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Letter from the VIP Team
from VIP Clarksville Magazing | May 2021 Destination Downtown
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
Filled with art, vibrant culture, exceptional sculptures, beautiful boutiques, and enchanting eateries, Historic Downtown Clarksville is the heartbeat of the city. It is the perfect blend of history and progress. New murals on buildings next to ghost paintings speak to an enduring spirit of creativity present in the fabric of our community.
Nonprofits with downtown headquarters remind us what a kind, caring place we are. Businesses founded by innovative creatives like Cultivated Co, Journey’s Eye Studio, and DBOGallery are a constant source of fresh perspectives, breathing life into the community. Not many places have it all but Clarksville, without a doubt, does.
Recently opened Fanelli’s Deli is a little bit of the Northeast nestled into a concept new to the downtown landscape, The City Market. The City Market is home to shops like The Clarksville Collection, and City Boy Country Life, but the building also functions as a breezeway. Connecting the parking garage across the street from the Historic Montgomery County Courthouse to Franklin Street, The City Market’s cut-through connection is transformative to the walkability of downtown. With the MPEC on the horizon, that is an absolute game changer!
As summer approaches, the Clarksville Downtown Market is starting again, there are events in the Downtown Commons, and our entire city is already buzzing with energy in anticipation.
Putting together our Destination Downtown Issue was extra special this year. We are in love with Clarksville and so incredibly proud to be part of this community!
Enthusiastically,The VIP Clarksville Magazine Team