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Allie Roark: Arbonne, Healthy Living


ever wondered about...


story by Allie Roark

The new year started, and we declared that we

were going to find better versions of ourselves in 2020. We started strong by doing better with our finances, going to the gym, sticking with a routine, and making time for self-care. Then...the "Rona" happened. This resulted in closed gyms, working from home, online shopping, isolation, and binge eating. At least that’s how I spent the first few weeks of quarantine. Lucky for me, I have some sweet friends that took the role of influencing the importance of nutrition to our community and inspired me to join the party.

It’s no secret that I have been struggling with cystic acne for the last two years. I mean, it was written all over my face. This past year being the worst. It seemed the more I stressed about getting rid of it, the more intense it got. Wedding festivities are approaching which means your girl has been desperate for a cure. After several visits to the dermatologist and a lot of money spent on cleansers and face products, I became hopeless when it was not getting any better.

One day while mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, I noticed that a friend of mine was

story by Allie Roark

glowing in her stories and pictures. After trying to figure out which filter she was using, she began informing me about the company Arbonne. It wasn’t too long after when my best friend became a consultant and was preaching about all of the positive results that she too was seeing. In case you don’t know, Arbonne is a company with a mission to

promote healthy living to improve the mind, body, and skin. They are firm in their values and intentionally focus on the person as a whole paving the road before them to flourish from the inside out. Every single product is Vegan, cruelty-free, and formulated without gluten. Every ingredient used is plant-based and not harmful to the body. The reset was designed to get you back on track while encouraging healthy eating habits. The approach is to help reset your gut and teach you how to listen to what your body is telling you about certain food groups and your sensitivities. After hearing about the company, I decided to trust my gut and hop on the 30 Days to Healthy Living Reset train.

To be honest with you, I didn’t do that great of a job

researching considering I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The 30 Days to Healthy Living program was designed to reset your gut by eliminating sugar, gluten, and dairy and using their nutritional supplements to help aid in your overall wellness goals. I didn’t think I would be able to stick it out considering I’m dead without coffee, but I was able to conquer the challenge and prove to myself that I am stronger than I think.

The 30 Days to Healthy Living includes: 2 bags of protein, 2 boxes of fizz sticks, 1 bag of fiber, 1 box of digestion plus, 2 boxes of detox tea, and a body cleanse. If I were Oprah, I would be sending you all home with the kit and a lifetime supply of fizz sticks. Fizz sticks have the ability to change the world. They are a refreshing essential to your body, and you only add it to a glass of water. Not only did they increase my energy and focus, but they also replaced my craving for coffee and soda. Fizz sticks are full of natural sugar, B Vitamins, and naturally derived caffeine from guarana and green tea.

I learned so much in the short 30-day program. Not only did I truly enjoy and look forward to my protein shakes, but there were also so many other benefits. Although Arbonne does not cure

anything, I noticed how my anxiety had decreased, my stomach didn’t hurt anymore, I wasn’t bloated, and most importantly I recognized the girl in the mirror again. I never realized how much my stomach hurt until it didn’t hurt anymore. It turns out that Arbonne was right - your gut is very controlling to your mind, body, and skin. Now that my 30 days are over, I am still going strong. I learned the importance of listening to my body and discovering the foods that I am sensitive to. It’s been 6 weeks, and I have never felt better. You hear about companies like this a lot, and as a society, we are notorious for rolling our eyes when we see someone new start selling a product. Arbonne is a Certified B Corporation. Because of my journey with Arbonne, I decided that I want to help empower others in finding the same magic that helped me flourish. Although it left me a few scars, I am thankful for the sign right in front of (or on) my face. I struggled with an imbalance in nutrition. No cream, facewash, or pimple patch could take away what was hurting on the inside. The things that we put in our body play a huge role in our health. Everyone has the opportunity to flourish from the inside out, but first, you need to believe that you are worth the change because you 1,000 percent are!

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