dedicated their run to specific loved ones who were called into duty due to the terrorist attacks of 9/11. “I am running for my grandfather, who served in the United States Army, and also my father who served in the Army as well,” participant Joshua Jackson stated.

Those who participated shared stories of where they were when the 9/11 attack occurred, as well as fond memories of their loved ones who have fallen.

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