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Letter from the VIP Clarksville Publishing Team
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | Stronger Together
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
As spring transforms into summer, we are getting ready to enjoy sunny, perfect weather almost daily. It’s always a beautiful time of year, but 2020’s transition feels extra spectacular. As we open our city and county, we are all emerging from a time of shared experience. During quarantine and physical distancing, we have had the opportunity to grow with the spring, unite as a community, and we are coming out of everything stronger together.
This issue contains pre COVID-19 events, notes about the current state of our community, philanthropic features, and messages of renewal and revival.
Countless things have changed, and perhaps we have a new normal, but through it all kindness, generosity and love for the community have remained constant.
We are so looking forward to seeing each and every single one of you at events in the upcoming months. When you see us, come say hello!
Please enjoy our Stronger Together Issue, and join us in reflection of past events and anticipation of a bright future.
Lots of Love, Enthusiasm, and Clarksville Pride,
Ashley Mynatt, Publisher & Bethany Sigler, Managing Editor