2 minute read
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | Kids and Family Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
Adam & Heather Fleming
Kirsten & Dr. Michael Licari
David & Cindy McElroy Anthony & Dannie Rodriguez Recovery Court Team
Canon & Claire Wise & Channing Grimes
Carleigh Fleischer & Carmen Magnuson
Story & Photography by Tony Centonze
Special Olympics Tennessee raised more than $18,000 at this year’s Polar Plunge, due in no small part to the efforts of CPD Captain Liane Wilson who personally raised over $10,000.
Several teams took their turn diving into 40-degree water on a day when the temperature was in the low 20s. Teams representing CPD, APSU Police, APSU Cheerleaders, Montgomery County Recovery Court, and others braved the cold, once again “freezin’ for a reason.”
COVID-19 has deeply impacted Special Olympics Tennessee athletes by further isolating an already at-risk population, leading to mental health struggles and poor physical well-being. Without the opportunity to participate in Special Olympics Tennessee programming, thousands of athletes lose access to fitness and wellness resources. However, through fundraising efforts such as The Polar Plunge, Special Olympics Tennessee is able to keep their athletes healthy and begin to safely return to activities.
Amy Parker Lee Erwin & Scott Beaubien Kaylyn Overcast & Kelsey Cox
Ashley Mynatt, Carson Rogers & Nathan Wall Judges Sharon Grimes, Katy Olita & Adrienne Fry
Cindy McElroy, Lynne Halliburton & Lakynn Yarbrough Holly Wiemelt, Jaren Brown & Sara Lusk