5 minute read
The Road to Salvation: Chris Edwards
from April 2021
by VIP Magazine
THE ROAD TO Salvation
story by Chris Edwards, Associate Pastor, Lebanon Church
As they gathered around the table that night to share a meal, a strange tension filled the room as Jesus taught another unique lesson on serving others and being His disciples. After they had finished eating, they made their way down the road. Then Jesus, feeling overwhelmed, knelt to pray. Still, the disciples had no clue what the next few hours or days entailed. It wasn't long until the disciples heard footsteps coming into the garden, and they saw the light from the torches. A signal was given, and guards stepped in to arrest Jesus. Peter began to fight, and the others ran. In the middle of the chaos, Jesus told Peter to stand down as He healed an injured man. Jesus was arrested, lied about, tortured, and sentenced to a criminal's death by being hung on a cross. He willingly sacrificed His life, not only for those who believed but also for those who betrayed and rejected Him. Then, in His final breath, Jesus cried out, "Paid in full!"
Jesus was dead. Was this the end? What was going to happen now? The disciples went and hid in fear and confusion. On the third day, a few women went to the tomb to finish the burial ceremony. But what they saw turned their mourning into rejoicing. The stone had been rolled away! Angels were there proclaiming that the Son of God had risen from the dead! The women ran to tell others that the KING is alive! Jesus had kept His word and proved His power! He rose from the dead in victory, breaking the curse of sin, and giving us a chance for eternal life. Jesus didn't come to be a good teacher, prophet, or healer, but to be the Savior of the world. He was met with accusations, lies, and betrayal but responded with love, mercy, and grace. Jesus lived a sinless life of sacrifice, healed the sick, and raised the dead. He came to offer eternal life to anyone who would repent of their sin and follow Him. Sin is anything that goes against the word and character of God, and we are all guilty of it. The consequence of our sin is not a slap on the wrist or sitting in time out. In the book of Romans, we learn the penalty for sin is death. This death is not just physical death but eternal separation from God.
Do you know Jesus as your Savior? Have you repented of your sin? Don't wait another day because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Jesus wants to be your Savior. Salvation, being set free from sin, is a free gift to all those who confess their sin, ask Jesus to be their Savior, and by faith start following Him. If this is the first time you have confessed your sin and asked Jesus to be your Savior; Welcome to God's family! Now get involved with a Bible-teaching church and learn how to follow Jesus. Maybe you're a believer but have been slack in your walk with Jesus. Ask Him to forgive you and choose to follow Him as you should. God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son to save us, and whoever puts their trust in Jesus will have eternal life.


Youth of the Year
story by Anja Benevento

Ten years ago, Tykeisha (TK) Lewis and her parents—Cherry and Robert Bell—made a decision that would set her on a positive course and influence the direction of her life; together they decided that TK would attend the Rick & Susan Goings Boys & Girls Club in her hometown of Hemingway, where she would be nurtured and invested in by loving staff and encouraging peers. When TK talks about her experience at the Club, she likens different staff members to family. Coach Marcus—the unit director of the Hemingway Club—is like a second father to her, Ms. McCrea like a second mother, Ms. Annie an Aunt, and Mr. Jontae a big brother. They are what keep her coming back to the Club each day and she credits their love and support with helping her grow into the caring, friendly, and positive young lady she is today.
One of the most important goals TK has set for herself is to become a registered nurse. For her, the profession epitomizes her heart for service and giving back to others. Whether she is helping at the local Food Lion, or creating music in the Club’s state-of-the-art recording studio, TK seeks out ways to get involved in her community and make everyone’s day a little brighter Assisting others and being a positive example for her younger sister keeps TK motivated to serve. In February, TK won the 2021 Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee Area Youth of the Year competition after she was named the Hemingway Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year Representative. She will move on to the State Youth of the Year competition in April. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee Area staff are thrilled to have such a poised and accomplished young woman representing the Clubs. TK’s positive outlook on life and her dedication to serving others brighten any room she walks into, and it will continue to guide her in her decisions as she navigates her final years of high school and life beyond the Club.
Under their guidance, she has cultivated the self-confidence, social awareness, problem solving skills, and mental and emotional fortitude necessary to set goals for herself and chart a path towards achieving those goals.