RULES AND REGULATIONS St. Berchmans Extempore Speech Competition for Indian School Students 2014 1. Category 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9.
Duration Reporting Time Inauguration Commencement of the competition Date Venue Prizes
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a. Sub-Juniors - Stds: VII & VIII b. Juniors - Studs: IX & X c. Seniors - Studs: XI & XII 3 minutes and (15 seconds grace time) 1:00 pm (Collect chest numbers) 1:30 pm 2:15 pm Friday, 26th Sept 2014 United Indian School, Jleeb Al Shuyoukh Trophies and certificates will be awarded to the winners. All participants will be issued participation certificates.
10. Other details: a. Points can be noted on a piece of paper provided by AASBCO in the preparation room; but participants will not be allowed to bring the notes to the competition room and delivery of speech has to be made without referring to any paper. b. Topic will be announced 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the competition. c. Participants are not allowed to refer to any material / books after receiving the topic d. Participants are strictly prohibited from carrying mobile phones into the competition area. e. Light refreshments will be provided to all the participants. f. Results will be announced immediately after the competition.
g. The decision of the evaluation committee will be final regarding the results.
h. Evaluation Criteria: Total 20 points (Introduction : 3 points; Depth of Subject Knowledge : 7 points, Presentation & Language : 7 points; Conclusion : 3 points) i. Berchmans Eloquent Speaker Gold Medal has been instituted from 2009 onwards, to honor the best student speaker of Berchmans Extempore Speech Competition, with 15 grams (22ct) Gold Medal. Selection Criteria and details are attached. j. The Championship Trophy and Runner up Trophy will be awarded to the school, based on points earned by its students calculated as follows: 1st Prize : 10 points 2nd Prize : 7 points 3rd Prize : 4 points k. Dress code: modest casual wear (school uniform strictly prohibited) l. A registration fee of KD.1/- will be collected at the time of issuing chest numbers, on the day of competition. m. AASBCO reserves the right to reschedule the program. If such a situation arises, the schools and participants will be intimated well in advance. n. For any further details or clarifications, please contact AASBCO at: or check the website: or call, 97202395, 97275902, 99852331, 99621264 or 97676277
Berchmans Eloquent Speaker Gold Medal Selection Criteria Berchmans Eloquent Speaker Gold Medal (hereinafter referred to as the 'Gold Medal') is instituted by the Alumni Association of St. Berchmans College, Kuwait Chapter to honor the best student speaker of its Extempore Speech Competition. The Gold Medal will be of around 15 grams (22ct) weight as per the design shown below. Selection of the best student will be based on the following criteria: 1. The student must have attended the Extempore Speech Competition of AASBCO and gained at least 40 points with a minimum of 3 first prizes. 2. The student must have attended the Extempore Speech Competition for a minimum of 4 years. 3. A student who has gained 40 or more points and has also attended the senior level Extempore Speech Competition will only be considered for the Gold Medal. 4. If more than one student attains the qualifying points, the student with highest score will be declared as the winner. 5. If there is a tie with equal points, a panel of judges selected by the Executive Committee of AASBCO will decide the winner. The panel will consist of five members - president of AASBCO, Convener of Extempore Speech Competition and three judges of the Senior Division competition. 6. AASBCO Executive committee has the right to revise any of the conditions given above.