2 minute read
APSU’s Officer Levi Grubb & Chief Sammy Williams APSU’s Sgt. Cheryl Ramsey & Officer Dustin Scroggins


Lori & CPD Chief David Crockarell

Story & Photography by Tony Centonze The Clarksville Police Department recently invited the public to its annual National Night Out, held once again in the parking lot of APSU’s Fortera Stadium.
The event is a community-building campaign that promotes policecommunity partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie, which makes neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live.
Several local agencies were on site displaying equipment and providing demonstrations. The free event included bounce houses, hamburgers and hot dogs, giveaways, haircuts, and more.
“Our goal is to engage and interact with the community, so they’ll learn that we are people just like them,” CPD Captain Chad Koyama said. “Through mutual understanding and partnership we’ll leave Clarksville better than we found it.” MCSO Assistant Deputy Chief Joe Thomas & Lyle Whitted
MCSO’s Sheriff John Fuson & Lt. Joseph May Mayor Joe & Cynthia Pitts

Amanda Jones & Imani Green Amber Galemore Angela Pike & Melissa Krediel Brian Lynch & Christy Beenenga

Ariana Prather & Yolanda Davis Becca Macpherson & Stacye Downing CPD’s Sgt Arthur Bing & Officer Anthony Rodriguez Brittney Cates & Vy Cornett

CPD’s Sgt. Johnny Ransdel & Captain Chad Koyama Clarissa Tucker & Lavon Bracey DA Robert Nash & Dwight Jemison CPD’s Captain Billy Wall & Captain Scott Thornton