3 minute read
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | Medical, Health, & Beauty
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty

Amanda Dusenberry & Micheal Grise Bradley & Ashley Jackson
Brianna Benson & Olasubomi Aka-Bashorun Bryce & Erinne Hester

Christine & Buck Dellinger Christoph Hrdina & Kitty Harvill

Cynthia & Mayor Joe Pitts Dave Berggren & Joy Cordle

Story & Photography by Tony Centonze Oak Grove Racing, Gaming & Hotel was chock-full of secret agent-types and dangerous women as Customs House Museum & Cultural Center hosted its 38th annual fundraiser, Flying High. This year’s event had a James Bond theme: Live & Let Fly.
The evening featured dinner and dancing, and an opportunity to bid on exceptional works of art, experiences and more. Official fashion retailers for the elegant evening were Briggs Clothiers and Wedding Belles.
Kitty Harvill was Flying High 2022’s Signature Artist. Her work “Peg’s Pony” (water colors on canvas) paid tribute to her mother, and was inspired in part by a photograph taken in 1938, inside what was then known as the U.S. Post Office and Customs House. The Customs House was built in 1898.
Solie Fott was Flying High 2022’s Gracey Award winner, an award which honors his years of commitment to the museum.

Traci & Charlie Koon Sandy Simpson & Jennifer Ellis Cheryl & Mike Lankford Christina Clark & Julie Johnson

Channing Grimes, Becky Wood & Carleah Ludiker Paul Grise, Amanda Dusenberry & Michael Grise

Michael & Darla Knight Sarah Sumpter, Kevin & Rhonda Kennedy Carmen Reagan & Ellen Kanervo

Kristin & Chris Patton Larry & Roberta Richardson Linda Hamm & Frank Lott Yvette Campagna & Maegan Collins

Linda Nichols & Mary Nell Wooten Margie Turner & Christine Dellinger Marie Davis & Chris Jones Bob & Terri Jordan

Mark & Anna Harrington Judge Rob & Kimberly Bateman McClure & Reid Poland Charles & Danica Booth