3 minute read
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | Class of 2020 Senior Salute & the Real Estate Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
This is a challenging time for parents when it comes to deciding their child’s education. As the upcoming school year approaches with so many uncertainties, many families are looking for more options. Clarksville, we are excited to announce the start of a new choice in education for our city, for our children, and for the generations to come. Chapel Hill Christian Academy will offer an interdenominational pre-k through fifth grade education, with an option for hybrid homeschool students. Here, students will receive an incredible education to prepare them for their future and a school that partners with families to build the foundation and nurture a relationship with Jesus Christ. CHCA will begin school this fall with a traditional education setting and an average class size of only 10 to 12 students. This allows teachers to minister to the whole child, seeking to enrich students spiritually, intellectually, and socially as they help each child establish their unique identity in Christ.
You might be wondering how the name of this school came to be? Chapel Hill Christian Academy has a special meaning behind it—one that will set the foundation for how our school operates and what, rather who, we focus on each day. The meaning behind the word Chapel is the priority we will set on starting and ending every day with God. Chapel at our school will be a time to come together to praise and worship our Father, to pray with one another, and to learn who Jesus is so we can center our day around Him. Along with morning Chapel, students will receive daily Bible instruction, and every opportunity will be taken during the course of the day to share and apply Biblical truth. As we finish our day together, CHCA will take intentional time to end in a time of reflection and gratitude. Our goal is to cultivate gratitude in our students by keeping a “gratitude journal” in which they will regularly record the things for which they’re grateful. This time of gratitude helps reach the heart of our students and inspire them to be the woman or man of God they are made to be, while strengthening their awareness of God’s presence in their lives and the power of prayer.
The word “Hill” comes from Scripture, Matthew 5: 14-16: “You are the light of the world” I see this school as a place where we are preparing and growing disciples who will change the world
around them. Not a bubble or a place to hide, but a place that prepares our children with the tools they need. Our prayer is that our students, faculty, and staff can be “a city on a hill,” allowing His light to shine through us and illuminate a path to God’s heart for those around us. As a school community with these purposes and responsibilities, we will engage the larger communities of our city, nation, and world of which we are a part. CHCA will also serve our neighbors through mission and service projects, equipping students to impact the world for Jesus Christ.
We have been blessed with an incredible space right off exit 11, inside Living Hope Church. We are praying for God to continue providing for this school, and as we grow over the next 5 years, to bless CHCA with the funds needed to purchase land and build our own facility, where our students could grow academically, spiritually, and physically.
As we are preparing to launch our new school this fall, we are praying for the families that will join us and ask that they let us know their interest as soon as possible. We believe that God chose this very time for us to begin Chapel Hill Christian Academy—a different kind of school for students and families to partner together in education. Plain and simple, God showed us the need for a school where children can fall in love with Jesus. This is done through teaching scriptures, role modeling, answering questions, and providing opportunities to live out their faith in service to others.
Our faculty and staff are excited to begin and will work daily to provide a variety of activities to meet individual needs and make the learning environment challenging, exciting, and successful. We know that the elementary years are foundational to developing a life-long faith in Christ and a love for learning. Our goal at CHCA is to introduce our students to the person of Jesus Christ and to help them find a true and loving relationship with Him.
We trust that God has a very specific place for your child, and we welcome the opportunity for you to explore CHCA through our website, www.chapelhillchristianacademy.com, or come tour our campus!