2 minute read

DIY Modern Paper Pumpkin Garland


This Season's Craze: Pumpkins


I am not sure what it is about pumpkins and Fall in general, but a vast majority are hooked. If the seasons were in a high school rom-com, Fall would be at the popular table. Maybe it is just the cozy and, dare I say, cute vibes that pumpkins bring. Or perhaps it is what they represent? A change from the horrible humidity of the never-ending summer to crisper cooler temperatures. Whatever it is, it looks like the pumpkin craze is here to stay, and I am here for it! I am on team pumpkin. But I am also on the team Do It Yourself. With how trendy Fall decor has become, there are many options to dress your house to the nines with all things pumpkin. Those shopping carts full of pumpkins add up fast! Today I am sharing a fun, family-friendly craft to create a modern pumpkin garland with every day craft items you may already have around your home!


• Watercolor paper and paint color of choice* • Paintbrush* • Hot glue gun and glue sticks • Scissors • Pipe cleaners • Ribbon *If you want to skip step 1, use the construction paper of your choice*


STEP 1: Paint your watercolor paper all over with one color. I love the look of the different saturation levels of paint over regular construction paper, but for less mess, you can use the construction paper you have on hand. And let it dry before heading to step 2.

STEP 2: Once the paper is dry, cut the paper into about .5-inch x 5-inch strips.

STEP 3: Make loops with the pieces and glue the ends together (similar to an old-school paper chain link, but don't link them)

STEP 4: Then, take three loops, and with a small dab of glue, weave them into each other. (see photo for reference of shape)

STEP 5: Cut a small piece of pipe cleaner and bend it to form a stock of the pumpkin. Use a small dab of hot glue to attach.

STEP 6: Once you have made as many pumpkins as your heart desires, thread the ribbon through the middle of the pumpkins, and it is ready to hang on your bulletin board, across your mantle, or anywhere you wish!

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