How Inflation Impacts M&As

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Ination is a top concern for investors as it can weaken the US dollar’s purchasing power and decrease its value. Since 2021, the US has experienced faster-than-predicted increases in ination. Other central banks worldwide are also raising interest rates to combat this. Rising ination and the increased risks associated with the supply chain also contribute to the increasing business costs. This can aect the valuation of companies looking to expand their operations. Understanding the various a

8/24/22, 10:48 AM How Inflation Impacts M&As | Viper Equity Partners | Investment Banking Facilitators 1/5 How Ination Impacts M&As by Viper Equity Partners | Aug 22, 2022 | Business, Investing, Viper Equity Partners

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If the cost of doing business increases, buyers might start oering lower purchase prices. This could be a tactic that both parties use to negotiate a better deal. In February 2022, the value of M&A transactions decreased by 74.4%. Before you start negotiating a lower purchase price, the seller and the buyer must talk to their lawyers about the various factors aecting the deal’s success.

Changes in Payment Methods

Due to the rising cost of doing business, both parties might consider other payment methods. This could be a tactic that they use to negotiate a better deal. Since the buyers are less likely to pay cash at closing, they might consider other payment methods such as promissory notes, installments, and rollover equity.

eects of ination on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is crucial for investors. If you plan on making a deal, you must understand the multiple factors that aect the deal’s success.

Due to the rising cost of doing business, buyers and sellers will likely see more negotiated purchase prices. They’ll also have more extended exclusivity periods and more exible payment methods.

Drop in Purchase Prices

Recent Lessons from Failed Acquisitions Keeping Morale Up During a Merger Leading an Upcoming Acquisition How Ination Impacts M&As How to Follow Trends Within M&As

What You Can Do

Buyers might not oer higher purchase prices due to their concerns that the deal’s ultimate payout might not be as good as it would be if it were in a noninationary environment. However, sellers can also demonstrate their ability to grow their prots faster than the ination rate by providing data related to their units sold and the dollar value of their assets.



During times of ination, both parties must understand the terms of the agreement. This can be done through the negotiation of an extended exclusivity period. Usually, the buyers request a longer exclusivity period to give them more time to conduct a thorough due diligence review.

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Although ination can aect the sale process, it shouldn’t prevent the parties from working together to negotiate a better deal. Both parties should regularly talk to their lawyers about the potential implications of the rising cost of doing business.

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