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Handmade Christmas: DIY Crafts
from December 2022
by VIP Magazine
Founder Carla Simon Angus speaking during the annual Summer Talent Show
Performance team- available to present at your next event!
DIY Christmas crafts for every skill level So Easy!
Brought to you by Two Men And A Truck
String Wrapped Ornaments
This homemade tree ornament can also be paired with a name tag to dress up wrapped gifts.
What supplies you’ll need:
• Cardboard • Yarn or ribbon • Scissors • Hot glue gun
Step 1: Using cardboard, cut out stars in a variety of sizes. Step 2: Secure the end of your yard on the back of the star using a hot glue gun. Step 3: Wrap the yarn or ribbon around your star in all directions until you’re happy with its look. Secure the end with hot glue. Step 4: Cut a 3-inch string of ribbon and loop it through a piece that is already around the star. Tie it at the top and hang from your Christmas tree.

Beaded Candy Canes
Possibly the easiest holiday DIY there is! If you’re feeling really creative, you can also shape your pipe cleaners into Christmas trees or stars and change them as ornaments.
What supplies you’ll need: • Pipe cleaners • Beads
Step 1: Bend the pipe cleaner to the shape of a candy cane, folding a small part at the end upward so beads don’t slide off. Step 2: Slide the beads on and fold up the other end to secure them in place