6 Tips to Make your Dental Practice Merger & Acquisition Go Smoothly

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6 Tips to Make your Dental Practice Merger & Acquisition Go Smoothly 1. Have a clear plan The first step is to have a clear plan for the merger and acquisition. This includes not only what you will do but also when you will do it. Make sure that everyone understands your timeline and expectations, and be prepared to adapt as necessary.

2. Clearly define roles and responsibilities Next, make sure that everyone understands their role and responsibilities in the merger and acquisition. Define who will take on what tasks, and be clear about who is responsible for what.

3. Make sure everyone is on the same page This includes understanding what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. Be prepared to adapt as necessary, but also make sure that everyone understands why these changes are being made.

4. Stay organized and communicate regularly One of the most important things to remember during a merger and acquisition is to stay organized and communicate regularly. This way, everyone knows what is happening and there are no surprises.

5. Set realistic expectations for both parties Finally, be realistic about what can and cannot be done during a merger and acquisition. This will help everyone stay calm and focused while making the transition.

6. Be prepared to compromise If negotiations go sour, it may be necessary to compromise on certain aspects of the merger and acquisition. Remember that both parties should come out ahead in the end.

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